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SOUL: You know how weak I am, Lord. How will I ever be strong enough to
face the alluring wiles and tremendous power of Satan?

LOD: In the great struggle between good and evil, the spirit-soul stands in the
middle and determines the outcome. Whichever side you place your consciousness on is
the side that appears to win. That is why I told a true devotee of Mine, “Always think of
Me.” Consciousness of Me is the answer to all problems, great or small. To aid you in
keeping that decision to always think of Me, the following will be useful:

First: it is important to completely subdue the mind when it is diverted by a sense

object and first resists the dictates of spiritual intelligence. Then, one should analyze the
occasion thoroughly, using the enlightened intelligence and the authority of Quran-o-
Sunnah to understand the rightness of the mind’s defeat. This also increases disgust for
the particular sense object, thus reinforcing Satan’s setback.

Next, resist Satan when he sends another attack, which I allow to further
strengthen your determination for My service. Actually, your resistance to evil increases
your contempt for forgetfulness of Me and My grace.

Lastly, it is very important to perform virtuous acts to directly counter the vicious
temptations you meet. For example:

Look back and remember some specific incident when you lost your patience and
equanimity. Now recall the condition of your mind at that time. Note that the trouble
first began with a disturbance to your senses, and, therefore, with a struggle between the
mind (controlled by uncontrolled senses) and the enlightened intelligence (which always
speaks on the authority of the saintly teachers and scriptures (their writings?)

It is here – at the level of the gross senses – that the enemy can be defeated.
However, if you do not control the senses, but allow them to influence the mind, it will be
most difficult – if not impossible – to conquer them. Therefore, control the senses by a
mind that is itself controlled by enlightened intelligence, which in turn is controlled by
the higher authority of Quran-o-Sunnah and spiritual master, Murshid. In my instructions
to a very distinguished devotee, I warned:

One never, in truth, can a servant of God become

Till he’s freed from the senses’ oppressing thumb.
The mind is a friend to the self-controlled sage,
But a foe to the servant of lust, greed and rage.
Muzakara – 13 Page 2

SOUL: That sound easy enough. Now I’m encouraged.

LORD: It may sound easy, but the practice will be difficult at times. Be
careful, My friend. Don’t be puffed up. Satan is very clever. Indeed, when he finds that
you are courageously overcoming and controlling your passions, he often withdraws all
temptations. Beware! Her plan is very dangerous: rather than allow you to become
strong by steady resistance to her temptations, and by development of the opposite
virtues, he instead withdraws the temptations and tries to inflate you with false pride and
vanity. You are defeated if he can convince you to think that you are a great spiritual
warrior and have defeated your enemy completely and quickly. Pride goeth before a fall.

This is the time to redouble your guard. Meditate on what has previously caused
you to fail. When you see those same emotions rising in your flesh, mobilize everything
you’ve got – discipline, intelligence, and higher authority – to suppress it.

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