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Augustine Academy

Gala Auction: See our first flyer today!

September 20, 2013
Board of Governors President Thomas Q. Ellis Secretary Robert R. Orellana, Esq. Treasurer Michael C. Collins Members Abel Montiel Jeff Schuberg Michael F. McLean, Ph.D. Louise Warnert

St. Eustace and Companions

First off, a note from Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. Then, excerpts from a beautiful note from Archbishop Gomez on Catholic education. I also include with this article a lovely snapshot of our ProLife club with the Archbishop at the Cathedral taken on Monday, when they travelled to LA for a Matthew Kelly talk. From Mike and Jennifer Thomas to the dear teachers, staff, benefactors, and alumni of St. Augustine Academy, and to all the beloved families: It is impossible to find the words express our gratitude for the loving concern that you showed us during Mike's critical illness this summer. We are deeply moved by all the help, practical and spiritual, that has flowed from this blessed community of loving prayer. Mike knows that your prayers held him up even while--especially while--he was unconscious for those two long weeks, and Jennifer relied on them as a source of comfort and hope. We are happy to say that Mike has continued to surprise his doctors with his remarkable recovery. Although he will remain on medication for the next year, and still has some "conditioning" to do to regain lost pulmonary function and cardio strength, he is expected to make a full recovery. He is feeling good and has already returned to work part time! Most wonderful of all, he has had the joy of meeting and holding his first grandchild, who was born when Mike was in the ICU. May God and his saints be praised. In the name of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we thank God for you all. The Catholic vision of education excerpts By ARHCBISHOP JOS H. GOMEZ Catholic education is the Churchs future. Its also the key to our societys future. As our Holy Father Pope Francis said this summer at World Youth Day: Young people are the window through which the future enters the world. Our Catholic schools are shaping this future. Forming our future leaders in the Church and also the future leaders in our society and culture. Our Catholic vision always calls us to see deeper and to give more of ourselves in love. Our Catholic vision always calls us to see with the loving eyes of Jesus; with the eyes of God. The love of Christ impels us, as St. Paul used to say. This is the foundation of Catholic education to help our young people grow in the awareness of what St. Paul called the glorious liberty of the children of God. We are made for the glory of God. The Church is committed to providing an education that goes far beyond facts and figures and information. Those things are important. But just as important are the virtues and values that make life real and truly worth living. The virtues and values that help our children grow up with a transcendent perspective. That help them to see with the eyes of J esus.

Headmaster Michael J. Van Hecke, M.Ed. Vice President of Development J. Peter Slaga Board of Advisors Hon. Jeremiah Denton Former U.S. Senator Mr. Nicholas J. Healy, Jr. President Ave Maria University Dr. Ronald P. McArthur Co-founder Thomas Aquinas College Mr. Roy S. Rohter, S.F.O. Co-founder St. Augustine Academy Fr. Michael Scanlan, T.O.R. Chancellor Franciscan University Mr. James Stenson Educator and Author

[Article continues and school announcements follow on reverse side] -OVER -

Look at the Archbishops Facebook Banner this week! Our Students!

In our culture in this time, this is perhaps the most valuable thing that Catholic education has to offer the Catholic vision of life. We are struggling in our culture to find the true meaning of life. What is happiness and what is success? What should we value? How do we define these things and how do we achieve them? There are so many false promises and crooked paths that are being offered to our young people. So many of the problems in our homes and in our society can be traced back to the fact that we no longer have a clear idea of what it means to be a human person. The question from the Psalms is the question of our times: What is man? The Catholic vision gives us the right answer and shows us the right path for our lives. Jesus showed us that we are creatures of great dignity, made in the image of God, redeemed by Jesus Christ, born for greater things for beauty and goodness, for love and truth. This is the foundation of Catholic education to help our young people grow in the awareness of what St. Paul called the glorious liberty of the children of God. We are made for the glory of God. Thats what a good Catholic education prepares for a life of love and service to God and others. This is the life we pray about at the end of every Eucharist: Go in peace glorifying the Lord by your life. As this new year begins, lets keep praying for one another. Lets pray in a special way this week for all our young people and our Catholic schools. Lets pray that our schools will be places where the love of God can be felt. Where our children grow to become the men and women God created them to be. OKTOBERFEST Please mark your calendars to OKTOBER 27th. 5:00 9:00 PM. CALENDAR EVENTS Sept 25th College Night. 7:15 PM All high school students and parents are encouraged to come join us Sept. 27th Family Movie Night 7:00 PM. Sept 27th - Progress Reports home in the Blue Envelope. Sept 30th High School Retreats/H.S. Faculty Formation Day Oct 4th Jog-A-thon! Noon Dismissal Oct 5th - Family Dance at SAA 7:30 10:30 PM. Sponsored by the Student Council.

SEE FLYER ENCLOSED TODAY Ladies: Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 12 and bring grandma, mom, daughters, and nieces! Enjoy a beautiful luncheon & fashion show overlooking Camarillo, as The Life Centers of Ventura County hosts its annual fundraiser to support Life! Tickets are $40 each, or buy a table of 10 and bring 'em all! Register now by calling (805) 486-2721 or visit PENNY LOGOs at Lands End See Flyer. The PE shirts are now online at Lands End Private School Combined Band See Flyer. ALUMNI NEWS Nicholas Collins (07) gets married tomorrow! Anna Van Hecke (10) is engaged! And Carroll Mohun (12) was awarded a four-year Presidential Scholarship at Wyoming Catholic College! PRAYERS We continue to keep all our friends and family in our prayers. For the repose of the soul of Mr. Ivan Modrovich. Urgent prayers for Phillip Vargas and Rosie Grimm. We continue to pray for Mr. Curry and for a very special intention. We pray for all our school families, their needs and those of their friends and relatives. We pray for our Pope, our Archbishop, all of our priests and religious, and, for each other.

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