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Irish Life And Me

Irish Life And Me

Front Cover Art by Damian McGuire. Introduction page 3. Your Call page 6. How it Started page 15. Forewarned is Forearmed page 22. The End page 26. Chapter One Lovely Laura Skelly page 29. Chapter Two Peter Doyle & Kevin Murphy page 35. Chapter Three Mac the Knife page 38. Chapter Four Central Bank Reform Act page 41. Chapter Five Notice to Commence Investigation page 51. Chapter Six The Follow Up page 69. Chapter Seven Legal Prostitution page 80. Chapter Eight Notice of Fault page 99. Chapter Nine Away in a Hack page 107. Chapter Ten Proof of Performance page 122. 2

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Chapter Eleven The Dirty No-good Gang page 133. Chapter Twelve Moving on page 142. Afterword page 143. Legal Notice page 144. Recommended Reading page 146. Back Page Blurb page 149.

Have you ever been involved in a dream-like nightmare? Whereby you were trying to
make your way home, to wherever home might be, only to be obstructed and diverted no end, along the way. A few weeks back, while wracking my brain for a suitable introduction to this book, such a nightmarish dream happened to me. No matter what form or mode of travel or transport employed by my mind to get me home, there would be an obstruction or diversion put in my way, that side-tracked me onto another road or thought. No matter though there was something innate inside of me, driving and directing me, that kept me endeavouring and persevering to get home. When my nightmare finally ended, the analogy was clear. In the end you will make it home, and you will awaken from the nightmare. When

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you are in a nightmare or dream, everything seems so very real, and to a greater or lesser extent, depending on your frame of mind, and frame of reference at the time, it is real, and can at the time, feel like it will never end. Within the context of my dream, the nightmare finally came to an end. My final destination was at a house not well known to me. The woman of the house welcomed me through the door and showed me around the house. Her final words were Welcome Home immediately upon hearing those words, it sparked something very deep inside me and my mind started to race and flood with memories. My next words (thoughts) were, how could this be my home without my wife and family?. This thought woke me abruptly, and brought me back to reality. That is where the nightmare ended. For me, my reality that felt like a nightmare has come to a very real end. The end came with the production of this book. For many others out there, you are going through your own personal and very real nightmares. Let me assure you now, you can awaken from those nightmares, and live again. A very real awakening has occurred for me. Others might call it an insight, a realisation or a break through. My awakening came, the very day of writing the first letter contained within this document, which was on 4th. April 2012. While drafting this letter (a simple data and information request), a question occurred to me. What do People in positions of perceived power most fear, and why?. The answer to that question has evolved organically. It seems to me, and this is in accordance with my own experiences; that People in positions of perceived power most fear exposure.

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The Wikipedia free online encyclopaedia ascribes the appropriate following meaning to the word exposure as: Exposure (magic), the practice of revealing the secrets of magic to non-magicians. That is what this book aims to do to expose and to reveal their so called magic. Once any magic trick, illusion or spell has been revealed, the magician loses their perceived ability or power over the audience. Exposing and revealing their magic takes patience, work and concentration. It requires that you be resolute, determined and brave. Yes, bravery is required. In your quest to expose and reveal their trickery, you will have to expose yourself to a certain extent. You will have to learn how to NOT fear others knowing your business. In that way, you will have no fear of openly writing to those that are attacking you, and copying your letters to all and any party that you deem appropriate and relevant to the matter in hand. Writing your letters as open letters is a cathartic process. It is a form of liberation and it frightens the hell out of Banks, Financial Institutes and State bodies. After all, they do not want People to know what they are doing behind the scenes, and equally they do not want People to know that there are People out there, who are no longer fooled by their magic, and therefore no longer fear them or what they threaten. After all, its only words on paper; its not even a hill of beans. The People that would assume authority over you fear exposure. They fear that their own ignorance of their own acts, codes, legislation, policies and procedures is exposed. They fear their criminal acts and actions are exposed. They fear being exposed to the law, and most of all they fear being exposed to the People for what they are and what they

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have become. They reside in fear and they lack integrity, and that is not a nice place to be. We write this book for all the People who want and wish to free themselves from the financial enslavement of the Banks, the State and the Puppet Government. We hope it assists you thus. Read, study and apply, as you see fit and deem appropriate. Let us know how you get on, by sending a quick email to:

NOTE: Nothing contained in this text/book should be construed

as legal advice. The material contained herein is for educational, entertainment and study purposes only. The letters should NOT be used verbatim or as templates. ALL cases and matters are unique, and should be challenged upon their own individual merits.

During the past few days, weeks and months, we have heard a great many rallying calls, from various individuals, groups, organisations and campaigns. Many campaigns when you look at and examine them critically have been and are politically motivated. They are geared towards misinforming, misdirecting and misleading the People into actions that inevitably end in (legal) tears. Some are intentionally designed, most are simply misinformed or currently lack the relevant knowhow or knowledge to assist the People in peacefully and legally protecting themselves. Some campaign organisers/managers prefer to bury their heads in the sand, whilst they actively encourage the People that are supporting them to go out

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and march, and roar, and shout and protest, without taking the time to study anything whatsoever about the law, or the legislation that will inevitably strip them of everything. The same campaign managers will turn up outside of the Court on the day of a hearing and will march up and down outside of the Court whilst YOU are inside the Court being legally nailed to a cross, because you may not know anything about the law, and or the campaign organisers/managers have just not bothered to take the time to study, understand and explain the law to you. We know this to be true, because in the recent past we have actively tried to engage with a great many of these so called campaign managers and organisers, only to be told this legislation (law) cannot be legally challenged. When we asked why they would say such a thing, we are consistently told we have had opinion from the top solicitors and or barristers. Therein lies the problem, its not really opinions we are concerned about here; it is whom is expressing that opinion. As my Father used to say, Opinions are like arseholes, in that, everyone has one. We would be very concerned that any Man or Woman would be seriously considering taking on the opinion or advice of a Solicitor, Barrister or any member of the Legal Profession or Judiciary. After all, we dont know of any Man or Woman in this modern age who has won a case in any Court, because a member of the Legal Profession has done the job that they are perceivably paid to do. Perhaps there are some, but none immediately spring to mind. You must remember that EVERY Man or Woman on this Island has the legal right to litigate, and EVERY Man or Woman on this Island has the legal right to challenge all or any Law, Acts, Codes or Legislation etc. that they feel are unjust, repugnant to the constitution, are an infringement on human rights or contrary to their indigenous way of life, or any natural Law on this Island. EVERYONE!!!

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To be told by any Man or Woman, or any campaign manager or organiser that any of these laws cannot be legally challenged is an out and out LIE, and panders to the ill-conceived notion or idea, that People who are in perceived positions of authority should always be believed, simply because they have letters or titles in their names. Look where that idea has gotten us all. We have ended up in literal terms, with our People being terrorised, tortured, raped, abused, murdered and exported to foreign lands, and we are not talking here about stuff that happened centuries ago, this is the stuff of recent times, and we are still listening to their opinions? Come on, pull the other one. FOR AND ON THE RECORD: There is nothing inherently wrong with Protesting, Demonstrating, Campaigning or Marching. We have collectively and individually done plenty of it in our day. At the other end of this spectrum, there is nothing inherently wrong with chaining yourself to a rail, going to prison on principle, doing a dirty protest, going on hunger strike, setting yourself alight and or dying for your principles. We do not disagree, abhor, lambast or castigate any Man or Woman that has the bravery and commitment to do any of the above. We openly commend them. Critically Examine Everything. More to the point, what we would say now, is that, if you are going to do any of the above, do so in a conscientious manner. In other words do such things in an educated and informed way, and do such things having critically examined as many angles and aspects of the subject matter and law as possible. Look at it like this. If you are going to do any of the above, and simply join in with a crowd, without educating yourself in the subject matter at hand, then you are essentially doing and carrying on in a way that the State, and the Puppet Government expect and want you too. There is nothing strategically challenging for the State and the Puppet Government in this behaviour. They

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can and will eventually deal with you, and they can and will pick you off over time. Study Your Subject. In this writers opinion, if you do not critically study your subject matter, you will eventually run out of energy, enthusiasm and commitment. This is what the State and the Judiciary wait and prey for. Then they will pick you off as a vulnerable individual, and or simply wait for your numbers to diminish to the extent that youre protesting perceivably looks a bit mad and in come the press or media to publically ridicule and polish you or your group off. You can avoid all this by knowing the law and your specific subject matter in relation to law. Observe The System. Probably one of the greatest educations you will ever get, and it is essentially free of charge, would be for you to attend any Court session on any given day, be it the High, Circuit or District Court as an observer. Just plank yourself down in the Court in the Public seating area and watch, take notes and observe justice at work. Learn to Argue. Essentially what you will see and observe is that the Court, any Court is just like a meat processing plant. The meat being processed is the People that are summonsed or brought to Court, and sometimes in chains. Very rarely will you observe or be witness to any Man or Woman (People) standing their ground, or making an argument in their own defence. It would also be fair to say that no Solicitor, Barrister or Liar make arguments for and in defence of their own alleged clients either. Justice is metered out at a rate of knots. Most cases are over long before they are begun. Justice as they say has to be seen to be done. Which does not mean to say that justice has to be done and it seldom is.

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The Long and the Short of it. The State and the Judiciary play what is colloquially called the Long Con. The Puppet Government that they employ and control with a long lead and manoeuvre with short strings, are playing what we call the Short Con. In other words, the State and the Judiciary intend to CON you for a long time, and out of a massive amount of money and wealth. The Puppet Government intend to CON you for a shorter time, but still for a relatively large amount of money. Then its the turn of the next Puppet Government to carr y on the CON under the auspices of the State and the Judiciary. The Long and the Short CON. Many ordinary Academics, Professionals and most Politicians and members of the Legal Professions just dont see the game or the CON for what it is, for two reasons. ONE: If you are being used as a pawn in a CON game, it is very difficult to see and accept such a thing. It is very difficult to objectively and critically analyse your circumstances, when you are being used, and are in the game. TWO: They do not want or wish to recognise where they are and what they are doing. They are making their livelihood from the CON themselves, and dont want anything to rock their world, or disturb their living or way of life. If they go against the CON-machine, they could lose everything. They have perceivably too much to lose. They are being held captivated by the CON-machine and even if they wanted to break free, would probably not know how or where to start. Education and critical thinking is required by these folk also. American History. A crude analogy would be the slavery period in American history, whereby there was what was colloquially called the House Slave and the Field Slave. Slaves that worked in the masters House, and Slaves that worked in the masters Field(s). The Slaves that worked in the masters House were better treated, better dressed and better fed, and sometimes they were educated. Nonetheless they were still slaves. On the other hand, the Slaves that worked


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in the masters Field(s) were worked hard, were badly dressed, were badly fed, purposely not educated and treated as surplus to requirement. House Slave V Field Slave. In other words what we are saying; is that the principle of House Slaves and Field Slaves still applies and exists today, in this so called modern society. More often than not, the House Slaves would betray the Field Slaves, in order to not get punished by their masters, and would keep the Field Slaves in line and in toe, in order to protect their own place of privilege at the foot of their masters table. In the modern context the House Slaves are now represented by the many ordinary working Academics, the Professionals, the Politicians and members of the Legal Professions. Think Critically. This might seem like a very shocking analogy, but for those of you out there that are able to read and think critically for yourselves the analogy upon further analysis and examination rings true. Every day, People who perceive themselves to be above others in the so called social fabric of society, look down upon others. i.e. the House Slaves look down upon the Field Slaves and not because the Field Slaves are dumb, stupid and cannot think, but because the House Slaves have been told by their master that they as House Slaves and as Professionals etc. are better than Field Slaves. Because they as House Slaves are fed better, dressed better and are educated, and that is a sure sign that they must be better than the ordinary Field Slaves.

The real sadness is that in todays reality this distinction is still in operation and still exists in practice.
Opportunity for Enlightenment and Education. We would see this divisive divided between House and Field Slaves, or between Professionals and Non-Professionals, as the greatest opportunity for


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enlightenment and education. People from all walks of life have something to offer and to teach each other. Specifically where the LAW is concerned, which is one of the most fundamentally important matters EVERY Man and Woman can and should be up to speed on, irrespective of background, upbringing, feeding or breeding. People could and should be teaching one another. An Educated People. As a point of note: We (The Common Law Society) have been attacked, lambasted and labelled by ALL of the above Professionals (House Slaves) at one time or another. Over the years we have been accused of being Right Wing, Left Wing, Socialists, Marxists, Anarchists, Freemen, a Political Movement/Campaign etc. To a certain extent we can and do understand why this would be, and why they would stereotype, castigate and attack us with such vitriol and venom. After all, we are making great headway in educating ALL People, from all walks of life, to protect themselves, without the need to defer to legal eagles, and or politics of any form or sort. An educated Man or Woman, or People is the greatest threat to the Status Quo of the State and the Puppet Government, to Politics, to the Legal Eagles way of life and to the Judiciary. We Can Empathise. Many simply do not understand how we can have no Political, Secular, Religious or Spiritual attachments or affiliations whatsoever. They find it very difficult to reconcile the fact that we cannot in reality be pigeonholed, labelled or stereotyped. This is a bit of a psychological barrier and a mental inconvenience for them. We on the other hand can understand and can empathise with their confusion. A Better Way to Live. The simplest way to explain this is we have consciously decided NOT to live as either House Slaves or Field Slaves we have decided that there is a


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better way to live. It is far nicer to live in your own home, and or your own field. We have become Masters of ourselves and Masters of our o wn destinies. The Consequence of Knowing. If in the final analysis, when or if you end up knowing/learning the LAW, what real or practical need do have of Politics, the Legal Eagles, the Judiciary, the State or the Puppet Government? By knowing the LAW are you not already empowered and well equipped enough to Self-Govern and SelfDetermine, and thus leave the grip, hold or shackles that you might perceive any other body might have over you? With Knowing Comes Responsibility. We hope you enjoy reading this book, and will share and send it to others. Especially those that have in the past perhaps quite innocently lambasted and labelled or mistakenly berated or castigated what we do, and how we do it. We would hope that this work clears up any confusion that People might have about us. After all, we are just trying to Educate People to Protect Themselves and by all accounts, this seems to be working very well, much to the consternation of some, and to the bewilderment of a great many others.

Its Your Call.

In recent times, we have been party to certain campaign managers/organisers calling for what is colloquially named as a Mortgage Strike. Where they direct or ask People to STOP paying Mortgages in order to shake up the Banks as a Political gesture or protest. Whilst this is commendable to a certain extent, nonetheless the campaign managers/organisers have refused point blank to


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consider any offers to peacefully and legally educate the People that are following their suggestions to partake in their gesture or protest. As we said before, this may well end up in legal tears for the People who STOP paying mortgages, but whom dont have the legal wherewithal to protect themselves, if or when they are summonsed to Court, and may end up losing their homes, property and or their businesses. We are not trying to scaremonger any Man or Woman, and we do respect that every Man or Womans right to protest in whatever way they see fit and appropriate for them. We would be in wholehearted agreement with the statement that the Banks on this Island have and are wilfully causing and are responsible for the decimation of tens if not hundreds of thousands of Peoples lives and livelihoods, and through the capitulation and direction of the State and Puppet Government. On this FACT there is no doubt. Therefore the People of this Island do need to take back control, and demonstrate this in no uncertain terms, to those that would wrongly presume to rule us. We can do this in a peaceful, non-violent, legal way and manner, and with just a little bit of organised and concentrated effort on all our parts, this can be quite easily activated and achieved. We can show them who the boss is. It is simply called A BANK RUN, or a run on the Bank(s). As you will read on, you will understand that this book is all about my experiences with a Bank that go by the name(s) Irish Life and or Permanent tsb, or as we have dubbed them the Criminal Cabal. This bank, the Criminal Cabal, are now owned for all intent and purposes by the State. The State would have you believe that they, the Criminal Cabal are now owned by the People. If so, then why are the State facilitating the Criminal Cabal by allowing them to continue to cripple People with hikes in interest rates and charges, and repossessing the homes of People, and crippling businesses all over the Island?


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We would say this needs to stop, and that the way to demonstrate the discontent that more and more People on this Island are feeling every day is to have A BANK RUN on this Bank, the Criminal Cabal. A BANK RUN simply means that on an agreed date, sometime in the near, but not too distant future, everyone that has money at this Bank, the Criminal Cabal, could go to the Bank and withdraw ALL YOUR MONEY. We know that no bank would be able to sustain even 5% of the People withdrawing ALL YOUR MONEY. This would essentially cripple them, and force them to close, at least on a temporary basis. This would demonstrate to the State and the Puppet Government and Revenue for that matter that they are not in control of the People. If you are seriously interested in participating in such a Peaceful, Non-Violent and Legal social experiment, then go to web site (if you already done so), put in your email address. At a given date in the future, we will email you more details on how to partake in this social experiment, if you so choose. Thank you for reading thus far now back to our story.

This book Irish Life and Me came about because the permanent tsb (IRISH LIFE & PERMANENT PLC), were beginning to bug the hell out of me. No matter how many questions were asked of them, in


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relation to the matters herein disclosed, they simply would not answer any of them. At the time, their apparent Solicitor, a one Michael Bolger from OFlynn Exhams Soliciters in Cork was gung-ho to get me into Court, and certain State and Semi-State bodies & personnel were idly standing by, doing nothing whatsoever, and NOT investigating and making any proper/relevant enquiries, as they had been directed to do.

On this journey,

we discovered that the depth of

duplicity and corruption within corporate Ireland and the State of Ireland is quite horrific, in that, the State Public and Civil Servants idly stand back and watch on, as the People of this Island are being raped, robbed, pillaged and plundered of everything around them, including their families and their lives. It seems the State are prepared to bend over backwards for and in favour of large corporations (namely Banks), to the detriment of the People. We would add that corruption in and of itself is not necessarily the biggest problem; it is the acceptance of corruption.

In the end

to be honest, it was me that wanted, and

purposely picked a fight with permanent tsb (IRISH LIFE & PERMANENT PLC). If nothing else but to test what little legal muscle had been built up in me, over the years. They didnt know it at the time, but the property that they were trying to steal, was practically valueless, and we had no attachment to it.

Needless to say our own financial deterioration and the

deterioration of our property empire began way back in 2009, by which time a combination of Banks had stolen all of our savings and


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funds. By 2011 a combination of Banks and Financial Institutions had driven our then ex-business partners demented. The People that had once trusted us and that we had trusted in business, had ALL turned tail and capitulated to the will of the Banks and Financial Institutions. We would add; that to an extent we understand why our ex-business partners would and did cave in to the Banks. Banks, Financial Institutions and all State bodies are more than prepared to intimidate, lie and steal from anyone. They are equally prepared to bring about as much fear and pressure that they possibly can, in order to get what they want from you. It is called fraud, extortion and theft. It is white collar crime and it is endemic in the State and in ALL Financial Institutions.

When as a mere mortal

you come face to face with

this monster called Institutional Corruption for the first time, its a very scary and shocking place to be. Most People buckle to the monster almost straight away. It does take a certain level of belligerence and a massive level of will, determination and bloody mindedness to get through the nightmare that Banks, Financial Institutions and the State are prepared to put you through. You will not find many allies along the way, but you will find some from time to time, and we have been luckier than most in this respect. You will have to work yourself silly to stay the course, and over time you will find other People that are prepared to do the same. Hold on to those People. Learn from them and teach each other. You will eventually build a formidable team and level and depth of knowledge of the law, alongside the confidence to lawfully protect yourself, your family and your ever expanding community.


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Up to and including 2009
we had been model citizens, and the bastions of the Celtic Tiger. We were entrepreneurs, we were business People, we were investors, and so on and so forth. Model capitalists, programmed, programmed, programmed. This is not so anymore.

Before we go any further,

let me clarify this

much. This book is NOT a whinge or a moan, or a matter of sour grapes. That stuff is all well and truly in the past, alongside the loss, the anger, the frustration, the confusion, the regrets, the depression and the desperation. Life is a lot calmer these days and much more peaceful. My due consideration, empathy and sympathy goes out to anyone that is feeling, or is being forced to feel some of these grievous emotions. Having a Bank, a Financial Institution, a Debt Collector, the County Council, the Revenue or the State attack you or chase you for anything is a desperately hard place to be, or find yourself in. Let me say now; you can and will break through to the other side. Our hope is that this story will inspire you in some way on your own journey.

This story gets funnier the more times we tell it. We sincerely hope you enjoy and get a good giggle out of it.


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and for the purposes of absolute clarity, we

will refer to IRISH LIFE & PERMANENT PLC / permanent tsb as the Criminal Cabal. Again this is just for the purposes of fun, although, it also happens to be a true account of the facts contained herein.

By the year 2012,

my confidence was well and truly

back, and had grown sufficiently, so that it just felt like the right time to try and flex some of my newly found legal muscle and knowledge. The specific preceding twelve months had and was spent in the company of People that were aligned with my own way of thinking, and were and are all still prepared to go out on a limb to do the right thing. We were and are all studying the Law, and helping others to apply it, to protect themselves against the Banksters, the Soliciters, the Liars, the Backstabbers (Barristers), the Debt collectors, the State, the Revenue, the County Councils, the Corporations and the Courts themselves. It was a time that my own ego must be kept in check, and my focus and concentration should not wain, well not for too long at any one time so to speak. The properties in question were all but worthless on paper, so in effect and in reality, there was, and is nothing to lose, no matter how


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you look at it. It almost felt like preparing for a school debating competition. You would like to win it, but then again if you didnt win the first time, you would lick your wounds, recuperate, do more study, get in more practice, and come back stronger than before. Imagine how strong you would be, say after 5, 10, 20 or 50 attempts at the same debate? Or if you resign yourself to the possibility that this debating competition could take 15 to 20 years, or a full generation to complete. You would imagine that after so many goes, and so much time, that nobody in the country could beat you at that subject matter, no matter what stance they took. As yer man from Dire Straits used to sing Juliette; the dice was loaded from the start. This was the overall situation The properties were costing me little or nothing to run or maintain, and my emotional attachment to them was completely dissolved. With my head clear and my friends and family supporting me, the game was clearly on. All that was left to do was to continue studying hard, and practice my debating, writing and presentation skills. Luckily for me, at this juncture in my life, sitting in front of a computer, writing, or presenting stuff is not an issue or problem. That wasnt always so. Concentration takes a lot of practice. Take my word for it - concentration does not come easy to the vast majority of People. Especially when you are being asked to concentrate on the very mundane and boring material that concerns law, or the Orders and Rules of the Superior Courts and so on. What will be a help to anyone that is contemplating going down the road of studying the law as a lay litigant, is to get yourself a decent Law Dictionary. There are many types and forms out there. You can of course download a digital dictionary from the internet, although my preference is to have a real hard back version plonked on the desk, wherein any words that


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are looked up or used, are highlighted and tabbed for future reference. So my own dictionary looks a bit of a mess, with highlights and marks and tabs all over it. In my opinion, you should NEVER intentionally pick a fight with anyone. Least not one you can never win. With this in mind, we knew that it was just a matter of time before the Criminal Cabal would come a-calling. Little did they know that the fight they picked, or had been drawn into, was and is a fight, theyll NEVER see an end to, unless of course they publically capitulate, or close down completely. We prefer the latter to the former and this they are about to find out.

The game here was, and is, about how to tie up any bank. In this case it is the aforementioned the Criminal Cabal. We aimed to tie them up in as many knots as possible, in terms of time, effort and expenditure. One part of the game is to drag a legal battle into the public arena or forum, wherein the People of the Island can get an understanding of what the


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Criminal Cabal are about and how they operate. Also to demonstrate In Public how much of a stranglehold that the Criminal Cabal feel they have, and in reality probably do have on the legal system, the state, all of the regulatory bodies including the Central Bank. Irrespective of any temporal legal findings, judgments or orders; this exercise will prove that in this so-called modern day context (the State of Ireland), that this system and method of economics, banking, justice and governance is draconian at best, and is purposefully deleterious to the well-being of the People of this Island, and has been since the foundation of the State (which is a story for another day). We strongly suggest that you should NOT simply copy the letters herein or use them as templates in which to attack the Banks, Financial Institutions, Revenue Commissioners, or the State etc. What we advocate, is that you study the hell out of the material that is contained in this book, until such time as you can prove or disprove it for yourself. Then draft up your own strategy and set of letters and terms of reference, based upon your own study, logic, reasoning and understanding. Find your own voice, hum your own tune, dance your own jig and play your own game. YOUR game is the only game to play, and its the only game in town. The material and information contained in this book is nothing more than my very own subjective version of events as they took place, and are still (possibly) playing themselves out today. It is my truth, and thats all that matters to me. Make of it what you will.

Again; for the purpose of absolute clarity, and for the record, we refer within these writings to

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IRISH LIFE & PERMANENT PLC / permanent tsb as the Criminal Cabal. As you read on, you will understand why.

* When her [Irelands] population was at its height, Ireland was a food exporting country. Even during the famine, grain and meat and butter and cheese were carted for exportation along roads lined with the starving and past trenches into which the dead were piled. - Henry George, an American journalist and eyewitness to the famine. Dont Send Your Children Away Again! The Nature of Reality. In 1838, the Poor Law Act divided Ireland into 159 districts called poor law unions. A workhouse was established in each union to house the poor. Each union elected a board of guardians to administer poor law relief Each Union or as we now call them each County Council is there to administer poor law relief. In 1838 each of the 159 districts or Poor Law Unions had an elected board of guardians. Then as now, each elected members got paid massive remunerations and benefits, while the poor literally starved to death, on the streets and in the ditches.


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QUESTION: Whats happened to ALL the revenue that the Union and the County Councils have collected? It certainly has NOT made its way back to the poor and to the indigent.
The workhouses or poor houses were an early form of Concentration camp. This is where the poor and indigent of Ireland were housed, until they either died or they were shipped off to Liverpool or transported as Chattel to the Americas or Australia, or some other British Empire outpost. The year of 1838 was the start of a massive social experiment, which culminated in the extermination of a conservatively estimated FIVE MILLION IRISH MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN. This is now beginning to be widely hailed as the first ever Western European Holocaust. Some mistakenly call it a Famine or Great Hunger. THE BIG LIE Some modern Irish historians are trying desperately to rediscover the truth behind the intentions of the Crown at the time. One of the problems is that the Irish State or Corporate apparatus are not facilitating open and honest research into the subject matter. In fact many prominent states men and women are living in complete denial, and will not even use open and honest language where this holocaust and the nature of its intent are concerned.

Official British Intent
Extract with kind permission from Chris Fogarty (author).


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Official British intent at the time is revealed by its actions and enactments. When the European potato crop failed in 1844 and food prices rose, Britain ordered regiments to Ireland. When blight hit the 1845 English potato crop its food removal regiments were already in Ireland; ready to start. The Times editorial of September 30, 1845, warned; "In England the two main meals of a working man's day now consists of potatoes." England's potato-dependence was excessive; reckless. Grossly overpopulated relative to its food supply, England faced famine unless it could import vast amounts of alternative food. But it didn't grab merely Ireland's surplus food; or enough Irish food to save England. It took more; for profit and to exterminate the people of the Island of Ireland. Queen Victoria's economist, Nassau Senior, expressed his fear that existing policies "will not kill more than one million Irish in 1848 and that will scarcely be enough to do much good." When an eye-witness urged a stop to the genocide-in-progress, Trevelyan replied: "We must not complain of what we really want to obtain". Trevelyan insisted that all reports of starvation were exaggerated, until 1847. He then declared it ended and refused entry to the American food relief ship Sorcire. Thomas Carlyle; influential British essayist, wrote; "Ireland is like a half-starved rat that crosses the path of an elephant. What must the elephant do? Squelch it - by heavens - squelch it." "Total Annihilation;" suggested The Times leader of September 2, 1846; and in 1848 its editorialists crowed "A Celt will soon be as rare on the banks of the Shannon as the red man on the banks of Manhattan. The immortal Society of Friends, the "Quakers," did all in their power to save lives. But in 1847 they despaired and quit, upon learning that


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the Crown planned to perpetuate the genocide's pretext; the British claim of "ownership" of Irish land. Quakers refused to facilitate the genocide by pretending (as Concern does re African genocides) it was an act of nature. The Poor Law Ireland Act (Crown) 1838 was the forerunner and the beginning of a set of planned and divisive events. The Crown instituted Rates tax was a mechanism to impoverish the People, the Working and the Middle classes of the day. They set out to demolish society and economically ruin the country. It was implemented very successfully. They created the first ever Western European Holocaust. We are still living with the ghosts of our displaced and murdered ancestors. The Reality today is that the Crown (City of London) are still instituting the Rates Tax, through the Household Charge and Property Tax and with the complicity of the Corporate Irish Government. Senior Civil Servants, Senior Government Members, Heads of semi-State bodies and Institutions, supported by the Judiciary and the unlawful Civil and Commercial Courts. Kevin Cahill in his book, writes WHO OWNS THE WORLD 2006. The Irish Law reform commission, a body composed entirely of lawyers, has made a startling proposal to the Irish Government: that direct physical ownership of land should be introduced in the country & the FEUDAL tenure ended. ALL landholding Irish Citizens are feudal tenants under the IRISH CONSTITUTION, NOT OWNERS!

The Irish Law reform commission

made this recommendation in 2006!
He goes on to explain The Irish State inherited ALL the land of the country from the British Crown, at the time the 26 counties of Ireland became a Free


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State in 1921, as did 53 states of the Commonwealth, when each became independent. Ireland Became a State within an eState. The Puppet Government are the State Adminis-TRAITORS. The Banks, the State and the Judiciary continue trading the life energy of the People of this Island, and thus continue to perpetrate their rape, pillage and plunder in place of the Crown. FACT!

The Final Letter

that was written to IRISH LIFE &

PERMANENT PLC / permanent tsb was an opportunity for redemption. The letter was very short and entitled RIGHT OF REPLY. It was sent to the agents and employees of the IRISH LIFE & PERMANENT PLC / permanent tsb, and to the agents, employees and servants of the State, and Puppet Government as follows:
Cathal MacCarthy, GROUP CHIEF LEGAL OFFICER, Permanent tsb, 56-59 St. Stephens Green Dublin 2. Kevin Murphy d.b.a. Group Chief Executive, IRISH LIFE & PERMANENT PLC, Irish Life Centre, Lwr. Abbey Street, Dublin 2. Peter Doyle, Data Collector, permanent tsb, 56-59 St. Stephens Green, Dublin 2. Alan Cook d.b.a. Chairman, IRISH LIFE & PERMANENT PLC, Irish Life Centre, Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 2. Bernard Collins, IRISH LIFE & PERMANENT PLC, Irish Life Centre, Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 2. Emer Daly, IRISH LIFE & PERMANENT PLC, Irish Life Centre, Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 2.


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Margaret Hayes, IRISH LIFE & PERMANENT PLC, Irish Life Centre, Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 2. Roy Keenan, IRISH LIFE & PERMANENT PLC, Irish Life Centre, Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 2. Sandy Kinney, IRISH LIFE & PERMANENT PLC, Irish Life Centre, Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 2. Ray MacSharry, IRISH LIFE & PERMANENT PLC, Irish Life Centre, Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 2. David McCarthy, IRISH LIFE & PERMANENT PLC, Irish Life Centre, Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 2. Pat Ryan, IRISH LIFE & PERMANENT PLC, Irish Life Centre, Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 2. Laura Skelly, Collections Department, permanent tsb, 56-59 St. Stephens Green, Dublin 2. Joe Fleming, Compliance Officer, permanent tsb, 56-59 St. Stephens Green, Dublin 2. Sinead Lundy, Group Compliance Officer, IRISH LIFE & PERMANENT PLC, Irish Life Centre, Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 2. Jeremy Masding, Chief Operating Officer, permanent tsb, 56-59 St. Stephens Green, Dublin 2. Stewart Fennell, Data Protection Commissioner, Canal House, Station Road, Portarlington, Co. Laois. Emily OReilly, Information Commissioner, Office of the Information Commissioner, 18 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2. Michael Begon, Regulatory Transactions Department, Central Bank of Ireland, Dame Street, Dublin 2. Michael Noonan, Minister of Finance, Department of Finance, Government Buildings, Upper Merrion Street, Dublin 2. William Prasifka, Financial Services Ombudsman, 3rd. Floor Lincoln House, Lincoln Place, Dublin 2. Ann Fitzgerald, National Consumer Agency, 4 Harcourt Road, Dublin 2. Patrick Honohan, Central Bank of Ireland, Dame Street, Dublin 2. Matthew Elderfield, Financial Regulator, Central Bank of Ireland, Dame Street, Dublin 2. Chief Justice Susan Gageby Denham, The Supreme Court of Ireland, Four Courts, Inns Quay, Dublin 7. Attorney General Marie R. Whelan, Office of the Attorney General, Government Buildings, Upper Merrion Street, Dublin 2. Minister Alan Shatter, Department of Justice and Equality, 94 St. Stephens Green, Dublin 2. Ken Murphy, The Law Society of Ireland, Blackhall Place, Dublin 7. Ian Drennan, Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement, 16 Parnell Square, Dublin 1. Michael Bolger, OFLYNN EXHAMS SOLICITORS, 58 South Mall, Cork.


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Keith Lowe, DNG Head Office, 30 Leeson Park, Ranelagh, Dublin 6. Marcus McCormack, DNG McCormack Hooper Dolan, Bridge Street, Tullow, Co. Carlow. John OConnor, John B. OConnor & Company, 37 Upper Mount Street, Dublin 2.

NONE named herein have answered the Your Right of Reply Letter (next page).


Re: permanent tsb - reference number: 99-06-95 98518240

Dear Cathal and Co., You will recall that we last wrote to you on the 22 nd. October 2012, wherein you were put on Proof as the permanent tsbs Group Chief Legal Officer, on foot of your denials, as per your letter dated the 8 th. October 2012. It is noted that you have NOT provided said alleged proof as directed. We write to advise that our client has written a document/book for publication and for public release in relation to the aforesaid matters. It is important to note; that within the said document/book is included the letters that were sent from and to your respective individual and collective associates, employees, officers and agents. A FREE electronic copy of the document/book will be available on the internet for public consumption. By this letter, our client is affording you and all parties named and listed herein the right of reply. If you have any answers, defences, proofs or material to proffer and include in relation to any or all of the aforesaid matters, all parties named herein have ten (10) days from the date of this letter to forward it for my immediate attention.


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Please have all or any answers, defence, proofs or material that you may rely upon to us by SATURDAY 18th. May 2013, otherwise it will be considered that you are in agreement and happy with the foregoing. We trust that this concludes matters.
Yours Faithfully Rob (8th. May 2013).

Our story starts on the day that Laura Skelly from IRISH
LIFE & PERMANENT PLC / permanent tsb (herein after called the Criminal Cabal), who was at the time acting as one of their in-house Debt collectors, wrote and made all manner of unfounded and ill-conceived allegations and accusations. Mind you, you have to understand the reason that Laura was writing. It was probably because the Criminal Cabal have not had any money of exchange out of me for some considerable time, maybe two or three years, or possibly even longer. Who knows, and sure, who the hell cares? Well obviously the Criminal Cabal do, otherwise why would Laura be bothering to write to me? Her computer


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probably told her that day, that she was due to put another ten People out of their homes, or take another twenty Peoples businesses or property and so on and so forth. So off Laura trots and does her paid duty and writes her letter. Lauras letter was, and still is, not very pleasant. You can see for yourself it is pepper-sprayed with all manner of nasty language, and caustic inferences.
This letter was dated: 26th. March 2012

Laura seems quite delusional in her assumptions. Laura is assuming that the Criminal Cabal have or are entitled to the possession of the above premises. You see, if not corrected, the Criminal Cabal would


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and do assume they are entitled to do what they want. With or without having to document and verify evidence or proof of their alleged and assumed entitlement. They were and are factually operating, not within but without the law. In the same way an organised criminal gang would assume control of a territory, or jurisdiction over a People. In fact, that is why we refer to them as the Criminal Cabal. They are a highly organised, legalised white collar criminal gang. The word Cabal is defined by Wikipedia as;
a group of people united in some close design together, usually to promote their private views or interests in a church, state, or other community, often by intrigue. Cabals are sometimes secret societies composed of a few designing persons, and at other times are manifestations of emergent behaviour in society or governance on the part of a community of persons who have well established public affiliation or kinship. The term can also be used to refer to the designs of such persons or to the practical consequences of their emergent behaviour, and also holds a general meaning of intrigue and conspiracy. The use of this term usually carries strong connotations of shadowy corners, back rooms and insidious influence; a cabal is more evil and selective than, say, a faction, which is simply selfish; because of this negative connotation, few organizations use the term to refer to themselves or their internal subdivisions .

Later on we will expand upon this definition; in that the Criminal Cabal are now intrinsically linked to the state and that a few designing persons whom affect an insidious influence via the shadowy corners and backrooms of the state and semi-state bodies, and through the privately owned and controlled Central Bank of Ireland. Later we will demonstrate that they are evil and selective and NEVER to be trusted.


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As mentioned earlier in Lauras letter, the word entitled in a legal context means: a legal right or claim to access, or to the benefits of the thing which of course Laura or the Criminal Cabal does NOT have. You see if we had not been so bold as to correct Laura and the Criminal Cabal at this important stage, they would have used this letter as the basis for a unilateral Contract, which is a one sided tacit agreement. In other words if we had simply ignored Lauras letter, this would have given her legal clout to just go and take possession of the above premises simply based upon a trite and meaningless statement By virtue of the above stated arrears. Unfortunately for Laura and the Criminal Cabal, the above stated arrears have never been substantiated, or proven as being owed to the Criminal Cabal. If any monies were or are owed to the Criminal Cabal, then they would be entitled to them. So Laura left us with little or no option but to question the Criminal Cabals assertions and unfounded allegations. You can see in the above stated letter, that there is deep usage of intimidating words, language and syntax applied. Normally this type and form of letter would be extremely effective in bringing about a state of fear and anxiety in most People that would read it. That is precisely what it is designed to do put the F.E.A.R. into People. The F.E.A.R. standing for False Education Applied Repeatedly. If you tell a man he is a horse often enough, eventually you will get to saddle him. That is precisely what Laura and the Criminal Cabal have assumed. That this man, meaning me, was now conditioned enough, and so much so, that all they needed to do, was to put on the


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saddle and take me anywhere they chose. The glue factory is where they were heading. Laura goes on to use words and phrases like unless, which is threatening and coercive. Then she gives a time limit of within twenty eight (28) days, which is designed to psychologically play upon your mind. Because it is a time limit, Laura is clearly trying to impress upon me that time is of the essence, suggesting that, in order to escape harm or injury, that immediate compliance and total capitulation to Lauras and the Criminal Cabals demands is required. This is followed by an overt threat; we will issue proceedings. It is not surprising that most People are frightened by this sort or type of letter. This is further compounded by the following, you will be sued for the recovery thereof. Given that Laura and the Criminal Cabal are owed nothing by me, and they have NOT established any claim or right over me, this is some letter to get, and would and does frighten most People. Laura really sticks the fright-knife in with the following Circuit Court Proceedings EUR 4,500.00 payable to the Company a higher figure for costs may apply You may be liable for legal costs blah, blah, blah and so on and so forth. NONE of this really means much at all, it is, as previously stated, designed to frighten you into some form of submission. The trouble is of course, it does frighten most People. So much so that many of our People have taken their own lives, because of psychological pressures brought to bear with letters like this from Laura


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and the Criminal Cabal. One wonders as to how many People, Laura and the Criminal Cabal have actually assisted with their suicides. You have got to wonder where exactly Laura was educated, to be able to concoct such a diatribe of unpleasantness. Perhaps it wasnt Laura that created such an unholy malfeasance? Perhaps Laura was just doing her job, carrying out her duties, and just dispersing the poison? We will probably never know. Unless of course Laura gets in touch and tells us herself. We would say though that we would much prefer that all the People that work in and for Banks would stop using the excuse, that we are just doing our jobs. That is the very same excuse that German soldiers used in Nazi concentration camps, just before they closed the door on the People they herded into the Gas chambers. Its a Nazi (nasty) job, but someones got to do it, and it may as well be me, that gets paid for it. Now, we are not saying that Laura, in any way shape or form is a Nazi, or is purposefully or wilfully driving People out of their homes, businesses or the country. On the contrary, we are pretty confident in saying, that Laura is not a Nazi, and is probably a pretty lovely woman by all accounts. The problem that we are faced with is that Laura, like thousands of other Lauras and Liams out there, that work in collections departments for Banks, have never really thought very deeply or critically about the consequences of the jobs that they carry out on a daily basis, and the damage that they are doing to Peoples lives, community and businesses. We do want and wish that the Lauras and the Liams working in these nasty jobs, will just stop and think for a moment before they post any more nasty letters out to anyone. Who or whom will you be hurting


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Laura? In the short term, they are just names on a piece of paper; in the long run its your own People that you are hurting. The Banks are getting People to hurt People, and whats more, they are getting People like Laura, and like Liam, who are Our People, to perpetrate these crimes against us, their own People.


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