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These are the notes for adding additional internationisation text (i18n) to the Reload Editor $Id: i18n-readme.

txt,v 1.1 2005/03/14 12:07:40 phillipus Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reload Editor Message strings are grouped into three categories: 1. Java System messages such as those in dialog boxes - "Seach in", "OK", "Canc el". These messages are dependent on the Locale setting of the computer and its Opera ting System. We do not set these. 2. Tips and Element friendly names. These are set in the "Helper Files" and can be selected by the Profile drop-down box. New Helper files can easily be created by editing the xml files found in the USER_HOME/reload/reload-editor/helpers folders. Further instruction is availabl e in the Reload User Guide. 3. Program messages such as Menu Items, Windows, Buttons, Error messages and so on. The default language is English and a set of English Message Strings are stored internally as a default. You can set new language Strings by producing language files as follows: - In the Reload Editor install folder is a folder, "i18n". This has a folder st ructure: i18n |----uk |----ac |-----reload |----dweezil |----editor |----moonunit In the last 3 folders are copies of the English String files for reference. Cre ating new files with the language and country codes and over-riding certain Strings will cause the progra m to use these messages. For example, to produce French messages, make a copy of each file and add the language code "fr" to the file name using the underscore character ("_"), perties. Make sure this file is in the same folder as the file. Now edit the file a s follows. Each String pair consists of a key and a string separated by an equals sign ("=" ) such as: Document The key to the left of the equals sign must not be edited. The String to the ri ght of the equals sign can be replaced with the new language version: Nouvelle

Some strings for menu items contain an ampersand ("&") character. This means th at the character to the right of the ampersand will be used for the menu mnemonic (short-cut key). Note - the English files are there for reference. They may b e deleted since the English Strings are stored internally by the program by default. Note - you may delete the whole key/string pair line if you do not wish to set a new string. It will default to the parent setting. The Reload Editor Preferences/Appearance tab allows you to choose the default lo cale for your system, or you can over-ride it by selecting another language from the drop-down menu. Even though many languages are displayed in the drop-down menu they will only be active if there are message string files supplied for that language. Setting the language in Preferences will not affect the Helper files, since these are selected on a per-Profile basis. More Information ---------------

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