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1. C 2. D 3. B 4. Individual, 5. F 6. B 7. Indulgences 8. Predestination 9. F 10. T 11. T 12. B 13. D 14. A 15. C 16. Copernicus 17. Vesalius 18. D 19.

The Scientific Method 20. Eliptical 21. Thomas Hobbes 22. Baron de Montesque 23. Jean Jacques Rousseau 24. Voltaire 25. John Locke 26. F 27. T 28. Tennis Court 29. D 30. Robespierre

Short Answer Questions: I. How did the printing press influence the Renaissance, specifically concerning education, science, and religion? Ideas spread rapidly many who could not afford a proper education were now reading since it was cheaper so the population as a whole was better educated. As a result, scientific knowledge improved and so did the study and production of poetry and prose. News spread fast with ideas, excelling the reformation everybody could have a bible, and they could educate themselves Found out the indulgences were made up brought against the catholic church. II. In your opinion, which three European explorers during the Age of Exploration were the most important? Defend your opinion. Answers will vary. III. Describe a government that is a compromise between all of the major enlightenment philosophers and say how each philosopher contributed. IV. What is Scientific Method? Describe the procedure for a simple experiment and walk through all the steps of the Scientific Method. (Can choose any experiment). Example: Is rhubarb juice a better option than lemon juice to stop an apple from browning? o 1) Ask a question: Is rhubarb juice a better option than lemon juice to stop an apple from browning? o 2) Do Background Research: Browning is caused by the apple reacting with oxygen, lemon juice makes a coat that stops the oxygen from coming. o 3) Construct a Hypothesis: Rhubarb juice is a better anti-browning option for apples. o 4) Do an experiment: Three apple slices, one rhubarb juice coated, one with lemon juice, and one as a control. Leave them out for thirty minutes and record the level of brown every five minutes. o 5) Analyze: Since the lemon slice, lasted longer before turning brown, lemon juice must be the better option. o 6) Report your results: Lemon juice works better than Rhubarb juice to prevent an apple from browning. V. What was the problem between the percent of land owned and the population of the three estates? Explain. The first two estates, the clergy and nobility, made up only 2% of the population, but they controlled 90% of the land and 66% representation in the estates general.

The third estate, the common people, made up 98% of the population, but only owned 10% of the land, and got 33% representation in the estates general.

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