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Index Introduction Objective Hypothesis Research questions Methodology Part I Introduction Development Conclusions Part II Introduction Development Conclusions

Part III Introduction Development Conclusions General conclusions..10 Bibliography and references. .11 Appendixes 13 School conception.. 8 The wide world conception..6 publicity origin 4

INTRODUCTION This project is about publicity and it is organized in three main parts that correlate between the objective and the hypothesis of the scientific research. The first part describes the origin of the study subject and its evaluation across the human life history. The second part points the branches of the science where the study subject is correlated. Also this describes the conception of the publicity according to the world, Latin America, Mexico, Puebla and the community. The third part is about a field research which describes the notion about the study subject. This presents the result of a survey that supports the conception of publicity that influences in the school community. Finally, the general three parts conclusion expresses the findings and results of the objective, hypothesis, research questions and point of view from the author. It includes suggestions, attached documents and bibliography to help for further researchers about this study subject. OBJECTIVE This project is designed to make people of this school having more information about publicity. It pretends to clarify from science approach how this topic benefits and affects our society and knowledge. HYPOTHESIS If teachers, student and school staff get more information about publicity they will have open mind and increase their knowledge in this part of science. RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1 When and how has this phenomena been presenting in our culture? 2 What are the general, particular and specific conceptions in our culture? 3 How much does school community know about publicity? 4 Is publicity considered as a kind of pop expression? METHODOLOGY The methods that are going to be developed a long this research is a group of methods and technical such as statistics methods for interpreting results, dialectic method for expressing ideas and findings, research document strategies for reporting new information and so on.

PUBLICITY ORIGIN Fundamentals of Marketing, encyclopedia (2013) says that advertising is "no personal communication paid by a sponsor clearly identified that promotes ideas, organizations or products. The most common outlets for advertisements are media and broadcasting radio and print (newspapers and magazines). Nevertheless, there are many other advertising media, from the spectacular to the shirts printed and, more recently, the internet

Scopes, (1994) advertising has existed since the dawn of civilization and commerce. Since there are products to market have been the need to communicate the existence of them, the most common form of advertising was speaking. In Babylon was found a clay tablet with inscriptions for a trader of ointments, a scribe and a cobbler dating from 3000. C. As early Egyptian civilization, Thebess known times of economic and religious splendor, in this city so prosperous ascribed early advertising texts. The phrase found in an Egyptian papyrus has been considered as the first advertising slogan of living memory. By 1821 it was found in the ruins of Pompeii a variety of graffiti -style ads that speak of a rich tradition of advertising in which you can see wine vendors, bakers, jewelers and weavers Eguizball (2008) says that Modern advertising began to evolve in the United States and Great Britain in the late eighteenth century during the industrial revolution. Advertising agents appeared, the first known was Volney B. Palmer, who in 1841 opened an office in Philadelphia which won considerable success. In Spain in 1872, the advertising pioneer Rafael Rolds, founded in Barcelona the first agency in the country, which even today is still active Bonilla, (1999). Says that at present , large modern organizations include in its organizational structure and operating specialized departments or in marketing, advertising and public relations because they have understood the vital importance of these three disciplines have to be successful in today's complex market .It is the ordered set of activities designed to promote between the organization and each of the social sectors , which account for the cause, the purpose and the goal of this discipline , mutual understanding and mutual solidarity and ongoing social and economic character consistent with the overall purpose of the organization.

Wells, (1996).They are a management function that enables organizations to achieve effective relationships with diverse audiences through an understanding of the opinion, attitudes and values of the audience. Eguizaball (2008) Public relations work with public and all communications effort is aimed at performing these groups, so this is the first step of the process. Study and analyze the Public: To investigate to which social group is trying to make the effort to communicate with a correct directional sense. .


siglo XVIII Siglo xx 30s 1872

Modern advertising began to evolve in the United States and Great Britain in the late eighteenth century during the industrial revolution. In the early twentieth century, the agencies become more professional and more rigorously selected media where to place advertising. in the 30's born a famous creative technique: brainstorming, it was not until the 1960s when it was used routinely In Spain in 1872, the advertising pioneer Rafael Rolds, founded in Barcelona the first agency in the country, which even today is still active.

CONCLUSIONS The integrated marketing to individuals and organizations seeking to meet human needs by facilitating the exchange relations. The marketing environment is complex and rapidly changing; also is increasingly global in scope. This setting determines the nature of the opportunities and challenges facing marketers. The marketing mix consists of four variables: Product, Price, Promotion and Place promotion combines turn other elements of the promotional mix consisting called personal selling, sales promotion, advertising and public relations.

Worthy Autonomous University of Puebla October 2nd 1968 High School


Students name PABLO GONZALEZ SOTO 3er Grade C Teachers name M.C. Fernando G. Andrade Bonilla

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