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4 Control Systems IV CSY 401T A.A. Yusu

Wednesday, August 21, 13

Design via Frequency Response

Gain adjustment forces us to use a transient response and ess for the points on the RL Cascade compensator change the RL Frequency response design uses Bode plots instead of RL

2 Wednesday, August 21, 13

Comparison B/W RL & Freq. Resp.

Frequency response method * Need no computer to design * Uses asympto9c Bode plot * Computer is only used for verica9on * Not as intui9ve as RL-methods (somewhat of an art) * Reshape open loop response to meet both PM (%OS) and BW (Ts, Tp) requirements * Can design deriva9ve compensa9on to speed up the design (Lead design) & at the same 9me get Ess to be met by lead compensator alone. * Ess is built into the compensator design PM is related to %OS Root Locus method * Requires a computer during design * Repeated trials needed to nd a good solu9on * Can iden9fy specic loca9on of roots giving us the required specica9on * An innite number of solu9on is possible for lead compensator design * Requires numerous tries to get required Ess

BW is related to, damping ra9o, Ts, Tp

3 Wednesday, August 21, 13

Underlying Concepts
Stability, Transient response, Steady state error Increasing PM BW Ess %OS Increases speed of response When low freq. mag response is increased, even if high freq. response is aRenuated Lag compensa9on Lead compensa9on Lag-Lead compensa9on

4 Wednesday, August 21, 13

Transient response via gain adjustment % OS is changed by varying the PM. For a desired %OS. We only have to make a gain adjustment Procedure for determining gain to meet %OS requirement Well use open loop freq. response. We ssume dominant 2nd order poles. Design viaa Frequency Response

Design Procedure (1) Draw Bode magnitude and phase plot for convenient value of gain (2) Determine required PM from %OS
= q ln(%OS/100)


Chapter 11

2 + ln2 (%OS/100) 0 1 2 1@ Design via Frequency Response A q m = atan p 2 + 1 + 4 4


Required increase in gain


(3) Find on Bode phase diagram that yields required PM (4) Change gain by AB to force \ curve Ato go through 0dB at magnitude logo Required Gain AB is required gain to enforce increase in gain required PM

Phase (degrees)
Phase (degrees)



log (o

log (o



D \



D \

Bode plots showing gain adjustment for a desired phase margin

Wednesday, August 21, 13


Bode plots showing gain adjustment for a desired phase margin

Example 11.1

Desired position ff(.v) - * *

Preamplifier K

Power amplifier 100 (s + 100)

Motor and load 1 (s + 36)

Shall velocity 1 s

Shalt position


Use frequency response methods to nd the value of K that results in a 9.5%OS for a unit step input Solu9on: 1. Choose K=3.6 to start magnitude plot at 0dB for ! = 00.1 1 2. ln(%OS/100) 2 1@ = 0.6 =q A = 59.2o q = atan m p 2 2 + ln (%OS/100) 2 + 1 + 4 4 3. Locate posi9on on Bode plot where PM=59.2 deg. i.e -180+59.2=120.8 deg. @ 14.8 rad/s 4. At ! = 14 . 8 rad/s the gain is found to be -44.2dB. If the magnitude at this frequency is found to be 0dB, the PM=59.2 deg. We therefore increase the gain by 3.6 and 44.2 dB in total: K = 3.6*162.2 = 583.0


System for Example 11.1

58390 G( s ) = s(s + 36)(s + 100)

Spec PM % OS


59.2 deg 59.2 deg 9.5 10


Wednesday, August 21, 13

Lag Compensa9on What does a lag Compensator do? 1. Improves the sta9c error constant by increasing only the low frequency gain without crea9ng instability 2. Increases PM to yield desired transient response

* Uncompensated system is unstable since M>0 @ -180 deg. * Lag compensator reduces high frequency gain and leaves low frequency gain unchanged * Low frequency gain can be made large w/o instability * Stabiliza9on eect is due to gain < 0dB at 180 deg. * We can design magnitude curve so that gain goes hrough 0dB at desired PM 11.3 Lagt Compensation


Uncompensated system Compensated system log co Lag compensator Phase (degrees) Phase-marg n frequency Lag compensa Uncompensated system Desired phase -180 log co

FIGURE 11.4 Visualizing lag compensation

Wednesday, August 21, 13

2. Using Eq. (4.39), a 9.5% overshoot implies f = 0.6 for the closed-loop dominant poles. Equation (10.73) yields a 59.2 phase margin for a damping ratio of 0.6.
Motor and load 1 (s + 36)

Desired position ff(.v) - * *

Preamplifier K

Power amplifier 100 (s + 100)

Shall velocity 1 s

Shalt position



System for Example 11.1


tenfold improvement in steady-state error 0.961 rad/s K=583 9.61 rad/s

0 dB w1 -20 dB/dec -24.2 dB, @ 9.61 -24.2dB , 0.961 rad/s

-20dB/dec = (0dB - (-24.2dB))/(log(w1) -log (0.961))

8 Wednesday, August 21, 13

Design Procedure for lag compensator 1. Choose gain to sa9sfy Ess specica9on and plot Bode plot for the value of gain 2. Find the freq. where PM is 15 - 12 deg greater than PM that yields desired transient response. (The 5-12 deg compensates for the lag compensator phase contribu9on at the PM freq.) 3. Choose lag compensator for which composite Bode diagram goes through 0dB at the freq in (2) as follows: (a) Draw compensator high. freq. asymptotes to yield 0dB at freq. found in (2) (b) Select upper break freq. one decade lower than freq. found in (2) (c) Select low freq. asymptotes to be 0dB (d) Connect the compensator high and low freq. asymptotes with -20dB/dec line to locate lower break freq. 4. Reset system gain K to compensate for aRenua9on in lag network so as to keep sta9c error constant that same as that found in step (1)

1 s+ T Gc ( s ) = 1 , >1 s + T

| Gc ( s ) | = 1
9 Wednesday, August 21, 13

0dB M agdB = log (!1 ) log (!s ) 20dB/decade

10 Wednesday, August 21, 13

Lead Compensa9on When designing lead compensator with Bode plots we want to change the phase diagram so that for an increase in PM we reduce %OS and increasing the system gain cross over Chapter 11 636 Design via Frequency Response freq. which results in a faster transient response. Visualizing lead compensa9on * Lead compensator increases BW by increasing the gain cross over freq. * At the same 9me the phase diagram is raised at higher freq. * This results in increasing PM and a higher PM freq. * In the 9me domain %OS decreases (PM increases) with smaller Tp (PM freq. increases) results.
Compensator C Compensated system *- logo

Uncompensated system Phase (degrees) 0 Compensator

- Uncompensated system has small PM and low PM freq. - Using phase lead compensator, we raised phase plot at higher freq. - At the same 9me gain cross over freq. in the magnitude plot increases -270 - This yield a larger PM, a higher PM freq. and FIGURE 11.7 Visualizing lead compensation BW increases
Wednesday, August 21, 13

Compensated system Uncompensated system

Lead Compensator Frequency Response


11.4 Lead Compensation


16 /3=0.2 14 Su b s t i t u t i n g E q . (11.9) i n t o E q . (11.6) w i t h s jco ax, m 5 12 "/3=0.3" ^ j? 10 6 4 2 0 Making 0.1use

* We can implement a Ess and then design for the transient response "/3=0.3" ^ * Specica9on of transient r esponse with Ess constraint is easier to implement with /3=0.4 />. " " = 0.5 ,^y 6 f-response t echniques t han w ith R L. 4 ** H 2 o9ce that ini9al slope remains unaected by transient design (Ini9al slope * N 0 -^*ffr 0.1 10 100 1 determine Ess) 1 s+ T Gc ( s ) = 60 s+ 1 /3=0 A T 50 1 )3= ).2 ^, / " 40 p ! = max ).3 \ N T .,^ \ ^ - Jj= 30 t'**iz?A / 20 1 ^ " * ~ P=05^ p d*j | G ( j ! ) | = c max 10 ^ ^=1 pp::: 0 0.1 1 10 100 11.4 Lead Compensation 637 COT 1 1 = sin 20 max i i i ! ^ ^ - + 1 / T ) / ( J + 1//S7*)] FIGURE G ( j ) = [l/0][(s 1+ 18 11.8 F r e q u e n c y r e s p o n s e o f a l e a d c o m p e n s a t o r ,p - C i .**
L<* 1

18 16 14 5 12 j? 10

Advantages of f-response design over RL design 20 i i i ! ^^p-Ci .** /3=0.2

** H

,^y ; y<^max


/3=0.4 " " = 0.5


of tan(0! <p2) ( t a n ^ - t a n 0 2 ) / ( l + tan^1tan02)> the maximum 10 100 phase shift of the compensator, 0max, is


* 60 Peak of phase curve /3=0 vary angle, and in freq. where maximum angle occurs. ,1 . aximum -11-)3 A - j Sin m (11.11) tan 4 = sm unity b V? = TT^ * 50 DC gain is set to y f actor ).2 3= ) 12 ^, / "
Jj= and30 the compensator's magnitude co .,^ \ ^ at max is Wednesday, August 21, 13t'**iz?A


Design Procedure of Lead compensator

1 s+ Gc ( s ) = s+
= sin

1 T 1 T


1 1+

1 p |Gc (j !max )| =

!max =

1 p

13 Wednesday, August 21, 13

in Eq. (11.2) and the quantity ft for the lead network in Eq. (11.6). For our design, a in Eq. and the quantity for the lead network in of Eq. (11.6). For our design, of a f3 (11.2) must be reciprocals of ft each other. An example the frequency response and f3 must lag-lead be reciprocals of each other. An example of the frequency response of and passive the is shown in Figure 11.11. ! the passive lag-lead is shown in Figure 11.11. 1 1 We are now ready to enumerate a design procedure. s + s + 1 We are now ready to enumerate a design procedure. T1 T2 Lag Lead Compensa9on Gc (s) = Glead (s)Glag (s) = 1 s + T1 s+ T 2 o III! J 11 / ^ * o III! J 11mpiotes tor Asy -5 */ ^ : \\ y=10
-5 -10 -10 *-M *-M

-25 -25 -30 -30 -35 - 3 5 0.001 0.001

=1 : : \ / = X 1 : \ / X >:; >:; v ^S v NN3Q ^S X* NN3Q \ 4 0 X X* \ 4 0 X <N

0 0 5U 5U

tor Asy mpiotes y=10





-v> -v> y, =2 2 y, =
< < / : : ^ / : : ^


,. ,. >*
/ /

$ '/ $ '/

" ^

0.01 0.01

0.1 1 0.1 Frequency (rad/s) 1 Frequency (rad/s)

" ^

10 10

100 100

0.1 1 0.1 Frequency (rad/s) 1 Frequency (rad/s) FIGURE 11.11 Sample frequency response curves for a lag-lead compensator, Gc{s) = [(s + l)(s + 0.1)]/ Gr+y)(*+^i = [(sp + l)(s + 0.1)]/ FIGURE 11.11 Sample frequency response curves for a lag-lead compensator, Gc{s) Gr+y)(*+^i * First term produces lead compensa9on. Second term roduces lag compensa9on
0.001 0.001

0.01 0.01

* Constraint followed here is that single value replaces the quan9ty for the lag network and the quan9ty for the lead network * For our design and must be reciprocal of each other
Wednesday, August 21, 13


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