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Usted se encuentra en un rea Silvestre Protegida del Estado, administrada por la Corporacin Nacional Forestal, CONAF. Esta unidad conserva especies vegetales y animales, paisaje natural y recursos culturales, as contribuimos en la proteccin del Patrimonio Natural y Cultural de Chile. Con el fin de mantener los recursos lo menos alterados posible, necesitamos de su cooperacin. Recomendaciones para su permanencia en la Unidad: Cancele su entrada, es su aporte a la conservacin de los ambientes naturales de Chile. As podremos continuar protegiendo este lugar, mejorar sus servicios y Ud. podr seguir disfrutando de esta rea. Ensee a sus hijos a respetar la naturaleza. Respete los horarios de visita, la sealizacin e instalaciones del rea Silvestre Protegida, as como las instrucciones de los/las guardaparques.

Si tiene consultas sobre los recursos que existen en el rea, lugares a visitar, restricciones, etc. los Guardaparques respondern todas sus inquietudes.

No bote este volante, lalo y comprtalo con su familia.

Respete las normas de seguridad. Transite slo por los senderos y caminos sealizados. Al realizar una excursin a sectores alejados, vaya acompaado, lleve los implementos y el vestuario adecuado. Informe al guardaparque en el acceso a la unidad o guardera del sector, la ruta y horario de regreso. En caso de extravo o accidente, le recomendamos, no perder la calma, aplique los primeros auxilios para los que este capacitado/a. Busque ayuda, acrquese a la guardera ms prxima o llame al 133 de Carabineros, si tiene cobertura telefnica. Haga sus fogatas en los lugares habilitados para ello y apguela con abundante agua. Los incendios forestales y la presencia del hombre en actitud distrada son siempre un potencial peligro para la naturaleza. De ser posible lave su vajilla cuando regrese a casa o utilice los lavaderos adaptados para ello. Llvese los desperdicios y depostelos en un basurero de la ciudad. As ayudar a proteger este lugar. Observe los animales a una distancia prudente de manera de no molestarlos. Si encuentra un nido, madriguera o guarida, aunque est vaca, djela tal cual; puede volver a ser ocupada! No ingrese con mascotas. Mantenga limpio los sanitarios. Evite rayar o deteriorar las murallas, puertas y artefactos de las instalaciones. Evite escuchar radio. La mejor meloda para el alma son los sonidos de la naturaleza. Disfrute el ambiente natural. Sea respetuoso, con el descanso de sus vecinos y con la naturaleza que lo acoge. Deseamos que su visita haya sido placentera, lo esperamos hasta una prxima vez.


You are in a Protected Wild Area of Chile, which is administered by the National Forestry Service, CONAF. This area preserves plant and animal species, natural landscapes, and cultural resources, which contributes to the protection of the Natural and Cultural Heritage of Chile. We need your cooperation to maintain these resources as unaltered as possible. Recommendations for visiting a Protected Wild Area: Pay your entrance fee. This is your contribution to the conservation of natural environments in Chile. By doing so, we will be able to continue protecting this place, improve services, and you will have the possibility of continuing to enjoy the beauty of this area. Tell your children to respect nature. Follow the instructions given by the park rangers, including times for visiting, signs and maintenance of facilities in the Protected Wilderness Area.

If you have questions regarding resources, places to visit, and/or restrictions, please contact the park rangers. They will be ready to answer all your questions.

Please do not throw away this leaflet. Read it and share it with your family.

Follow rules for safety. Walk only along marked trails and roads. In case you are planning a long hike, do not go alone, and take the appropriate equipment and clothes. Inform the park rangers about the route and time of return of your trip. If you get lost or have an accident, we recommend you keep calm, and provide first aid only if you are trained to do so. Look for help, go to the nearest park ranger outpost of park or call 133 for the police, in case your cell phone has coverage. Make fires only in the places provided for doing so. After making a fire, put it out using large amounts of water. Wildfires and people with a careless attitude are always a potential danger to nature. If possible, wash your dishes at home, or use the places provided for washing them. Take your leftovers with you and put them in a garbage can in the city. In this way you will help to protect this area. Watch animals and birds from a convenient distance in order not to disturb them. In case you find a nest, burrow or lair, even if it is empty, leave it untouched. It can be used again! Do not enter the area with pets. Keep the bathrooms clean. Do not write on or vandalize the walls, doors or facilities in general. Avoid turning on your radio. The best music for the soul is the sound of nature. Enjoy the natural environment. Be respectful with your neighbors and the nature that is welcoming you. We want your visit to be as pleasant as possible; we will be waiting for you for your next visit.
Please let as know about any suggestions you may have. They help us to improve our service.

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