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Part I


Prop. XXIX argues that everything in the universe is pre-determined because everything in the universe is, is in God and God by its nature is not contingent. Prop XXX is that intellect must be a reflection and comprehension of Gods attributes and behaviours as a true idea must agree with its object. Prob. XXXI is that intellect is passive in nature as it is merely a way and manner of thinking and not an active thought. Prop. XXXII is that will is not a free cause like intellect it is passive in nature and merely a way of thinking. According to Corollary I of this proposition God does not act according to the freedom of will and according to Corollary II will and intellect of God are conditioned to exist in a particular manner Prop. XXXII is that all things brought into being by God could not have been in any other manner as all things follow from nature and intellect of God which are conditioned in a certain manner. o Note I.- Hence, nothing is contingent and everything is pre-determined. o Note II.- Hence, it follows from the above pointers that God has created everything in Universe in the most perfect order as God, by his nature is bound to produce everything in the highest order of perfection otherwise He would be an imperfect God or some other power would have been responsible of everything in Universe, which is not the case. And if He had decreed it in some other manner, His intellect and would have been different than it is. Hence, His essence too would have been different. Furthermore, Gods will, intellect, essence are identical and entirely actual and not potential and had it not been the case, again He would have ordained Universe in a different manner than it is. Also, God has ordained Good and Bad in a particular manner and its not relative as his will cannot be different from His perfection. Prop. XXXIV states that Gods power is identical with his essence.

Part II Prop. XLVII. is that mind has no absolute or free will, but it thinks or wishes in a series and chains one after the other till infinity as it is a fixed and definite mode of action. o Note.- Also, there is no absolute faculty of understanding, desiring, loving etc. and these are entirely abstract and fictitious terms and general notions. Prop. XLIX is that there is no negation and affirmation in the mind but particular volitions. E.g. Interior angles of a triangle are equal to two right angles. This conception and the conception of an idea of a triangle cannot be conceived without each other. Hence, this affirmation belongs to the essence of the idea of a triangle. o Corollary- Will and idea are one and the same as a particular volition and a particular idea are on and the same. o Note.- Falsity merely consists in the privation of knowledge involved in ideas which are fragmentary and confused. When a man acquiesces in what is false, he is not certain, but he does not doubt. As certainty implies something positive. Furthermore, its important to understand the subtle distinction between ideas, images and words. Essence of words and images is put together by bodily motions, while ideas (thoughts) are conceived. Objections against this doctrine could be 1) Will has a wider scope than understanding, 2) We have the ability to suspend our judgements before assenting to things we perceive, 3) One affirmation does not contain more reality than other & 4) If theres no free will, what will happen if incentives to action are equally balances, like Buridans Ass case. Refutations of these objections are 1) Will has a wider scope than understanding but not

wider than perceptions, and the faculty of forming conceptions as God has endowed us with a will, which is universal entity, which explains all particular volitions. 2) Suspension of judgement is merely our inability to come to a judgement, and not a free will. E.g. if a mind could only perceive a winged horse and not a horse, it will not doubt the existence of a winged horse. 3) We dont need an equal power of thinking, to affirm that which is true is true, and to affirm that that which is false is true. Hence, we are easily deceived when we confuse universals with singulars. 4) I do not know what will become of a man put in Buridans Ass but what should be considered of fools, children and madmen etc. too. Moreover, benefits of this doctrine are that it: 1. Teaches us to act solely according to the decree of God. And such actions tranquilize our spirits and motivate us to seek happiness and blessedness in the servitude of God. 2. Teaches us to appreciate gifts of fortune and also accept sorrows from it. 3. It raises our social life as it inculcates respect for everyone. 4. It teaches governments that citizens should be governed to be free men and not slaves.

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