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SMART Payment Plan offers consumers innovative biweekly payment structures that

benefit them as well as dealers and lenders. Consumers find that SMART Payment Plan’s
biweekly half payments help them budget their expenses; lenders benefit from SMART
Payment Plan’s electronic transfer payments; and dealers find that consumers feel they
can make more purchases when their payment schedule uses affordable half payments.

SMART Payment Plan Benefits Consumers

SMART Payment Plan gives consumers the opportunity to make loan payments every
other week instead of once a month. Many consumers find SMART Payment Plan’s half
payment strategy more affordable than monthly payment plans, especially considering
that most employees get paid on a biweekly schedule. Instead of forcing consumers to
stick to a tight budget so that they will have enough money to make loan payments at the
end of the month, SMART Payment Plan splits up the payment into biweekly half
payments that are much more affordable.

Consumers also find that they can lower the amount of money that they pay on interest
when they use SMART Payment Plan’s biweekly schedule because they can pay off their
debts faster. When consumers make half payments every other week, they end up making
13 whole payments over the year. This extra payment shortens the length of the loan’s
term, which means the lender will charge less interest when you pay off the debt early.

SMART Payment Plan Benefits Lenders

Many lenders find that they benefit from SMART Payment Plan’s biweekly schedule too
because it helps consumers make affordable payments. Mortgage and loan lenders stand
to lose a lot of money when their clients do not pay on time. Sometimes their clients fall
so far behind that they enter bankruptcy. After this, the lender may never see a return on
the initial investment. Since SMART Payment Plan makes payments more affordable for
consumers, though, lenders have less to worry about.

Lenders also benefit from SMART Payment Plan’s electronic transfer services. SMART
Payment Plan uses automatic transfers so their customers always make their loan
payments on time. Electronic transfers have become one of the most efficient and secure
methods of payment, so lenders are happy to get paid through companies like SMART
Payment Plan.

SMART Payment Plan Benefits Dealers

Smart consumers are understandably wary of using loans to make large purchases. Even
when they have to use them to buy expensive items like cars and houses, they usually
look for ways to cut costs. With SMART Payment Plan’s half payment biweekly
schedule, consumers can feel confident purchasing homes, vehicles, healthcare services,
and college educations with loans because they have an affordable way to make payments
and reduce the overall amount that they will have to spend on the debt.
Dealers who inform their customers about SMART Payment Plan often find that they can
boost their sales because they give consumers the best possible option. Consumers are
much more willing to buy when they feel they have a smart way to fund the purchase.
Telling your customers about SMART Payment Plan could therefore encourage them to
find new ways to buy items that they want from you.

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