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ahil hayvandr. lim insanlar hayvanlktan kurtarr. nsanlar lemi, hayvanlar leminden ilim sayesinde ayrlrlar.

nsanlarn erefi, ilim erefidir. Bugnk halimiz mektep ok, talebe hesapsz, renen ise hi yok. nsan mimar olur, insan olmaz.

Her Gemiye Binen, Kaptan Olmaz!

Hekim olur, insan olmaz! Hakim olur, adam olmaz! Her kadn hanm olmaz! Her meslek sahibi, erefli olmaz! Her hoca, hoca olmaz! Her ten, horoz olmaz! Her anran, eek olmaz! Her ay oynamaz! Ve sarho, ofr olmaz! Tilki marifet ok, lkin tilkilikten kurtulmaz! Her gemiye binen, kaptan olmaz! niforma ile kimse paa olmaz! Her an alan, papaz olmaz!


Vol. 9, Issue 4: 28th of October 2011

Boaz, stanbul The Bosphorus

Not Everyone Who Boards a Ship Is a Captain!

students, but not one learner. A man can be an architect but still not be a Man. A man can be a doctor but still not be a Man. He can be a judge but still not be a Man. Every woman is not a Lady. Every career does not carry Honor. Every hoja is not a Hoja. Not everyone crowing is a rooster. Not every bear can dance. A drunkard cannot be a driver. A fox is very clever but that does not save him from being foxy. No man becomes anything by means of elections. Not everyone who boards a ship is a captain. A uniform does not make a Pasha. Not everyone who rings a bell is a priest.

he one who is ignorant is like an animal. Knowledge saves people from animality. The world of Humankind is distinguished from the world of animals by Knowledge. The honor of people derives from the honor of Knowledge. Our condition today: lots of schools, innumerable

eople in the 21st century Mihenk Ta 1. yzyl insanlar hem gafil are both heedless & foolish. hem ahmaktrlar. Niin? Why? Because they are ignorant nk cahildirler ve hi bir ey & they dont want to learn anyrenmek istemiyorlar. Yalnz thing. The only things they want renmek istedikleri, azgnlkto learn are the devilish ideas larna yol veren eytani fikirthat give free rein to their wildlerdir. Halbuki SLAM Hak ile ness. Islam, however, was sent to Btl ayrt etmek iin gelen mi- WRITTEN be a yardstick to distinguish behenk ta gibidir. Ve hibir fitween right and wrong. Theres by mawlana kir bu mihenk tanda llmeno idea that cannot be evaluden kabul edilmez. Bugn dn- sheikh ated using this yardstick. Today nazim ya hesaba gelmez eytani fikir- al-haqqAnI the world is filled with innulerle dolmu ve bunlar insan- in lefke, merable devilish ideas, & theyre larn nne srlmtr. Bun- cyprus displayed or exhibited in front larn hepsi erefli insan, erefof people in order to make the For The Daily siz yapmak ve eytani bir nesil honorable men dishonorable & Live Broadcast retmek iindir! to produce a devilish generation.

The Yardstick

AKZ! Soru: Ne zaman LAK olduk? Niin MSLMANIZ bize dedirtmediler? LAKLK ne demektir? Bilenimiz var mdr? Var ise, ksn ve Laikliin tarifini ve ne demek olduunu bize anlatsn. Laiklik bir DN veya nan mdr? Yoksa Laiklik bir devlet ideolojisi midir?! yleyse, Laiklik ideolojisi hangi dnce, veya inan sistemine baldr? Nereden gelmi? Hangi tecrbe ve analizden gemitir? Laiklik Garptan

Batdan geldiine gre, ya eski Yunan felsefesinden, veya Ateist bir dncenin RN olaca aratrclar tarafndan bilinebilir, veyahut pek l bilinmitir.! ukuku Laikliin vatan Avrupa veya Fransadr. 1-Laiklik icat edildii Avrupada, niin uydurulmutur? 2-Ve Laiklik Avrupada neyin yerine konulmutur? Bilen varsa, cevap versinler.


Lkin maalesef hakikatte bizde aratrc kalmam! Daha dorusu: yetimemi veya kastan yetitirilmemitir! Niin yetitirilmedii, bugnk ark dnmez, iinden klmaz, uydurma sistemi kuranlardan sorulmaldr. Bu malum ahslar bir gn tarih karsnda muhakeme edilip haklarnda hak ettikleri cezay bulacaklardr. TARH bu cihangir milleti oyuna getirip, rezil ve perian edenleri, bir gn mahkm edecektir!

e are secular! Question: When did we become secular? Why didnt they have us say, We are Muslims? Does anyone of us know what secularism means? If there is someone, let him come up and explain to us the definition of secularism and what is meant by the term? Is secularism a religion or a belief? Or is secularism a state ideology? If it is, then to what belief system or system of thought is it connected? From where did it come? From which experience or analysis was it produced? Since secularism

came from the West, it must have originated in ancient Greek philosophy or be a product of an Atheist viewpoint, either of which researchers should be able to discover. Very well, maybe they already have. ukuku The homeland of secularism is Europe, especially France. The secularism that was born in Europe, why was it invented? What did secularism replace in Europe? If anyone knows, let him tell us. But unfortunately there is no researcher-for-truth left among us. Even more not think and never use their will are only connected to their bosses or their masters by their stomachs. Their hearts are sealed, their mouths are shut, horse blinders are on their eyes. They are reduced to the state of a herd and in this way they can use them as they want, the way they want. In a secular system man is neither Muslim

A Question

accurately, not only were they not trained for this job but they were purposely trained not to do it. Why were they not trained? Ask the founders who made up a system that cannot be straightened out, a system with gears that no longer turn. They are responsible. They will one day become known and be judged in the court of history and will receive the punishment they deserve. History will pass judgment on those who put our heroic nation to sleep and left it humiliated and wretched. nor Christian. The founders of secularism accept neither Islam nor Christianity. They dont accept them because they dont serve their purposes. The only goal of the advocates and supporters of secularism is to be like a tick or a louse; to stick to their prey and, like a vampire, suck their blood and destroy them.

Old Medina Castle

aik rejimlerin ou ahslar daha sa iken putlatran Putsal rejimlerdir. Bunu kuran ok akgz tilkiler kesinlikle ne Demokrasiyi ne Liberal bir rejimi kabul etmezler. Bunlarn yegne tek bir hedefleri, insanlar dnme ve irade uurlarndan tecrit edip

Laiklik ve Laik Dzen zerine

soyup dnemeyen ve iradesini kullanamayan, yalnz aa ve ustalarna midelerinden bal, yrekleri dal, azlar bal, gzleri at gzlkl bir sr haline getirmek ve istedikleri yn ve talepte istismar edebilmektir. LAK sistemde, insan ne Mslmandr ne Hristi-

yan ... Laiklii icat edenler, ne Mslman ne de Hristiyanl kabul ederler! Etmezler nk ilerine gelmez. Laiklik rtkan ve destekilerinin tek maksatlar kene gibi, bit gibi, yaptklar kurbanlarnn vampir gibi, kanlarn emmek ve kendilerini ezmektir!

he majority of secular regimes are regimes of idols. They idolize their own people while they are still alive. Their founders are the wily foxes that never, ever accept either a democratic or a liberal regime. Their only goal is to deprive the people of their thinking, their will, and their awareness. The ones who do

About Secularism & Secular Systems

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