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J Q = W where J isanexperimentalconstantthat

dependsontheunitsusedforwork&heat W cycle = Qout Qin IfQhasunitsofBTU,andWhasunitsof f t lbf ,whatis J=778.2 BTUf J? basicdefinitionof W = 1W 2 = F orce = F =
x2 x1 ftlb

F dx

pA = pressure Area

Whatdoweknowif U = 0 ? T = 0 definitionofintensiveproperty independentofmass definitionofextensiveproperty variesdirectlywithmass intensiveorextensive?:pressure intensive intensiveorextensive?:quality,x intensive intensiveorextensive?:mass extensive intensiveorextensive?:temperature intensive intensiveorextensive?:density intensive intensiveorextensive?:volume extensive intensiveorextensive?:specificvolume intensive intensiveorextensive?:Enthalpy,H extensive intensiveorextensive?:h intensive Howdoyoumakeanintensivepropertyoutofan dividebymass extensiveproperty? density= =


definitionofthermodynamicprocess asystemgoesthroughachangeofstate definitionofthermodynamiccycle ASysteminagiveninitialstate goesthroughanumberofdifferentprocesses andfinallyreturnstoitsinitialstate. Newtonssecondlaw F = ma gc


1lbm gc inEnglishunits gc = 32.174 ft

gc inSIunits g = (1kg)(1s2 ) c 1N Whatisalbmole? Thequantityofasubstancewhosemassinpoundsmass, isequaltothemolecularweightofthesubstance. Example:1lbmoleofOxygenis32lbm equationforpressure P = 1P ascal = P a = 1Bar = 1Newton = N = 1W att = W = 1atm in in2f 1Joule = J = P absolute = Convert1 psi to atm 1BT U in f t lbf
lb F n A N m2

=F A = mkg s2

N = 105P a 105 m 2 kgm s2 J s

1atm =14.696 in2f N m P atmospheric + P gage

1 atm 1 in2f = 14.696 lb


1BT U = 778.2ft lbf

Howcanyoutelliftwobodieshaveequaltemperature? whennochangeinanyobservablepropertyoccurswhen theyareinthermalcommunication. TheZerothLawofThermodynamics Whentwobodieshaveequalityoftemperaturewithathird body,theyinturnhaveequalityoftemperaturewitheach other.i.e.If T a = T b & T b = T c ,then T a = T c Convert 1C to K Convert 1F to R K = C + 273.15 R = F + 459.67

mft gc Englishunits 32.174lb s2lbf

gc SIunits

1kgm s2N

Whatisthe(temperature,pressure)pointwhereliquid, thetriplepoint solid,andvapor H 2O allexistinequilibriumcalled? Whatdoweknowif T = 0 ? U = 0

f Equationforquality, x x = mvapor m = gf

equationfor when f , f , &x areknown = xg + (1 x)f = f + xfg = f + x(g f )

dmCV dt

d dV = 0 = dm dm = dt ( dt )i ( dt )e V

m = Forsteadystate,steadyflow dm dt =


= Av
W cycle Qin

thermalefficiencyofapowercycle =

coefficientofperformanceforarefrigerationcycle = WQin cycle

Qout coefficientofperformanceofaheatpumpcycle = W cycle T JouleThompsoncoefficient: J = ( P )h

SSSF,nowork,noheattransfer,noelevationchange, hi + V i = he + V e 2gc 2gc Whatcanyousayabout h ? SSSF,nowork,noheattransfer,noelevationchangeand hi he KE issmall When J > 0 ifthereisadropinpressureacrossa Itwillalsodrop. throttlingprocess,whatcanbesaidaboutthe temperature?

Signconventionforwork Thesignconventionisthatworkdonebyasystemis positiveandworkdoneonasystemisnegative. Definitionofwork (forceinthedirectionof motion) * (distancetraveled) Workisdonebyasystemifthesoleeffectonthe surroundings(everythingexternaltothesystem)couldbe theraisingofaweight. EnglishunitsforWork f t lbf SIunitsforwork J = N m
W equationforpower P = dt

definitionofpower Poweristhetimerateofdoingwork. Englishunitsofpower horsepower = 33, 000ftlbf min SIunitsofpower W att = W = J s Whatisaquasiequilibriumprocess? Aprocesswhichisslowenoughsuchthatthechangeof statemaybereplacedbyaseriesofinfinitesimalchanges ofstateeachofwhichisinequilibrium. Whatisthetheforceexertedbyagasonapiston? P A = pressure areapiston dV = W = TheareaunderthePVcurve= AdL P dV workdonebythesystem

Pathfunctionorpointfunction?:Work path Pathfunctionorpointfunction?:V point Pathfunctionorpointfunction?:m point Pathfunctionorpointfunction?:u point Pathfunctionorpointfunction?:Q path Pathfunctionorpointfunction?:E point Whatistheworkdonewhenpressureisconstant?



P dV = P (V 2 V 1)

ln(m n) = ln ( m n) =

ln(m) + ln(n) ln(m) ln(n)

Whatistheworkdonewhen pV = c ? p1V 1ln Whatistheworkdonewhen pvn = c

( )
V2 V1

p2V 2p1V 1 1n

WhatistheworkdonewhenVisconstant? 0 Workdonebytensioninawire
o dL W = T dL = AELod = AEL 2 where d = Lo ,


T = AE , = E = T A ,and =

L Lo

Definitionofheat Heatisthatformofenergythatistransferredacrossthe boundaryofasystematagiventemperatureto anothersystem(orthesurroundings)atalower temperature,byvirtueofthetemperaturedifference betweenthetwosystems. Unitsofheat:(3) Btu,calorie,Joule heatdonetoasystemis(+)or()? () Firstlawofthermodynamics E= dE = Q W U + KE + P E

Howcanyoutellthereisno KE nochangeinvelocity P E = KE = dE =
) P E2 P E1 = (mg gc (z2 z1) mv KE2 KE1 = 1 2 gc
2 2

d(mv ) mg dU + 1 2 gc + gc dz

2v2 mg Fromthefirstlawofthermodynamics, 1Q2 1W 2 = (U U ) + m(v2 1) 2 1 2gc + gc (z2 z1)

FromReynoldsTransportTheorem,shaftwork/heat relationship(anotherwaytowritetheeqn.above):


Q dm = dt + dt

(h1 h2) +

2v2 m(v1 2) 2gc

+ ggc (z2 z1)

formulaforenthalpy H = U + P V relationshipbetweenheatandenthalpyforaconstant pressurequasiequilibriumprocess,where KE = P E = 0 Howcanyoutellwhenasubstanceisincompressible? = 0 Whatformulascanyouuseforanincompressible u2 u1 = c(T 2 T 1) substancemodel? and h2 h1 = c(T 2 T 1) + (p2 p1) incompressible,constantc Note: (p2 p1) isoftensmallandcanbedropped formulafor h =
H m pV = U+ m = u + p

1Q2 = H 2 H 1

Relationshipbetween Q and h foraconstantpressure Q = mh =m (h2 h1) quasiequilibriumprocess,where KE = P E = 0 Cv = Cp =

du =constantvolumespecificheat (dT ) dh =constantpressurespecificheat (dT )p

saturationtemperature= Foranyparticularconstantpressurethereisone temperaturebelowwhichapuresubstancecannotexist (inequilibrium)inthevaporphase.Thattemperatureisthe saturationtemperature. saturationpressure= pressurethatcorrespondswiththesaturationtemperature VaporPressureCurve Foreachpuresubstanceacharacteristicrelationshipexists forsaturationpressurevs.saturationtemperature.

belowvaporpressurecurve superheatedvapor abovevaporpressurecurve subcooledorcompressedliquid Ona T diagram,whichcorrespondswith x &which isonthe x axis,and T isonthe y axis correspondswith y ? Ona T diagram,whatisthelinebeforethecritical saturatedliquidline pointcalled? Ona T diagram,whatisthelineafterthecriticalpoint saturatedvaporline called? Ona T diagram,whatwouldthecompositionof subcooledliquid somethingoutsidethecurvetotheleftbe? Ona T diagram,whatwouldthecompositionof superheatedvapor

somethingoutsidethecurvetotherightbe? Ona T diagram,whatwouldthecompositionof mixtureofliquid&vaporvapordome somethinginsidethecurve,butnotonit,be?Whatwould thisregionbecalled? Ona T diagram,whatis whereisintersectsthe f curveontheleft? Ona T diagram,whatis whereisintersectsthe g curveontheright? Whatwouldaconstantpressurelineona T diagram looklike?

Inthesaturatedliquidvaporregion,whenpressureis temperatureisalsoconstant constant,whatotherassumptioncanbemade Whatarethevaluesof T & atthecriticalpointcalled? T c =criticaltemperature& critical =criticalspecific volume Atthecriticalpressure,whatcanbesaidaboutspecific f = g volume? Forconstantpressureprocessesabovethecritical If T < T crit compressedliquid pressure,howcanyoudeterminethestate? If T > T crit superheatedvapor Whatisthesignificanceof T c ? maxtempatwhichliquidandvaporphasescancoexistin equilibrium Whatis pc criticalpressure=pressureat T c

Whatare pR&T R ?equations&definitions pR = ppc = reducedpressure T = reducedtemperature TR = T c Inthefollowinggraph,whatstateisthatwaterinatA,B, A=liquid &C? B=solid


IntheabovepTdiagram,whatisthelinebetweensolid& fusion liquidcalled? IntheabovepTdiagram,whatisthelinebetweenliquid vaporization &vaporcalled? IntheabovepTdiagram,whatisthelinebetweensolid& sublimation vaporcalled? EquationofStatefortheVaporPhaseofaSimple p = RT = RT M CompressibleSubstance or P V = mRT Ifthesubstanceobeystheidealgaslawthenwhatcanbe saidabouttherelationshipbetween P , V , &T between2 states? fg = Formulaforlinearinterpolation: ReynoldsTransportTheorem:
P 1V 1 T1

P 2V 2 T2

g f
yyo xxo

y1yo x1xo

dN dt




n (v dA)

SteadyStateSteadyFlowCriteria Thecontrolvolumedoesnotmoverelativetothe coordinateframe. Themassandthermodynamicstateofmassateach pointinthecontrolvolumedoesnotvarywithtime. Massandthestateofmassintoandoutofthecontrol surfacedonotvarywithtime,andtherateofheattransfer andshaftworkcrossingthecontrolsurfaceremain

constant. continuityequation


( ) ( )

dV + (v dA) = 0


and (v dA) = 0


m = t CV = 0

ForSSSF,if v1 and v2 areonedimensional,ie.not 1v1A1 = 2v2A2 functionsofr.Then, WhatassumptionsaremadeforaUniformState, 1.Thecontrolvolumedoesnotmovewith UniformFlowsituation respecttothecoordinateframe. 2.Thestateofthemasswithinthecontrolvolume maychangewithrespecttotime,butatany instantoftime,thestateisuniformthroughout theentirecontrolvolume. 3.Thestateofthemass,crossingeachofthe areasofflowonthecontrolsurface,isconstant withtime,althoughthemassflowratesmaybe timevarying. USUFformofthefirstlawofthermodynamics

( ) W + m (h + + z ) + [(m (u + + z )) (m (u
QCV + mi hi + 2gic + ziggc =
i CV e e e
2 ve 2gc


g egc

2 v2 2gc

g 2gc

2 v1 1 + 2gc

+ z1ggc



USUFadiabatic, KE = P E = 0 whatdoesthefirstlaw m1h1 = m2h2 become?

g hydrostaticequation p = patm + gc L

definitionofadiabatic Q = 0 pgage = orinotherwords, pabsolute = (area) (z) = pabsolute patmospheric patmospheric + pgage volume

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