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Discharge Plan A.

Medications: Paracetamol 500 mg/tab 1 tab q4 T > 37C Salbutamol Nebule + 1cc NSS Q8 then do CPT p nebulization Unasyn 750mg/tab Q8 ANST (-) Multivitamins + Buclizine (Nervostamin) cap OD Fluemencil 600mg 1 tab per glass of water

B. Exercise: Rhythmic breathing and coughing exercises are often recommended for pneumonia. The goal of the exercise is to remove sputum from the lungs and enhance gas exchange. The exercise begins with a light tap to the chest and to the back to loosen mucus within the lungs.

C. Treatment: If able to be treated at home, treatment usually includes: Antibiotics - given by mouth as tablets or liquid Pain relieving medications Paracetamol to reduce fever Rest

If treatment in hospital is required, treatment usually includes: Antibiotics given intravenously (via a drip into a vein) Oxygen therapy - to ensure the body gets the oxygen it needs Intravenous fluids - to correct dehydration or if the person is too unwell to eat or drink Physiotherapy - to help clear the sputum from the lungs

Also, Instruct to continue on the medication prescribed by the physician. Instruct to continue nebulization as instructed by the physician.

D. Health Teaching Get plenty of rest. Getting enough sleep will give your body the strength it needs to fight the illness. Take deep breaths and cough several times each hour to loosen up mucus and get it out of your lungs. Hygiene. Wash your hands with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand rub after blowing your nose or using the bathroom, and before eating. Cough or sneeze into a tissue or into your elbow or sleeve. Use proper PPE like mask. Drink several glasses of water a day. Fluids help thin and loosen up the mucus in your lungs and throat. Eat a balanced diet so your body can work its best and heal quickly.

E. Out-going follow-up Follow up after one week prior to discharge date and instruction of the physician. F. Diet Fruits and vegetables offer an array of antioxidants which have illnesspreventing properties. Fruits and Vegetables: A diet rich in fruits and vegetables enhance ones immune system and prevent illnesses such as flu, colds and pneumonia. Many fruits and vegetables also contain anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce swelling associated with pneumonia. They are dense in water which is important since flu and other ailments that accompany pneumonia can cause dehydration. Consume a variety of fresh, colorful produce as part of a low-fat, balanced diet to reap most nutritional and wellness benefits. A high alkaline diet consisting of plenty of raw and organic fruits and vegetables will improve all respiratory problems as

alkalinity counteracts acidity. Green foods are high in alkalinity and also contain chlorophyll and will greatly dissolve mucus throughout the body in general and the lungs and respiratory tract in particular. Do not drink softdrinks, coffee or black tea, they deplete important nutrients in your body. Nutrition Focus on vitamin packed foods that contain vitamin A and C as well as plenty of dietary fiber. Fiber-rich foods will help you maintain a healthy cardiovascular system. With pneumonia, your respiratory and cardiovascular system can be affected due to the stress of the illness. Examples of fiber-rich foods include dark leafy lettuce, spinach, watercress and cauliflower. Vegetables such as carrots, winter squash and red sweet pepper are a good source of vitamin A -- a vitamin essential to help your body fight of pneumonia and other infections. Vitamin C can be found in citrus fruits such as grapefruit and oranges. Fluids Keeping your body hydrated during and after pneumonia is essential to recovery. Loss of fluids through fever, frequent urination and increased mucous may cause you to become dehydrated. Dehydration can lead to low electrolyte levels. A fruit smoothie that contains pineapple as its main ingredient may help with pneumonia symptoms and inflammation, explains the University of Maryland Medical Center. Pineapple contains bromelain, a protein-digesting enzyme that helps reduce inflammation associated with infections. Drinking broth-based soups can also help with replenishing fluids and sodium levels in the body.

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