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The air brake is the standard, fail-safe, train brake used by railways all over the world. In spite of what you might think, there is no mystery to it. It is based on the simple physical properties of compressed air. So here is a simplified description of the air brake system. See also the Brakes Glossary, E-P Brakes, Vacuum Brakes.

Basics - The Principal Parts of the Air Brake System - Operation on Each Vehicle - Release Application -Lap - Additional Features of the Air Brake - Emergency Air Brake - Emergency Reservoirs - Distributors -Two-Pipe Operated Systems - Comment. Systems - Self-Lapping Brake Valves - Other Air

A moving train contains energy, known as kinetic energy, which needs to be removed from the train in order to cause it to stop. The simplest way of doing this is to convert the energy into heat. The conversion is usually done by applying a contact material to the rotating wheels or to discs attached to the axles. The material creates friction and converts the kinetic energy into heat. The wheels slow down and eventually the train stops. The material used for braking is normally in the form of a block or pad. The vast majority of the world's trains are equipped with braking systems which use compressed air as the force to push blocks on to wheels or pads on to discs. These systems are known as "air brakes" or "pneumatic brakes". The compressed air is transmitted along the train through a "brake pipe". Changing the level of air pressure in the pipe causes a change in the state of the brake on each vehicle. It can apply the brake, release it or hold it "on" after a partial application. The system is in widespread use throughout the world.

The Principal Parts of the Air Brake System

The diagram left (click for full size view) shows the principal parts of the air brake system and these are described below.

The pump which draws air from atmosphere and compresses it for use on the train. Its principal use is is for the air brake system, although compressed air has a number of other uses on trains. SeeAuxiliary Equipment.

Main Reservoir
Storage tank for compressed air for braking and other pneumatic systems.

Driver's Brake Valve

The means by which the driver controls the brake. The brake valve will have (at least) the following positions: "Release", "Running", "Lap" and "Application" and "Emergency". There may also be a "Shut Down" position, which locks the valve out of use. The "Release" position connects the main reservoir to the brake pipe . This raises the air pressure in the brake pipe as quickly as possible to get a rapid release after the driver gets the signal to start the train. In the "Running" position, the feed valve is selected. connections and hoses. "Lap" is used to shut off the connection between the main reservoir and the brake pipe and to close off the connection to atmosphere after a brake application has been made. It can only be used to provide a partial application. A partial release is not possible with the common forms of air brake, particularly those used on US freight trains. "Application" closes off the connection from the main reservoir and opens the brake pipe to atmosphere. The brake pipe pressure is reduced as air escapes. observer in the know) can often hear the air escaping. Most driver's brake valves were fitted with an "Emergency" position. Its operation is the same as the "Application" position, except that the opening to atmosphere is larger to give a quicker application. The driver (and any This allows a slow feed to be

maintained into the brake pipe to counteract any small leaks or losses in the brake pipe,

Feed Valve
To ensure that brake pipe pressure remains at the required level, a feed valve is connected between the main reservoir and the brake pipe when the "Running" position is selected. This valve is set to a specific operating pressure. Different railways use different pressures but they generally range between 65 and 90 psi (4.5 to 6.2 bar).

Equalising Reservoir

This is a small pilot reservoir used to help the driver select the right pressure in the brake pipe when making an application. When an application is made, moving the brake valve handle to the application position does not discharge the brake pipe directly, it lets air out of the equalising reservoir. The equalising reservoir is connected to a relay valve (called the "equalising discharge valve" and not shown in my diagram) which detects the drop in pressure and automatically lets air escape from the brake pipe until the pressure in the pipe is the same as that in the equalising reservoir. The equalising reservoir overcomes the difficulties which can result from a long brake pipe. A long pipe will mean that small changes in pressure selected by the driver to get a low rate of braking will not be seen on his gauge until the change in pressure has stabilised along the whole train. The equalising reservoir and associated relay valve allows the driver to select a brake pipe pressure without having to wait for the actual pressure to settle down along a long brake pipe before he gets an accurate reading. Brake Pipe The pipe running the length of the train, which transmits the variations in pressure required to control the brake on each vehicle. It is connected between vehicles by flexible hoses, which can be uncoupled to allow vehicles to be separated. The use of the air system makes the brake "fail safe", i.e. loss of air in the brake pipe will cause the brake to apply. Brake pipe pressure loss can be through a number of causes as follows: A controlled reduction of pressure by the driver A rapid reduction by the driver using the emergency position on his brake valve A rapid reduction by the conductor (guard) who has an emergency valve at his position A rapid reduction by passengers (on some railways) using an emergency system to open a valve A rapid reduction through a burst pipe or hose A rapid reduction when the hoses part as a result of the train becoming parted or derailed.

Angle Cocks
At the ends of each vehicle, "angle cocks" are provided to allow the ends of the brake pipe hoses to be sealed when the vehicle is uncoupled. The cocks prevent the air being lost from the brake pipe.

Coupled Hoses
The brake pipe is carried between adjacent vehicles through flexible hoses. The hoses can be sealed at the outer ends of the train by closing the angle cocks.

Brake Cylinder
Each vehicle has at least one brake cylinder. Sometimes two or more are provided. The movement of the piston contained inside the cylinder operates the brakes through links called "rigging". The rigging applies the blocks to the wheels. Some modern systems use disc brakes. The piston inside the brake cylinder moves in accordance with the change in air pressure in the cylinder.

Auxiliary Reservoir
The operation of the air brake on each vehicle relies on the difference in pressure between one side of the triple valve piston and the other. In order to ensure there is always a source of air available to operate the brake, an "auxiliary reservoir" is connected to one side of the piston by way of the triple valve. The flow of air into and out of the auxiliary reservoir is controlled by the triple valve.

Brake Block
This is the friction material which is pressed against the surface of the wheel tread by the upward movement of the brake cylinder piston. Often made of cast iron or some composition material, brake blocks are the main source of wear in the brake system and require regular inspection to see that they are changed when required. Many modern braking systems use air operated disc brakes. These operate to the same principles as those used on road vehicles.

Brake Rigging
This is the system by which the movement of the brake cylinder piston transmits pressure to the brake blocks on each wheel. Rigging can often be complex, especially under a passenger car with two blocks to each wheel, making a total of sixteen. Rigging requires careful adjustment to ensure all the blocks operated from one cylinder provide an even rate of application to each wheel. If you change one block, you have to check and adjust all the blocks on that axle.

Triple Valve
The operation of the brake on each vehicle is controlled by the "triple valve", so called because it originally comprised three valves - a "slide valve", incorporating a "graduating valve" and a "regulating valve". It also has functions - to release the brake, to apply it and to hold it at the current level of application. The triple valve contains a slide valve which detects changes in the brake pipe pressure and rearranges the connections inside the valve accordingly. It either: recharges the auxiliary reservoir and opens the brake cylinder exhaust,

closes the brake cylinder exhaust and allows the auxiliary reservoir air to feed into the brake cylinder or holds the air pressures in the auxiliary reservoir and brake cylinder at the current level.

The triple valve is now usually replaced by a distributor - a more sophisticated version with built-in refinements like graduated release.


Brake Release
This diagram shows the condition of the brake cylinder, triple valve and auxiliary reservoir in the brake release position.











position. Pressure in the brake pipe is rising and enters the triple valve on each car, pushing the slide valve provided inside the triple valve to the left. The movement of the slide valve allows a "feed groove" above it to open between the brake pipe and the auxiliary reservoir, and another connection below it to open between the brake cylinder and an exhaust port. The feed groove allows brake pipe air pressure to enter the auxiliary reservoir and it will recharge it until its pressure is the same as that in the brake pipe. At the same time, the connection at the bottom of the slide valve will allow any air pressure in the brake cylinder to escape through the exhaust port to atmosphere. As the air escapes, the spring in the cylinder will push the piston back and cause the brake blocks to be removed from contact with the wheels. The train brakes are now released and the auxiliary reservoirs are being replenished ready for another brake application.

Brake Application
This diagram (left) shows the condition of the brake cylinder, triple valve and auxiliary reservoir in the brake application position.











position. This causes air pressure in the brake pipe to escape. The loss of pressure is detected by the slide valve in the triple valve. Because the pressure on one side (the brake pipe side) of the valve has fallen, the auxiliary reservoir pressure on the other side has

pushed the valve (towards the right) so that the feed groove over the valve is closed. The connection between the brake cylinder and the exhaust underneath the slide valve has also been closed. At the same time a connection between the auxiliary reservoir and the brake cylinder has been opened. Auxiliary reservoir air now feeds through into the brake cylinder. The air pressure forces the piston to move against the spring pressure and causes the brake blocks to be applied to the wheels. Air will continue to pass from the auxiliary reservoir to the brake cylinder until the pressure in both is equal. This is the maximum pressure the brake cylinder will obtain and is equivalent to a full application. To get a full application with a reasonable volume of air, the volume of the brake cylinder is usually about 40% of that of the auxiliary reservoir.

The purpose of the "Lap" position is to allow the brake rate to be held constant after a partial application has been made.

When the driver places the brake valve in the "Lap" position while air is escaping from the brake pipe, the escape is suspended. The brake pipe pressure stops falling. In each triple valve, the suspension of this loss of brake pipe pressure is detected by the slide valve because the auxiliary pressure on the opposite side continues to fall while the brake pipe pressure stops falling. The slide valve therefore moves towards the auxiliary reservoir until the connection to the brake cylinder is closed off. The slide valve is now halfway between its application and release positions and the air pressures are now is a state of balance between the auxiliary reservoir and the brake pipe. The brake cylinder is held constant while the port connection in the triple valve remains closed. The brake is "lapped". Lap does not work after a release has been initiated. Once the brake valve has been placed in the "Release" position, the slide valves will all be moved to enable the recharge of the auxiliary reservoirs. Another application should not be made until sufficient time has been allowed for this recharge. The length of time will depend on the amount of air used for the previous application and the length of the train.

Additional Features of the Air Brake

What we have seen so far is the basics of the air brake system. Over the 130 years since its invention, there have been a number of improvements as described below. A further description of the most sophisticated version of the pure air brake is available at my page North American Freight Train Brakeswritten by Al Krug.

Emergency Air Brake

Most air brake systems have an "Emergency" position on the driver's brake valve. This position dumps the brake pipe air quickly. Although the maximum amount of air which can be obtained in the brake cylinders does not vary on a standard air brake system, the rate of application is faster in "Emergency". Some triple valves are fitted with sensor valves which detect a sudden drop in brake pipe pressure and then locally drop brake pipe pressure. This has the effect of speeding up the drop in pressure along the train - it increases the "propagation rate".

Emergency Reservoirs
Some air brake systems use emergency reservoirs. These are provided on each car like the auxiliary reservoir and are recharged from the brake pipe in a similar way. However, they are only used in an emergency, usually being triggered by the triple valve sensing a sudden drop in brake pipe pressure. A special version of the triple valve (a distributor) is required for cars fitted with emergency reservoirs.

A distributor performs the same function as the triple valve, it's just a more sophisticated version. Distributors have the ability to connect an emergency reservoir to the brake system on the vehicle and to recharge it. Distributors may also have a partial release facility, something not usually available with triple valves. A modern distributor will have: a quick service feature - where a small chamber inside the distributor is used to accept brake pipe air to assist in the transmission of pressure reduction down the train a reapplication feature - allowing the brake to be quickly re-applied after a partial release a graduated release feature - allowing a partial release followed by a holding of the lower application rate a connection for a variable load valve - allowing brake cylinder pressure to adjust to the weight of the vehicle chokes (which can be changed) to allow variations in brake application and release times an inshot feature - to give an initial quick application to get the blocks on the wheels brake cylinder pressure limiting auxiliary reservoir overcharging prevention.

All of these features are achieved with no electrical control. The control systems comprise diaphragms and springs arranged in a series of complex valves and passages within the

steel valve block.

Distributors with all these features will normally be provided on

passenger trains or specialist high-speed freight vehicles.

Two Pipe Systems

A problem with the design of the standard air brake is that it is possible to use up the air in the auxiliary reservoir more quickly than the brake pipe can recharge it. Many runaways have resulted from overuse of the air brake so that no auxiliary reservoir air is available for the much needed last application. Read Al Krug's paper North American Freight Train Brakes for a detailed description of how this happens. The problem can be overcome with a two-pipe system as shown in the simplified diagram below.

The second pipe of the two-pipe system is the main reservoir pipe. This is simply a supply pipe running the length of the train which is fed from the compressor and main reservoir. It performs no control function but it is used to overcome the problem of critical loss of pressure in the auxiliary reservoirs on each car. A connecting pipe, with a one-way valve, is provided between the main reservoir pipe and the auxiliary reservoir. The one-way valve allows air from the main reservoir pipe to top up the auxiliary reservoir. The one-way feature of the valve prevents a loss of auxiliary reservoir air if the main reservoir pressure is lost. Another advantage of the two-pipe system is its ability to provide a quick release. Because the recharging of the auxiliaries is done by the main reservoir pipe, the brake pipe pressure increase which signals a brake release is used just to trigger the brake release on each car, instead of having to supply the auxiliaries as well. Two pipe systems have distributors in place of triple valves. One feature of the distributor is that it is designed to restrict the brake cylinder pressure so that, while enough air is available to provide a full brake application, there isn't so much that the brake cylinder pressure causes the blocks to lock the wheels and cause a skid. This is an essential feature if the auxiliary reservoir is being topped up with main reservoir air, which is usually kept at a higher pressure than brake pipe air. Needless to say, fitting a second pipe to every railway vehicle is an expensive business so it is always the aim of the brake equipment designer to allow backward compatibility - in much the same way as new computer programs are usually compatible with older versions. Most vehicles fitted with distributors or two-pipe systems can be operated in trains with simple one-pipe systems and triple valves, subject to the correct set-up during train formation.

Self Lapping Brake Valves

Self lapping is the name given to a brake controller which is position sensitive, i.e. the amount of application depends on the position of the brake valve handle between full release and full application. The closer the brake handle is to full application, the greater the application achieved on the train. The brake valve is fitted with a pressure sensitive valve which allows a reduction in brake pipe pressure according to the position of the brake valve handle selected by the driver. This type of brake control is popular on passenger locomotives.

Other Air Operated Equipment

On an air braked train, the compressed air supply is used to provide power for certain other functions besides braking. These include door operation, whistles/horns, traction equipment, pantograph operation and rail sanders. For details, see Auxiliary Equipment.

The air brake system is undoubtedly one of the most enduring features of railway technology. It has lasted from its initial introduction in 1869 to the present day and in some places, still hardly different from its Victorian origins. There have been many improvements over the years but the skill required to control any train fitted with pure pneumatic brake control is still only acquired with long hours of practice and care at every stage of the operation. It is often said that whilst it is easy to start a train, it can be very difficult to stop it. Al Krug's paper North American Freight Train Brakes describes how difficult this can be. Perhaps the trainman's skill is not quite dead yet. See also the Brakes Glossary, to E-P Brakes, to Vacuum Brakes, to the Modern Railway Glossary.

Railway air brake

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Piping diagram from 1909 of a Westinghouse 6-ET Air Brake system on a locomotive.

Control handle and valve for a Westinghouse Air Brake.

An air brake is a conveyance braking system actuated bycompressed air. Modern trains rely upon a failsafe air brake system that is based upon a design patented by George Westinghouse on March 5, 1868. The Westinghouse Air Brake Company (WABCO) was subsequently organized to manufacture and sell Westinghouse's invention. In various forms, it has been nearly universally adopted. The Westinghouse system uses air pressure to charge air reservoirs (tanks) on each car. Full air pressure signals each car to release the brakes. A reduction or loss of air pressure signals each car to apply its brakes, using the compressed air in its reservoirs.[1]


1 Overview o o o o 1.1 Straight air brake 1.2 Westinghouse air brake 1.3 Modern systems 1.4 Working pressures

2 Enhancements 3 Limitations o 3.1 Solutions 3.1.1 Dynamic brake 3.1.2 Two-pipe air brake

4 Accidents 5 Standardisation

6 European systems 7 Vacuum brakes 8 See also 9 References 10 External links

Overview[edit source | editbeta]

Straight air brake[edit source | editbeta]

A comparatively simple brake linkage

In the air brake's simplest form, called the straight air system, compressed air pushes on a piston in acylinder. The piston is connected through mechanical linkage to brake shoes that can rub on the train wheels, using the resulting friction to slow the train. The mechanical linkage can become quite elaborate, as it evenly distributes force from one pressurized air cylinder to 8 or 12 wheels. The pressurized air comes from an air compressor in the locomotive and is sent from car to car by a train line made up of pipes beneath each car and hoses between cars. The principal problem with the straight air braking system is that any separation between hoses and pipes causes loss of air pressure and hence the loss of the force applying the brakes. This could easily cause a runaway train. Straight air brakes are still used on locomotives, although as a dual circuit system, usually with each bogie (truck) having its own circuit.

Westinghouse air brake[edit source | editbeta]

In order to design a system without the shortcomings of the straight air system, Westinghouse invented a system wherein each piece of railroad rolling stock was equipped with an air reservoir and a triple valve, also known as a control valve.

Rotair Valve Westinghouse Air brake Company


The triple valve is described as being so named as it performs three functions: Charging air into an air tank ready to be used, applying the brakes, and releasing them. In so doing, it supports certain other actions (i.e. it 'holds' or maintains the application and it permits the exhaust of brake cylinder pressure and the recharging of the reservoir during the release). In his patent application, Westinghouse refers to his 'triple-valve device' because of the three component valvular parts comprising it: the diaphragm-operated poppet valve feeding reservoir air to the brake cylinder, the reservoir charging valve, and the brake cylinder release valve. When he soon improved the device by removing the poppet valve action, these three components became the piston valve, the slide valve, and the graduating valve.

If the pressure in the train line is lower than that of the reservoir, the brake cylinder exhaust portal is closed and air from the car's reservoir is fed into the brake cylinder to apply the brakes. This action continues until equilibrium between the brake pipe pressure and reservoir pressure is achieved. At that point, the airflow from the reservoir to the brake cylinder is lapped off and the cylinder is maintained at a constant pressure.

If the pressure in the train line is higher than that of the reservoir, the triple valve connects the train line to the reservoir feed, causing the air pressure in the reservoir to increase. The triple valve also causes the brake cylinder to be exhausted to the atmosphere, releasing the brakes.

As the pressure in the train line and that of the reservoir equalize, the triple valve closes, causing the air pressure in the reservoir and brake cylinder to be maintained at the current level.

Unlike the straight air system, the Westinghouse system uses a reduction in air pressure in the train line to apply the brakes. When the engine operator applies the brake by operating the locomotive brake valve, the train line vents to atmosphere at a controlled rate, reducing the train line pressure and in turn triggering the triple valve on each car to feed air into its brake cylinder. When the engine operator releases the brake, the locomotive brake valve portal to atmosphere is closed, allowing the train line to be recharged by the compressor of the locomotive. The subsequent increase of train line pressure causes the triple valves on each car to discharge the contents of the brake cylinder to the atmosphere, releasing the brakes and recharging the reservoirs. Under the Westinghouse system, therefore, brakes are applied by reducing train line pressure and released by increasing train line pressure. The Westinghouse system is thus fail safeany failure in the train line, including a separation ("break-in-two") of the train, will cause a loss of train line pressure, causing the brakes to be applied and bringing the train to a stop, thus preventing a runaway train.

Modern systems[edit source | editbeta]

Modern air brake systems serve two functions:

The service brake system, which applies and releases the brakes during normal operations, and The emergency brake system, which applies the brakes rapidly in the event of a brake pipe failure or an emergency application by the engine operator (generally referred to as the automatic brake).

When the train brakes are applied during normal operations, the engine operator makes a "service application" or a "service rate reduction, which means that the train line pressure reduc es at a controlled rate. It takes several seconds for the train line pressure to reduce and consequently takes several seconds for the brakes to apply throughout the train. In the event the train needs to make an emergency stop, the engine operator can make an "emergency application," which immediately and rapidly vents all of the train line pressure to atmosphere, resulting in a rapid application of the train's brakes. An emergency application also results when the train line comes apart or otherwise fails, as all air will also be immediately vented to atmosphere. In addition, an emergency application brings in an additional component of each car's air brake system: the emergency portion. The triple valve is divided into two portions: the service portion, which contains the mechanism used during brake applications made during service reductions, and the emergency portion, which senses the immediate, rapid release of train line pressure. In addition, each car's air brake reservoir is divided into two portionsthe service portion and the emergency portionand is known as the "dual-compartment reservoir. Normal service applications transfer air pressure from the service portion to the brake cylinder, while

emergency applications cause the triple valve to direct all air in both the service portion and the emergency portion of the dual-compartment reservoir to the brake cylinder, resulting in a 2030% stronger application. The emergency portion of each triple valve is activated by the extremely rapid rate of reduction of train line pressure. Due to the length of trains and the small diameter of the train line, the rate of reduction is high near the front of the train (in the case of an engine operator-initiated emergency application) or near the break in the train line (in the case of the train line coming apart). Farther away from the source of the emergency application, the rate of reduction can be reduced to the point where triple valves will not detect the application as an emergency reduction. To prevent this, each triple valve's emergency portion contains an auxiliary vent port, which, when activated by an emergency application, also locally vents the train line's pressure directly to atmosphere. This serves to propagate the emergency application rapidly along the entire length of the train. Use of distributed power (i.e., remotely controlled locomotive units mid-train and/or at the rear end) mitigates somewhat the time-lag problem with long trains, because a telemetered radio signal from the engine operator in the front locomotive commands the distant units to initiate brake pressure reductions that propagate quickly through nearby cars.

Working pressures[edit source | editbeta]

The compressor on the locomotive charges the main reservoir with air at 125140 psi (8.69.7 bar; 860 970 kPa). The train brakes are released by admitting air to the train pipe through the engineer's brake valve. A fully charged brake pipe is typically 7090 psi (4.86.2 bar; 480620 kPa) for freight trains and 110 psi (7.6 bar; 760 kPa) for passenger trains. The brakes are applied when the engineer moves the brake handle to the "service" position, which causes a reduction in pressure in the train pipe. In normal braking, the pressure in the train pipe does not reduce to zero. If it does fall to zero, (e.g. because of a broken brake hose) an emergency brake application will be made.[3]

Enhancements[edit source | editbeta]

Electro-pneumatic or EP brakes are a type of air brake that allows for immediate application of brakes throughout the train instead of the sequential application. EP brakes have been in use in German high-speed trains (most notably the ICE) since the late 1980s, and in British practice since 1949, fully described in Electropneumatic brake system on British railway trains. Electro-pneumatic brakes are currently in testing in North America and South Africa in captive service ore and coal trains. Passenger trains have had for a long time a 3-wire version of the electro-pneumatic brake, which gives seven levels of braking force. In most cases the system is not fail-safe, with the wires being energized in sequence to apply the brakes, but the conventional automatic air brake is also provided to act as a fail safe, and in most cases can be used independently in the event of a failure of the EP brakes.

In North America, WABCO supplied HSC (High Speed Control) brake equipment for several post-World War II streamlined passenger trains. This was an electrically controlled overlay on conventional D-22 passenger and 24-RL locomotive brake equipment. On the conventional side, the control valve set a reference pressure in a volume, which set brake cylinder pressure via a relay valve. On the electric side, pressure from a second straight-air trainline controlled the relay valve via a two-way check valve. This "straight air" trainline was charged (from reservoirs on each car) and released by magnet valves on each car, controlled electrically by a 3 wire trainline, in turn controlled by an "electro-pneumatic master controller" in the controlling locomotive. This controller compared the pressure in the straight air trainline with that supplied by a self lapping portion of the engineers valve, signaling all of the "apply" or "release" magnets valves in the train to open simultaneously, changing the pressure in the "straight air" trainline much more rapidly and evenly than possible by simply supplying air directly from the locomotive. The relay valve was equipped with four diaphragms, magnet valves, electric control equipment, and an axle-mounted speed sensor, so that at speeds over 60 mph (97 km/h) full braking force was applied, and reduced in steps at 60 mph (97 km/h) 40 and 20 mph (64 and 32 km/h), bringing the train to a gentle stop. Each axle was also equipped with anti-lock brake equipment. The combination minimized braking distances, allowing more full-speed running between stops. The "straight air" (electro-pneumatic trainline), anti-lock, and speed graduating portions of the system were not dependent on each other in any way, and any or all of these options could be supplied separately.[4] Later systems replace the automatic air brake with an electrical wire (in the UK, at least, known as a "round the train wire") that has to be kept energized to keep the brakes off. More recent innovations are electronically controlled pneumatic brakes where the brakes of all the wagons (cars) and locomotives are connected by a kind of local area network, which allows individual control of the brakes on each wagon, and the reporting back of performance of each wagon's brakes.

Limitations[edit source | editbeta]

The Westinghouse air brake system is very trustworthy, but not infallible. Recall that the car reservoirs recharge only when the brake pipe pressure is higher than the reservoir pressure, and that the car reservoir pressure will rise only to the point of equilibrium. Fully recharging the reservoirs on a long train can require considerable time (8 to 10 minutes in some cases[5]), during which the brake pipe pressure will be lower than locomotive reservoir pressure. If the brakes must be applied before recharging has been completed, a larger brake pipe reduction will be required in order to achieve the desired amount of braking effort, as the system is starting out at a lower point of equilibrium (lower overall pressure). If many brake pipe reductions are made in short succession ("fanning the brake" in railroad slang), a point may be reached where car reservoir pressure will be severely depleted, resulting in substantially reduced brake cylinder piston force, causing the brakes to fail. On a descending grade, the unfortunate result will be a runaway.

In the event of a loss of braking due to reservoir depletion, the engine driver may be able to regain control with an emergency brake application, as the emergency portion of each car's dual-compartment reservoir should be fully chargedit is not affected by normal service reductions. The triple valves detect an emergency reduction based on the rate of brake pipe pressure reduction. Therefore, as long as a sufficient volume of air can be rapidly vented from the brake pipe, each car's triple valve will cause an emergency brake application. However, if the brake pipe pressure is too low due to an excessive number of brake applications, an emergency application will not produce a large enough volume of air flow to trip the triple valves, leaving the engine driver with no means to stop the train.

Solutions[edit source | editbeta]

Dynamic brake[edit source | editbeta]
To prevent a runaway due to loss of brake pressure, dynamic (rheostatic) braking can be utilized so the locomotive(s) will assist in retarding the train. Often, blended braking, the simultaneous application of dynamic and train brakes, will be used to maintain a safe speed and keep the slack bunched on descending grades. Care would then be given when releasing the service and dynamic brakes to prevent draw-gear damage caused by a sudden run out of the train's slack.

Two-pipe air brake[edit source | editbeta]

Another solution to loss of brake pressure is the two-pipe system, fitted on most modern passenger stock and many freight wagons. In addition to the traditional brake pipe, this enhancement adds the main reservoir pipe, which is continuously charged with air directly from the locomotive's main reservoir. The main reservoir is where the locomotive's air compressor output is stored, and is ultimately the source of compressed air for all systems that use it. Since the main reservoir pipe is kept constantly pressurized by the locomotive, the car reservoirs can be charged independently of the brake pipe, this being accomplished via a check valve to prevent backfeeding into the pipe. This arrangement helps to reduce the above described pressure loss problems, and also reduces the time required for the brakes to release, since the brake pipe only has to recharge itself. Main reservoir pipe pressure can also be used to supply air for auxiliary systems such as pneumatic door operators or air suspension. Nearly all passenger trains (all in the UK and USA), and many freights, now have the two-pipe system.

Accidents[edit source | editbeta]

The air brake can fail if one of the cocks where the pipes of each carriage are joined together is accidentally closed. In this case, the brakes on the wagons behind the closed cock will fail to respond to the driver's command. This happened in the 1953 Pennsylvania Railroad train wreck to the Federal Express, a Pennsylvania Railroad train which became runaway while heading into Washington DC'sUnion Station,

causing the train to crash into the passenger concourse and fall through the floor. Similarly, in the Gare de Lyon train accident, a valve was accidentally closed by the crew, reducing braking power. There are a number of safeguards that are usually taken to prevent this sort of accident happening. Railroads have strict government-approved procedures for testing the air brake systems when making up trains in a yard or picking up cars en route. These generally involve connecting the air brake hoses, charging up the brake system, setting the brakes and manually inspecting the cars to ensure the brakes are applied, and then releasing the brakes and manually inspecting the cars to ensure the brakes are released. Particular attention is usually paid to the rearmost car of the train, either by manual inspection or via an automated end-of-train device, to ensure that brake pipe continuity exists throughout the entire train. When brake pipe continuity exists throughout the train, failure of the brakes to apply or release on one or more cars is an indication that the cars' triple valves are malfunctioning. Depending on the location of the air test, the repair facilities available, and regulations governing the number of inoperative brakes permitted in a train, the car may be set out for repair or taken to the next terminal where it can be repaired.

Standardisation[edit source | editbeta]

The modern air brake is not identical with the original airbrake as there have been slight changes in the design of the triple valve, which are not completely compatible between versions, and which must therefore be introduced in phases. That said, the basic air brakes used on railways worldwide are remarkably compatible.

European systems[edit source | editbeta]

European railway air brakes include the Kunze-Knorr brake (invented by Georg Knorr and manufactured by Knorr-Bremse)[6] and theOerlikon. The working principle is the same as for the Westinghouse air brake. In the steam era, Britain's railways were divided - some using vacuum brakes and some using air brakes - but there was a gradual standardization on the vacuum brake. Some locomotives, e.g. on the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway, were dual-fitted so that they could work with either vacuum or air braked trains. In the diesel era, the process was reversed and British Railways switched from vacuum braked to air braked rolling stock in the 1960s.[7]

Kunze-Knorr goods train brake (diagram)

Oerlikon brake valve

D brake controller and brake valve (Czech Republic)

London, Brighton and South Coast Railwaylocomotive. Note the three pipes, one for vacuum brake, one for air brake and one for steam heat

Vacuum brakes[edit source | editbeta]

The main competitor to the air brake is the vacuum brake, which operates on negative pressure. The vacuum brake is a little simpler than the air brake, with an ejector with no moving parts on steam engines or a mechanical or electrical "exhauster" on a diesel or electric locomotive replacing the air compressor. Disconnection taps at the ends of cars are not required as the loose hoses are sucked onto a mounting block. However, the maximum pressure is limited to atmospheric pressure, so that all the equipment has to be much larger and heavier to compensate. This disadvantage is made worse at high altitude. The vacuum brake is also considerably slower acting in both applying and releasing the brake; this requires a greater level of skill and anticipation from the driver. Conversely, the vacuum brake had the advantage of gradual release long before the Westinghouse automatic air brake, which was originally only available in the direct-release form still common in freight service. A primary fault of vacuum brakes is the inability to easily find leaks. In a positive air system, a leak is quickly found due to the escaping pressurized air; discovering a vacuum leak is more difficult,

although it is easier to repair when found because a piece of rubber (for example) can just be tied around the leak and will be firmly held there by the vacuum. Electro-vacuum brakes have also been used with considerable success on South African electric multiple unit trains. Despite requiring larger and heavier equipment as stated above, the performance of the electro-vacuum brake approached that of contemporary electro-pneumatic brakes. However, their use has not been repeated.

How do air brakes on a train work?

7 years ago Report Abuse

Engineer Budgie

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

There are two types of air brakes on a train: independent (locomotive) brake, and automatic (train) brake. Independent brakes work with straight compressed air. A reservoir of compressed air on each locomotive is kept, and on the engineer's command, the compressed air is sent to the brake cylinder, which pushes a piston out, pushing brake shoes against the wheels, and stopping them. Automatic brakes have a little more involved, but are a simple concept in principle. The locomotives and cars will all be hooked up to the "train line", which is a line of compressed air running the length of the train. The train line is usually around 90 psi. Compressed air from this line charges two air reservoirs in every car: the service, and the emergency. When the engineer wishes to apply the brakes, he uses a handle on his/her control stand to reduce the pressure in the train line. When the pressure is reduced in the train line, valves in each car begin to shift, and allow air from the service reservoir into the brake cylinder. The compressed air now flowing into the brake cylinder pushes out a piston, which, through a system of rigging, pushes a brake pad against the wheels. When the engineer releases the brakes, he allows the pressure to return to the normal amount (90 psi). The same valves that applied the brakes now move again, allowing air to release from the cylinder, the piston comes back in, and the pads release from the wheels. The rise in compressed air also recharges the service reservoir, so it can be used again. When the air brake system detects a sudden loss of air pressure, it will deploy the "emergency" braking. The system will take all of the compressed air from both the service and emergency reservoirs, and send it directly to the brake cylinder. This will provide a sudden and hard pushing of the brake pads on the wheels, and is the fastest (but often dangerous) way to stop the train.

Once the emergency brakes have been deployed, everything must be recharged - the train line must be returned to 90 psi, and the service and emergency reservoirs need their compressed air recharged. If the emergency is applied, it can take some time to recover the air brakes, depending on how big a train you have. Hope this helps.

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