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El presente Informe corresponde a la asignatura de Prctica Profesional V que tiene como objetivo formar buenos educadores y asimismo que el futuro docente se vaya familiarizando con su carrera profesional. En este informe se da a conocer las experiencias vividas durante el periodo de prctica en la Escuela Profesional de Idiomas, Educativa Inicial N 292- Satlite. Se realiz prcticas en la Escuela Profesional de Idiomas en el rea de Francs I,II,II,IV 02 horas en cada nivel, haciendo un total de 8 horas; tambin se realiz prcticas en la Institucin Educativa 0094- Shilcayo que tuvo una duracin de 126 horas, que comprende desde el 08 de mayo al 01 de julio; durante el periodo de prctica en dicha institucin se realizaron sesiones de aprendizaje con el 2, 3, 4 y 5 grado de secundaria, las cuales estn evidenciadas en este informe; por ltimo cabe mencionar que tambin se llev a cabo un trabajo de proyeccin social que consisti en ensear 24 horas en una Institucin Educativa de zona rural, en mi caso, del asentamiento humano Ciudad Satlite, en el distrito de la Banda de Shilcayo. Se trata de la Institucin Educativa Inicial N 292 Satlite, cuyos beneficiarios fueron los estudiantes de 4 y 5 aos de edad. A continuacin, una visin global concerniente a este periodo de prctica; asimismo se adjunta material que evidencia lo expuesto anteriormente. Institucin Educativa 0094- Shilcayo y la Institucin


2.1.1. Realidad Educativa

A. Misin: La Escuela Acadmica Profesional de Idiomas de la FEH de la UNSM-T, responde al reto que se deriva de su visin, asegurando el normal desenvolvimiento de su curriculum en diferentes niveles, en base a un aprovechamiento crtico de los ltimos adelantos de la lingstica y didctica de idiomas. B. Visin: Ante el acelerado avance de las ciencias y de la tecnologa con su impacto ecolgico, as como el creciente desarrollo de las relaciones comunicativas interculturales, la Escuela Acadmica Profesional de Idiomas de la FEH de la UNSM-T reconoce el valor utilitario que representa la realizacin de mayores esfuerzos por superar las barreras inter lingsticas y en la pedagoga reconoce el valor formativo que el aprendizaje de una segunda lengua significa para el desarrollo de la personalidad del hombre. C. Resea Histrica: La Carrera Profesional de Idiomas se cre en el Departamento de San Martn porque no exista (hasta 1994) ninguna institucin que ofreciera un Programa para la formacin de profesores de Idiomas con preparacin acadmica en esta rea pedaggica. La UNSM, analiz esta problemtica y busc el asesoramiento de la Universidad Nacional de la

Libertad, para la organizacin del Currculo de la Carrera Profesional de Idiomas. sta fue creada con Resolucin N 482-94-UNSM/R, y se le adscribe mediante Resolucin N 43396-UNSM/R de fecha 19 de Agosto de 1996 a la Facultad de Educacin, iniciando formalmente sus actividades bajo una Coordinacin Acadmica en Octubre de 1996, con un Plan de Asignaturas Oficial habilitado hasta el 4to ciclo. En un primer momento los docentes de esta Carrera Profesional estuvieron adscritos al Departamento Acadmico de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, posteriormente, el 06 de Junio del ao 2003 se crea el Departamento Acadmico de Idiomas con Resolucin N 6902003-UNSM/CR y G ANR de fecha 03 de Mayo de 2003. D. Fines: Formar profesionales humanistas y cientficos de acuerdo con los requerimientos del desarrollo de la regin, del pas y del mundo.

Formar al futuro profesional como individuo, es decir como ciudadano y miembro responsable de una colectividad. E. Objetivos Estratgicos de la Escuela Acadmica Profesional de Idiomas:

La Escuela ser percibida como modelo en la formacin de profesionales en idiomas.

Posicionar la imagen de la Escuela Acadmica Profesional de Idiomas. Incrementar el grado de satisfaccin de los estudiantes. Mejorar la relacin y el compromiso de la Escuela Acadmica Profesional de Idiomas con la comunidad.

Obtener mayores ingresos econmicos. Mejorar el proceso de enseanza-aprendizaje. Prestar mejores servicios a los estudiantes y a usuarios externos. Asignar a la escuela mejores recursos para la docencia, investigacin y prestacin de servicios.

Desarrollar las capacidades del personal que labora en la escuela.

F. Metodologa para Ensear el Idioma Francs La metodologa empleada por las docentes encargadas Wendy Lily Palacios Paredes y Mnica Evelyn Jurez de la Cruz, es el Comunicativo. El mtodo comunicativo pone nfasis en ayudar a los estudiantes a usar el idioma en una gran variedad de contextos. Su principal objetivo es ayudar a los estudiantes a crear frases con significado (en lugar de ayudarles a construir estructuras gramaticales perfectamente correctas o a conseguir una pronunciacin perfecta). Esto significa que el aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera se evala teniendo en cuenta cmo el estudiante desarrolla su competencia comunicativa, la cual se podra definir como la capacidad que tiene el estudiante para usar sus conocimientos y as comunicarse de manera adecuada. Las asignaturas de Francs I, II y III, estn comprendidas dentro de la currcula nueva, y cada asignatura tiene 08 horas semanales, en cambio Francs IV est en la currcula antigua, y tiene solo 04 horas semanales. Asimismo, quienes me supervisaron durante mis 04 sesiones de aprendizaje que realic en el segundo idioma fueron las magister en Educacin lneas arriba mencionadas.

G. Horario - Jueves 11-04-13: a las horas 11 de la maana con mi tema MA VILLE, bajo la supervisin de la magister en Educacin Wendy Lily Palacios Paredes. - Martes 16-04-13: a las horas 3 de la tarde con mi tema LES ACTIVITS QUOTIDIENNES, bajo la supervisin de la magister en Educacin Wendy Lily Palacios Paredes. - Martes 23-04-13: a las horas 11 de la maana con mi tema LES MALADIES, bajo la supervisin de la magister en Educacin Mnica Evelyn Jurez De la Cruz. - Lunes 29-04-13: a las horas 7 de la noche con mi tema MON PROJECT DE VIE, bajo la supervisin de la magister en Educacin Mnica Evelyn Jurez De la Cruz.

2.1.2. Aspecto Curricular( Slabos)









2.1.3. Ancdotas

Ancdota N 01

El da 11 de Abril del presente ao realic mi primera clase en el segundo Idioma, con los estudiantes de Francs I bajo la supervisin de la profesora Wendy Lily Palacios Paredes, estaba nerviosa puesto que era mi primera clase, llegu temprano con el fin de arreglar mi saln para la clase, los estudiantes empezaron a llegar. Para esta clase actu para elicitar mi tema MA VIELLE y para mi vocabulario llev mis materiales tales como: chanchita, para simular le cinma , ropa de bao, para la piscine , materiales escolares para simular l cole , comida y cubiertos, para le restaurant y productos de comer para le supermarch realice una realia, no ni terminaba de actuar cuando los estudiantes me decan la palabra correcta. Mi clase desde el principio fue demasiado interactiva, los estudiante del primer ciclo estaban tan entusiasta que aprendieron rpido lo que ense la profesora se sorprendi de lo que entendieron rpido una gramatica que en si es algo complicado para los beginners

Ancdota N 02

El da martes 23 de Abril del presente ao realic mi clase con Francs III, con la supervisin de la profesora Mnica Jurez. Ese da llev materiales tales como:

termmetro, libro, diccionario, pastilla

y gaseosa para actuar , con el fin de elicitar mi

tema titulado : LES MALIADIES , en espaol seria Las enfermedades; primero salude a los estudiantes y posteriormente me presente para conocer y que los estudiantes me conozcan mejor, despus de ello, empec a actuar utilizando los materiales que llev tales como: libro, termmetro, diccionario, enseguida utilic la gaseosa, estaba hablando y caminando y sin percatarme que el gas estaba a punto de rebalsar abr la gaseosa ocasionando que el lquido cayera sobre m, ensuciando mi uniforme por completo,

especialmente mi blusa los estudiantes, la profesora e incluso mi persona atinamos a rer; no tuve otra opcin que continuar con mi clase con el uniforme empapado de gaseosa. Mi blusa estaba mojado y ensuciado con el duce del lquido cuando en medio de mi clase ya en la tercera etapa Incorporacin a la Vida pas algo que no me lo esperaba una abeja vino y se pos sobre m, siendo ms explcita en mi blusa, tuve miedo que me picara pero tuve que disimular para no distraer a los estudiantes ya que en ese momento ellos estaban desarrollando un ejercicio.


2.1.4. Ficha de prctica

FECHA 11-04-13 16-04-13 23-04-13 29-04-13

HORA 2h 2h 2h 2h

NOMBRE DE LA ACTIVIDAD Ma Ville Les Activits Quotidiennes Les Maladies Mon Project De Vie

GRADO Y SECCIN Francs I Francs IV Francs III Francs II


__________________ Docente de Aula

__________________ Docente de Aula

__________________________ Docente Responsable de Prctica

____________________ Estudiante Practicante


2.1.5. Lesson Plans SANCES DES ACTIVITS I. INFORMATION GENERALE : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Institution Educative Cycle Type dactivit Thme Heure Nombre dtudiants tudiante Guide Enseignant : Universit National de San Martin : 2eme : Oral et crite communication. : Mon projet de Vie : 45 Minutes. : 18 : Rosa Isabel Flores Gonzales. : Lic. Mnica Jurez de la Cruz : Lic. Jhon Martin Linares Garcia

II. STRATEGIES METHODOLOGIQUES : 2.1. Mthode : Mthode Communicative. 2.2.1. Techniques : Question et rponse, Rptition drill, realia, remplir les espaces en blanc, travail en groupe 2.2.2. Matriel : Les dessins, les marqueurs, bleu-tactique, le tableau. 2.2. Croix-contenu : Lducation interculturelle 2.3. Evaluation : Htro valuation. III. OBJECTIFS ESPERES: 3.3.1. Comprhension de textes: Il/Elle identifie linformation correcte dans le texte. 3.3.2. Production de textes: Il/Elle complte les exercices avec la condition et lhypothse Il / Elle crit ses propres phrases en utilisent la condition et lhypothse 3.3.3 Attitude vers la Matire : On participe activement en classe. Communique avec empathie. IV. CONTENU ESSENTIEL: 4.1. Grammaire : La condition et lhypothse 4.2. Elments Lexical : Acheter, gagner, travailler, avoir 4.3. Phontiques : /a()te/,/gae/, /tavaje/, /avwa//t/ 4.4. ConnaissancePralable: les pronoms personnels, la conjugaison des verbes. V. BIBLIOGRAPHY: CAF CREME, Mthode de Franais 2


VI. STRATEGIES METHODOLOGIQUES 1. La Situation pour obtenir la connaissance prcdente (7 minutes) Le professeur salue aux tudiants. P : Bonjour tudiants P: Comment a va aujourdhui? P : Vous ts bien ? OK. P : Pour aujourdhui je suis votre professeur de franais. Je mappelle Isabel. Le professeur demande pour la date P : Quelle est la date aujourdhui? P : Aujourdhui nous sommes Lundi , le 29 Avril, 2013 P : Le professeur dit aux tudiants : prtez attention, regardez et coutez Le professeur fait des actions et posse des questions P : Quest-ce que vous avez regard? P : Trs bien P : Quest- ce que maladies vous pensez que jai ? P : Trs bien. Le professeur demande le thme de la classe. Quest-ce que nous allons travailler aujourdhui ? Le thme daujourdhui est : Mon projet de vie

Mon projet de vie

2. La Situation pour laborer la nouvelle connaissance ( 21 minutes) Le professeur prsente le vocabulaire t e s x u e m l a c d r i o v a f u g o m t a r g o v n e i e l l v g h r e v t n a k t a t g s u e e g t n g i u t e r r a i u n r l r t n m b n z e a k l r e i o q i r p u a e v j t o a c h e t e r






Le professeur lit le vocabulaire Le professeur demande aux tudiants dcouter.


P : Ecoutez sil vous plat Le professeur demande aux tudiants de rpter. Le professeur prsente la situation et des personnages du dialogue Je vais prsenter mon amie, vous voulez savoir qui est mon amie ? Elle est mon amie, elle sappelle Julie. Elle va raconter sur ses projets de vie, parce que le professeur a demand comme travail. On va savoir quest- ce qu a pass ! Je mappelle Julie et jai 17 ans. Jhabite avec mes parents. Si jtudie, je serais une professeure de Langue parce que jaime lespagnol et langlais. Si je travaille, jaurai de largent et jachterai une grand maison pour mes parents. Le professeur lit le texte et demande aux tudiants dcouter. coutez sil vous plat! Le professeur demande aux tudiants dcrire Vrai(V) ou Faux (F) d accorde le texte et de lire la phrase. V F Si Julie tudie, Elle sera un professeur de Langue Si elle travaille, elle tudiera en Espagne Si Julie travaille, elle achtera une grande maison Si elle tudie, elle aura de largent.. Le professeur et les tudiants corrigent les rponses Le professeur explique la grammaire LA CONDITION ET LHYPOTHESE Il est une action peut se raliser dans le futur, condition quune autre action se ralise dans le prsent et c est utilise pour exprimer une probabilit ou une quasi-certitude : La rgle est: Par exemple : Si jtudie, je serais une professeure de Langue. Pronom Le verbe Avoir dans le futur simple Je aurai Tu auras Il/elle/on aura Nous aurons Vous aurez Ils/elles auront Si je travaille, jaurai de largent. Pronom Le verbe tre dans le futur simple Je serai Tu seras Il/elle/on sera Nous serons Vous serez Ils/elles seront


Si je travaille, jachterai une grand maison pour mes parents. 3. Situation pour incorporer l'apprentissage la vie( 7 minutes) Le professeur demande aux tudiants dformer 2 groupes Alors, le professeur prsent le jeu michi chaque group deviennent complter les phrases avec les verbes conjuguent dans les temps correctes en accorde avec dans la condition et lhypothse, si la rponse est bien le group gagnent un tourner. Le groupe qui fait michi est le gagnant. Si vous . (Venir), nous (Aller) au cinma. tu (tudier), tu .. (tre) un professionnel. Si mes parents (Avoir), nous . (Voyager) en France. Si je . (Travailler), j.. (Acheter) une maison. Si elle (tudier), elle. (Travailler) sur le Banco Continental.

Le professeur demande aux tudiants de venir au tableau et de complter les phrases avec les verbes conjuguent dans les temps correctes en accorde avec dans la condition et lhypothse. 4. La Situation pour valuer ( 10 minutes) Le professeur donne aux tudiants fiche dexercice.


LE FICHE D EXERCICES Prnom et nom : Compltez les espaces en blanc avec conjugaison correcte.

1. Si vous .. (Finir) ce travail temps, vous . (Avoir) une


2. Si tu (Venir) Paris, nous. (Visiter) le Louvre. 3. Si j' ... (Avoir) le temps, je.. (Travailler) dans le social. 4. Si elle .. (Gagner) au loto, elle (faire) le tour du monde) 5. si nous (tudier), nous (tre) professionnels
crivez 5 phrases avec la condition et lhypothse.





Mon projet de vie

Production de textes

Il/ Elle crit ses propres phrases en utilisent la condition et lhypothse avec cohrence.

Fiche dexercice


DES SUGGESTIONS ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ____________________ Etudiant ______________________ Professeur


SANCES DES ACTIVITS I. INFORMATION GENERALE : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. II. Institution Educative Cycle Type dactivit Thme Heure Nombre dtudiants tudiante Guide Enseignant : Universit National de San Martin : 3eme : Oral et crite communication. : Les maladies : 45 Minutes. : 18 : Rosa Isabel Flores Gonzales. : Lic. Mnica Juarez de la Cruz : Lic. Jhon Martin Linares Garcia

STRATEGIES METHODOLOGIQUES : 2.1. Mthode : Mthode Communicative. 2.2.1. Techniques : Question et rponse, Rptition drill, realia, remplir les espaces en blanc, travail en groupe 2.2.2. Matriel : Les dessins, les marqueurs, bleu-tactique, le tableau. 2.2. Croix-contenu : Lducation interculturelle 2.3. Evaluation : Htro valuation.

III. OBJECTIFS ESPERES: 3.3.1. Comprhension de textes: Il/Elle identifie linformation correcte dans le texte. 3.3.2. Production de textes: Il/Elle complte les exercices avec le subjonctif prsent. Il / Elle crit ses propres phrases en utilisent le subjonctif prsent. :

3.3.3 Attitude vers la Matire

On participe activement en classe. Communique avec empathie.

IV. CONTENU ESSENTIEL: 4.1. Grammaire 4.2. Elments Lexical : Le Subjonctif Prsent : grippe, fivre, mal la tte, mal la gorge, mal au ventre, mal aux dents : /gip/, /fjv/, /mal a la tt/, / mal a la g /, / mal o v t/,/ mal o /d / Pralable: les pronoms personnels, la conjugaison des

4.3. Phontiques 4.4. Connaissance verbes. V. BIBLIOGRAPHY:

CAF CREME, Mthode de Franais 2


VI. STRATEGIES METHODOLOGIQUES 1. La Situation pour obtenir la connaissance prcdente (7 minutes) Le professeur salue aux tudiants. P : Bonjour tudiants P: Comment a va aujourdhui? P : Vous ts bien ? OK. P : Pour aujourdhui je suis votre professeur de franais. Je mappelle Isabel. Le professeur demande pour la date P : Quelle est la date aujourdhui? P : Aujourdhui nous sommes Mardi, le 23 Avril, 2013 P : Le professeur dit aux tudiants : prtez attention, regardez et coutez Le professeur fait des actions et posse des questions P : Quest-ce que vous avez regard? P : Trs bien P : Quest- ce que maladies vous pensez que jai ? P : Trs bien. Le professeur demande le thme de la classe. Quest-ce que nous allons travailler aujourdhui ? Le thme daujourdhui est : Les maladies

Les maladies


La Situation pour laborer la nouvelle connaissance ( 21 minutes)

Le professeur prsente le vocabulaire dans le d jouer

La grippe

La fivre

Mal la tte


Mal la gorge

Mal au ventre

Mal aux dents

Le professeur lit le vocabulaire Le professeur demande aux tudiants dcouter. P : Ecoutez sil vous plat Le professeur demande aux tudiants de rpter. Le professeur prsente la situation et des personnages du dialogue Je vais prsenter mon ami Juan, vous voulez savoir qui est mon ami ? Il est mon ami, il sappelle Juan. Il est malade parce que hier il a march sur la plu et Il va consulter avec un docteur. On va savoir quest- ce qu a pass ! Le docteur demande Juan, comment a va, et Juan raconte qu Il est trs mal parce qu`Il a mal la tte et il a mal la gorge. Le docteur demande sIl a de la fivre et Juan rponde qu`il a de la fivre, encore le docteur dit : Il faut que vous buviez les pastilles et vous vous reposiez beaucoup, mais Il vaut mieux que vous reveniez si a ne va pas mieux. Le professeur lit le texte et demande aux tudiants dcouter. coutez sil vous plat! Le professeur donne aux un papier avec quelques questions sur le texte et demande aux tudiants dcrire la rponse correcte.



Qui est malade ? a. Le docteur b. Jhon c. Jose d. Juan


Quest ce que les maladies que Juan a ? a. Mal la gorge et grippe b. Mal au ventre et mal aux dents c. Mal la tte et mal la gorge


Quest-ce que le docteur dit Juan ?

a. Il faut que vous buviez les pastilles et se reposiez beaucoup, mais Il vaut mieux que vous reveniez si a ne va pas mieux b. Je suis mal la gorge c. Il faut que vous buviez les pastilles et buviez de la bire, mais Il vaut mieux que vous reveniez si a ne va pas mieux . d. Il faudrait que vous buviez les pastilles et se reposiez beaucoup, mais Il vaut mieux que vous reveniez si a ne va pas mieux

Le professeur et les tudiants corrigent les rponses Le professeur explique la grammaire

LE SUBJONCTIF PRESENT Le subjonctif exprime traditionnellement, un ordre, un doute, un conseil ou une supposition. Les terminaisons du subjonctif prsent sont les suivantes : Pronom Je Tu Il/elle/ on Nous Vous Ils/ elles Pour former le subjonctif prsent: Il faut partir, en principe, de la 3e personne de pluriel du prsent de lindicatif. On va retirer ent et on va ajouter les terminaisons du subjonctif prsent Les terminaisons du subjonctif prsent e es e ions iez ent


"Ils" au prsent : (finir) je tu il/elle/on nous vous ils/elles finisse finisses finisse

Ils finissent

finissions finissiez finissent

Le professeur travaille la conjugaison avec les tudiants Ils au present : (manger) mange Manges Mange Mangions Mangiez Mangent Ils mangent

je tu il/elle/on nous vous ils/elles

Au subjonctif, il est d'usage de mettre "que" devant du verbe conjugue en subjonctif prsent et est utilis aprs les verbes qui expriment ORDRE Il faut que CONSEIL Il va mieux que Par exemple : Il faut que vous finissiez votre travail Il va mieux que nous mangions des lgumes


Il y a quelque exception de verbes que nous devons mmoriser. Ce sont verbes irrguliers : AVOIR que je que tu qu'il /elle que nous que vous qu'ils/elles Aie Aies Ait ayons ayez aient TRE sois sois soit soyons soyez soient FAIRE fasse fasses fasse fassions fassiez fassent VOULOIR veuille veuilles veuille voulions vouliez veuillent ALLER Aille Ailles Aille allions alliez aillent POUVOIR puisse puisses puisse puissions puissiez puissent

3. Situation pour incorporer l'apprentissage la vie( 7 minutes) Le professeur demande aux tudiants dformer 4 groupes Alors, le professeur prsente une roulette avec 4 dessins et chaque dessin a trois phrases et elle demande chaque groupe de choisir un(e) reprsentant(e). ils deviennent complter les deux phrases incompltes avec la conjugaison correcte au subjonctif prsent

Jai mal la tte, Il vaut mieux que je. (Se reposer) Tu as de la fivre. Il faut que tu .. (Aller) chez le docteur

Vous avez mal au ventre Il faut que vous. (Manger) lgumes. Les chanteurs ont mal la gorge. Il vaut mieux qu ils . (Ne pas chanter) des

Nous avons mal au ventre Elle a attrap la grippe Il faut que nous . (Manger) peu. Il faut qu'elle ( se coucher) tt. Vous avez mal aux dents Il vaut mieux que vous (ne pas manger) des bonbons. Il est gros Il vaut mieux quil ... (Faire) du sport

Le professeur demande aux tudiants de venir au tableau et de complter les deux phrases avec la conjugaison correcte au subjonctif prsent.


4. La Situation pour valuer ( 10 minutes) Le professeur donne aux tudiants fiche dexercice.


Compltez les espaces en blanc avec le verbe conjugue au subjonctif prsent. 1. Il faut que vous .. (aller) chez le docteur. Parce que vous tes malade. 2. Il vaut mieux quil .. (tlphoner) sa mre. Elle va voyager Lima. 3. Il faut quelle (manger) lgumes parce quelle a mal au ventre. 4. Il faut que vous attrap la grippe. 5. Il faut que tu (tre) bien maintiennent que tu es seule. cris dans 5 phrases avec le subjonctif prsent. .. (ne pas se laver) vos chaussettes. Vous avez





Les Maladies

Production de textes

Il/ Elle crit ses propres phrases en utilisent le subjonctif prsent avec cohrence.

Fiche dexercice



____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________ Etudiant ______________________ Professeur



2.2.1. Realidad Educativa de la Institucin Educativa 0094- Shilcayo I. Datos Generales 1.1. Denominacin Oficial Colegio Estatal Integrado N 0094 Shilcayo 1.2. Reconocimientos legales Documento Legal de Creacin: 1.3. Ubicacin Geogrfica Direccin: Lugar: Distrito: Provincia y Regin: UGEL: Regin Educativa: Jr. Los Bosques 440 La Banda de Shilcayo La Banda de Shilcayo San Martn Tarapoto - San Martn San Martn Resolucin Directoral Zonal N ..

1.4. Niveles Educativos que atiende Inicial, Primaria y Secundaria 1.5. Personal Directivo Director: Subdirector: Lic. Eliborio Lpez Linares Prof. Theddy Saavedra Zumaeta

II. Resea Historica I.E. 0094- Shilcayo La Institucin Educativa N0094 SHIILCAYO tiene una maravillosa trayectoria de ms de medio siglo, al servicio de la educacin y la cultura del hoy progresista distrito de la Banda de Shilcayo, constituyndose por historia y derecho en el ALMA MATER de

distinguidos ciudadanos Bandinos. Orgenes En los aos 50 del siglo pasado la Banda era un centro poblado perteneciente al distrito de Tarapoto y en l funcionaba la Escuela Mixta N1932, la misma que por Resolucin Ministerial N3066 del 06 de abril de 1953 cambi de nomenclatura

denominndose a partir de ese entonces en ESCUELA ELEMENTAL DE MUJERES


conservando el N1932 y con el correr del tiempo tuvo diversas denominaciones hasta la actual de N0094 SHILCAYO y se ha convertido en un Smbolo Cultural de la Regin. Con la misma Resolucin la Escuela Mixta se desdobla para atender a los varones y se denomina Escuela Elemental de Varones N1927 la misma que dio origen a la hoy conocida Institucin Educativa CADELA. Trayectoria Entre los aos 1953 y 1956 funcion en distintos locales alquilados y los primeros directores y docentes hicieron denodados esfuerzos para lograr su permanencia y crecimiento apoyados por los padres de familia. Se Logr construir el primer local propio en el Jr. Cabo Levea en el ao 1967 producto de la voluntad y decisin de directivos y docentes aprobados por la alcaldesa Aurea Paredes de Marina quien firm la donacin. Fortalecindose el trabajo con la intervencin de alumnos de la ESCUELA NORMAL VIRGEN DOLOROSA. El ao de 1977 la Escuela cambi de numero a 62094, tres aos despus vara el nmero 1010094 y el ao de 1983 al N0094. Nueva Era En el ao de 1983, se inicia la construccin del nuevo local (primer piso) donde hasta hoy funciona en el Jr. Los Bosques en terreno donado por el Municipio. El segundo piso se logra en los aos 1992 y 1993 gracias a la accin compartida y decidida de

autoridades y directivos. Los ambientes para el nivel inicial fueron construidos por padres y docentes a partir de ao de 1995. Los nuevos ambientes donde hoy funciona secundaria se lograron gracias al apoyo del Gobierno Regional a partir del ao 2006. En la actualidad se ha ampliado, las losas y veredas as como la ornamentacin con reas verdes en jardines y reas de juego as como un patio de banderas para las ceremonias cvico-patriticas. Integracin En los primeros aos previos a 1953, nuestra Institucin funcion como nica denominada Escuela Mixta N1932. A partir de 1953 se convierte en Escuela Elemental de Mujeres N1932. Con Resolucin Subregional N1495 a partir del 1 de marzo de 1995 se ampli el servicio al nivel inicial.


III. Misin: La Institucin Educativa N0094 Shilcayo, tiene por misin: Mejorar el servicio educativo para todos, con una formacin integral y humanstica desarrollando capacidades, habilidades y destrezas mediante talleres basados en valores, conciencia ecolgica, autoestima; que se concretan en experiencias productivas e innovadoras fundamentadas en el respeto a los recursos naturales y el avance de la ciencia y la tecnologa. Con docentes actualizados y voluntad de cambio e identificados con la institucin a fin de lograr estndares de calidad en la educacin y compromiso con la comunidad educativa inspirados en nuestro Lema Institucional Disciplina, Trabajo y Superacin, siendo una identidad que permita el cambio socio econmico local, regional y nacional. IV. Visin: La Institucin Educativa N0094 Shilcayo, al ao 2015 aspira: Ser una Institucin Educativa que brinda un servicio de calidad, desarrollando

capacidades, habilidades y destrezas para una educacin productiva, formando alumnos con slidos valores, constructores de su proyecto de vida, con elevada autoestima, sentido crtico y con espritu investigador e innovador y con una conciencia ecolgica. Disponer de personal docente, comprometido, competente, creativo, crtico, identificado con su institucin, localidad y regin. Padres de familia responsables, ubicados como un centro eje del progreso socio econmico de su comunidad. V. Lista de Docentes de la Institucin Educativa La I.E. 0094- Shilcayo cuenta con 32 docentes. Aqu la relacin de ellos: AGUILAR ARROYO Telmo Oswaldo ALEGRIA MORI Adith ALVARADO ACERO Walter A. ALVARADO SINTI, Maria Violeta CAHUAZA HUANSI Lily Estaulith CORAL VARGAS Oscar CRUZ CAMPOS Dinah DURAND MOLINA Vernica Celia ESPINOZA DAVILA, Miguel Angel



- Generar

actividades que permitan consolidar en los estudiantes actitudes y

hbitos de conducta, basados en su autodisciplina y superacin, para desarrollar capacidades de liderazgo. - Mejorar la calidad de aprendizaje en los estudiantes, utilizando estratgicas

cognitivas y meta cognitivas; a travs de las diferentes reas Curriculares. - Promover una cultura ambiental dentro del contexto educativo, para la conservacin de los recursos naturales existentes en su entorno.


VII. Plan De Estudios

NIVEL SECUNDARIA ERAS GRADOS 2 3 6 6 6 6 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 35 35


1 6 6 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 1 35

4 6 6 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 1 35

5 6 6 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 1 35

Total horas en secundaria: 1400 horas efectivas Docentes del rea de ingls: Mara Violeta Alvarado Sinti ----------------------- 24 h semanales


2.2.2. Aspecto Curricular

PROGRAMACIN ANUAL DEL REA DE INGLES 2013 I. DATOS GENERALES 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. II. INSTITUCIN EDUCATIVA DIRECTOR PROFESORA GRADOS HORAS SEMANALES TURNO HORARIO : : : : : : : 0094 Shilcayo Lic. Eliborio Lpez Linares Lic. Mara Violeta Alvarado Sinti 2, 4 y 5 2 horas Tarde 12:35 pm - 06:05 pm


La presente programacin anual del rea de Idioma Extranjero, constituye la organizacin sistemtica, estratgica y analtica de las tres unidades de aprendizaje que se desarrollarn en nuestra institucin educativa a lo largo de todo el ao con la finalidad de optimizar el logro de los objetivos planteados en nuestra misin y visin institucional. Por otro lado, con el propsito de lograr el xito de las competencias comunicativas en el Idioma Ingls, los conocimientos del rea estn minuciosamente seleccionados, tomando en consideracin las necesidades de los alumnos priorizados por la Institucin Educativa. Los componentes de comunicacin oral y comunicacin escrita, se trabajarn de manera articulada para la Expresin y Comprensin Oral, la Comprensin y la Produccin de Textos Escritos dentro de situaciones comunicativas reales, relacionadas con hechos de la vida diaria y temas generales de la sociedad. En tal sentido, el presente Plan de Trabajo, se ajusta a los temas transversales tomadas por la institucin educativa y que ser de gran ayuda para el trabajo pedaggico de los profesores del rea. Las horas pedaggicas asignadas al rea de Idioma Extranjero son de 2 horas semanales.



PROPSITOS DEL AREA El rea de Idioma extranjero plantea desarrollar en los estudiantes la competencia

comunicativa, para que puedan desenvolverse en diferentes situaciones y con fines diversos, sea en forma oral o escrita. El manejo de esta competencia implica el desarrollo de tres grandes competencias que sern abordadas a lo largo de los cinco grados: la Comprensin y Expresin oral, la Comprensin de textos y la Produccin de textos. Es decir, que se est considerando el desarrollo de las diferentes habilidades comunicativas (listening, speaking, reading, writing) donde los roles de emisor y receptor sean igualmente activos e intercambiables; adems de brindarles estrategias metodolgicas que lo conduzcan al aprendizaje autnomo. Como

parte de la comunicacin, se tiene en cuenta los rasgos distintivos de aproximacin cultural del pas en relacin con el idioma Ingls. IV. CALENDARIZACIN DEL AO ESCOLAR Nuestra institucin educativa ha considerado la siguiente calendarizacin del ao escolar: PRIMER TRIMESTRE: VACACIONES: SEGUNDO TRIMESTRE: VACACIONES: TERCER TRIMESTRE: V. Del Del Del Del Del 04 / 03 / 2013 al 03 / 06 / 2013 al 10 / 06 / 2013 al 09 / 09 / 2013 al 16 / 09 / 2013 al 31 / 05 / 2013 07 / 06 / 2013 06 / 09 / 2013 13 / 09 / 2013 18 / 12 / 2013

ORGANIZACIN DE LOS VALORES Y ACTITUDES I TRIMESTRE a). Tema transversal: CONVIVENCIA FAMILIAR Y FORTALECIMIENTO DE LA AUTODISCIPLINA ESCOLAR. JUSTIFICACIN VALORES ACTITUDES Valora nuestras manifestaciones culturales de la regin y del pas. Participa puntual y activamente en las diferentes actividades programadas dentro y fuera de la institucin. Reconoce, valora la interculturalidad y los dialectos dentro de la regin. Muestra iniciativa en las actividades de aprendizaje desarrolladas en el aula. Cuida y mantiene limpio los ambientes institucionales.

La identidad e interculturalidad adems de ser una meta por alcanzar Amor debe ser entendida como Solidaridad un proceso permanente de relacin, comunicacin y aprendizaje entre personas, grupos, conocimientos valores y tradiciones distintas orientada a generar


contribuir y propiciar un respeto mutuo y a un desarrollo pleno de las capacidades de los individuaos por encima de sus diferencias culturales y sociales.

Cuida las reas verdes dentro y fuera de la institucin. Acepta sus cualidades y limitaciones de sus compaeros Valora su lugar de origen.

II TRIMESTRE b). Tema transversal: EDUCACIN CON IDENTIDAD E INTERCULTURALIDAD JUSTIFICACIN VALORES ACTITUDES Cumple con las tareas asignadas de forma individual o grupal. Participa de manera activa en clase. Participa en actividades propias del rea, as como de la institucin. Cuida los materiales, instrumentos y espacios de trabajo. Cuida a los seres vivos en su entorno. Manifiesta buena disposicin para hacer las tareas investigativas. Cumple oportunamente con la presentacin de sus tareas. Es ordenado en la presentacin de sus tareas. Acata los acuerdos tomados por el grupo de trabajo. Cumple con las normas de convivencia de la I.E. Muestra hbitos de higiene en su presentacin personal. Participa en forma permanente en las actividades del aula.

El problema del bajo rendimiento acadmico y la poca prctica del valor de la responsabilidad es para todos en la sociedad. Para ello, los Responsabilid estudiantes tienen que ad entender que la educacin actual exige que el estudiante sea un consultor e investigador de los diversos temas tratados en el aula, independientemente del rea, un uso innovador de la tecnologa (computadoras, Internet, red) para complementar su / su aprendizaje y convertido tambin en un factor de conocimiento en el apoyo a sus profesores o sus. El joven de hoy debe reconocer que el camino para su verdadera libertad es a travs de la educacin, que educarse no es una obligacin, es una oportunidad para triunfar, que el reto ms extraordinario para combatir la ignorancia es el conocimiento y que el conocimiento los har libres. PARA UN MEJOR APRENDIZAJE


III TRIMESTRE c). Tema transversal: EDUCACIN AMBIENTAL Y ECOTURISMO JUSTIFICACIN Frente a un gran problema que afronta el mundo por el cambio climtico es necesario cambiar formas de vida y optar por hbitos que ayuden a preservar nuestro ecosistema VALORES Respeto. . VI. ACTITUDES Cuida las reas verdes de la institucin educativa. Mantiene el aula limpia. Adopta una planta y lo cuida. Hace uso adecuado de los servicios bsicos (agua y luz). Mantiene limpio los servicios higinicos. Cuida su alimentacin. Cumple con sus tareas encomendadas. Utiliza adecuadamente los tachos y papeleras. Participa con responsabilidad en las horas de clase. Presenta sus trabajos oportunamente. Cumple con las normas de seguridad e higiene. Es perseverante para lograr sus metas.


Convivencia familiar y fortalecimiento de la autodisciplina

La familia es la primera institucin educativa, su dinmica media el aprendizaje y desarrollo de sus miembros. La convivencia y su autodisciplina influir en la educacin de sus miembros en el aspecto socioeconmico, cultural y de valores. En tal sentido, el rea de ingls, platea temas en las que la familia debe preparar a sus miembros, desde su nacimiento, para que puedan participar y aprender activamente en comunidad. Dicha preparacin demanda una gran variedad de recursos por parte de la familia; stos son econmicos, disponibilidad de tiempo, valores, consumos culturales, capacidad de dar afecto, estabilidad, entre otros. Adems, se pretende abordar otras necesidades bsicas insatisfechas tanto en educacin, salud, vivienda, empleo y brotes de inseguridad y pandillas. Existe una mayor conciencia y sensibilizacin hacia la pluralidad cultural, nos encontramos frente al fenmeno de la


globalizacin y tenemos desigualdades, entre otros






Educacin con identidad e interculturalidad para un mejor aprendizaje

Hablar de interculturalidad es, sacar a la luz muchos de los conflictos que existen en nuestras sociedades, es aceptar que hay diferentes culturas y que no todas tienen el mismo reconocimiento y poder, este reconocimiento de la diversidad obliga a cuestionar las desigualdades y todo tipo de consecuencias que ellas traen (pobreza, discriminacin, racismo, xenofobia, etc.). Encontramos aqu otra poderosa razn para la interculturalidad, contribuir a cuestionar las situaciones estructurales y las condiciones que permiten que haya dominacin de unas culturas sobre otras, de determinados colectivos humanos sobre otros, etiquetados como diferentes e inferiores. La interculturalidad supone la bsqueda de relaciones positivas entre personas de diferentes culturas, ello supone el encuentro de un YO (nosotros) con un OTRO (los otros), para que este encuentro se lleve a cabo en el marco de relaciones positivas se ha tenido que trabajar en lo que Xavier Albo llama los dos polos necesarios la identidad (desde el yo) y el reconocimiento del otro (alteridad).

Educacin Ambiental y Ecoturismo.

La formacin y fortalecimiento de, actitudes y comportamientos basados en valores que induzcan a la prctica de la conservacin y proteccin del ecosistema y por ende del medio ambiente; ser priorizado en nuestras actividades. Del mismo modo, aquellas situaciones comunicativas relacionadas a la prctica de estilos de vida saludable, prevencin contra uso de psicoactivos, prevencin de enfermedades, hbitos de higiene, etc. Utilizando para ello el idioma Ingls.






TIPO DE UNIDAD DIDCTICA Unidad de aprendizaje Unidad de aprendizaje



Meeting each other.


2 The planet in 3 our hands


Unidad de aprendizaje

28 80

Total horas pedaggicas (2 h x 40s.)




TIPO DE UNIDAD DIDCTICA Unidad de aprendizaje Unidad de aprendizaje Unidad de aprendizaje



Having a good life!



A new world.

28 80

Total horas pedaggicas (2 h x 40s.)





TIPO DE UNIDAD DIDCTICA Unidad de aprendizaje



Important Past Events


Unidad de aprendizaje Unidad de aprendizaje


The Nature

28 80

Total horas pedaggicas (2 h x 40s.)


ESTRATEGIAS METODOLGICAS DEL REA Se ha considerado sumamente importante trabajar con lo siguiente:

Exploracin de saberes previos

Organizacin de equipos

Construccin de conocimientos

Transferencia de los aprendizajes (estrategias)

- Lluvia de ideas. - Metaplan - Preguntas inducidas. - Debates. - Muestra de objetos reales. - Memorizando algunos objetos - Lectura dirigida. - Juegos de simulacin. - Dramatizacin.

- Rompecabeza s - Juego de roles - Multigrupos - Dinmicas diversas - Inventario - Agrupando por colores, nmeros, letras, objetos, fechas de cumpleaos, edades, tallas, gustos, etc.

- Actividades previas a la lectura - Actividades durante la lectura - Actividades despus de la lectura - Scanning - Skimming - Anticipaciones - Predicciones - Ejercicios de lectura compresiva - Ejercicios de

- Elaboracin de folletos - Elaboracin de trpticos - Elaboracin de calendarios - Elaboracin de textos instructivos - Elaboracin de paneles sensibilizadores - Elaboracin de textos sencillos - Elaboracin de organizadores visuales.


audicin - Uso diccionario


Exposicin oral. Entrevistas. Dilogo reflexivo. Resumen

MEDIOS Y MATERIALES Texto de grado: MINEDU Papelogrfos Cinta masking tape Plumones N 47 Internet, TV /DVD / RADIO / Proyector Multimedia Cartulina Tizas de colores Separatas Fichas de lectura Pictures Real objects Plumn para pizarra acrlica Diccionario Ingls/Espaol Espaol / Ingls


ORIENTACIONES PARA LA EVALUACIN Se centrar en la evaluacin de las tres capacidades del rea: Comprensin y

Expresin Oral, Comprensin de textos y Produccin de textos. Los alumnos de los cinco grados, deben demostrar la dedicacin, creatividad, inters y capacidad para el uso del idioma ingls, desarrollando las cuatro habilidades humanas: listening, speaking, reading y writing durante el desarrollo de las unidades de aprendizaje; dentro las cuales, se pondr especial nfasis en la evaluacin procesal para recolectar sistemticamente datos de cada estudiante, para analizarlos y tomar decisiones oportunas con el fin de ayudarlos a mejorar su rendimiento acadmico. Los alumnos rendirn cuatro tipos de pruebas por trimestre, repartidas de la siguiente manera segn habilidades y capacidades: 1) Listening: 2) Speaking: 3) Reading: 02 pruebas 02 pruebas 02 pruebas (Expresin y Comprensin Oral) (Expresin y Comprensin Oral) (Comprensin de Textos) = = = 12,25% 12,25% 25%


4) Writing:

02 pruebas

(Produccin de Textos)


Adems de ello, realizarn trabajos asignados de investigacin o de creacin. Las intervenciones orales y actitudes, sern calificadas durante el desarrollo de las actividades en la capacidad de Actitud Ante el rea. El nfasis en la comunicacin oral ser asignado en un 50% y un 50% las asignaciones escritas. Para ello, el alumno deber demostrar un gran espritu de inters, voluntad y dedicacin a la prctica del idioma. La hetero- evaluacin, se ejecutar mediante las siguientes tcnicas e instrumentos, tal como especifica el cuadro:


PROCEDIMIENTOS TCNICAS Observacin espontnea INSTRUMENTOS Anecdotario Ficha de observacin Anecdotario Matriz de valoracin Organizadores grficos Matriz de valoracin Asignaciones Portafolio Organizadores grficos Matriz de valoracin Pruebas escritas De desarrollo Objetivas


Exposicin voluntaria o autnoma Dilogo Debate Preguntas de exploracin Ejercicios prcticos


FORMALES Observacin sistemtica Exposicin Argumentacin Examen oral

Lista de cotejo Registro anecdtico Ficha de observacin Matriz de valoracin Ficha de observacin Matriz de valoracin Autoevaluacin Coevaluacin Ficha de autoevaluacin Ficha de coevaluacin



REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGRFICAS Ministerio de Educacin : English Secondary 1, 2, 3, 4 y 5 grado de secundaria Hopkins, Andy Ediciones Corefo Nunan, David Murphy, Raymond Suarez de Mayandina Quispe, Marcela : Look ahead 1 :Corefo 1, 3 y 4 grado de secundaria :Go for it 1 :Basic Grammar in use : My English book 3 : English 1 Universidad Alas Peruanas

Ministerio de Educacin: Ingles 3 4 Bachillerato Peruano. H.Q. Mitchell J. Scott: Begginers Channel your English.



GENERAL DATES 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. Area Grade and sections Time Teacher Principal : ; : : : FOREIGN LANGUAGE- ENGLISH 2nd A, B, C, D, E 24 hours Lic. Mara Violeta Alvarado Sinti Lic. Eliborio Lpez Linares.


JUSTIFICATION At the beginning of this year, students of our Educative Institution are going to have

the opportunity to learn and practice social abilities, values and share their past events happened some years ago. Its because they have the necessity to improve their behaviour, as child and as student. They must get contents that permits them to practise the English relating their live with real communicative situations. IV. CROSS-CURRICULAR TOPICS V. Family life and strengthening of self-discipline







ATTITUDES Value our cultural events in the region and



and Love Solidarity

country. Participate actively in the timely and planned various activities inside and outside the institution. Recognizes, values multiculturalism and dialects within the region. Shows Care initiative in learning activities

multiculturalism as well as being a goal to reach is to be understood as an ongoing process of relationship,

communication and learning among individuals, groups, skills-oriented traditions values and to

developed in the classroom for and kept clean institutional


generate and foster mutual respect and full development of the capacities of

settings. Take care of green areas within and outside the institution. Accept his/ her strengths and weaknesses of their peers Value his/her place of origin.

individuals over their cultural and social differences.




COMPETENCES KNOWLEDGES Topic 1: Social Abilities Vocabulary AND CAPABILITIES Oral Expression and Comprehension Identifies the purpose to greet everybody. and Comprehension of Texts ESTRATEGIES Greeting to someone. Singing the song: Good morning Choral repetition of expressions. Writing rules of coexistence. Role play of commands, Greetings. ATTITUDES Practices social rules of coexistence. Attends correctly in uniform. Mutual respect among student, teacher and parents. Respect the ideas accepted for everybody.



Commands instructions. Rules of Predicts the content and kind coexistence. of a text to read, putting in Indicators of social consideration its function and relations: Greetings, elements. farewells. Production of Texts Grammar Organizes the information Commands (come respecting the logic order of the in, sit down, etc). ideas and the function to communicate. Oral Expression and Comprehension

Topic 2: Introducing oneself .

Uses no verbal recourses and polite expressions to introduce him/herself.

Game: Who you? Completing information Making interview.


Communicates with respect and in assertive way with his/her classmates an and teachers.



Vocabulary Personal pronouns Subject pronouns. Alphabet Application letter Grammar

Plans his or her participation to communicate with somebody. Comprehension of Texts

Identify the general information to ask and give relevant personal information. Analyses the structure of a dialog. Verb to be: am, is, Production of Texts are. Question words: what, where, how, Organizes the information to write a letter introducing herself who / himself. Organizes the information, as a result of comprehension to design a class directory. Topic 3: Oral Expression and Comprehension Our parents occupations. Describes somebodys parents Vocabulary occupations using correct expressions with intonation and Jobs pronunciation. Work Infers the information from an Numbers 0-2000 e-mail using specific words. Hobbies Comprehension of Texts Grammar Identifies the main and Possessive secondary ideas of a reading adjectives about professions and Questions: What do occupations. they do?, what does Interprets the content of text, he do? taking in consideration the

Listen to a Mutual respect among conversation. student, teacher and parents. Ask and Answer Respect the ideas questions. accepted for Observing pictures. everybody. Guessing and spelling words. Mimes and gestures. Questions and answers. Completing a chart. Matching. Filling in the blanks. Observation of pictures. Reading and writing an e-mail. Rain of ideas. Asking and answering questions. Filling in the blanks. Listening activity. Listen to a conversation. Writing questions. Matching words. Respects and accepts children with special necessities. Recognizes, values the intercultural and dialects into the region. Respects and values ideas, believes, languages and different cultures to the own. Values his/her born place. Take cares the possessions and materials of the 02 X


application of strategies. Production of Texts


Educative Institution.

Organizes ways to present an e-mail to a friend. Topic 4: Project 1: Occupations Professions Oral Expression and & Comprehension Shows initiative in Work in groups learning activities Search information developed in the in internet. classroom a Values the learning Uses verbal and non verbal Writing description. developed in the area recourses to exchange as his/her formative information about professions Individual work process. Listen to and occupations. Effects his/her given instructions. Production of Texts homework. Self evaluation. Presents his/her Organizes the ideas to do a list homework of different jobs in their opportunely. community. Comprehension of Texts 02 X

Values the learning Silence reading developed in the area Evaluates the content of the Writing test as his/her formative Checking our test putting his/her creative and process. Individual work improvement. knowledge. Filling in the Shows honesty and Vocabulary Production of Texts responsibility. blanks. Words learnt in the Analyzes the text to produce, unit. taking in consideration his/her Grammar different styles of learning. Topic 5: Question words



Possessive adjectives Subject Pronouns Topic 6: A good experience. Vocabulary Landscapes: beach, campsite, lake, island, canoeing, etc. Birthday Adjectives: delicious, tasty, etc Grammar

Pre, during and after reading an e Respects and values mail. ideas, believes, Writing sentences Oral Expression and languages and in past different cultures to Comprehension Completing the own. information in an e Infers information of the text to Effects his/her given mail. talk about important events in Describing homework. past the past. Presents his/her events. Comprehension of Texts homework Asking and opportunely. answering Identifies and selects relevant questions in past. information of an e-mail. Listen to a Evaluates the content of some conversation. pictures from an e-mail. Reading a diary. Production of Texts


Identifies the intention of a text to write his / her diary about Past simple: to be last weekend. (affirmative, interrogative and negative form) Recognizes, values Work in pairs. the intercultural and Oral Expression and Reading some the dialects into the Comprehension articles. region. Completing Shows initiative in the Uses no verbal recourses and information. learning activities pertinent expressions to Writing sentences. developed in the express own past abilities. Listen to a classroom. Infers the information of texts conversation. Takes care and keeps about achievements. Work in groups clean the institutional Comprehension of Texts Comparing environment. 02 X

Topic 7: Past Abilities Vocabulary Sports Sport words Achievements Grammar


timelines. Use of the modal Predicts and discriminates the Accepts Underline relevant can /could: information of the text. qualities Production of Texts affirmative, information. limitations. interrogative and Writing a summary. negative form. Elaborates a summary about a record breaker from a fact file. Topic 8: Project 2: My favorite personage Production of Texts

his/her and

Values our national and regional culture Listen to teachers manifestations. instructions. Searches and organizes the Work in groups. Recognizes, values information to write an article Search information the intercultural and for a magazine about his / her the dialects into the in web pages. favourite personage. region. Compare Accepts his/her information. qualities and limitations. Values his/her learning. Shows respect and honesty.


Selecting the right Value our cultural option. events in the region Listening quiz and country. Checking our Evaluates the content of the Classifying words Recognizes, values test putting his/her creative and improvement! Writing sentences multiculturalism and knowledge. with Could. dialects within the Production of Texts Vocabulary: region. Shows initiative in Words learnt in the Analyzes the text to produce, learning activities taking in consideration his/her Unit. developed in the Grammar: different styles of learning. classroom. Topic 09: Comprehension of Texts



Past simple: verb to be. Modal Could.

Topic 10: Amazing past events Vocabulary: Regular verbs Qualify adjectives Grammar:

Oral Expression and Comprehension Describes his /her past activities with creative and emotion. Comprehension of Texts

Organizes the information of an e-mail with coherence and Past simple: regular adequation. verbs. Production of Texts Auxiliary verb: Did Elaborates an e-mail telling past activities.

Observation of Accept his/ her pictures. strengths and weaknesses of their Imagining a story. peers Read an e-mail. Value his/her place of Reading origin. comprehension Value our cultural task. events in the region Completing and country. information. Answering questions. Making predictions. Listening to a dialog. Matching words. Writing a letter.


Topic 11: Biography Vocabulary: Verbs in Regular Adjectives

Reading: biographies Answering reading Predicts the meaning of the questions. texts in past using strategies to Completing understand. information past: Comprehension of Texts Listening to a reading. Discriminates the main

Oral Expression and Comprehension



information in the texts about True or biography. activities. Past simple: Regular Production of Texts Discussing verbs. questions. Phonetic: Writes his / her biography with creative and innovation. Pronunciation and spelling: past simple of regular verbs. Grammar:

false Shows initiative in learning activities developed in the classroom Care for and kept clean institutional settings.

Topic 12: Project 3: Hall of fame

Group work Search information. Explains his / her ideas related Select information to a historical characters and pictures. biography. Organization of Comprehension of Texts information. Speech of the Discriminates the main work. information in the texts. Production of Texts Oral Expression and Comprehension Describes historical facts of somebodys biography.

Accept his/ her strengths and weaknesses of their peers


Topic 13: Checking improvement! Vocabulary: our

Comprehension of Texts

Matching sentences. Writing Identifies the relevant sentences. information to answer Completing questions of a test. information. Select the main information to Reading complete some texts. comprehension



Words learnt in the Production of Texts Unit. Uses grammatical rules to write Grammar: a small paragraph about his / her anecdote. Past simple: regular verbs Auxiliary verb: Did







GENERAL DATES 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. Area Grade and sections Time Teacher Principal : : : : : ENGLISH 4th A, B, C, D 24 hours Lic. Mara Violeta Alvarado Sinti Lic. Eliborio Lpez Linares.


JUSTIFICATION The modern Peruvian society faces many educative challenges both nationally and regionally. The opportunity that young people, to express his thoughts, feelings and ideas into a highly technical

people, such as the foreign, it becomes our time in a growing need. Abroad there are many job oportunities and even more opportunities to interact, in a respectful and appropriate, to English speakers. For this reason, this learning unit aims, through its contents, guiding students to awareness and interest in learning English as a means for personal, social and professional advancement, based in the practice of values and self esteem.


CROSS-CURRICULAR TOPICS Family life and strengthening of school self-discipline. Education with identity and inter cultural to improve knowledge. Environmental Education and Ecotourism.






a). Cross-Curricular Topic: Family life and strengthening of self-discipline. JUSTIFICATION

The identity and multiculturalism as well as being a goal to reach is to be understood as an ongoing


Value our cultural events in the region and country. Participate actively in the timely and planned various activities inside and outside the institution. Recognizes, values multiculturalism and dialects within the region. Shows initiative in learning activities developed in the classroom Care for and kept clean institutional settings. Take care of green areas within and outside the institution. Accept his/ her strengths and weaknesses of their peers Value his/her place of origin.

Love Solidarity



relationship, and learning


among individuals, groups, skillsoriented values and traditions contribute to generate and foster mutual respect and full development of the capacities of individuals over their cultural and social differences.







Topic 1: Social Expressions Vocabulary

Oral Expression and Comprehension

Understands and uses appropriate words that allow it to Greetings and interact correctly with his/her farewells. classmates. Commands and Tells and fallows simple Instructions. instructions into the classroom, Polite Expressions. with adequacy in the Rules of coexistence. pronunciation. Comprehension of Texts Magic Words. Grammar Predicts the general idea of some social expressions through Formal and Informal a conversation. greetings. Production of Texts Imperatives. Plans his/her own rules of coexistence using indicators of social relations. Topic 2: Health problems.

Choral repetition Shows initiative in of the social learning activities expressions. developed in the classroom. Memorizing words. Accept his/ her strengths and weaknesses, and Dynamic: his/her classmates. Guessing commands Practices social rules of coexistence. Rain of ideas Song: Good morning


Looking pictures. Matching pictures. Reading a msn.

Care for and kept clean institutional settings. at Take care of green areas within and outside the institution.



Touching parts of body. Illnesses Answering Symptoms questions. Describes common health Parts of body problems in his / her Completing Grammar neighborhood. information. Uses verbal and non verbal Modal verbs: can/could, recourses to ask and give will/would, shall/should, advices. must/have to Comprehension of Texts Plural nouns. Predicts the content and kind of a text to read, putting in consideration its function and elements. Production of Texts Vocabulary Oral Expression and Comprehension Organizes the information respecting the logic order of the ideas to give some advices.

Topic 3: Extreme problems. Vocabulary Epidemic disease Medical facilities Grammar Teen

Oral Expression and Comprehension Talks with his / her classmates about common illnesses in the region. Comprehension of Texts

Identify main ideas and supporting details in a written text. Connectors of cause Analyses the structure of a letter. and effect: because, as, since, as a result,

with Observation of Communicates respect and in assertive pictures. way with his/her Reading and classmates and writing an e-mail. teachers. Rain of ideas. Mutual respect among Asking and student, teacher and answering parents. questions. Respect the ideas Filling in the accepted for everybody. blanks. Reading some letters. Reading comprehension



so, thats why.

Production of Texts

tasks. Completing Organizes ways to present a information. letter for a doctors office. Writing a letter Putting in order: words and pictures. Listen to a conversation. Writing a letter Respects and accepts Work in groups children with special Search necessities. information in Recognizes, values the Home Infers and describes the illness internet. intercultural and dialects that usually affects children in Writing a into the region. his / her community. description. Respects and values Production of Texts Individual work ideas, believes, languages and different Makes a leaflet describing the Speech in class. cultures to the own. symptoms of some illnesses and Self evaluation. Values his/her born the ways to prevent them. place. Oral Expression and Comprehension Comprehension of Texts

Topic 4: Project 1: Remedies


Topic 5: Checking improvement. Vocabulary our

Silence reading Values the learning Evaluates the content of the test Writing test developed in the area as putting his/her creative and Individual work his/her formative Filling in the knowledge. process. blanks. Production of Texts Effects his/her given Words learnt in the unit. homework. Grammar Uses grammatical and Presents his/her orthographic rules to write some homework opportunely. Modals: can, could, will, advices for losing weight. Shows honesty and would, shall, should, responsibility. must, have to. Plural nouns.



Connectors of cause and effect: because, as, since, as a result, so, thats why. Observation of pictures. Compare clothes Fashion Clothes Infers information of some Compare prices Vocabulary advertisements of stores. Make a collage of Catalogues: items Talks with somebody about items clothing. clothing clothes and prices with Work in pairs coherence and cohesion. Descriptive adjectives Ask and answer Comprehension of Texts Prices questions. Grammar Completing Predicts the sense of information advertisements before to buy Descriptive adjectives something. Comparative adjectives Identifies and selects relevant Superlative adjectives information of items clothes catalogues. Production of Texts Topic 6: Oral Expression and Comprehension Organizes the information to make a store advertisement. Topic 7: Preferences Vocabulary Clothes Useful words in a store Grammar Punctuation Marks: Oral Expression and Comprehension Respects and values ideas, believes, languages and different cultures to the own. Effects his/her given homework. Presents his/her homework opportunely. Value our cultural events in the region and country. 02 X

Eliciting pictures. Analyzing pictures. Says and explains his / her Comparing preferences about clothes. clothes. Analyses some advertisements Completing and select information compare information. prices. Listening quiz.

Recognizes, values the intercultural and the dialects into the region. Shows initiative in the learning activities developed in the classroom. Takes care and keeps clean the institutional



parentheses, apostrophe.

environment. Asking and answering Accepts his/her qualities Predicts and evaluates the main questions. and limitations. information of the text. Writing Production of Texts sentences. Reading a text. Evaluates the written text to make a dialog comparing clothes, taking in consideration the adhequation, cohesion and coherence. Comprehension of Texts Production of Texts Values our national and regional culture manifestations. Recognizes, values the intercultural and the dialects into the region. Values his/her learning. Shows respect and honesty.

Listen to teachers Topic 8: Searches and organizes the instructions. information to write an article for Work in groups. Project 2: The little store a magazine about a corner store Search around the corner. in his / her neighbourhood. information in his Comprehension of Texts / her neighborhood. Evaluates the content of the test Create a Power putting his/her creative and Point. knowledge. Selecting the right option. Listening quiz Classifying words Writing sentences with Could. Production of Texts Topic 09: Checking improvement! Vocabulary: Words Unit. learnt


Value our cultural events Observation of in the region and Analyzes the text to produce, our pictures country. taking in consideration his/her different styles of learning and Work in groups Recognizes, values Listening to a multiculturalism and creative. conversation. dialects within the region. Interview to Shows initiative in in the somebody learning activities Changing developed in the



Grammar: Descriptive adjectives Comparative adjectives Superlative adjectives Punctuation marks: parenthesis and apostrophe. Oral Expression and Comprehension and Express his / her opinion about movies and entertainment activities. Comprehension of Texts Discriminates important information from headlines about weekend activities. Production of Texts Researches about weekend activities and organizes ways to present it. Oral Expression and Comprehension Analyses some newspapers and gives his / opinion about the main headlines of them. Comprehension of Texts Indentifies the main and secondary sequence ideas of news stories.

sentences Completing information Reading about movies. Writing a review.


Topic 10: Leisure Entertainment Vocabulary: Free activities Places to visit Grammar: Past Tense: Review. Topic 11: Illegal facts Vocabulary: Events in the past. Grammar: Past continuous: was / were + -ing

Observation of pictures. Imagining a story Reading: newspaper headlines Answering questions Changing sentences Work in pairs. True or false Completing information Writing an article. Group work Creation of sentences. Drawing pictures. Reading of the story.

Accept his/ her strengths and weaknesses of their peers Value his/her place of origin. Value our cultural events in the region and country.


Shows initiative in learning activities developed in the classroom Care for and kept clean institutional settings.



Production of Texts Writes a relevant headline for some local news stories in his / her community. Topic 12: Project 3: Anecdotes Oral Expression and Group Comprehension Completing information. Reading comprehension task. Plans his / her participation to True or false continue a story. Changing Production of Texts information Describes past events to create Answering a story. questions. Comprehension of Texts Accept his/ her strengths and weaknesses of their peers. Shows responsibility and honesty.


Topic 13: Checking improvement! Vocabulary: Words learnt Unit. Grammar: in our

Identifies the relevant information to answer questions of a test. Select the main information to the understand a text. Production of Texts Uses grammatical rules answer questions in past. to


Past simple: affirmative, negative and interrogative forms. Past continuous: affirmative, negative and interrogative forms.






GENERAL DATES 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. Area Grade and sections Time Teacher Principal : : : : : ENGLISH 5th A, B, C 24 hours Lic. Mara Violeta Alvarado Sinti Lic. Eliborio Lpez Linares.


JUSTIFICATION Last year, the students of our Educative Institution, showed bad behaviour related to

discipline. Many of them had less self-esteem, less authority and control by their parents, family violence; dont practice values, like the responsibility, honesty, respect, and love. For this reason, we took in consideration these problems and, we selected contents that permit them adopt different attitudes and actions to improve their behaviour, through themselves and others. Theyre going to learn how to relate with their classmates expressing real past experiences. IV. CROSS-CURRICULAR TOPICS V. Family life and strengthening of self-discipline Values education for healthy lifestyle. Environmental Education and Ecotourism.




VALUES AND ATTITUDES a). Cross-Curricular Topic: Family life and strengthening of self-discipline. JUSTIFICATION VALUE and Love Solidarity ATTITUDES Value our cultural events in the region and country. Participate actively in the timely and planned various activities inside and outside the institution. Recognizes, values multiculturalism and dialects within the region. Shows initiative in learning activities



multiculturalism as well as being a goal to reach is to be understood as an of ongoing process

relationship, communication and learning among

individuals, groups, skillsoriented traditions values contribute and to

developed in the classroom Care for and kept clean institutional settings. Take care of green areas within and outside the institution. Accept his/ her strengths and weaknesses of their peers Value his/her place of origin.

generate and foster mutual respect development capacities over their of and of full the

individuals and


social differences.



ORGANIZATION OF THE LEARNINGS FIRST TRIMESTER (04th MARCH 31st MAY) COMPETENCES KNOWLEDGES AND CAPABILITIES Oral Expression and Comprehension Differences the use of formal and informal expressions to greet to somebody. Plans his / her participation to say the rules of coexistence into the classroom. Comprehension of Texts Infers the communicative purpose and ideas of rules of coexistence. Production of Texts Plans the text to produce selecting information of social expressions. Value our cultural events Eliciting pictures in the region and country. Discussing about Care for and kept clean organizations. institutional settings. Reading a dialog. Identifies and describes own Participate actively in the Describing pictures. events and his / her classmates. timely and planned various to a Discuss about organizations that Listening activities inside and conversation. helps people. Oral Expression and Comprehension ESTRATEGIES ATTITUDES TIMETABLE HOURS MARCH APRIL MAY 02 X

Topic 1: Social Expressions Vocabulary Greetings and farewells. Expressions of courtesy. Rules of coexistence. Magic Words. Grammar Imperatives.

Guessing actions. Shows initiative in learning activities developed in the Reading phrases. classroom. Choral and individual repetition. Accept his/ her strengths and weaknesses, and Listening. his/her classmates. Questions and Practices social rules of answers. coexistence. Rain of ideas.

Topic 2: A good experience (8-11,14) Vocabulary Verbs Charity activities



Grammar Simple present Simple past

Answer questions. Reading a text. Organizes the information in a Filling in the blanks. conversation about events with a good sequence. Production of Texts Comprehension of Texts Uses grammatical and orthographical rules to write about present and past events.

outside the institution.

Topic 3: Reading: Celebrities that support charities (12, 13, 16) Vocabulary Words related to the reading. Verbs Grammar Verbs in present and past.

Oral Expression and Comprehension Expresses opinions, agreements and disagreements about celebrities charities. Comprehension of Texts Predicts the content and kind of a text to read, putting in consideration its function and elements. Production of Texts Organizes the information respecting the logic order of the ideas to give some advices.

Skimming Scanning Reading of title of an article. Work with dictionary Answer questions. Listening to a conversation. Writing points of view.

Communicates with respect and in assertive way with his/her classmates and teachers. Mutual respect among student, teacher and parents. Respect the ideas accepted for everybody. Shows initiative in learning activities developed in the classroom



Topic 4: Project 1: Developing a special timeline.

Write all the events. Select the important events. Describes the most important Collect pictures of events in his / her life. them. Comprehension of Texts Write a paragraph for each picture. Identify main ideas and supporting Draw a timeline in a details in a written text. wall paper. Production of Texts Speech of the timeline. Organizes ways to present a timeline to the class. Oral Expression and Comprehension

Respects and accepts children with special necessities. Recognizes, values the intercultural and dialects into the region. Respects and values ideas, believes, languages and different cultures to the own. Values his/her born place.


Topic 5: Checking our improvement. Vocabulary Words learnt in the unit. Grammar Present verbs. Past verbs.

Silence reading Writing test Evaluates the content of the test Individual work putting his/her creative and Filling in the blanks. knowledge. Self evaluation. Comprehension of Texts

Values the learning developed in the area as his/her formative process. Effects his/her given homework. Presents his/her homework opportunely. Shows honesty and responsibility.



Topic 6: He sings beautifully. (26-28, 31) Vocabulary Kinds of music Musical instruments. Grammar Adverbs of manner.

Eliciting of famous singers. Oral Expression and Reading publicities Comprehension Listening to a reading. Describes how people do things. Identifying musical Expresses opinion about music. instruments. Comprehension of Texts Answering questions. Discriminates specific information True or false tasks. about music and how people do Writing sentences things. (using adverbs) Production of Texts Organizes the information to write about his / her favorite music and singer.

Respects and values ideas, believes, languages and different cultures to the own. Effects his/her given homework. Presents his/her homework opportunely. Value our cultural events in the region and country.


Topic 7: Telling Instructions (29, 30, 31, 33) Vocabulary Instructions Words used with hyphens. Grammar Phrasal verbs Punctuation mark: the use of hyphens.

Recognizes, values the Matching pictures intercultural and the Oral Expression and Completing dialects into the region. Comprehension information. Listening and Shows initiative in the learning activities Talks with his / her classmates reading a text. developed in the about their favorite music and Completing a chart classroom. singer. Putting in order Takes care and keeps Comprehension of Texts sentences. clean the institutional environment. Predicts and evaluates the main Accepts his/her qualities information of the text. Production of Texts and limitations. Organizes the information to ask and write instructions.



Topic 8: Project 2: Talking about music.

Oral Expression and Comprehension

Work in groups. Values our national and regional culture Search and select manifestations. information. Describes different kinds of music Presentation in Recognizes, values the intercultural and the and their instruments. power point or mural dialects into the region. to the class. Expresses preferences about Shows initiative in learning music. activities developed in the classroom


Topic 09: Checking our improvement! Vocabulary: Words learnt in the Unit. Grammar: Adverbs of manner. Phrasal verbs Punctuation mark: the use of hyphens. Topic 10: Childhood activities (41 - 45)

Comprehension of Texts

Read and write the correct phrase. Evaluates the content of the test Values his/her learning. putting his/her creative and True or false Shows respect and knowledge. Write instructions honesty. Write adverbs Complete information


Oral Expression and Comprehension

Differencing new and antique objects. Value our cultural events in the region and country. Imagining a story Recognizes, values Discussing Express his / her past habits with multiculturalism and differences between real feeling. dialects within the region. the past and the



Vocabulary: Antique objects Past habits Grammar: Used to ..

present. Tells his / her opinion about past family traditions. Analyzing pictures. Comprehension of Texts Writing sentences Recognizes and infers important information about past events from different texts. Evaluates the opinion told in the reading about changes in family Reading a text. lifestyles. Comparing pictures Production of Texts Matching pictures about Writes a dialog about the use of Discussing dreams antique objects in the past.

Accept his/ her strengths and weaknesses of their peers

Topic 11: Changes in family lifestyles (47- 49) Vocabulary: Electrical appliances Past habits Grammar: Used to

Get recycled material for Accept his/ her strengths and weaknesses of their scrapbook. peers Identifies the main ideas of a text Find pictures of Value his/her place of young birthday party about objects at present. origin. Infers the context of some Description of the Value our cultural events scrapbook. pictures. in the region and country. Write a short Comprehension of Texts description Oral Expression and Comprehension Predicts the meaning of the texts taking in consideration the main elements to understand. Production of Texts Search information about antique and new technology for housework.



Topic 12: Project 3: Making a birthday party scrapbook.

Oral Expression and Comprehension

Completing Shows initiative in learning information. activities developed in the Explains and compares birthday Read definitions classroom parties when she/he was a kid Writing of Care for and kept clean and now. sentences. institutional settings. Production of Texts Unscramble sentences Writes a text about likes and Label the pictures. dislikes about birthday parties.

X 02

Topic 13: Checking our improvement! Vocabulary: Words learnt in the Unit. Grammar: Used to

Comprehension of Texts Identifies the relevant information to answer questions of a test. Select the main information to understand the questions. Production of Texts Uses grammatical rules to answer questions related to past habits.

Accept his/ her strengths and weaknesses of their peers. Shows responsibility and honesty.







GENERAL DATES 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. Area Grade and sections Time Teacher Principal : : : : : FOREIGN LANGUAGE- ENGLISH 2nd A, B, C, D 24 hours Lic. Mara Violeta Alvarado Sinti Lic. Eliborio Lpez Linares.



In the present Unit, the students are going to talk, describe and make a difference about historical facts happened in San Martin, Peru and the world with future events. They must to know and explain the main facts done by important Peruvian heroes along our history. They have to look their own strategies to communicate their opinion and ideas about how to improve and develop, in the future, the identity and culture in our country. IV. CROSS-CURRICULAR TOPICS V. Education with identity and inter cultural to improve knowledge.

SCHOOL ACTIVITY Creative writing competition.




JUSTIFICATION The problem of the low and are

VALUE Complies

ATTITUDES with assigned tasks

academic little

performance value

individually or in groups. Participates actively in class. Participates in activities of the area and the institution. Takes care of materials, tools and workspaces. Takes care of living beings in his/her environment. Expresses willingness to do the


responsibility of everybody in the society. For that, students Responsability have current to understand education that requires

student to be a consultant and researcher topics of the in various the


classroom regardless of the area, an innovative use of technology Internet, supplement (computer, network) his/her to learning

research tasks. Complies with the timely presentation of their tasks. He/She is ordained in the presentation of his/her work. Participates with decisions taken by the working group. Complies with coexistence of the I.E. Shows hygiene habits in their personal appearance. Participates permanently in classroom activities.

and also become a contributor of knowledge in support for his/her teachers. The youth of today must

recognize that the path to true freedom is through education, to educate yourself is not an obligation, is an opportunity to succeed, extraordinary combat that challenge ignorance the to is

knowledge and knowledge of make you free.




CAPACITIES/ OUTCOMES Oral Expression and Comprehension Topic 10:




Describes with creative and good expression some past Amazing past events events using adequate pronunciation and intonation. Evaluates the voice control, the body and the Vocabulary: observation to understand to his classmate when explains his/her ideas related to a historical characters Regular verbs Qualify adjectives biography. Grammar: Discusses with his/her classmates about his/her future plans with good pronunciation and correct intonation, Past simple: regular verbs. showing respect for everyones ideas. Expresses his/her ideas and opinions about how to Auxiliary verb: Did protect the environment to have a good life in the future.

Dialogues about the past events or historic facts happened in Peru (E.O)


Topic 11: Comprehension of Texts Identifies the sequence of ideas of some relevant and historic texts about Peruvian heroes. Evaluates and analyses the information to ask and answer questions of some texts about events in past and future. Infers the meaning of the words by context. Biography Vocabulary: Verbs in past: Regular Adjectives

Reading a biography about Miguel Grau and analyses his relevant facts. (C.T)



Evaluates the content of the text.

Grammar: Past simple: Regular verbs. Phonetic: Pronunciation and spelling: past simple of regular verbs.

Production of Texts

Plans the production of a descriptive text about important past events in San Martin, Peru and the world Topic 12: taking in consideration the graphic elements. (album biogrfico de un personaje de la historia) Project 3: Hall of fame Designs an informative text about tourist places in San Vocabulary: Martin with innovative and creative. (poster turistico) Makes a descriptive text about a regional food of San Words related to the text. Martin following the graphic element to create a text. Grammar: Organizes the information to write a text with sequential and hierarchical way giving ideas what to do to help the Verbs in past tense. environment using the grammatical rules learnt. Evaluates the ideas to write about what authorities will do for his/her community in the future taking in consideration the strategies to produce a text.

Showing and explanation of his/her project about an important Peruvian hero. (P.T.) (E.O)


Topic 13: Checking our improvement! Vocabulary: Words learnt in the Unit. Grammar: Evaluation of the contents by capacities. (C.T)



Past simple: regular verbs Auxiliary verb: Did

Topic 14: Planning our vacation Vocabulary: Future events Trip objects Grammar: Going to

Role play about his/her dream vacation in Peru or around the world. (E.O)


Topic 15: A healthy planet Vocabulary: Future events Predictions Words for environment Grammar: Future: will / wont

Organization of information to create a visual aid about protection and conservation the environment. (P.T) (E.O)



Showing and explanation of his/her poster about tourist Project 4: Around the Paradise of places in San Martin. (P.T.) San Martin Topic 16: Vocabulary: Tourist Places Useful expressions for increase tourism. Grammar: Future: Going to


Topic 17: Checking our improvement! Vocabulary: Words learnt in the Unit. Grammar: Going to Do/does Vs Did

Evaluation of the contents by capacities. (C.T)



Topic 18: Food and Drink in San Martin Vocabulary: Food and drinks Main ingredients Fast food Regional food Grammar: Countable and uncountable nouns. Quantifiers: how much/how many? Expression words to order a food: may, would you like, can I have. Both(of, Neither (of) Polite requests.

Elaboration of a comparative chart about healthy food in San Martin. (C.T)


Topic 19: Project 5: A regional menu Vocabulary: Typical foods and drinks Useful expressions to increase popular dishes.

Writing and explain a leaflet about regional food in San Martin. (P.T) (E.O)



Grammar: Countable nouns Topic 20: Checking our improvement! Vocabulary: Words learnt in the Unit. Grammar: Countable and uncountable nouns Both(of, Neither (of) Polite requests. and uncountable

Evaluation of the contents by capacities. (C.T) 02


Value our cultural events in the region and country. Recognizes, values multiculturalism and dialects within the region. Shows initiative in learning activities developed in the classroom.






GENERAL DATES : ; : : : FOREIGN LANGUAGE- ENGLISH 4TH A, B, C 24 hours Lic. Mara Violeta Alvarado Sinti Lic. Eliborio Lpez Linares.

2.1. Area 2.2. Grade and sections 2.3. Time 2.4. Teacher 2.5. Principal



The modern Peruvian society faces many educative challenges both nationally and regionally. The opportunity that young people, to express his thoughts, feelings and ideas into a highly technical people, such as the foreign, it becomes our time in a growing need. Abroad there are many job oportunities and even more opportunities to interact, in a respectful and appropriate, to English speakers. For this reason, this learning unit aims, through its contents, guiding students to awareness and interest in learning English as a means for personal, social and professional advancement, based in the practice of values and self esteem. IV. CROSS-CURRICULAR TOPICS V. Education with identity and inter cultural to improve knowledge. SCHOOL ACTIVITY Creative writing competition.



The problem of the low performance practical academic and value little are


Complies with assigned tasks individually or in groups. Participates actively in class. Participates in activities of the area and the institution. Takes care of materials, tools and workspaces. Takes care of living beings in his/her environment. Expresses willingness to do the research tasks. Complies He/She with the timely

responsibility of everybody Responsability in the society. For that, students understand have that to current

education requires student to be a consultant and researcher of the various topics covered in the

classroom regardless of the area, an innovative use of technology Internet, to supplement

presentation of their tasks. is ordained in the

presentation of his/her work. Participates with decisions taken by the working group. Complies with coexistence of the I.E. Shows hygiene habits in their

(computer, network)

his/her learning and also become a contributor of knowledge in support for his/her teachers. The youth of today must recognize that the path to true freedom is through education, to

personal appearance. Participates permanently in classroom activities.

educate yourself is not an obligation, opportunity that the to is an


extraordinary to combat


ignorance is knowledge and knowledge of make you free.




CAPACITIES/ OUTCOMES Oral Expression and Comprehension Topic 10:




Talks with his/her classmates about environment and Leisure and Entertainment ecotourism in Peru and San Martin. Analyses specific situations of environmental activities Vocabulary: in San Martin, relating cause and consequence with Free activities good intonation and pronunciation. Evaluates the control of the voice to tell his/her Places to visit opinions, ideas or feelings about social and Grammar: environmental problems in San Martin. Past simple: Review Topic 11 :

Talking about his/ her past weekend activities (E.O)


Comprehension of Texts Illegal facts Vocabulary: Identifies the main and secondary ideas related to healthy and environmental situations in San Martin, Events in the past developing argue strategies, discussion and redaction. Grammar: Infers the message of the text about our past, present social situations, taking in consideration the general Past continuous: was/were+ ing structure of the text.

Reading the Globes newspaper article about social themes like the robbery in the world (C T )



Organizes the information of different social themes in San Martin Peru and the world like economic, culture and environmental with correct sequence, using for that, reading and study techniques. Evaluates the opinions about themes related to have healthy activities and ideas to protect and care the environment in Peru and San Martin.

Topic 12: Project 3: My superhero

Explanation his/her design about the skills of his/ her superhero for fighting against the delinquents ( E.O) (PT) Evaluation of the contents by capacities. (C.T)


Topic 13 : Checking our improvement


Production of Texts


Plans his/her writing of different texts about health and Words learnt in the unit environmental situations in Peru and San Martin. Grammar: Makes several texts about personal and social interest like peoples health and life in San Martin. Past simple: Review Organizes ways to present his/her production referred to different social and health problems, using the Past continuous: was/were+ ing strategies to produce a texts. Evaluates the written text, having in consideration the adequacy and coherence Topic 14 : Amazing experiences Vocabulary: Trip activities: Fishing, hiking, swimming, Grammar: Present perfect: Affirmative and negative Role play interview about amazing places to visit in San Martin ( E.O) (PT)



Topic 15 : .A past festival in Tarapoto Vocabulary: Celebration verbs: Dance, celebrate, enjoy, meet, eat, drink, etc Grammar: Adverbs: for. since, ever, never Topic16: Project 4: Discovering that unbelievable trip )

Organization of information to give about a past festival in San Martin (E.O) 02

Elaboration of comparative chart about the myths or legends to know the true the true ( (P.T.)


Topic : Checking our improvement Vocabulary: Words learnt in the unit Evaluation of the contents by capacities. (C.T) 02


Grammar: Present perfect: Affirmative and negative Adverbs: for. since, ever, never 02 Topic17 : Reporting emergencies Vocabulary: Illness : ankle, injury, fracture cast, sting, etc Grammar: Zero and first conditional Topic 18 : Project 6: children! Taking care for the Writing a newspaper article about common injuries children and how to prevent (P.T.) Role play in a hospital reporting an emergency (E.O) ( PT)


Topic 19 Checking our improvement

Evaluation of the contents by capacities. (C.T)



Vocabulary: Words learnt in the unit Grammar: Zero and first conditional

ATTITUDES Participates actively in class. Takes care of living beings in his/her environment. Expresses willingness to do the research tasks. He/She is ordained in the presentation of his/her work. Shows hygiene habits in their personal appearance.






GENERAL DATES 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. Area : FOREIGN LANGUAGE- ENGLISH 5TH A, B, C 24 hours Lic. Mara Violeta Alvarado Sinti Lic. Eliborio Lpez Linares.

Grade and sections ; Time Teacher Principal : : :


JUSTIFICATION Last year, the students of our Educative Institution, showed bad behaviour

related to discipline. Many of them had less self-esteem, less authority and control by their parents, family violence; dont practice values, like the responsibility, honesty, respect, and love. For this reason, we took in consideration these problems and, we selected contents that permit them adopt different attitudes and actions to improve their behaviour, through themselves and others. Theyre going to learn how to relate with their classmates expressing real past experiences. IV. CROSS-CURRICULAR TOPICS V. Education with identity and inter cultural to improve knowledge.

SCHOOL ACTIVITY Creative writing competition.





JUSTIFICATION problem of the performance value

VALUE low and are Complies

ATTITUDES with assigned


academic little

individually or in groups. Participates actively in class. Participates in activities of the area and the institution. Takes care of materials, tools and workspaces. Takes care of living beings in his/her environment. Expresses willingness to do the


responsibility of everybody in the society. For that, students Responsability have current to understand education that requires

student to be a consultant and researcher topics of the in various the


classroom regardless of the area, an innovative use of technology Internet, supplement (computer, network) his/her to learning

research tasks. Complies with the timely presentation of their tasks. He/She is ordained in the presentation of his/her work. Participates with decisions taken by the working group. Complies with coexistence of the I.E. Shows hygiene habits in their personal appearance. Participates permanently in classroom activities.

and also become a contributor of knowledge in support for his/her teachers. The youth of today must

recognize that the path to true freedom is through education, to educate yourself is not an obligation, is an opportunity to succeed, extraordinary combat that challenge ignorance the to is

knowledge and knowledge of make you free.




CAPACITIES/ OUTCOMES Oral Expression and Comprehension Topic :




Dialogues with his/ her classmates past environment Past Habits Discussion about the past habits in San Martin, Peru and the world with correct environment habits in San Vocabulary: intonation, showing respect by the ideas. martin (E.O) Listens and understands information said by his/ her classmates about imaginary situations to improve our Antique Objects: iron, typewriter, washboard nature in San Martin. Grammar: Evaluates the control of the voice, the body and contact eyes to understand peoples attitude in front of the Used to environment and the health. Explanation his/her triptych about Keeping our Topic : traditions ( E.O) (PT) Comprehension of Texts Predicts the sense and the content of the text about changes in the family lifestyles, taking in consideration the graphic elements. Identifies the general and specific information related to social themes that people face in San Martin. Infers the message of the text about social problems in San Martin, taking in consideration the general structure Project 3: Keeping our traditions



Topic : Checking our improvement Evaluation of the contents by capacities. (C.T)



of the text.

Vocabulary: Words learnt in the unit Grammar:

Production of Texts

Used to Reading a text about social themes that people face in San Martin. (C T )

Plans the text to produce and selects the information related to environmental themes. Topic : Organizes the structure of a text to describe environmental situations, putting in practice the types of Having a good imagination intelligences. Writes about facts happened in San martin caused by Vocabulary: environmental problems. Evaluates the written text about environmental themes, Types of intelligences taking in consideration cohesion, coherence and Grammar: correction appropriate. Second conditional Topic : Project 4: Promoting an outdoor Activity


Role play: Interview about Promoting an outdoor activity ( E.O) (PT)(documental)


Topic : Checking our improvement Evaluation of the contents by capacities. (C.T) 02


Vocabulary: Words learnt in the unit Grammar: Second conditional Topic : Our Nature Vocabulary: Geographical Volcanoes, river, mountain range Grammar: Present passive voice Topic: Project 5: environment Protecting Elaboration of his/her tale about the protection of the environment (P.T.) our features: lagoon, Organization of information to give some geographical feature of San Martin (E.O)




Topic : Checking our improvement Vocabulary: Words learnt in the unit Grammar: Present passive voice Topic : Technology in the past Vocabulary: Inventions Technology Grammar: Present and past passive voice Topic : Project 5: Searching on inventors and inventions

Evaluation of the contents by capacities. (C.T) 02

Organizes the information to talk and show a leaflet about some inventors and inventions. (P.T) (E.O)


Writing in power point about some inventors and inventions in the past (P.T.)



Topic : Checking our improvement Vocabulary: Words learnt in the unit Grammar: Present and past passive voice Evaluation of the contents by capacities. (C.T) 02

ATTITUDES Participates actively in class. Takes care of living beings in his/her environment. Expresses willingness to do the research tasks. He/She is ordained in the presentation of his/her work. Shows hygiene habits in their personal appearance.


A. HORARIO DE CLASE Ingrese como practicante a la Institucin Educativa 0094- Shilcayo el martes 07 de mayo del presente ao, comprendiendo fines del primer trimestre; bajo la supervisin de la Licenciada en Educacin Mara Violeta Alvarado Sinti. La antes mencionada me estableci el siguiente horario de 20 horas semanales: LUNES 12:25-1:05 1: 05 2:00 2:00- 2:45 5C 2:45- 3:30 4C 2A 2C 5B 4B 2D MARTES MIERCOLES JUEVES

3:50- 4:40




4:40- 5:20 5:20- 6:00 5A

4D Luego los estudiantes salieron de vacaciones entrando a clases el 10 de junio del

presente ao, comprendiendo el segundo trimestre, bajo la supervisin de la misma docente la diferencia fue que mi horario cambio, y siendo 24 horas semanales. A continuacin mi nuevo horario: LUNES 12:25-1:05 1: 05 2:00 2:00- 2:45 5B 2:45- 3:30 3A 4C 3C 5C 4A 3D 3B MARTES MIERCOLES JUEVES VIERNES

3:50- 4:40




4:40- 5:20 4B 5:20- 6:00 5A


2.2.3. Ancdotas N 01 Al tercer da de incorporarme a la prestigiosa Institucin Educativa 0094- Shilcayo, me diriga a la sala de innovacin porque iba a realizar mi clase ah, cuando observ que estaba entre cerrada, supuse que algn docente lo estaba ocupando pero de todos modos me dirig hacia all , durante el transcurso de mi caminar me percate que un seor con gorro, barba y que vesta lentes de sol estaba golpeando a algunos estudiantes del 3 C , me asuste porque vi al seor con un palo y mi primera impresin fue que el dicho seor era un orate, pero me dije como dejaron pasar a una persona as, es un peligro para la integridad del estudiante ; cuando llegu a lado de l y de los estudiantes, como toda persona que se merece respeto lo salud y sonre, primero pas de largo hacia la sala de innovacin pero al ver que nadie haba dentro tuve que preguntar a alguien y cuando de pronto el seor me pregunto a quien buscaba, yo me asust y respond su interrogante, y l me mand a la direccin. Cuando yo me estaba dirigiendo a la direccin, pregunte a un estudiante que quien era el seor, y este me dijo que se trataba del Sub director de la Institucin, solo atine a rer y jams olvidar como pude confundir a mister Ricardo con una persona orate.

N 02 Cuando desarroll mi sesin de aprendizaje en el cuarto grado B, en la etapa de evaluacin para culminar el primer trimestre, no me percat de que entre los alumnos, que haban expuesto sus proyectos, que consista en la presentacin de catlogos de ropas, haba uno habilidades especiales, eso me fue corroborado por la docente a cargo del curso, Violeta Alvarado, quien luego me dijo que en este saln haba un joven con estas habilidades es decir tena sndrome de down. Su nombre era magnolio, sus facciones no eran pronunciadas como los que tienen este sndrome; a simple vista no pareca serlo. Era la primera vez que tena bajo mi cargo un estudiante con esas caractersticas, sin embargo esto no fue impedimento para que desarrolle mi clase de la manera como lo vena haciendo, pues ms all de lo que se cree de que este tipo de personas tienen dificultades en su aprendizaje, note en el cierto


N 03 Al desarrollar mi clase con 2 C tuve una experiencia similar pero en esta oportunidad se trataba de una adolescente de tan solo 14 aos de edad su nombre era Izuki, la primera clase que tuve con esta seccin tampoco note de las habilidades especiales de la estudiante, como lo mencione anteriormente muchas personas creen que lo mejor es aislar a los nios que padecen este sndrome, pero en este saln me percat que en ese saln de clase si existe compaerismo, inclusin e integracin, no excluyen a Izuki de ninguna actividad de la Institucin , al contrario la ayudan. En todas las sesiones que realic con este grupo de estudiantes, nunca fue un impedimento para desarrollar mi clase, siempre la estudiante buscaba participar y como docente se le daba la oportunidad de que as sea. En esta institucin si se cumple la inclusin escolar y, como est establecido en las leyes, un nio o joven con habilidades especiales no debe ser excluido, ni discriminado de una institucin donde estn los nios o jvenes normales Sin conocer el mtodo que la docente Violeta aplicaba con los dos casos mencionados de Sndrome de down, mi persona los evalu como a todo los dems, a la hora de revisar los exmenes me llev una gran sorpresa que Izuki haba contestado la mayor parte de su examen correctamente. Esta fue mi experiencia trabajar con estos dos casos de estudiantes, pero lo que rescat es que ellos son quieren integrarse y ser como los dems, son las personas ms amables que conoc, aunque ganbamos ambos. a veces me era difcil entenderles, pero siempre con paciencia

N 04 Retornando de las vacaciones y comenzando con el segundo trimestre, tuve mi primera clase del trimestre con 5 C PAST HABITS, cuando en la institucin representantes de la serena nosotras estaban coordinando una charla con las seoritas del quinto grado , la profesora Violeta siempre se ubicaba en la parte posterior de la clase para supervisarme, as que un joven de esa empresa me llam y me dijo que si le pudiera dar permiso para que entre a regalar algunos productos y el hombre no se percat de la profesora y dijo en delante de todos que se sorprende encontrarse con una profesora tan joven y por consiguiente dijo que para el tendra unos 17 aos y por eso se sorprendi, todos los estudiantes sonrieron y la profesora Violeta dijo y a mi cuanto me pones?, todos incluyendo a los jvenes de la empresa empezaron a rer. Luego las seoritas anfitrionas pasaron a dar a cada estudiante mujeres y varones sus productos nosotras, incluyendo a la profesora Violeta Alvarado y a la practicante. Posteriormente continu con mi clase tal como lo haba programado.


N 05 Segn mi horario todos los martes a las 2 de la tarde, me corresponda hacer una sesin de aprendizaje con el 3 grado A, inici mi sesin de aprendizaje normal como era de costumbre, elicit mi tema, realice la metacognicin, present el vocabulario, y cuando ya lleg el tiempo para presentar el texto, el taco de mi zapato s rompi me quede estupefacta por lo acontecido, no quera moverme para nada, y tuve que pausar mi clase un momento para acercarme a la docente Violeta Alvarado y decirle lo que habia pasado aunque ya todos se haban dado cuenta, todos, incluyendo la docente se quedaron sorprendidos y preocupados porque an me quedaba dos salones para desarrollar mi clase. La docente Violeta muy amablemente me prest sus zapatos para poder continuar, pero la talla de los zapatos de la docente era grande y los zapatos no me caban, cada vez que caminaba se salan de mis pies y eran unos zapatos pesados. Les dije a los estudiantes que debamos continuar y que no les importara mis zapatos, quera que la tierra me trague, jams pens que los tacos se me pudieran romper, quera que el tiempo pasara rpido para que me traigan otros zapatos, esta vez bajitos sin tacos, mi pap lleg a los 15 minutos con mis zapatos, devolv los zapatos a la docente y recin ah me sent cmoda, con zapatos a mi medida y ya no me miraba zapatona, mis pies pequeos y el zapato grande, as fue como se solucion el problema de los tacos.


2.2.4. Ficha de Prctica FECHA 07-05-13 07-05-13 07-05-13 08-05-13 08-05-13 08-05-13 09-05-13 09-05-13 13-05-13 13-05-13 15-05-13 15-05-13 15-05-13 15-05-13 16-05-13 16-05-13 20-05-13 20-05-13 21-05-13 21-05-13 21-05-13 22-05-13 22-05-13 22-05-13 23-05-13 23-05-13 27-05-13 27-03-13 28-05-13 28-05-13 28-05-13 29-05-13 29-05-13 29-05-13 HORA 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 1h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h NOMBRE DE LA ACTIVIDAD Lets go shopping Lets go shopping Feedback Checking our improvement Checking our improvement Checking our improvement Telling instructions Lets remember: occupations Checking our improvement Checking our improvement My last weekend My last weekend My last weekend Checking our improvement Checking our improvement Checking our improvement Project 2: Catalogue Project 2: Talking about music Checking our improvement Project 2: Catalogue Checking our improvement Past Abilities Past Abilities Past Abilities Project 2: Talking about music My last weekend Project 2: Catalogue Project 2: Talking about music Checking our improvement Speech: Project 2 Project 2: Talking about music Feedback Feedback Feedback GRADO Y SECCIN 4 C 4 D 5 A 2 D 2 A 2 E 5 B 2 C 4 B 5 C 2 D 2 A 2 E 4 D 5 B 2 C 4 B 5 C 4 C 4 D 5 A 2 D 2 A 2 E 5 B 2 C 4 B 5 C 4 C 4 D 5 A 2 D 2 A 2 E OBSERVACIONES


30-05-13 30-05-13 31-05-13 10-06-13 10-06-13 11-06-13 11-06-13 11-06-13 11-06-13 12-06-13 12-06-13 13-06-13 13-06-13 14-06-13 14-06-13 17-06-13 17-06-13 17-06-13 18-06-13 18-06-13 18-06-13 19-06-13 19-06-13 19-06-13 20-06-13 20-06-13 21-06-13 25-06-13 25-06-13 25-06-13 01-07-13 01-07-13 01-07-13 _________________ Director (a) de la I. E.

2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 1h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 1h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 1h 2h 2h 2h 2h

Project 2: Talking about music 5 B Past Abilities 2 C Past Abilities 2 B Past Habits 5 B Amazing Past Events 2 C Leisure and Entertainment 4 A A Window to the World: America 3 A Leisure and Entertainment 4 D Past Habits 5 A Leisure and Entertainment 4 C Leisure and Entertainment 4 B A Window to the World: America 3 C Past Habits 5 C A Window to the World: America 3 B Leisure and Entertainment 4 D Illegal Facts 4 A Project 3: Keeping our Traditions 5 B Biography 2 C Ads 3 A Leisure and Entertainment 4 D Project 3: Keeping our Traditions 5 A A Window to the World: America 3 D Illegal Facts 4 C Illegal Facts 4 B Project 3: Keeping our Traditions 5 C Ads 3 C Ads 3 B Around Peru: Peru, Our Country 3 A Illegal Facts 4 D Speech: Project 3 5 A Project 3: My Superhero 4 A Speech: Project 3 5 B Project 3: Hall of fame 2 C __________________ __________________________ Docente de Aula Docente Responsable de Prctica

__________________ Estudiante Practicante


2.2.5. Lesson Plans LESSON PLAN I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. 1.8. II. Educative Institution Year of instruction Component Theme Time Number of students Trainer Trainer : : : : : : : : 0094- Shilcayo 3 C Oral and written ADS 90 25 Rosa Isabel Flores Gonzales Lic. Maria Violeta Alvarado Sinti

METHODOLOGICAL STRATEGIES 2.1. Method : 2.1.1. Technique : Communicative Question and Answer, Eliciting, Repetition Drill, Gestures and mimes, pictures, fill in the black Wallpapers, Flashcards, board, blue tack. Hetero-evaluation

2.1.2. Materials 2.2. Evaluation III. EXPECTED OUTCOMES 3.1. Transversal content:

: :

Education with identity and inter cultural to improve knowledge. Critical and creative thought.

3.2. Fundamental capacities : 3.3. Area capacities 3.3.1 :

Text comprehension He/she infers the purpose of some ads related to social cultural elements: culture, environment, health, and recreational habits answering some reading comprehension tasks.

3.3.2 Attitude to the area Values and Attitudes Responsibility: He/she shows responsibility in the works IV. BASIC CONTENT 4.1. Grammar 4.2. Lexical items 4.3. Phonetic transcription 4.3. Previous knowledge : Present progressive : : : personal pronoun, present simple, verb to be





METHODOLOGICAL STRATEGIES 1. Situation to get previous knowledge. (7 minutes) Teacher greets students and asks them the date Thursday, 20 June, 2013 Teacher asks students to pay attention Teacher makes 4 groups to asks student to infer the message of the ads

Each group say the message Teacher asks students What are these? Letters or ads Do the ads have interesting information? Teacher asks students the topic for today Well according to the picture, questions and your answers: What do you think is the topic for today?

2. Situation to elaborate new knowledge ( 35 minutes) Teacher shows the vocabulary

Teacher reads the vocabulary Teacher asks students to repeat after her Teacher asks students to read the vocabulary Teacher establishes a situation

commercial ad

environmental ad

political ad

Health ad


He is Luis and He is Ricardo and they found these ads in the street. and they say:

Luis: I can see a lot of ads. Ricardo: yes,but these ads have a purpose Luis: yes, it is true. I am reading an environment ad Ricardo: And I am reading a political ad Luis: These ads are important because they have interesting information for us. Teacher asks students to pay attention Teacher reads the dialogue Teacher asks students to know if t he students understood the text. What kind of ads did they find? What kind of ads did Ricardo find?? Teacher explains the grammar using patterns I am reading an environment ad He is writing a letter Are they reading? 3. Situation to incorporate learning to life ( 10 minutes) Teacher asks students to solve some exercises

In your notebook, write the following sentences with is, are of am

Where ________ Andy going? Andi_______ going to school

________ you listening to me? No I m not. I ________ reading _____ they visiting China? Yes, they ____


Teacher and students correct the answers 4, Situation to evaluate (28 minutes)

Teacher asks students to open their book on page 23 Teacher gives students a reading quiz

reading quiz
Name and surname: __________________________________

Grade: 3

Section: _______

Indicator: Infers the purpose of some ads related to social cultural elements: culture, environment, health, and recreational habits answering some Reading comprehension tasks.

Read all the ads from the book, page 23 and answer:

1.What kinds of text are? a. b. a magazine article a descriptive text c. a summary d. classified ads

2.Your father needs money to pay the down payment for a car. Which address should he go and at what time? _____________________________________________________________________________________









Oral comprehension and expression

Attitude to the area

Infers the purpose of some ads related to social cultural elements: culture, environment, health, and recreational habits answering some reading comprehension tasks. Shows responsibility in the works

Reading quiz



______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________ Trainer _______________ Teacher



I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. 1.8. Educative Institution Year of instruction Component Theme Time Number of students Trainer Trainer :0094- Shilcayo : 4 C :Oral and written :Illegal facts :90 : 25 :Rosa Isabel Flores Gonzales :Lic. Maria Violeta Alvarado Sinti

II. METHODOLOGICAL STRATEGIES 2.3. Method : 2.1.1. Technique : Communicative Question and Answer, Eliciting, Repetition Drill, Gestures and mimes, pictures, fill in the black Wallpapers, Flashcards, board, blue tack, video, laptop, projector Hetero-evaluation

2.1.2. Materials

2.4. Evaluation III. EXPECTED OUTCOMES 3.1. Transversal content :

Education with identity and inter cultural to improve knowledge. Critical and creative thought.

3.2. Fundamental capacities : 3.3. Area capacities 3.3.1. :

Text comprehension He/ she evaluates the structure and content of the text to complete the story.


Attitude to the area Values and Attitudes Responsibility: Presents his/ her homework very clean and ordered

IV. BASIC CONTENT 4.4. Grammar 4.5. Lexical items 4.6. Phonetic transcription 1.9. Previous knowledge irregular verbs. : Past continous : thief, mask, jail, weapon : /:f/, /m sk/, /d el/, /wepn/ : personal pronoun, past simple: regular and



VI. METHODOLOGICAL STRATEGIES 1. Situation to get previous knowledge. (15 minutes) Teacher greets students and asks them the date Teacher asks students to pay attention Teacher asks students to perform their dialogue about past activities. Teacher presents a video to elicit the topic Teacher asks students about the end of the video Teacher asks students the topic for today
Wednesday, 19 th June, 2013

Well according to the picture, questions and your answers: What do you think is the topic for today?
Illegal facts

2. Situation to elaborate new knowledge ( 40 minutes) Teacher shows the vocabulary





Teacher reads the vocabulary Teacher asks students to repeat after her Teacher asks students to read the vocabulary Teacher establishes a situation It is a newspaper and we can read about an illegal fact that occurred in San Martin. Do you want to know what happened?


Teacher gives students a paper with the new. Teacher reads the newspaper Teacher asks students to know if the students understood the new Teacher asks students about the new What happened with the woman? How many delinquents were? What did the woman do? Teacher tells a little story. Teacher explains the grammar using patterns The merchant was returning at her home The woman was moving by motocar They werent eating apple Was the woman sleeping? 3. Situation to incorporate learning to life ( 10 minutes) Teacher asks students to solve the exercise 5 from Students book page 47.

Change the sentences into the negative and interrogative form Example:

They were eating apples Negative: They werent eating apples. Interrogative: Were they eating apples? a) She was writing a letter Negative: . Interrogative: ..?


He was riding a horse Negative: . Interrogative: ..?


Teacher and students correct the answers

They were talking to the police. Negative: . Interrogative: ..?


4, Situation to evaluate ( 20 minutes) Teacher gives students a worksheet and asks them to complete the story about a robbery
reading quiz Name and Surname:..

Date:.. Grade: 4th Section: .

Indicator: Evaluates the structure and content of the text to complete the story with coherence

Read the story, and then write according to the pictures what you think happened in between and the end

A robber broke into High Street bank yesterday afternoon; a man was wearing a mask and came into the bank. He told the woman to give him all the money. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

The robber left with the money. The police arrived ten minutes late. The manager handed the police the security videotape. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________







Text comprehension

Illegal facts

Attitude to the area

Evaluates the Reading quiz structure and content of the text to complete the story with coherence Presents his/ her homework very Checking List clean and ordered


SUGGESTIONS ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ____________________ Trainer _______________ Classroom Teacher




GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. 1.8. Educative Institution Year of instruction Component Theme Time Number of students Trainee Trainer : 0094-Shilcayo : 2 E : Oral and written communication : Feedback : 90 : 25 : Rosa Isabel Flores Gonzles : Lic. Mara Violeta Alvarado Sinti.


METHODOLOGICAL STRATEGIES 2.1. Method 2.1.1. Techniques 2.1.2. Materials 2.2. Evaluation : Communitive : Questions and answer activities, repetition drill, : Board, wall papers, eraser, marker, blue tack, pictures : Hetero evaluation

III. EXPECTED OUTCOMES 3.1. Transversal content 3.2. Fundamental capacities 3.3. Area capacities:

: Family life and strengthening of self-discipline : Critical and creative thought.

3.3.1 Text Comprehension He/ she identifies the correct information from the text He/ she completes the information in the Brians e- mail 3.3.2 Text Production He/ she writes his/ her own sentences about his/ her abilities and inabilities in the past 3.3.3. Attitude to the area Values and Attitudes Responsibility: he/she works in a responsible way. IV. BASIC CONTENT 4.7. Grammar : 4.4. Lexical items : 4.5. Phonetic transcription : 4.6. Previous knowledge : Verb to be and, modal could in affirmative and negative form walk, play, read, beach, campsite, canoeing [w :k], [ple], [r:d] , /bi:t/, /kmp/, /knu/ personal pronouns, verb to be in present



English students book, and workbook 2nd secondary. VI. METHODOLOGICAL STRATEGIES 1. Situation to get previous knowledge. (20 minutes) Teacher greets the students and asks for the date Teacher realizes a metacognition about the last class: Teacher asks students to pay attention 2. Situation to elaborate new knowledge ( 40 minutes) Teacher presents the vocabulary using a dice
Wednesday, 29

May, 2013

Teacher asks students the vocabulary Teacher reads the vocabulary Teacher asks students to repeat after her. Teacher asks students to read the vocabulary Teacher asks students to pay attention
Hi Daniel Last weekend was exciting. My friends and I went to the stadium; we went to see a baseball game. I could play baseball game here. It was a hot and sunny day. There were many things to buy: sodas, hamburgers and chocolates. I could eat chocolates. It was great!

Teacher reads thee- mail twice Teacher asks students to repeat after her Teacher asks two volunteers to read the text Teacher asks students write true or false according to the text Last weekend was bored.
Daniel could play baseball game here. .

There werent many things to buy: sodas, hamburgers and chocolates.


Teacher explains the grammar using patterns to remember

It was a hot and sunny day.

I could play baseball game

3. Situation to incorporate learning to life ( 12 minutes) Teacher makes students to work in pairs Teacher asks students to solve the exercise of letter A from Workbook on page 10 Look at the information in the chart and complete the sentences with could a nd the correct verb Character Saul Below Vanessa Mae Fernando Botero Einsten Ability Write stories Play piano and violin Make sculptures Understand geometry Age 18 5 19 12

1. Saul Below _________________ short stories at the age of eighteen 2. Vanessa Mae _________________ the piano and violin at the age of five 3. Fernando Botero_________________ sculptures at the age of nineteen 4. Einsten _______________________ geometry at the age of twelve Teacher and students correct the answers. 4. Situation to evaluate (18 minutes)

Teacher asks students to write 4 sentences about their abilities in the past and complete the Brians e -mail with was or were Teacher gives a worksheet.

WORKSHEET Name and surname .




about his/ her abilities and inabilities in the past

After the class teacher asks students:

To From Subject Hey paul


Last weekend

Yes ()

No (X)

1. Have you enjoyed the class? 2. How was the class for you? 3. What was the class?
Last weekend _________fantastic! I_______ at the beach. There ______ lots of in the ocean because it ____ hot and sunny. The best thing _______ the 4. people How have you learnt? boat trip. There ______ lots of dolphins in the water. They _______ beautiful!

See you soon!







Text comprehension

He/ she completes the information in the Brians e- mail with coherence Worksheet

Feedback Was- were Modal could Text Production He/ she writes his/ her own sentences about his/ her abilities in the past with coherence.


SUGGESTIONS ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

____________________ Trainer

_______________ Classroom Teacher


LESSON PLAN I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. 1.8. Educative Institution Year of instruction Component Theme Time Number of students Trainer Trainer :0094- Shilcayo : 3 A :Oral and written :Around Peru: Peru, our country :90 : 25 :Rosa Isabel Flores Gonzales :Lic. Maria Violeta Alvarado Sinti

II. METHODOLOGICAL STRATEGIES 2.1. Method : 2.1.1. Technique : Communicative Question and Answer, Eliciting, Repetition Drill, Gestures and mimes, pictures, scramble sentences. : audio, radio wallpapers, flashcards, board, blue tack. Hetero-evaluation

2.1.2. Materials

2.2.Evaluation III. EXPECTED OUTCOMES 3.1. Transversal content :

Education with identity and inter cultural to improve knowledge. Critical and creative thought.

3.2. Fundamental capacities : 3.3. Area capacities :

3.3.1. Oral comprehension and expression He/ she expresses his/her opinion to describe a dialogue describing historical, cultural and touristic places in Peru with coherence and good intonation 3.3.2 Text Production He/she organizes the information to write a dialogue describing historical, cultural and touristic places in Peru. 3.3.3. Attitude to the area Values and Attitudes Responsibility: He/she shows responsibility in the works IV. BASIC CONTENT 4.8. Grammar : Would ... like? Regular and irregular plural for of nouns, 4.9. Lexical items : people, children, feet, men, women 4.10. Phonetic transcription : 4.7. Previous knowledge : personal pronoun, present simple, present continuous


Tuesday, 25 th June, 2013

Teacher greets students and asks them the date Teacher makes a metacognition about the last class. Teacher asks students to pay attention Teacher says students to dance according to the music that she plays Teacher plays the music and students dance. Later, teacher asks students. Do you know these kinds of music? Where is Marinera,( Huayno and Ananconda) from? Peru or Columbia Do you like to dance Peruvian music? Are there from our country? What is the name of our country?

Teacher asks students the topic for today Well according to the picture, questions and your answers: What do you think is the topic for today?
Around Peru: our country

2. Situation to elaborate new knowledge ( 35 minutes) Teacher shows the vocabulary





Teacher reads the vocabulary Teacher asks students to repeat after her Teacher asks students to read the vocabulary Teacher asks students to pay attention Teacher establishes a situation in the classroom


Are we going to go at the school on Thursday and Friday? Why? Well have a little vacation from Thursday, 28th to Sunday 30th. During this time. I would like to visit Cuzco, because a lot of tourists go to Cuzco, I would like to know Machu Picchu and you? What city would you like to visit? Teacher explains the grammar using patterns Would you like to visit Ica? . I would like to visit Cusco A lot of tourists go to Cusco I would like to know Machu Picchu


Situation to incorporate learning to life ( 10 minutes) Teacher asks students to solve the exercise number 1 from the Students book , page 31

Go to Cuzco? / see/ Inca ruins Would you like to go to Cuzco? Sure. I.would like to see The Inca ruins 1.stay in Pisac/ go to/ fair 2.Take a tour to Sacsayhuaman?/slide down/ huge rocks to Tambomachay?/ drink from/ water fountain 4.go to Ollantaytambo?/ see/ enormous stories 5.visit Machu Picchu?/ walk around/ mysterious Inca city

Teacher and students correct the answers 4, Situation to evaluate (28 minutes) Teacher asks students to work in pair to make a dialogue describing historical, cultural and touristic places in Peru.







Oral comprehension and expression

Around Peru: Peru, our country Text Production

Expresses his/her opinion to describe a dialogue describing historical, cultural and touristic places in Peru with coherence and good intonation Organizes the information to write a dialogue describing historical, cultural and touristic places in Peru. Shows responsibility in the works Cheeck list

Attitude to the area


SUGGESTIONS ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

____________________ Trainer

__________________ Classroom Teacher



2.3.1. Realidad Educativa de la Institucin Educativa Inicial N 292

A. Localizacin: B. Direccin AA.VV. Lugar Distrito Provincia Regin : Jr. Daniel Alcides Carrin S/N : Ciudad Satlite : Banda de Shilcayo :Banda de Shilcayo :San Martn :San Martn

Resea histrica de la Institucin Educativa N 292- Nivel Inicial

Los datos histricos indican que el 15 de Enero del 2008, se crea en la Asociacin de Vivienda Ciudad Satlite, con Resolucin Directoral UGEL San Martin N 0025, la misma que est beneficiando a nuestros nios en la etapa escolar del Nivel Inicial. En el ao 2008, asume la direccin la Prof. Edita Mara Huanambal Vsquez, ejerciendo el cargo 03 aos. Durante el ao 2012, asume la direccin la profesora Dolibeth Tuesta Garca. En la presente etapa de funcionamiento, la Institucin Educativa viene desarrollando un diseo curricular en atencin a la reforma educativa planteada por el actual gobierno democrtico de nuestro pas y que tiene como espritu poner en prctica las rutas de aprendizajes cuyo centro de atencin son los estudiantes C. Visin La Institucin Educativa N 262, al 2013, brinda un servicio educativo de calidad, formando nios y nias competitivas y prcticos, con docentes capacitados, padres y madres responsables, desarrolla una educacin cientfica, humanista e intercultural, en un ambiente saludable y ecolgico con la proactiva de los valores: respecto, responsabilidad, solidaridad y tolerancia, para afrontar retos mediante una gestin institucional eficiente. (Nov. 2012) D. Misin Somos una institucin educativa, del nivel inicial que brinda educacin de calidad a los nios y nias docentes capacitados en estrategias metodolgicas innovadoras para lograr aprendizajes significativos, enmarcados en la comprensin lectora, razonamiento lgico-matemtico y la prctica de valores: respeto, responsabilidad, solidaridad y tolerancia,


con participacin activa de padres y madres, que incentivan la creatividad, la iniciativa y el pensamiento crtico para la solucin de los problemas cotidianos. (Nov. 2012) E. Horario

Hora 8:00-9:00 9:00-9:45 9:45-10:-30 10:30-11:15 11:15-12:00




Jueves Nios de 5

Nios de 5 Nios de 4 Nios de 5 Nios de 4


2.3.2. Aspecto Curricular UNIDAD DE APRENDIZAJE

I. DATOS INFORMATIVOS 1.1. REA 1.2. NOMBRE DE LA UNIDAD 1.3. GRADO Y SECCIONES 1.4. DURACIN 1.5. FECHA 1.6. DOCENTE : Idioma extranjero : Learning English : Capullitos de Jess y Cariosos : 24 horas : 28 de mayo al 25 de junio del 2013 : Rosa Isabel Flores Gonzles

II. JUSTIFICACIN: En la presente unidad tiene como propsito desarrollar en los estudiantes capacidades comunicativas considerando la informacin sobre los saludos, los colores, los nmeros, algunos commands donde se trabajaran contenidos bsicos del Idioma ingls, esto se realizar interactuando y haciendo uso de estrategias para que ayuden a los estudiantes a comprender ms el idioma meta. III. CAPACIDADES DE REA:

Expresin y comprensin oral. Comprensin de textos. Produccin de textos. Actitud ante el rea.


Promoviendo la cultura peruana


V. ORGANIZACIN DE LOS APRENDIZAJES: CAPACIDADES DE REA Expresin y comprensin oral -Greetings Usa el hello y Bye bye segn las situaciones que correponden. Usa los nmeros ordinales Usa las vocales Habla sobre su edad - Colors - Numbers - The Commands - Father and mother - Big and little Repeticin oral. 24 h Presentacin de figuras. CONOCIMIENTOS DIVERSIFICADOS Lxico Recojo de saberes previos. ACTIVIDADES / ESTRATEGIAS TIEMPO

Comprensin de textos

- Sizes Escuchan msica sobre el tema Identifica los colores Identifica los commands que la docente - The vowels ordena - Ordinal numbers Presentacin de vocabulario. Identifica el tamao de las cosas del saln de clase -Vocabulario propio de las situaciones comunicativas que se presentan en el Repeticiones orales. grado Fontica - Expresiones en contexto que permiten Escuchan msica sobre el tema mejorar la pronunciacin y entonacin. Realizan ejercicios de pintura Recursos no verbales


-Los gestos, las mmicas, las expresiones del rostro. -Elementos para textuales: la ilustracin, dibujos, etc.


MATRIZ DE EVALUACIN DE LOS APRENDIZAJES: CRITERIO 01: EXPRESIN Y COMPRENSIN ORAL Criterios Capacidades /Aprendizajes Esperados Indicadores Porcentaje Puntaje Instrumentos

Usa el hello y Bye bye segn las situaciones que correponden.

Usa los nmeros ordinales

Usa el hello y Bye bye segn las situaciones que correponden de manera coherente Usa los nmeros ordinales de forma fluida Usa las vocales de forma fluida


20 20 20 Ficha de observacin

Usa las vocales Expresin y Comprensin Oral Habla sobre su edad en ingls con una pronunciacin clara

Habla sobre su edad en ingls



100 %



CRITERIO 02: COMPRENSIN DE TEXTOS Criterios Capacidades /Aprendizajes Esperados Indicadores Porcentaje Puntaje Instrumentos

Identifica los colores

Identifica los colores de manera coherente. Identifica los commands que la docente ordena de manera coherente


Identifica los commands que la docente ordena


Comprensin de Textos

Identifica el tamao de las cosas del saln de clase

Identifica el tamao de las cosas del saln de clase de manera coherente.


20 Ficha de observacin


100 %



2.3.3. Ancdotas N 01 El primer da que desarroll mi sesin de aprendizaje con los nios del saln cariosos, nios de cinco aos de edad, con el tema say hello and Bye Bye, llev una cancin para que ellos canten y bailen, desde el inicio les gust los dibujos que llev para introducir el vocabulario, y luego les hice cantar, los nios no queran hacer otra cosa que cantar y bailar toda la clase, cuando pona stop la cancin todos los nios decan no, la cancin es bonita, quiero aprender, lo que me quedo por hacer, como los nios son ubicados en grupo, cada grupo tena que practicar la cancin y siempre en cada grupo haba un lder, a ese nio(a) le deca que ensee a sus amiguitos la cancin y el vocabulario, les daba un tiempo para que cada grupo practique pero siempre tena que supervisarles, era mi primera experiencia y como tal a veces no saba cmo reaccionar o que hacer cuando algo imprevisto me sala. En toda la sesin de aprendizaje los nios aprendieron el hello, good morning y el bye bye; al final de la clase los nios me

despidieron con el bye bye miss, fue algo emocionante para m

N 02

A vsperas de celebrarse el da

del padre, program mi

sesin de

aprendizaje basado en ese acontecimiento, con los capullitos de Jess, nios de cuatro aos de edad, que consista en aprender como se dice pap en ingls y por ende mam. Desde el inicio de la clase los nios estaban activos como era de costumbre, para el desarrollo de esa sesin de aprendizaje llev mis dibujos para l vocabulario y un video sobre el da del padre en ingls, fue cuando present el video que un nio levanta la mano y me cuenta que su pap es un malo, porque le dejo a su mam y a l, cuando

era un beb, luego sigui otra nia dicindome que su papito era bueno porque l la quiere mucho y a su hermanita tambin. De pronto un nio, del cual la docente Mara me comento que tiene problemas para hablar, levant la mano y me cont que su pap le pegaba y mostro ante todos las huellas de correa la docente, que estaba supervisando mi clase y yo nos quedamos sorprendidas por tal crueldad de lastimar de esa manera a su pequeo hijo, y fue ah donde la docente Mara me coment que la familia del nio es disfuncional, fue para m algo cruel cuando Francisco me comento con tal alegra e inocencia de un nio y como si fuera algo de sentirse orgulloso me mostr los golpes que le propinaba su padre.


2.3.4. Ficha de Prctica

FECHA 28-05-13 03-06-13 05-06-13 06-06-13 10-06-13 11-06-13 12-06-13 13-06-13 18-06-13 19-06-13 25-06-13

HORA 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 4h 2h 3h

NOMBRE DE LA ACTIVIDAD My name is Say hello and Bye Bye The Colors The Colors Say Big and Little The Numbers My Father My Father The vowels The Ordinal Numbers The Commands

GRADO Y SECCIN Cariosos ( 5) Capullitos de Jesus(4) Capullitos de Jesus(4) Cariosos ( 5) Capullitos de Jesus(4) Cariosos ( 5) Capullitos de Jesus(4) Cariosos ( 5) Cariosos ( 5) Capullitos de Jesus(4) Cariosos ( 5)


__________________ Director (a) de la I. E.

__________________ Docente de Aula

__________________________ Docente Responsable de Prctica

__________________ Estudiante Practicante


2.3.5. Lesson Plans LESSON PLAN I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. 1.8. II. Educative Institution Year of instruction Component Theme Time Number of students Trainer Trainer :I E I N 292 Satellite : :Oral and written :My Father :90 : 24 :Rosa Isabel Flores Gonzales :Lic. Jhon Martin Linares Garcia

METHODOLOGICAL STRATEGIES 2.1. Method 2.1.1. Technique : Communicative : Authentic Materials, Question and Repetition Drill, Gestures and mimes, :


2.1.2. Materials

Wallpapers, Flashcards, board, blue tack, radio.

2.2. Evaluation III. EXPECTED OUTCOMES 3.1. Transversal content 3.2. Fundamental capacities 3.3. Area capacities 3.3.1 Text Produccion


: : :

Promoting the Peruvian Culture. Critical and creative thought.

Students draw their father. 3.3.4 Attitude to the area Values and Attitudes Responsibility: he/she works in a responsible way. Honesty : he/she shows interest to learn.


BASIC CONTENT 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.3. Grammar Lexical items Phonetic transcription Previous knowledge : : : : Father Father, mother /f /,/ 'm/ sizes




VI. 1.

METHODOLOGICAL STRATEGIES Situation to get previous knowledge. ( minutes) Teacher greets children: good morning students children Teacher asks children the date: Wednesday. 12th June, 2013 Teacher asks the children to pay attention the class. Teacher presents a photo about Isabels father.

my father


Situation to elaborate new knowledge ( minutes) Teacher shows


Teacher explain the use of each word Teacher asks students to repeat teacher shows some pictures teacher presents a video about the fathers day Situation to incorporate learning to life ( minutes)

Teacher asks the children to use big and little Teacher gives students pictures about the topic



4. Situation to evaluate ( minutes) Teacher asks students to draw their father and mother VII. EVALUATION CHART





My Father

Text Production

Students Their father


Check list


SUGGESTIONS ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ____________________ Trainer _______________ Classroom Teacher




GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1. Educative Institution 1.2. Year of instruction 1.3. Component 1.4. Theme 1.5. Time 1.6. Number of students 1.7. Trainer 1.8. Trainer : : : : : : : : I E I N 292 Satellite Oral and written Say big and little 90 24 Rosa Isabel Flores Gonzales Lic. Jhon Martin Linares Garcia


METHODOLOGICAL STRATEGIES 2.3. Method : 2.1.1. Technique : Communicative Authentic Materials, Question and Repetition Drill, Gestures and mimes, : :


2.1.2. Materials 2.4. Evaluation III. EXPECTED OUTCOMES 3.1. Transversal content 3.2. Fundamental capacities 3.3. Area capacities 3.3.1. :

Wallpapers, Flashcards, board, blue tack, radio. Hetero-evaluation

: :

Promoting the Peruvian Culture. Critical and creative thought.

Text Comprehension Students identify the size of the things.

3.3.4 Attitude to the area Values and Attitudes Responsibility: he/she works in a responsible way. Honesty : he/she shows interest to learn. Hygiene : he/she practices the hygiene and cleaning in the classroom. IV. BASIC CONTENT 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. Grammar Lexical items Phonetic transcription Previous knowledge : : : : Sizes big, little /bg/, /bg/ colors




VI. METHODOLOGICAL STRATEGIES 1. Situation to get previous knowledge. ( minutes) Teacher greets children: good morning students children Teacher asks children the date: Monday. 10th June, 2013 Teacher introduces herself. Teacher asks the children to pay attention the class. Teacher acts out.
Say Big and little


Situation to elaborate new knowledge ( minutes) Teacher shows tiger to the class.

Teacher explain the use of each word Teacher sing big and little Teacher asks the children to sing. Teacher and children sing for a time 3. Situation to incorporate learning to life ( minutes) Teacher asks the children to use big and little Teacher gives students pictures about the topic


Big and little

Name:_____________________________________________ 1. Paint the circle





Teacher sings again one time more. 4.Situation to evaluate ( minutes) Teacher asks students to say what is big and little VIII. EVALUATION CHART



INDICATOR Students identify the size of the things. with accuracy


Say big and little

Text comprehension

Check list

VIII. SUGGESTIONS ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ____________________ Trainer _______________ Classroom Teacher




Laborar en una institucin educativa no significa cumplir tus horas de trabajo y retirarte, sino identificarte con la institucin, ser parte de los xitos y por ende de los problemas, tambin es saber convivir en armona con los docentes y estudiantes, y que una institucin es una segunda familia.

La vida en una institucin educativa, no solo se rige en conocimientos, sino en vivencias y experiencias, algunas gratas como otras no , pero cada una deja una gran enseanza, debemos perseverar y rescatar algo bueno experiencia. de una mala

Ser docente, es un privilegio y a la vez una gran responsabilidad, el docente no solo debe ser especialista en su rea, sino en todas, el docente es psiclogo, medico, artista, chef, decorador entre otros, el docente es multifactico, el docente conoce la realidad de cada estudiante.

La I. E 0094- Shilcayo, es una institucin de gran dimensin grande, con una cantidad considerable de poblacin estudiantil y a la vez con muchos problemas sociales, durante mi estada en dicha institucin pude presenciar esos problemas, de tras de cada estudiante hay un sin nmero de problemas, causantes del bajo rendimiento escolar. y esos son las

El curso de Prctica V, me ayud a vivenciar la vida real del docente, adems me ayudo a ver mis fortalezas y debilidades para de esa manera mejorar en lo que fall.




Recomendar a la Institucin Educativa 0094- Shilcayo, a seguir apoyando a los futuros practicantes como lo vienen haciendo hasta la actualidad.

Recomendar a los futuros practicantes mostrar

respeto, responsabilidad

puntualidad cuando realizan sus prcticas en alguna institucin que dichosa abre las puertas para recibirlos.

Recomendar al futuro practicante mantener una buena relacin con los docentes que lo supervisan adems debe interactuar con sus estudiantes, que ellos sientan que l es un amigo ms en quien pueden confiar, pero sin perder el respeto.

Recomendar al futuro practicante a identificarse con la Institucin Educativa en la que se encuentra, no solo cumplir las horas y retirarse, siempre estar apto a colaborar en lo que se presente, esto ayudar a tener buena relacin con los docentes y estudiantes.




Los estudiantes del 4 A desarrollando un ejercicio de comprensin.

Una estudiante del 5 A elaborando su proyecto Keeping our tradition, el cual consista en hacer un trptico.


Los estudiantes del 2 C en grupos de trabajo, desarrollando la sesin de aprendizaje del da.

Los estudiantes intentando encontrar el tema del da.


Los estudiantes del 3 A esta copiando la leccin del dia, para luego crear un dialogo

Las estudiantes del 5 A exponiendo sus proyecto Keeping our Tradition.


La practicante Isabel explicando a los nios de capullitos de Jess los colores.

La practicante explicando a una estudiante como se dice los colores en ingls.


Los estudiantes de Los capullitos de Jess pintando el arcoris.

Los estudiantes atentos a la explicacin de la practicante.


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