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Development Economics___________________________________________________


Structural Changes For Development

Mrs. Nadia Bukhari

Subha Imtiaz f06-bs(ba)-19/atk

October 23, 2007

Ten Structural Transformation For Development

Development Economics___________________________________________________

Ten Structural Changes That Can Help Tow ards

The Development Of The Econom y
By structural changes we mean that how we can transform our contemporary
structure or our basic pattern of economy. Some of the major components of this
structural change include the gradual shift away from agricultural to non
agricultural activities, and more recently, away from industry to services; a
significant change in the scale or average size of productive units (away from
small family and personal enterprises to the impersonal organization of huge
national and multinational corporations); and finally, a corresponding shift in the
spatial location and occupational status of the labor force away from rural,
agricultural, and related non agricultural activities toward urban-oriented
manufacturing & service pursuits.
This was the general overview of structural transformation. Now let’s see how
we can bring structural transformation in order to bring development in the
economy of Pakistan. Or to bring changes so that our under developed sectors
become developed and our developed sectors would start growing. Following
measures can be taken into account for the purpose of development through
structural changes/transformation:

1. Improvement in Agricultural Sector:

Our country as we all know is backed upon agricultural structure. As we
are under the process of development so even today in the remotest part
of our countries; in rural areas out dated methods of agriculture are used
such as using animals for plough fields instead of using tractors or using
the land to cultivate such crops which would not detriment its potential.
Similarly such modern measures of agricultural should be adopted which
would not only enhance the productivity of our sector and would also
give more improvements in the utilization of labor and standing of our
agricultural products in the international markets.

2. Infrastructure Development:
Being a developing country we need to change our infrastructure i.e.
changing the basic way of thinking and acting towards certain features of
the society. For example developing awareness regarding educational
programs, developing awareness for the need of modern technology,
rationality in thoughts, economic planning, social and economic
equalization, improved institutions and attitudes. Through implementing
and bringing awareness among these and other important measures we
can help bring about structural transformation in the economy of our
country as the infrastructure development would change the overall out
look of the economy.

Ten Structural Transformation For Development

Development Economics___________________________________________________

3. Formulating a Balanced Foreign Economic Relations:

By this we mean that like our past foreign economic relations we must
consider a new strategy towards foreign relations like we must seek
towards maximum profitable relationship and we must not allow our
own production’s exploitation. We must bring about foreign technology
& capital in our own country by allowing multi national companies to
operate in our economy. We should neither allow exploitation of our
labor nor of our production.

4. Enhancing Coverage in Facilitation to Rural & Remote Areas:

By extending coverage we mean that we can provide enough facilities of
education, health, social services etc towards the remote and most under
developed areas of the country by this we can have many advantages in
the economy like firstly we can equalize the social and economic levels.
Secondly through this we can give employment opportunities in these
areas which would help stopping migration and enhancing the
development of the major part of the country rather than minority area.
Even this would help stop social crimes which come as the result of
unbalanced economic planning.

5. Developing Awareness Regarding Population Growth:

One of the main reasons of high population growth in our countries is
lack of awareness regarding the causes and affects of population growth.
Therefore we should develop awareness program and make people open
their minds regarding these issues. By developing awareness among
people would cause a drastic decline in the population growth of the
country which is a very important step towards the structural
transformation of the development of the country.

6. Uniformity in Educational Pattern:

As we know that we have very unstable educational structure and
because of which the development of our economy is in vain. We must
introduce a balanced education pattern which must be equipped with all
the educational aspects which help bring about development. Such
educational pattern must give a standardized literacy level which would
not only represent an account of literacy rate but must also enhance and
represent real increase in the literacy of people in the economy. Through
transforming our educational sector and introducing such educational
pattern not only social factors are improved but also economic sectors are
development s one of the prime obstacles in the way of development is
lack of proper education.

Ten Structural Transformation For Development

Development Economics___________________________________________________

7. Industrial Transformation:
It is very important fact that today that developed countries have come a
way across from agricultural sector towards the industrial sector. Because
nowadays in international market the value of capital goods is quite at
mark as compared to consumer goods so for the sake of industrial
development and international focus we can make structural
transformation by utilizing our potential towards industrial revolution.

8. Utilization of Population by Polishing Them:

Working for the concealment of population is a long term process which
would definitely take time & would help in the long run however the
already present population mustn’t be wasted. We can do this by
introducing different technical courses on the behalf of the government
whose basic aim would be to technically educate or skill the labor
according to the requirements of different economic sectors. Through this
our already present labor would neither be wasted nor under employed
but would be fully utilized.

9. Proper Financial Distribution in All Economic Sectors:

Another main problem of under development is unequal or improper
funding of economic sectors which is due to the structural inadequacy in
financial distribution of funds. The finance may be sponsored by some
foreign institute; or other foreign country or generated by the home
country itself, but if it is not utilized according to the requirements than
the results might be disastrous. We can change our economic structure for
development by giving the financial estimations proper considerations so
that adequate amount of funds are given to each sector as availability of
funds assure the circulation of oxygen in the economy otherwise it leads
to the stagnation of the economic development process.

10. Proper Institutes For Checks & Balances on Different Sectors of

Last but not the least another obstacle in the way of economic
development are the lack of proper structure for checks and balances
institutions upon all economic and social sector. Even if we have such
institutes either there is a lot of corruption or there is no genuine
authority which conceals the proper functioning of these institutes. So an
essential structural transformation is required for the development,
authority and working functions of these institutes, so that any
malfunctioning is immediately caught and rectified in any sector of the

Ten Structural Transformation For Development

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