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Regulation -2007



Programme Course code & Title

B.E. / B.TECH. 07140602S-Numericals Methods

Part -A Answer any ten questions 10x1=10 Marks A1. State the condition for convergence of Gauss-Seidal method. A2. State the formula for the method of false position to determine a root of f(x)=0. A3. State the following statement is true or false and justify. The convergence in the Gauss-Seidal method is thrice as fast as in Jacobians method. A4. What is the nature of nth divided difference of a polynomial of nth degree? A5. State the following statement is true or false. Lagranges interpolation formula is applicable for both equal and unequal intervals. A6. State the formula for Trapezoidal rule. A7. State Gauss Two-point formula. A8. How many prior values are required to predict the next value in Milnes method? A9. Write down the fourth order Taylor Algorithm. A10. For what purpose Bender-Schmidt recurrence relation is used? A11.What is the classification of fx-f yy =0? A12. State the general form of Poissons equation in partial derivatives. Part -B Answer any fifteen questions 15x2=30 Marks

B1. Find the inverse of A=

1 2

3 7

by Gauss Jordan method. B2. Gauss-Seidal method is better than Gauss-Jacobi method. Why? B3. State any two differences between direct and iterative methods for solving system of equations. B4. Find the approximate real root of xex -3=0 in 1<x<1.1 by method of false position. B5. State the properties of cubic spline. B6. Show that the divided difference operator is linear. B7. Using Lagranges interpolation, find the polynomial through (0, 0), (1, 1) and (2, 2). B8. Define natural spline. B9. Why is Trapezoidal rule so called?

B10.In numerical integration, what should be the number of intervals to apply Simpsons One third rule and Simpsons three eighth rule? Page-1/3 B11.When does Simpsons rule give exact result? B12.Evaluate 1/1+x4 dx using 2 point Gaussian quadrature. B13.Using Eulers method, find y(1.25) if dy/dx=x2+y2,y(1)=1 taking h=0.25. B14.Using Modified Eulers method, Evaluate y(1.1) if dy/dx +y/x =1/x2,y(1)=1. B15. In the Derivation of 4th order RK formula, why it is called 4th order? B16.What are the conditions to apply Adams Bash-forth method? B17. Write down the explicit scheme to solve one dimensional wave equation? B18.Write standard five point and diagonal five point formula used in solving Laplace equation uxx + uyy=0. B19. Obtain the finite different scheme for the difference equation 2(d2y/dx2) +y=5. B20. Write down the implict scheme to solve one dimensional heat equation. Part -C Answer any five questions 5x12=60 Marks

C1.a) Solve the given system of equations by using Gauss-Seidal iteration methods. 20x+y-2z=17 3x+20y-z= -18 2x-3y+20z=25 b) Find the numerically largest eigen value of A= by power method. C2.a) Solve the following system of equations by Gauss Elimination method 2x+3y-z=5 4x+4y-3z=3 2x-3y+2z=2 b) Using Newtons divided difference formula, find u(3) given u(1)= -26,u(2)=12,u(4)=256,u(6)=844. C3.a) From the following data estimate the number of persons earning weekly wages between 60-70 rupees Wages(Rs) Person(in thousand) Below 40 250 40-60 120 60-80 100 80-100 70 100-120 50

b) From the following data fit the Cubic Spline, hence find f(0.5) x y=f(x) 0 1 1 2 2 5

C4.a) Find the value of Sec 31 using the following table. (in degrees) Tan 31 0.6008 32 0.6249 33 0.6494 34 0.6745

b) By dividing the range into ten equal parts, evaluate by Trapizoidal and Simpons rule. Verify your answer with integration. Page-2/3 C5. a) Using Simpsons 1/3 rule evaluate taking h=k=0.5. b) Using R.K method of 4th order ,solve dy/dx=y2-x2/y2+x2 with y(0)=1 at x=0.2. C6.Given y=xy+y2,y(0)=1.0,find y(0.1) by Taylor method y(0.2) by Eulers method y(0.3) by Runge-kutta method and y(0.4) by milnes method. C7. a) Solve 2u/x2 = u/t, u(0,t)=0,u(4,t)=0 and u(x,0)= x(4-x) choosing h=k=1 using Bender-Schimdt Formula. b) Using Crank-Nicolsons Implicit scheme, solve 16ut=uxx,0<x<1,t>0,given that u(x,0)=0,u(0,t)=0,u(1,t)=100t. C8. Solve 2u/x2+2u/y2 = -81xy, 0<x<1,0<y<1, choose h=1/3, u(0,y)=u(x,0)=0, u(1,y)=u(x,1)=100

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