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The Fall of Communism & The Rise of Socialism and New World Order

1989: Year of the Snake

David Rockefeller, the founder of the Trilateral Commission, and other members of the Trilateral Commission visit Soviet Commissar Mikhail orbachev in Mosco!, Soviet "nion on January 18, 1989# $Source: htt%:&&!!!#trilateral#or'&do!nload&doc&Commemoratin'(1989#%df)

The Collapse of East Germany & Berlin Wall

ermans stand ato% the *erlin +all near the *randenbur' ate in *erlin, +est erman, on November 9, 1989 shortl, after the communist -ast erman 'overnment announced unrestricted travel bet!een -ast and +est *erlin#

Soviet Commissar Mikhail Gorbachev and East German Commissar Erich Honecker attend a parade commemorating the ! th year of the establishment of East Germany in East Berlin on "ctober #$ %&'&(

Soviet )resident Mikhail Gorbachev *center+ and his ,ife -aisa Gorbachev are ,elcomed by East German Commissar Erich Honecker *right+ ,ith a fraternal kiss in East Berlin$ East Germany after the Gorbachevs arrive to celebrate the !th anniversary of East Germany on "ctober .$ %&'&(

German ,orkers protest against the Comm/nist regime in 0eip1ig$ East Germany on September $ %&'&(

German citi1ens protest against the Comm/nist regime in 0eip1ig$ East Germany on "ctober %.2%#$ %&'&(

3aclav Havel and 0adislav 4damec shake hands d/ring a conference in )rag/e$ C1echoslovakia in November 1989( )ro2democracy demonstrations led by 3aclav Havel d/ring %&'& res/lted in the resignation of the r/ling Comm/nist )arty( The collapse of comm/nism in C1echoslovakia became kno,n as the 3elvet -evol/tion$ d/e to the relative peacef/lness of events( *)hoto5 Miroslav 6a78c9C"-B:S+

4 man in B/dapest holds o/t his hat to e;press his s/pport as H/ngarian interim head of state and parliament president Matyas S1/ros proclaims the -ep/blic of H/ngary in B/dapest$ H/ngary on October 23, 1989( Called the )eople<s -ep/blic of H/ngary since %& &$ the ne,ly renamed -ep/blic of H/ngary holds the promise of m/lti2party elections and the end of Comm/nist r/le( The historic anno/ncement comes on the anniversary of the %&=. /prising against the Soviet >nion( *)hoto5 Bernard Bisson9Sygma9Corbis+

The Romanian %eo%le cro!d the streets of *ucharest, Romania in December 1989 durin' a violent cou% that resulted in the death of Romania.s communist dictator /icolae Ceausescu#

Romanian soldiers a%%ear on the streets of *ucharest, Romania in December 1989 follo!in' a violent cou% that resulted in the death of Romania.s communist dictator /icolae Ceausescu#

Tiananmen S?/are Massacre

)resident George H(W( B/sh celebrates on Tiananmen S?/are in Bei7ing$ Comm/nist China on February 25, 1989$ 7/st months prior to the Tiananmen S?/are Massacre(

Tiananmen S?/are Massacre in Bei7ing$ Comm/nist China on June 4, 1989

0resident eor'e 1# +# *ush meets !ith Chinese Communist leader Den' 2iao%in' in *ei3in', Communist China on 4ebruar, 56, 1989# 0resident *ush %aid a state visit to China from 4ebruar, 57859, 1989# The Tiananmen S:uare Massacre occurred in *ei3in' on ;une 7, 1989< an estimated 1=,=== Chinese %eo%le died that da,# $0hoto: htt%s:&&a%%s#cndls#'eor'eto!n#edu&%ro3ects&uschina&items&sho!&599)

Comm/nist China@s Commissar Aeng Biaoping talks to Soviet Commissar Mikhail Gorbachev at a meeting in Bei7ing in May %&'&( Gorbachev visited Comm/nist China from May %=2%'$ %&'&( Aeng Biaoping ordered the Chinese Comm/nist )eople@s 0iberation 4rmy to m/rder tho/sands of Chinese people on Tiananmen S?/are the follo,ing month( *)hoto5 http599,,,(idcpc(org(cn9english9;iaoping9relations9'&2%%(htm+

The Inauguration of President George H.W. ush and a !Ne" Wor#d $rder%

eor'e 1erbert +alker *ush takes the oath of office from "#S# Su%reme Court Chief ;ustice +illiam Rehn:uist in +ashin'ton, D#C#, "#S#># on ;anuar, 5=, 1989# "#S# Senator eor'e Mitchell $rear, left) and "#S# Senator *ob Dole $rear, center) a%%ear in the back'round#

-everend Cesse Cackson *left+ and -everend Cerry Dal,ell arrive at the Capitol in Washington$ A(C( on January 20, 1989 for the :na/g/ration of )resident George H(W( B/sh( *Bettmann9C"-B:S+

>(S( )resident George H(W( B/sh delivers his ina/g/ral address at the Capitol in Washington$ A(C($ >(S(4( on January 20, 1989 after being s,orn in as )resident of the >nited States( Dormer )resident -onald -eagan *right+ is seen appla/ding( *)hoto5 Bettmann9C"-B:S+

)resident George B/sh greets British )rime Minister Margaret Thatcher in 0ondon on June 1, 1989$ three days prior to the Tiananmen S?/are Massacre( *)hoto5 George B/sh )residential 0ibrary and M/se/m+

)resident George H(W( B/sh and Barbara B/sh arrive in B/ckingham )alace in 0ondon on June 1, 1989 ,here they are met by E/een Eli1abeth :: of Great Britain and )rince )hilip$ A/ke of Edinb/rgh( *George B/sh )residential 0ibrary and M/se/m+

>(S( )resident George H(W( B/sh *right+ and )oland@s Solidarity leader 0ech Walesa *left+ stand before a cro,d of tho/sands of people in Gdansk$ )oland on July 11, 1989 in front of the mon/ment dedicated to the ,orkers ,ho died in %&#! strikes in the 0enin Shipyard ne;t to the mon/ment( *)hoto5 Bettmann9C"-B:S+

)olitical leaders at G# S/mmit o/tside 0o/vre in )aris$ Drance on July 14, 1989$ also kno,n as Bastille Aay in Drance$ at the entrance of the )yramid of the 0o/vre( Drom left to right5 )rime Minister of :taly Ciriaco Ae Mita$ )resident of the Commission of E/ropean Comm/nities Cac?/es Aelors$ German Chancellor Helm/t Fohl$ >(S( )resident George H(W( B/sh$ Drench )resident Drancois Mitterrand$ )rime Minister of Great Britain Margaret Thatcher$ )rime Minister of Canada Brian M/lroney$ and )rime Minister of Capan Sos/ke >no( *)hoto5 )eter T/rnley9C"-B:S+

)resident George H(W( B/sh shakes hands ,ith Soviet )remier Mikhail Gorbachev at Malta on December 2, 1989( This photo appears in George H(W( B/sh@s o,n book All The Best: My Life in Letters and Other Writings ( *B/sh 0ibrary photo+

0eft photo5 Solidarity leader and )olish anti2comm/nist dissident 0ech Walesa campaigns for president in )oland on May 7, 1989( *-e/ters90es1ek Wdo,inski94rchive )hotos+ -ight photo5 The remains of former -omanian Comm/nist despot Gicolae Cea/sesc/ after he ,as e;ec/ted by the -omanian people on December 25, 1989( *Christmas Aay+(

>(S( )resident George B/sh is greeted by Capanese )rime Minister Gobor/ Takeshita prior to their meeting in Tokyo$ Capan on February 23, 1989 after B/sh arrived for the f/neral of Emperor Hirohito of Capan( *)hoto5 Bettmann9C"-B:S+

)rime Minister of Thailand Chatichai Choonhavan *left+ chats ,ith >(S( )resident George H(W( B/sh d/ring a meeting at the 4merican ambassador<s residence in Tokyo$ Capan on February 23, 1989( *)hoto5 Bettmann9C"-B:S+

4merican )resident George H(W( B/sh speaks ,ith 6aire@s Hanti2Comm/nistI )resident Mob/t/ Sese Seko in Tokyo$ Capan on February 24, 1989( *)hoto5 Wally McGamee9C"-B:S+

:ndia@s )resident -amas,amy 3enkakataraman listens as >(S( )resident George H(W( B/sh speaks d/ring their meeting at the >(S( ambassador<s residence in Tokyo$ Capan on February 23, 1989( *)hoto5 Bettmann9C"-B:S+

)akistani )resident Bena1ir Bh/tto and >( S( )resident George H(W( B/sh meet in Tokyo$ Capan on February 24, 1989 after both leaders attended the f/neral of Emperor Hirohito( *Bettmann9C"-B:S+

)hilippines )resident Cora1on 4?/ino *left+ meets ,ith >( S( )resident George H(W( B/sh on February 24, 1989 d/ring a reception at the :mperial )alace in Tokyo$ Capan after both attended the f/neral of Emperor Hirohito( The >(S( 4ir Dorce ,as stationed at Clark 4ir Base$ at the time 4merica@s largest air force base$ in the )hilippines in %&'&( *)hoto5 Bettmann9C"-B:S+

>(S( )resident George H(W( B/sh *second from left+ and his ,ife Barbara B/sh shares a smile ,ith So/th Forea@s )resident -oh Tae2Woo and his ,ife Fim "k2Sook$ d/ring a photo session at the Bl/e Ho/se in Seo/l$ -ep/blic of Forea on February 27, 1989( *)hoto5 Bettmann9C"-B:S+

Egypt@s )resident Hosni M/barak *left+$ his ,ife S/san *second from left+$ >(S( )resident George H(W( B/sh *right+$ and Dirst 0ady Barbara B/sh$ posing for a pict/re before a formal dinner at the White Ho/se in Washington$ A(C($ >(S(4( on A r!l 4, 1989( *Cerome Aelay94D)9 Getty :mages+

Gational Sec/rity 4dvisor Brent Sco,croft *left+ ,atches Secretary of Aefense Aick Cheney *center+ and )resident George B/sh *right+ read a letter in the "val "ffice of the White Ho/se in Washington$ A(C($ >(S(4( on A r!l 19, 1989( *)hoto5 George B/sh )residential 0ibrary+

>(S( )resident George H(W( B/sh appears at a press conference at the White Ho/se in Washington$ A(C( on Au"u#t 10, 1989 to anno/nce the appointment of >(S( 4rmy General Colin 0( )o,ell as the ne;t Chairman of the Coint Chiefs of Staff( Drom left to right5 Gen( Colin 0( )o,ell$ 3ice )resident Aan E/ayle$ George H(W( B/sh$ Secretary of Aefense Aick Cheney$ and o/tgoing Chairman of the Coint Chiefs of Staff 4dmiral William Cro,e( *J -on Sachs9CG)9Sygma9Corbis+

>(S( )resident George H(W( B/sh displays a bag of crack cocaine at his desk in the "val "ffice at the White Ho/se in Washington$ A(C( on $e tember 5, 1989( The crack cocaine ,as sei1ed by Ar/g Enforcement 4gency *AE4+ agents in 0afayette )ark across from the White Ho/se fe, days earlier in %&'&( B/sh addressed the nation on September =$ %&'& detailing his ne, K#(& billion anti2dr/g program( *)hoto5 Bettmann9C"-B:S+

)resident George H(W( B/sh *center+ o/tlines his anti2dr/g program to >(S( Secretary of State Cames 4( Baker *left+ and >(S( Secretary of Aefense Aick Cheney *right+ at a cabinet meeting in the White Ho/se in Washington$ A(C($ >(S(4( on $e tember 5, 1989( 4t rear is dr/g c1ar William Bennett( *)hoto5 Bettmann9C"-B:S+

)olitical leaders at G# S/mmit o/tside 0o/vre in )aris$ Drance on July 14, 1989$ also kno,n as Bastille Aay in Drance$ at the entrance of the )yramid of the 0o/vre( Drom left to right5 )rime Minister of :taly Ciriaco Ae Mita$ )resident of the Commission of E/ropean Comm/nities Cac?/es Aelors$ German Chancellor Helm/t Fohl$ >(S( )resident George H(W( B/sh$ Drench )resident Drancois Mitterrand$ )rime Minister of Great Britain Margaret Thatcher$ )rime Minister of Canada Brian M/lroney$ and )rime Minister of Capan Sos/ke >no( *)hoto5 )eter T/rnley9C"-B:S+

>nited Gations Secretary General Cavier )ere1 de C/ellar *seated$ left+ looks on as 4merican )resident George H(W( B/sh proposes an agreement stip/lating that the >(S( and the Soviet >nion c/t their chemical ,eapons stocks to an e?/al level$ at abo/t '! percent belo, c/rrent 4merican stocks$ d/ring a speech at the >nited Gations head?/arters in Ge, Lork City on $e tember 25, 1989( *)hoto5 -ick Maiman9Sygma9Corbis+

4rkansas Governor Bill Clinton *left+ :o,a Governor Terry Branstad *center+$ and >(S( )resident George H(W( B/sh *right+ la/gh as they meet in Charlottesville$ 3irginia$ >(S(4( on $e tember 27, 1989 to begin the ed/cation s/mmit( *)hoto5 Bettmann9C"-B:S+

Speaker of the Ho/se Thomas S( Doley *far left+ ,atches Secretary of State Cames 4( Baker ::: *second from left+ shake hands ,ith )resident George H(W( B/sh on A r!l 8, 1989 after signing the Central 4merican Bipartisan 4ccord( Thomas S( Doley ,as a member of the Trilateral Commission in %&'&(

0rime Minister of reat *ritain Mar'aret Thatcher $left) a%%ears !ith Soviet leader Mikhail orbachev $center) and his !ife Raisa orbachev at the Soviet -mbass, in ?ondon on >%ril 1, 1989#

A %Ne& 'orl( Or(er) !n t*e M!((le +a#t

Drom left to right5 )resident of Gorth Lemen 4li 4bd/llah Saleh$ )resident of :ra? Saddam H/ssein$ Fing H/ssein of Cordan and )resident of Egypt Hosni M/barak ,ave to the cro,d d/ring a motorcade rally prior to the opening of the 4rab Cooperation Co/ncil in 4le;andria$ Egypt on C/ne %=$ %&'&( *M:FE GE0S"G94D)9Getty :mages+

Drom right to left5 Grand Sheik of 4l241har$ :ra?i )resident Saddam H/ssein$ Egyptian )resident Hosni M/barak$ Cordanian Fing H/ssein and Gorth Lemeni )resident 4li 4bd/llah Saleh attend the Driday :slamic noon prayer$ d/ring the 4rab Cooperation Co/ncil in 4le;andria$ Egypt on C/ne %.$ %&'&( *M:FE GE0S"G94D)9Getty :mages+

Dinance Minister of :srael Shimon )eres *left+ meets ,ith German Chancellor Helm/t Fohl in Bonn$ Germany on January 18, 1989 d/ring his official visit to West Germany( *)hoto5 -Mgis Boss/9Sygma9Corbis+

>(S( )resident George H(W( B/sh *left+ and Sa/di )rince Bandar *second from left$ red headdress+ taste some Sa/di 4rabian treats ,hile visiting a Sa/di 4rabian e;hibition in Washington$ A(C($ >(S(4( on Au"u#t 9, 1989( )rince Bandar ,as Sa/di 4rabia@s 4mbassador to the >nited States from %&'N to O!!=( *)hoto5 Bettmann9Corbis+

4rab terrorist Lasser 4rafat *left+ and )resident of Syria Hafe1 4ssad sit together on a co/ch for a talk d/ring the 4rab s/mmit in Casablanca$ Morocco on May 25, 1989( *)hoto5 Maher 4ttar9Sygma9Corbis+

4rab terrorist Lasser 4rafat ,elcomes :ra?<s )resident Saddam H/ssein to his Casablanca villa d/ring the 4rab s/mmit in Casablanca$ Morocco on May 25, 1989( *J Maher 4ttar9Sygma9Corbis+

4rab terrorist Lasser 4rafat *left+ sits on the pool side in the garden of his Casablanca villa ,ith Egypt@s )resident Hosni M/barak ,hile t,o bodyg/ards keep an eye on them in the backgro/nd d/ring the 4rab s/mmit in Casablanca$ Morocco on May 2,, 1989( *J Maher 4ttar9Sygma9Corbis+

)resident of 0ebanon -ene Moa,ad$ a Maronite Christian$ shakes hands ,ith >(S( 4mbassador to 0ebanon Cohn McCarthy in :hden$ 0ebanon on November 19, 1989( Moa,ad ,as assassinated in Beir/t$ 0ebanon on November 22, 1989( *)hoto5 Maher 4ttar9Sygma9Corbis+

)resident of So/th 4frica Drederik W( de Flerk and his ,ife attend a p/blic meeting in Witbank$ Transvaal$ So/th 4frica on Au"u#t 30, 1989( D(W( de Flerk$ ,ho ended apartheid in So/th 4frica in %&&!$ ,as the )resident of So/th 4frica from 4/g/st %=$ %&'& to May %!$ %&& ( *)hoto5 -ichard "livier9C"-B:S+

0eft photo5 4/ng San S// Fyi$ a B/rmese h/man rights and political activist$ appears in -angoon$ B/rma in C/ly %&'&( The B/rmese army 7/nta leaders ,ho r/led B/rma /nder martial la, placed 4/ng San S// Fyi /nder ho/se arrest in -angoon$ B/rma on July 20, 1989( B/rma is a co/ntry that is kno,n for opi/m traffickingP the HGolden TriangleI is located in eastern B/rma( *)hoto5 -e/ters9C"-B:S+ -ight photo5 Te;aco Chairman and CE" 4lfred C( AeCrane Cr( *right+ invites :ra?i Aep/ty )rime Minister Tari? 41i1 to the Harold )ratt Ho/se in Ge, Lork City on October 5, 1989( AeCrane is a member of the Co/ncil on Doreign -elations( *)hoto5 Co/ncil on Doreign -elations 4nn/al -eport+

0resident of -',%t 1osni Mubarak $?) 'reets 0resident of @srael Chaim 1erAo' durin' a bilateral meetin' !hile both are in Tok,o, ;a%an to attend the funeral of -m%eror 1irohito in this 4ebruar, 5B, 1989 file %hoto# $R-"T-RS&Denis ra,&4iles)

4riel Sharon *right+ meets ,ith Co/ncil on Doreign -elations member 4lton Drye at the Harold )ratt Ho/se in Ge, Lork City on $e tember 13, 1989( *)hoto5 Co/ncil on Doreign -elations 4nn/al -eport+

0resident of -',%t 1osni Mubarak looks at >merican civil ri'hts activist Reverend ;esse ;ackson !hile 'reetin' him at the start of a meetin' in Cairo, -',%t in this ;ul, 9, 1989 file %hoto# $R-"T-RS&Cher,l 1atch)

Co/ncil on Doreign -elations member Edgar Bronfman *left+ talks to Moshe 4rad *center+$ the :sraeli 4mbassador to the >(S( and Moshe 4rens *right+$ the :sraeli Minister of Doreign 4ffairs$ at the Harold )ratt Ho/se in Ge, Lork City on Marc* 1,, 1989( *)hoto5 Co/ncil on Doreign -elations 4nn/al -eport+

-',%tCs 0resident 1osni Mubarak $?) meets !ith ?ib,an ?eader Muammar addafi at the -',%tian border cit, of Mersa Matrouh in this Dctober 16, 1989 file %hoto# $R-"T-RS&4rederic /eema&4iles)

0eft photo5 >(S( )resident George H(W( B/sh *right$ B(4( Lale %& '+ speaks to :srael@s )rime Minister Lit1hak Shamir at the White Ho/se in Washington$ A(C($ 4merica on November 15, 1989( B/sh is a member of Sk/ll & Bones and a former member of the Co/ncil on Doreign -elations( Shamir ,as a commander of the Stern Gang and a member of the 0ik/d )arty( -ight photo5 Dormer >(S( Secretary of State Cyr/s 3ance *right$ B(4( Lale %&N&+ appears ,ith Fing H/ssein of Cordan at the Harold )ratt Ho/se in Ge, Lork City on A r!l 21, 1989( *)hoto5 Co/ncil on Doreign -elations 4nn/al -eport+

A %Ne& 'orl( Or(er) !n -at!n Amer!ca

)anama@s r/ler General Man/el Goriega ,aves his fist in )anama City$ )anama on October 4, 1989 after the failed co/p d<etat( *)hoto5 )atrick Cha/vel9Sygma9Corbis+

4merican armed forces soldiers$ ,earing camo/flage /niforms$ arrest )anamanian civilians on the streets of )anama City$ )anama on December 2,, 1989( >nited States )resident George H( W( B/sh ordered Q"peration C/st Ca/se$Q d/ring ,hich soldiers invaded )anama in Aecember %&'& to depose )anama@s r/ler General Man/el Goriega( *)hoto5 0es Stone9Sygma9Corbis+

C/ban Commissar Didel Castro celebrates ,ith Soviet -/ssian Commissar Mikhail Gorbachev in Havana$ C/ba on A r!l 5, 1989( *4)9Wide World )hotos+

Aavid -ockefeller *left+ introd/ces former )resident of Me;ico Mig/el de la Madrid H/rtado *%&'O2%&''+ at the Harold )ratt Ho/se in Ge, Lork City on May 4, 1989( *)hoto5 %&'& Co/ncil on Doreign -elations 4nn/al -eport+

A %Ne& $oc!al Or(er)

Celebrities take part in a Hpro2choiceI$ pro2abortion *infanticide+ march in Washington$ A(C($ >(S(4( on 4pril &$ %&'&( 4mong the celebrities in the march are5 -everend Cesse Cackson *second ro,$ left+$ Morgan Dairchild$ Cane Donda$ C/dy Collins$ Marlo Thomas$ Whoopi Goldberg$ and Cybill Shepherd( Their banner reads QFEE) 4B"-T:"G & B:-TH C"GT-"0 S4DE 4GA 0EG40(Q *J S/san Steinkamp9C"-B:S+

4merican actress Cane Donda *left+ chats ,ith Maria Shriver *center+ and her h/sband 4rnold Sch,ar1enegger at a premiere of Q"ld GringoQ$ to benefit the -obert D( Fennedy Memorial D/nd$ in Ge, Lork City on "ctober =$ %&'&( *J Bettmann9C"-B:S+

Smoke and flames er/pt from a fire in the marina area of San Drancisco$ California$ >(S(4( on "ctober %#2%'$ %&'&( 4 section of the Bay Bridge also collapsed$ and the /pper deck of "akland<s Cypress Dree,ay collapsed cr/shing many cars ca/sing several deaths( The 0oma )rieta earth?/ake$ also kno,n as the E/ake of <'& and the World Series Earth?/ake$ ,as a ma7or earth?/ake that str/ck the San Drancisco Bay 4rea of California on "ctober %#$ %&'&P the earth?/ake occ/rred d/ring the ,arm2/p practice for the third game of the %&'& World Series$ a game that feat/red the "akland 4thletics and the San Drancisco Giants( *The Golden Gate Bridge appears in the backgro/nd(+ *J Gerald Drench9Corbis+

0eft photo5 4merican singer Michael Cackson$ live performance on the final night of his %&''2%&'& to/r at 0(4( Sports 4rena$ E;position )ark$ 0os 4ngeles$ California( Can/ary O#$ %&'&( *J Greg 4llen 9 -etna 0td(+ -ight photo5 4merican singer Michael Cackson holds an 4merican M/sic 4,ard for lifetime achievement in 0os 4ngeles$ California on Can/ary N!$ %&'&( *4) )hoto90enno; Mc0endon+

License To Kill, a ;ames *ond movie, !as released on ;ul, 17, 1989, the 5==th anniversar, of the 4rench Revolution#

%&'& "bit/aries

Emperor Hirohito of Capan *4pril O&$ %&!%2Can/ary #$ %&'&+ Emperor of Capan *Aecember O=$ %&O.2 Can/ary #$ %&'&+

Grand 4yatollah Sayyed -/hollah Mostafavi Moosavi Fhomeini *4yatollah Fhomeini+ *September O $ %&!O2 C/ne N$ %&'&+ %st S/preme 0eader of :ran *%&#&2%&'&+

Derdinand Emman/el Edralin Marcos *September %%$ %&%#2 September O'$ %&'&+ )resident of the )hilippines *%&.=2%&'.+

Gicolae Cea/sesc/ *Can/ary O.$ %&%'2 Aecember O=$ %&'&+ )resident of -omania *%&# 2%&'&+

)hilip A( -eed *Govember %.$ %'&&2 March %!$ %&'&+ Chairman of the Dederal -eserve Bank of Ge, Lork *%&.!2%&.=+

Cohn C( McCloy *March N%$ %'&=2March %%$ %&'&+ Chairman of the board of Chase Manhattan Bank *%&==2%&.%+

-obert Bernard 4nderson *C/ne $ %&%!24/g/st % $ %&'&+ >(S( Secretary of the Treas/ry *%&=#2%&.%+

4lfred Hayes *C/ly $ %&%!2"ctober O%$ %&'&+ )resident of the Dederal -eserve Bank of Ge, Lork *%&=.2%&#=+

Theodore -obert QTedQ B/ndy *Govember O $ %& .2 Can/ary O $ %&'&+ 4merican Serial Filler

4ndrei Gromyko *C/ly %'$ %&!&2C/ly O$ %&'&+ Soviet Minister of Doreign 4ffairs *%&=#2%&'=+

Ar( 4ngelo Bartlett Giamatti$ )h(A( *4pril $ %&N'2 September %$ %&'&+ )resident of Lale >niversity *%&#&2%&'.+

-enM Moa,ad *4pril %#$ %&O=2 Govember OO$ %&'&+ )resident of 0ebanon *Govember =$ %&'&2 Govember OO$ %&'&+ 4ssassinated via car bomb in Beir/t$ 0ebanon on Govember OO$ %&'&

5==1: Year of the Snake

World Trade Center & War on Terrorism

>nited 4irlines Dlight %#= hits the World Trade Center So/th To,er at &5!N 4(M( on September %%$ O!!%(

E> second %lane has hit the to!er# >merica is under attack#F G >ndre! Card

0eft photo5 White Ho/se Chief of Staff 4ndre, Card *left+ interr/pts )resident George W( B/sh d/ring a reading event at Booker Elementary School in Sarasota$ Dlorida on September %%$ O!!%( B/sh ,as being told abo/t the t,o planes that crashed into the World Trade Center to,ers in Ge, Lork City( *)a/l C -ichards94D)+ -ight photo5 3ice )resident Aick Cheney$ Chief of Staff to the 3ice )resident 0e,is HScooterI 0ibby$ and Gational Sec/rity 4dvisor Condolee11a -ice observe the destr/ction of the )entagon and the World Trade Center inside the )residential Emergency "perations Center in Washington$ A(C( on September %%$ O!!%( 4ll three individ/als are members of the Co/ncil on Doreign -elations( >pper right photo5 )resident George W( B/sh is seen reading a book abo/t a pet goat at &5!= 4(M( at Booker Elementary School in Sarasota$ Dlorida on September %%$ O!!%( )resident B/sh began reading the book min/tes after White Ho/se Chief of Staff 4ndre, Card informed him abo/t the second airplane crashing into the World Trade Center in Ge, Lork City( :n the occ/lt religion$ a goat symboli1es SatanP George W( B/sh is a member of Sk/ll & Bones$ a secret society at Lale >niversity(

3ice )resident Aick Cheney speaks to administration officials inside the )residential Emergency "perations Center$ an /n dergro/nd office$ in Washington$ A(C( on September %%$ O!!%( :ndivid/als listening to Cheney incl/de *from far left+ Cosh/a B( Bolten$ Faren H/ghes *seated+$ Mary Matalin *standing+$ Gational Sec/rity 4dvisor Condolee11a -ice$ and 0e,is <Scooter< 0ibby *standing$ second from right ,ith arms folded+( Aick Cheney$ Condolee11a -ice$ and 0e,is RScooter@ 0ibby ,ere members of the Co/ncil on Doreign -elations in O!!!$ O!!%$ and O!!O( *)hoto5 http599blog(,ashingtonpost(com9cheney9chapters9chapterS%9comments(html+

)resident George W( B/sh *left+ and Secretary of Aefense Aonald -/msfeld look over the scene of destr/ction at the )entagon on September %O$ O!!%( *)hoto by -(A( Ward9>(S( Aepartment of Aefense+

)resident George W( B/sh meets ,ith his advisors after ret/rning to the White Ho/se on .ue#(ay even!n", $e tember 11, 2001 follo,ing the &9%% attacks( Drom left to right5 3ice )resident Aick CheneyP Chief of Staff 4ndy CardP Condolee11a -ice$ Gational Sec/rity 4dviserP and Special 4gent Carl Tr/scott of the >(S( Secret Service in the )residential Emergency "perations Center of the White Ho/se( *)hoto5 Gational 4rchives+

)resident George W( B/sh meets ,ith his Gational Sec/rity Co/ncil in the )residential Emergency "perations Center of the White Ho/se on .ue#(ay even!n", $e tember 11, 2001$ soon after addressing the nation in a televised speech( *)hoto5 Gational 4rchives+

Aep/ty >(S( Secretary of Aefense )a/l Wolfo,it1 talks ,ith$ from left$ Aonald -/msfeld$ >(S( Secretary of AefenseP Colin )o,ell$ >(S( Secretary of StateP and 0e,is 0ibby$ Chief of Staff for the 3ice )resident in the Cabinet -oom of the White Ho/se on $e tember 12, 2001( Wolfo,it1$ )o,ell$ and 0ibby ,ere members of the Co/ncil on Doreign -elations at the time of this photograph( *)hoto5 Gational 4rchives+

)resident George W( B/sh meets ,ith his Gational Sec/rity Co/ncil in the Cabinet -oom of the White Ho/se on September %O$ O!!%( Seated ,ith the )resident from left are5 Aonald -/msfeld$ >(S( Secretary of AefenseP Colin )o,ell$ >(S( Secretary of StateP and 3ice )resident Aick Cheney( *)hoto5 Gational 4rchives+

)resident George W( B/sh o/tlines the ne, co/rse for his administration d/ring a meeting ,ith his Gational Sec/rity Co/ncil in the Cabinet -oom of the White Ho/se on September %O$ O!!%( Seated ,ith the )resident from left are5 Aonald -/msfeld$ Secretary of AefenseP Colin )o,ell$ Secretary of StateP 3ice )resident Aick CheneyP and Gen( Henry H( Shelton$ Chairman of the Coint Chiefs of Staff( Seated in the backgro/nd on the left are *left to right+5 Stephen Hadley$ Scooter 0ibby$ )a/l Wolfo,it1$ and -ichard 4rmitage( *)hoto5 Gational 4rchives+

0ed in prayer by Secretary of Aefense Aonald -/msfeld$ right$ )resident George W( B/sh 7oins his Cabinet as they bo, their heads before beginning their meeting in the Cabinet -oom of the White Ho/se on Driday$ September % $ O!!%( *)hoto5 Gational 4rchives+

)resident George W( B/sh grasps the hand of his father$ former )resident George H( W( B/sh$ at the Gational Cathedral in Washington$ A(C($ >(S(4( on Driday$ September % $ O!!%$ after speaking at the service for 4merica<s Gational Aay of )rayer and -emembrance( Seated ,ith the )resident from left are5 Mrs( Barbara B/sh$ Dormer )resident Bill Clinton$ Sen( Hillary -odham Clinton$ and Chelsea Clinton( *)hoto5 Gational 4rchives+

)resident George W( B/sh$ Mrs( 0a/ra B/sh$ Dormer )resident George H( W( B/sh$ Mrs( Barbara B/sh$ former )resident Bill Clinton$ >(S( Senator Hillary -odham Clinton$ and Chelsea Clinton$ bo, their heads d/ring the Gational Aay of )rayer and -emembrance service at the Gational Cathedral in Washington$ A(C($ >(S(4( on Driday$ September % $ O!!%( *)hoto5 Gational 4rchives+

>(S( )resident George W( B/sh meets ,ith Secretary of Aefense Aonald H( -/msfeld and his staff at the )entagon near Washington$ A(C( on September %O$ O!!%( Drom left to right5 Secretary of the 4rmy Thomas E( White$ Aep/ty Secretary of Aefense )a/l Wolfo,it1$ -/msfeld$ B/sh$ and Gational Sec/rity 4dvisor Condolee11a -ice( *)hoto by Helene C( Stikkel9>(S( Aepartment of Aefense+

Michael Chertoff *right+$ the 4ssistant >(S( 4ttorney General for Criminal Enforcement$ is seen talking to >(S( 4ttorney General Cohn 4shcroft before a Ho/se committee on September O $ O!!%( *Win McGamee9-e/ters+

)resident George W( B/sh<s ,ar cabinet meet at Camp Aavid on September %=$ O!!%( Clock,ise from left5 >(S( 4ttorney General Cohn 4shcroft$ 3ice2)resident Cheney$ B/sh$ Secretary of State )o,ell$ Secretary of Aefense -/msfeld$ Aep/ty Secretary of Aefense )a/l Wolfo,it1$ DB: Airector -obert M/eller$ Secretary of the Treas/ry )a/l "<Geill$ C:4 Airector George Tenet$ White Ho/se Chief of Staff 4ndre, Card$ Gational Sec/rity 4dviser Condolee11a -ice$ and Chairman of the Coint Chiefs of Staff General Henry Shelton( *)hoto5 C Scott 4pple,hite94)+

)resident George W( B/sh meets ,ith the Gational Sec/rity Co/ncil in the Sit/ation -oom of the White Ho/se on September O!$ O!!%( )articipants from left incl/de5 -obert M/eller$ Airector of the DB:P 0e,is 0ibby$ Chief of Staff to the 3ice )residentP George Tenet$ Airector of the Central :ntelligence 4gency *C:4+P 4ttorney General Cohn 4shcroftP )a/l "<Geill$ Secretary of Treas/ryP 3ice )resident Aick CheneyP Colin )o,ell$ Secretary of StateP Aonald -/msfeld$ Secretary of AefenseP and Gen( Henry Shelton$ Chairman of the Coint Chiefs of Staff( *)hoto5 Gational 4rchives+

)resident George W( B/sh meets ,ith C:4 Airector George Tenet *right+$ Gational Sec/rity 4dvisor Condolee11a -ice *above$ left+$ and White Ho/se Chief of Staff 4ndre, Card *lo,er left+ at Camp Aavid in Maryland on September O&$ O!!% to disc/ss the invasion of 4fghanistan( *)hoto5 Gational 4rchives+

)resident George W( B/sh meets ,ith Central :ntelligence 4gency *C:4+ Airector George Tenet$ 3ice )resident Aick Cheney and Gational Sec/rity 4dviser Condolee11a -ice in the "val "ffice of the White Ho/se on "ctober #$ O!!%( *)hoto5 Gational 4rchives+

)resident George W( B/sh signs the /$A 0atr!ot Act in the East -oom of the White Ho/se in Washington$ A(C($ >(S(4( on "ctober O.$ O!!%( Standing behind the )resident from left are5 >(S( 4ttorney General Cohn 4shcroftP Sen( "rrin Hatch$ -ep/blican2>tahP Sen( )atrick 0eahy$ Aemocrat23ermontP Sen( Harry -eid$ Aemocrat2GevadaP -epresentative Cames Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin$ and Sen( Bob Graham$ Aemocrat2Dlorida( *)hoto5 Gational 4rchives+

DB: Airector -obert M/eller$ C:4 Airector George Tenet$ 4ttorney General Cohn 4shcroft$ and Homeland Sec/rity Airector Tom -idge confer in the Cabinet -oom of the White Ho/se on "ctober O&$ O!!%( *)hoto5 Gational 4rchives+

4rab terrorist "sama bin 0aden escaped and evaded 4merican capt/re on Aecember %.$ O!!% despite the 4fghan and 4merican assa/lt on Tora Bora( *Erik de Castro9-e/ters+ http599,,,(nytimes(com9O!!=9!&9%%9maga1ine9%%T"-4B"-4(html

0eft5 Hamid Far1ai is s,orn in as the :nterim )rime Minister of 4fghanistan on Aecember OO$ O!!%( *4) )hoto+ -ight5 4rab terrorist and former C:4 agent "sama bin 0aden delivers a speech in his GovemberN$ O!!% videotape(

E-ither ,ou are !ith us, or ,ou are !ith the terrorists# 4rom this da, for!ard, an, nation that continues to harbor or su%%ort terrorism !ill be re'arded b, the "nited States as a hostile re'ime#F G 0resident eor'e +# *ush, Se%tember 5=, 5==1 E+ell, @ think most %eo%le in the !orld understand that @ !as ver, serious, and the,Cre serious, !hen !e sa, if ,ou harbor a terrorist, ,ouCre 3ust as 'uilt, as the terrorist#F G 0resident eor'e +# *ush, on Se%tember 5H, 5==1 E?et us never tolerate outra'eous cons%irac, theories concernin' the attacks of Se%tember the 11th< malicious lies that attem%t to shift the blame a!a, from the terrorists, themselves, a!a, from the 'uilt,#F G 0resident eor'e +# *ush, /ovember 1=, 5==1

Donald Rumsfeld, 0aul +olfo!itA, and Dick Chene, a%%ear to'ether in March 5==1# @nscri%tion: E0aul G +ho.s the best Secretar, of Defense ,ou ever !orked forI Dick#F >ll three men !ere members of the 0ro3ect for the /e! >merican Centur,# $"#S# De%artment of Defense %hoto) $Source: Rise of the Vulcans: The History of Bushs War Cabinet b, ;ames Mann)

Dederal -eserve Chairman 4lan Greenspan$ right$ shakes hands ,ith Senator Hillary -odham Clinton *A2GL+ prior to testifying before the Senate B/dget Committee on Capitol Hill on Can/ary O=$ O!!%( *)hoto by 4le; Wong9Ge,smakers+

0eft to right5 -etired >(S( Gavy 4dmiral William C( Cro,e$ >(S( 4ir Dorce Gen( Michael E( -yan$ >(S( 4rmy Gen( Eric F( Shinseki$ >(S( Gavy 4dmiral 3ern Clark$ and >(S( Marine Corps Gen( Michael C( Williams appear at a meeting on January 4, 2001( 4ll five men in this photo are *or ,ere+ members of the Co/ncil on Doreign -elations( *)hoto5 Co/ncil on Doreign -elations O!!% 4nn/al -eport+

The Coint Chiefs of Staff are photographed in the Coint Chiefs of Staff Gold -oom$ more commonly kno,n as The Tank$ in the )entagon on January 11, 2001( Drom left to right are5 3ice Chairman of the Coint Chiefs of Staff Gen( -ichard B( Myers$ >(S( 4ir Dorce$ Chairman of the Coint Chiefs of Staff Gen( Henry H( Shelton$ >(S( 4rmy$ >(S( 4ir Dorce Chief of Staff Gen( Michael E( -yan$ >(S( 4rmy Chief of Staff Gen( Eric F( Shinseki$ >(S( Marine Corps Commandant Gen( Cames 0( Cones Cr($ and >(S( Gavy Chief of Gaval "perations 3ernon Clark( 4ll si; officers are *or ,ere+ members of the Co/ncil on Doreign -elations( *)hoto5 >(S( Aepartment of Aefense+

)resident George W( B/sh *left+$ 3ice )resident Aick Cheney *second from left+$ Secretary of Aefense Aonald -/msfeld *third from left+ and Gational Sec/rity 4dvisor Condolee11a -ice prepare to receive a briefing in the )entagon near Washington$ A(C($ >(S(4( on 4/g/st %$ O!!%( *)hoto5 >(S( Aepartment of Aefense+

0eft to right5 Dormer >(S( Senator Warren B( -/dman$ former >(S( Senator Gary Hart$ former Secretary of Aefense Drank C( Carl/cci *also Chairman of the Carlyle Gro/p+$ and former Speaker of the Ho/se Ge,t Gingrich appear at a Co/ncil on Doreign -elations meeting in C/ne O!!%( Warren B( -/dman$ Gary Hart$ and Ge,t Gingrich ,ere members of the Hart2-/dman Commission( *)hoto5 Co/ncil on Doreign -elations O!!% 4nn/al -eport+

William C( McAono/gh$ the )resident of the Dederal -eserve Bank of Ge, Lork$ speaks ,ith >(S( Gavy 4dmiral 3ern Clark$ Chief of Gaval "perations$ at a meeting on Can/ary $ O!!%( *)hoto5 Co/ncil on Doreign -elations O!!% 4nn/al -eport+

Henry Fissinger$ -ichard 3( 4llen$ -ichard Holbrooke$ -obert C( McDarlane$ and Brent Sco,croft disc/ss national sec/rity matters at the Harold )ratt Ho/se on Debr/ary %=$ O!!%( Everyone b/t Holbrooke is a former Gational Sec/rity 4dvisor( *)hoto5 Co/ncil on Doreign -elations O!!% 4nn/al -eport+

-onald A( 4sm/s$ Morton H( Halperin$ -ichard C( Holbrooke$ and -ichard )erle appear at a Co/ncil on Doreign -elations meeting at the Harold )ratt Ho/se on May OO$ O!!%( *)hoto5 Co/ncil on Doreign -elations O!!% 4nn/al -eport+

0eft to right5 Chairman of the Coint Chiefs of Staff Gen( Henry H( Shelton$ )resident2elect George W( B/sh$ Secretary of Aefense William S( Cohen$ and 3ice )resident2elect Aick Cheney talk to reporters before starting their meeting in the Tank at the )entagon on Can/ary %!$ O!!%( Shelton$ Cohen$ and Cheney ,ere members of the Co/ncil on Doreign -elations at the time this photo ,as taken( *)hoto5 >(S( Aepartment of Aefense+

Secretary of Aefense William S( Cohen *right+$ Secretary of Aefense2designate Aonald H( -/msfeld *center+$ Aefense Aepartment Transition Team Chief 6almay M( Fhalil1ad *left+ meet in William S( Cohen@s )entagon office for a ,orking breakfast on Can/ary =$ O!!%( 6almay M( Fhalil1ad and William S( Cohen are members of the Co/ncil on Doreign -elations( *)hoto by -( A( Ward$ >(S( Aepartment of Aefense+

1oll,!ood movie Pearl Harbor !as released on &ay '(, '))1#

E*urther, the +ro,ess of transformation, even if it brings revo#utionary ,hange, is #i-e#y to be a #ong one, absent some ,atastro+hi, and , event / #i-e a ne" Pear# Harbor. Domestic %olitics and industrial %olic, !ill sha%e the %ace and content of transformation as much as the re:uirements of current missions#F G Pro0e,t for the Ne" 1meri,an 2entury $0/>C), Se%tember 5=== re%ort Rebuilding A ericas !efenses: "trategy# $orces and Resources $or a %e& Century, Section J $ECreatin' Tomorro!Cs Dominant 4orceF), %# H1

Harry Potter and the "orcerer's "tone !as released in >merica on /ovember 16, 5==1#

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring !as released in >merica December 19, 5==1#

Michael Cackson *center+ poses ,ith *left to right+5 CC Chase1$ 0ance Bass$ Chris Firkpatrick$ and C/stin Timberlake of the HGSyncI m/sic band at the 4nn/al -ock & -oll Hall of Dame :nd/ction Ainner in Ge, Lork City on Marc* 19, 2001( *)hoto5 J Steve 411ara9Corbis+

0eft photo5 Drom left to right5 Airector Ted Aemme$ )enelope Cr/1$ Cohnny Aepp$ and Marilyn Manson arrive at the premiere of movie 12lo&1 in 0os 4ngeles on Marc* 29, 2001( *)hoto5 J Drank Trapper9Corbis+ -ight photo5 Holly,ood actor Cohnny Aepp *star of film+ appears ,ith Marilyn Manson and Aita at the 1From 3ell1 movie premiere in 0os 4ngeles on October 17, 2001( *)hoto5 J Drank Trapper9Corbis+

Chief C/stice of the >(S( S/preme Co/rt William -ehn?/ist *right+ administers the oath of office to )resident George W( B/sh in Washington$ A(C($ >(S(4( on Can/ary O!$ O!!%( *4ssociated )ress+

O!!% "bit/aries

-aurent4De#!re 5ab!la *Govember O#$ %&N&2 Can/ary %'$ O!!%+ )resident of the Aemocratic -ep/blic of the Congo *%&&#2O!!%+P assassinated and died in office

5!n" 2!ren(ra o6 Ne al *Aecember O'$ %& =2 C/ne %$ O!!%+ Fing of Gepal *%&#O2O!!%+P assassinated and died in office

.!mot*y Mc7e!"* *4pril ON$ %&.'2 C/ne %%$ O!!%+ "klahoma City BomberP E;ec/ted in prison

5at*ar!ne 8ra*am *C/ne %.$ %&%#2 C/ly %#$ O!!%+ Chairman of the board of The Washington )ost Co( *%&#N2%&&N+

8en9 N"uyen 7an .*!eu *4pril =$ %&ON2 September O&$ O!!%+P died in Boston )resident of the -ep/blic of 3ietnam TSo/th 3ietnamU *%&.=2%&#=+

>(S( )resident Bill Clinton *foregro/nd$ left+ and his da/ghter Chelsea Clinton ,atch as 3ice )resident 4l Gore *right+ administers the oath of office to Dirst 0ady Hillary -odham Clinton *Ond right+ on her first day in office as a >(S( Senator from Ge, Lork at the >(S( Capitol in Washington$ A(C($ >(S(4( on Can/ary N$ O!!%( *)hoto5 -on Sachs9CG)9Sygma9Corbis+

)rominent b/sinessmen and politicians$ incl/ding Aick Grasso$ >(S( Senator Charles Sch/mer$ >(S( Senator Hillary Clinton$ and Ge, Lork City mayor -/dolph Gi/liani$ appear at a press conference in Ge, Lork City on September %#$ O!!%$ 7/st after the Ge, Lork Stock E;change ,as re2opened si; days after the implosion of the World Trade Center and the attack on the )entagon(

>(S( )resident George W( B/sh reads a statement as )ope Cohn )a/l :: listens at the )ope<s co/ntry retreat Castel Gandolfo near -ome$ :taly on July 23, 2001( *-E>TE-S9Win McGamee+

Lasser 4rafat$ right$ and )ope Cohn )a/l :: *left+ greets 4rab terrorist Lasser 4rafat at the papal s/mmer residence Castel Gandolfo$ near -ome$ :taly on Au"u#t 2, 2001( *-e/ters9C"-B:S+

4rab terrorist Lasser 4rafat *left+ and >nited Gations Secretary General Fofi 4nnan ans,er ?/estions at a 7oint press conference in the Hotel Seehof in Aavos$ S,it1erland d/ring the 4nn/al Meeting O!!% of the World Economic Dor/m on January 28, 2001( 4rafat and 4nnan disc/ssed the development in the Middle East peace process( )""0 FELST"GE9)hoto by 4lessandro Aella 3alle Copyright World Economic Dor/m *)hoto5 http599,,,(flickr(com9photos9,orldeconomicfor/m9N=!N !'OO9+

H)alestinianI 4rab terrorist Lasser 4rafat *-+ shakes hands ,ith Minister of -egional Cooperation of :srael Shimon )eres *left+ as an /nidentified translator appla/ds at the beginning of a session entitled <Drom )eacemaking to )eaceb/ilding< at the 4nn/al Meeting O!!% of the World Economic Dor/m in Aavos$ S,it1erland on January 28, 2001( s,iss2image(ch9)hoto by -emy Steinegger Copyright World Economic Dor/m *)hoto5 http599,,,(flickr(com9photos9,orldeconomicfor/m9N=!N .NN9+

Communist China.s Commissar ;ian' Kemin clas%s hands !ith visitin' 0alestine ?iberation Dr'aniAation terrorist Yasser >rafat at Khon'nanhai leadershi% com%ound in *ei3in' on >u'ust 57, 5==1# $>ndre! +on'&0ool Reuters&-0>&Corbis)

British )rime Minister Tony Blair *left+ greets )alestine 0iberation "rgani1ation terrorist Lasser 4rafat on his arrival at %! Ao,ning Street in 0ondon on "ctober %=$ O!!%( Blair and 4rafat are meeting to disc/ss the stalled Middle East peacemaking and 4merican2led strikes on 4fghanistan( *-E>TE-S9C"-B:S9Michael Crabtree+

>(S( )resident George W( B/sh and )rime Minister of Great Britain Tony Blair hold a 7oint press conference after their Qget ac?/aintedQ talks at Camp Aavid$ Maryland$ >(S(4( on Debr/ary ON$ O!!%( *-on Sachs9Corbis Sygma+

4 Special Meeting of the Gorth 4tlantic Co/ncil ,ith the )articipation of Heads of State and Government is held in Br/ssels$ Belgi/m on C/ne %N$ O!!%( 0eft to right5 Mr( Tony Blair *)rime Minister of Great Britain+P >(S( )resident George W( B/shP Mr( Colin )o,ell *>(S( Secretary of State+P G4T" Secretary General$ 0ord -obertson( *)hoto5 G4T" )hoto+

Ho/rs before addressing Congress and the nation$ )resident George W( B/sh talks privately ,ith British )rime Minister Tony Blair in the Bl/e -oom at the White Ho/se on September O!$ O!!%( *)hoto5 Gational 4rchives+

)resident George W( B/sh meets ,ith Doreign Minister Sa/di 4l2Dail of Sa/di 4rabia in the "val "ffice on September O!$ O!!%( Secretary of State Colin )o,ell and Sa/di 4mbassador to the >(S( )rince Bandar are seen standing in front of the )resident@s desk( *)hoto5 Gational 4rchives+

3ice )resident Aick Cheney shakes hands ,ith former )resident Bill Clinton after being s,orn in by S/preme Co/rt Chief C/stice William C( -ehn?/ist as )resident George W( B/sh looks on o/tside the >(S( Capitol b/ilding in Washington$ A(C( on January 20, 2001( Aick Cheney and Bill Clinton are members of the Co/ncil on Doreign -elations( *)hoto by Mark Wilson9Ge,smakers+

)resident of Me;ico 3icente Do; *left+$ )rime Minister of Canada Cean Chretien *center+$ and )resident GE"-GE W( B>SH pose for photographers d/ring a trilateral meeting in the old E/ebec City on 4pril OO$ O!!%$ right after the closing ceremony of the Third S/mmit of the 4mericas$ ,here they and N% other heads of state and government agreed to implement the ,orld<s largest free trade 1one( *4ndre Dorget94D)9Getty :mages+

)resident2elect George W( B/sh *left+ appears ,ith Fenneth 0ay *right+$ the Chairman and CE" of Enron$ and Gancy 0a1ar$ e;ec/tive vice president of :nternational Strategy and :nvestments$ at an economic for/m in 4/stin$ Te;as$ >S4 in this January 3, 2001 file photo( The indictment of >(S( )resident George W( B/sh<s one2time friend and financial backer$ former Enron CE" Fenneth 0ay$ has p/t the spotlight back on B/sh<s ties to big corporate donors as he heads into the final months of the >(S( presidential campaign( Aemocrats sei1ed on the indictment of the man nicknamed QFenny BoyQ by B/sh to attack the president<s personal and financial ties to Enron$ incl/ding s/ggesting the criminal action had been delayed( *J CEDD M:TCHE009-e/ters9Corbis+

)resident George W( B/sh and Citigro/p banker -obert -/bin *left+$ former Treas/ry Secretary$ former )artner of Goldman Sachs$ and the chairman of the e;ec/tive committee of Citigro/p$ look on before B/sh makes a keynote address at the 4sia2)acific Economic Cooperation *4)EC+ s/mmit in Shanghai$ Comm/nist China on October 20, 2001( -obert -/bin is a member of the Co/ncil on Doreign -elations$ a private organi1ation in Ge, Lork City( *Bobby Lip9-e/ters9C"-B:S+

T,elve 4frican heads of state and chief e;ec/tives of the World Bank and the :nternational Monetary D/nd *:MD+ pose for pict/res in Aar se Salaam$ Tan1ania on February 23, 2001( *Drom left to right$ front ro,+5 World Bank )resident Cames Wolfensohn$ Aictator of 6imbab,e -obert M/gabe$ )resident of Fenya Aaniel arap Moi$ )resident of Tan1ania Ben7amin Mkapa$ )resident of >ganda Lo,eri M/seveni$ )resident of Mo1ambi?/e Coa?/im Chissano$ and :MD Managing Airector Horst Fohler( *Drom left to right$ back ro,+5 )resident of Eritrea :ssaias 4fe,orki$ )resident of Bots,ana Dest/s Mogae$ )resident of Mala,i Bakili M/l/1i$ )resident of So/th 4frica Thabo Mbeki$ )resident of 6ambia Drederick Chil/ba$ )rime Minister of Ethiopia Meles 6ena,i$ and )resident of -,anda )a/l Fagame( *4le;ander Coe94D)9Getty :mages+

World Bank )resident Cames Wolfensohn *left+ greets >nited Gations Secretary General Fofi 4nnan in "tta,a$ Canada on November 17, 2001( Cames Wolfensohn is a member of the Co/ncil on Doreign -elations$ a private organi1ation in Ge, Lork City$ and a prominent Bilderberg Meetings participant( *4ndre Dorget94D)9Getty :mages+

Dormer >(S( )resident Bill Clinton meets E/een Beatri; of the Getherlands at the H/is ten Bosch palace in The Hag/e$ Getherlands on March %O$ O!!%( Bill Clinton and E/een Beatri; of the Getherlands attended the Bilderberg Meetings together in %&&%( *-e/ters9)ool9Ed "/denaarden+

Dormer >(S( )resident Bill Clinton greets )rime Minister of S,eden Carl Bildt at Grand Hotel in Stockholm$ S,eden on May %=$ O!!%( Carl Bildt is a longtime member of the Trilateral Commission and a prominent Bilderberg Meetings participant( Bill Clinton is a member of the Co/ncil on Doreign -elations$ a -hodes Scholar$ and a former member of the Trilateral Commission(

G4T" Secretary2General 0ord -obertson *left+ talks to Aep/ty Secretary of Aefense )a/l Wolfo,it1 *center+ and >(S( -epresentative to G4T" -( Gicholas B/rns behind closed doors at the G4T" head?/arters in Br/ssels$ Belgi/m on September O.$ O!!%( *G4T" )hoto+

4mbassador -( Gicholas B/rns *left+$ the >(S( )ermanent -epresentative to G4T"$ ,atches Secretary of Aefense Aonald -/msfeld *center+ shake hands ,ith G4T" Secretary General 0ord -obertson on Aecember %'$ O!!%( *G4T" )hoto+

>(S( Secretary of Aefense Aonald -/msfeld *left+ inspects the -/ssian army at 3ictory )ark d/ring an armed forces honors ceremony ,elcoming him to Mosco,$ -/ssia on 4/g/st %%$ O!!%( -/msfeld is escorted by Military Commandant of Mosco, General2Ma7or 4leksandr G( Aenisov *right$ sal/ting+( Aonald -/msfeld ,as in -/ssia to meet ,ith -/ssian defense leaders and disc/ss the 4nti2Ballistic Missile Treaty( Aonald -/msfeld is a former member of the Co/ncil on Doreign -elations( *)hoto by Helene C( Stikkel$ >(S( Aepartment of Aefense+

>(S( Secretary of Aefense Aonald H( -/msfeld *left+ and -/ssia@s )resident 3ladimir )/tin *right+ pose for photographers as they meet in the Fremlin in Mosco,$ -/ssia on Govember N$ O!!%( *)hoto5 >(S( Aepartment of Aefense+

-/ssia@s )resident 3ladimir )/tin *left+ meets ,ith George H(W( B/sh *center+ and Cames 4( Baker ::: at -ice >niversity in Ho/ston$ Te;as on Govember% $ O!!%( *)residential )ress and :nformation "ffice9Fremlin 4rchives+ http599archive(kremlin(r/9events9photos9O!!%9%%9N&&# (shtml

Gational Sec/rity 4dvisor Condolee11a -ice *left+ greets -/ssia@s )resident 3ladimir )/tin on Govember% $ O!!%( *)residential )ress and :nformation "ffice9Fremlin 4rchives+ http599archive(kremlin(r/9events9photos9O!!%9%%9N&&# (shtml

-/ssia@s )resident 3ladimir )/tin *left+ and )resident George W( B/sh smile for the camera in Te;as on Govember%=$ O!!%( *)residential )ress and :nformation "ffice9Fremlin 4rchives+ http599archive(kremlin(r/9events9photos9O!!%9%%9N&&# (shtml

Russia.s 0resident Jladimir 0utin $left) meets !ith 1enr, Lissin'er, former "#S# Secretar, of State and honorar, @DC member durin' the o%enin' ceremon, of the 115th Session of the @nternational Dl,m%ic Committee $@DC) in Mosco!, Russia on Ju#y 1', '))1# $0hoto: Russian 0residential 0ress and @nformation Dffice&Lremlin)

0resident of Russia Jladimir 0utin meets !ith /orth Lorea.s commissar Lim ;on' @l $left) at the rand Lremlin 0alace in Mosco!, Russia on 1ugust 3, '))1# $0hoto: Russian 0residential 0ress and @nformation Dffice&Lremlin)

Egypt@s )resident Hosni M/barak *left+ shakes hands ,ith >(S( )resident George W( B/sh in the "val "ffice of the White Ho/se in this A r!l 2, 2001 file photograph( *-E>TE-S9Win McGamee9Diles+

0eft to right5 H)alestinianI 4rab terrorist Lasser 4rafat$ Egypt@s )resident Hosni M/barak$ )rime Minister of Spain Cose Maria 41nar and :srael@s Doreign Minister Shimon )eres la/gh d/ring the E/ro2Mediterranean for/m in the resort of Dormentor on the Spanish island of Ma7orca in this November 2, 2001 file photo( *-E>TE-S9Aani Cardona9Diles+

Drom left to right$ Aavid :vry$ :sraeli 4mbassador to the >nited StatesP )a/l A( Wolfo,it1$ Aep/ty Secretary of AefenseP 4riel Sharon$ )rime Minister of :sraelP Aonald H( -/msfeld$ >(S( Secretary of AefenseP and Martin :ndyk$ >(S( 4mbassador to :srael$ pose for a gro/p photo at the )entagon near Washington$ A(C( on March %&$ O!!%( )a/l A( Wolfo,it1 and Martin :ndyk are members of the Co/ncil on Doreign -elationsP Martin :ndyk is a nat/rali1ed 4merican citi1en( *)hoto5 -obert A( Ward9>(S( Aepartment of Aefense+

:srael@s )rime Minister 4riel Sharon *right+ meets ,ith Cacob Drenkel *left+$ then the Governor of the Bank of :srael$ Stanley Discher *second from left+$ then the Dirst Aep/ty Managing Airector of the :nternational Monetary D/nd$ and Gaby Dishman at the Fnesset in Cer/salem$ :srael on May % $ O!!%( Both Cacob Drenkel and Stanley Discher are members of the Trilateral Commission$ members of the Gro/p of Thirty *G2N!+$ and directors of the :nstit/te for :nternational Economics( Stanley Discher ,as a member of the Co/ncil on Doreign -elations and a member of the Trilateral Commission at the time this photo ,as taken on May % $ O!!%( *)hoto5 4mos Ben Gershom9:sraeli Government )ress office *G)"++

Secretary of Aefense Aonald H( -/msfeld escorts :srael@s )rime Minister 4riel Sharon into the )entagon near Washington$ A(C( on March %&$ O!!%( *)hoto5 -(A( Ward$ >(S( Aepartment of Aefense+

Dormer >(S( Secretary of State Henry Fissinger talks to )rime Minister of :srael 4riel Sharon at the :sraeli Cons/l General@s home in Ge, Lork City on C/ne O=$ O!!%( Henry Fissinger ,as a member of the Co/ncil on Doreign -elations *a private organi1ation in Ge, Lork City+ and a member of the Trilateral Commission *a private organi1ation in Washington$ A(C(+ at the time this photo ,as taken on C/ne O=$ O!!%( *)hoto5 4vi "hayon9:srael Government )ress "ffice *G)"++

:sraeli )rime Minister2elect 4riel Sharon prays at the Western Wall TWailing WallU in Cer/salem$ :srael on Debr/ary #$ O!!%$ the day after his landslide election victory( *)hoto5 -icki -osen9Corbis+

Ge,ly ina/g/rated )rime Minister of :srael 4riel Sharon *center+ toasts his <national /nity< government of O. ministers *the largest in :sraeli history+ in Cer/salem$ :srael on March #$ O!!%( Shimon )eres *third ro,$ third from right+ appears in the backgro/nd( 4riel Sharon ,as the )rime Minister of :srael from March #$ O!!% to 4pril % $ O!!.P 4riel Sharon s/ffered a stroke on Can/ary $ O!!.( *)hoto5 )ool9-icki -osen9Corbis Saba+

>(S( Secretary of State Colin )o,ell *left+ meets ,ith :srael@s )rime Minister2elect 4riel Sharon in Cer/salem$ :srael on Debr/ary O=$ O!!%( *)hoto5 J -icki -osen9Corbis+

>(S( )resident George W( B/sh meets ,ith Doreign Minister of :srael Shimon )eres *left+ in the "val "ffice at the White Ho/se in Washington$ A(C($ >(S(4( on May N$ O!!%( *)hoto5 -on Sachs9Corbis Sygma+

)rime Minister of :srael 4riel Sharon *left+ meets ,ith >(S( )resident George W( B/sh in the "val "ffice at the White Ho/se in Washington$ A(C($ >(S(4( on C/ne O.$ O!!%( *)hoto5 -on Sachs9Corbis Sygma+

:sraeli )rime Minister of :srael 4riel Sharon *left+ and the Drench )resident Cac?/es Chirac shake hands on the steps of the Elysee )alace in )aris$ Drance on C/ly =$ O!!%( *)hoto5 Bernard Bisson9Sygma9Corbis+

Secretary of Aefense Aonald -/msfeld *left+ confers ,ith Aep/ty )rime Minister of :srael Shimon )eres before engaging in formal disc/ssions in the )entagon near Washington$ A(C( on "ctober OO$ O!!%( *)hoto5 >(S( Aepartment of Aefense+

Ge, Lork City Mayor -/dolph Gi/liani *left+ talks to the press as :sraeli )rime Minister 4riel Sharon smiles after visiting Gro/nd 6ero of World Trade Center ,reckage in Ge, Lork City Govember N!$ O!!%( *)ool )hoto9Getty :mages+

Dormer >(S( Secretary of State Henry Fissinger *,earing glasses+ listens as Ge, Lork City Mayor -/dolph Gi/liani *,earing a hat and tie+ talks to the press at the site of the World Trade Center site in Ge, Lork City on "ctober O$ O!!%( *Tony G/tierre194D)9Getty :mages+

>(S( Secretary of Aefense Aonald -/msfeld *left+ and Ge, Lork City Mayor -/dy Gi/liani *right+ talk to reporters at Gro/nd 6ero on Govember % $ O!!%( -/msfeld ,as visiting the World Trade Center site to speak to -/dy Gi/liani$ officials from the Ge, Lork Dire Aepartment$ and officials from the "ffice of Emergency Management( *)hoto5 >(S( Aepartment of Aefense+

Michael Bloomberg *left+$ the Mayor2elect of Ge, Lork City$ chats ,ith 0arry Silverstein$ leaseholder of the World Trade Center site$ on Govember O%$ O!!% in Bloomberg<s transitional offices in Ge, Lork City( Silverstein has anno/nced that he plans on reb/ilding office to,ers at the former World Trade Center site( *)hoto by Chris Hondros9Getty :mages+

0eft to right5 0arry Silverstein$ Gicholas Economides$ and Stephen Sch,ar1man participate in a meeting called HCE" S/mmit on -eb/ilding Confidence in the >(S( EconomyI held at Ge, Lork >niversity on Aecember #$ O!!%( 0arry Silverstein ,as the landlord of the World Trade Center in Ge, Lork City on September %%$ O!!%( Stephen Sch,ar1man is a member of the Co/ncil on Doreign -elations and a member of Sk/ll & Bones at Lale >niversity( *)hoto5 Ge, Lork >niversity+

World Trade Center landlord 0arry Silverstein *foregro/nd+ gives a th/mbs2/p in a meeting called HCE" S/mmit on -eb/ilding Confidence in the >(S( EconomyI held at Ge, Lork >niversity in Ge, Lork City on December 7, 2001( )articipants observing in the backgro/nd are *left to right+ Ge, Lork >niversity professor Gicholas Economides$ Blackstone Gro/p chairman Stephen Sch,ar1man$ and Cohn Ed,ard Se;ton( *)hoto5 Ge, Lork >niversity+

)rominent :ndivid/als born in the Lear of the Snake

-ichard B( QAickQ Cheney *Born January 30, 1941+ 3ice )resident of the >(S( *O!!%2O!!&+P >(S( Secretary of Aefense *%&'&2%&&N+

-ichard 4ndre, Gephardt *Born January 31, 1941+ Ho/se Minority 0eader *%&&=2O!!N+

Aavid 0( Boren *Born A r!l 21, 1941+ B(4( Lale %&.N >(S( Senator *A2"kla($ %&#&2%&& +P )resident of >niversity of "klahoma *%&& 2present+

Slobodan Milosevic *Born Au"u#t 20, 1941P Aied March %%$ O!!.+ )resident of L/goslavia9 Serbia *%&'&2O!!!+

0( )a/l Bremer ::: *Born $e t9 30, 1941+ B(4( Lale %&.N >(S( 4mbassador to the Getherlands *%&'N2%&'.+P )ro2Cons/l of :ra? *O!!N2O!! +

George C( Tenet *Born January 5, 1953+ Airector of Central :ntelligence 4gency *%&&#2O!! +

Cohn Ellis QCebQ B/sh *Born February 11, 1953+ Governor of Dlorida *%&&&2O!!#+

Ao/glas C( Deith *Born July 1,, 1953+ B(4( Harvard %&#= >nder Secretary of Aefense for )olicy *O!!%2O!!=+

Michael Chertoff *Born Nov9 28, 1953+ B(4( Harvard %&#=P C(A( Harvard %&#' Secretary of Homeland Sec/rity *O!!=2O!!&+

Ben S( Bernanke *Born Dec9 13, 1953+ B(4( Harvard %&#= Chairman of the Dederal -eserve *O!!.2O!% +

4nders Dogh -asm/ssen *Born January 2,, 1953+ Secretary General of G4T" *O!!&2present+

Cose Maria 41nar *born Feb9 25, 1953+ )rime Minister of Spain *%&&.2O!! +

Tony Blair *Born May ,, 1953+ )rime Minister of the >nited Fingdom of Great Britain *%&&#2O!!#+

Cohn Ed,ards *Born June 10, 1953+ >(S( Senator *A2GC$ %&&&2O!!=+

Elaine Chao *Born Marc* 2,, 1953+ >(S( Secretary of 0abor *O!!%2O!!&+

Cean2Bertrand 4ristide *Born July 15, 1953+ )resident of Haiti *%&&%$ %&& 2%&&.$ O!!%2O!! +

Bi Cinping *born June 15, 1953+ )resident of the )eople@s -ep/blic of China *March % $ O!%N2present+

Bashar al24ssad *Born $e t9 11, 19,5+ )resident of Syria *C/ly %#$ O!!!2present+

Amitry Medvedev *Born $e t9 14, 19,5+ )resident of -/ssia *O!!'2O!%O+

Dredrik -einfeldt *born Au"u#t 4, 19,5+ )rime Minister of S,eden *O!!.2present+

5=1B: Year of the Snake

Pyramid Schemes & Political Turmoil

*rom 4ussia With 5ove67 *ilderber' Meetin's %artici%ant Mueen *eatriN of the /etherlands $left) shares a toast !ith 0resident of Russia Jladimir 0utin after the, unveiled a %la:uette !ith hand im%rint of 0eter the reat durin' a tour of the 1ermita'e Museum in >msterdam, /etherlands on >%ril 8, 5=1B# 8ueen eatri9 of the Nether#ands attended the ')1: i#derberg &eetings he#d in Hertfordshire, ;ng#and near 5ondon from June <=9, ')1:. $0hoto: >40 0hoto)

E/een Beatri; of the Getherlands *left+ and )resident of -/ssia 3ladimir )/tin toast after they /nveiled a pla?/ette ,ith hand imprint of )eter the Great d/ring a to/r of the 4msterdam Hermitage M/se/m in 4msterdam$ Getherlands on 4pril '$ O!%N( *-E>TE-S94le;ei Ar/1hinin9-:4 Govosti9)ool+

Bilderberg Meetings participant )rime Minister of the Getherlands Mark -/tte *left+ chats ,ith )resident of -/ssia 3ladimir )/tin on the sidelines of the St( )etersb/rg :nternational Economic Dor/m on C/ne O!$ O!%N( Mar: ;utte atten(e( t*e 2013 2!l(erber" Meet!n"# *el( !n 3ert6or(#*!re, +n"lan( near -on(on 6rom June ,49, 20139 *)hoto5 -i7ksoverheid+

0resident of Russia Jladimir 0utin $left) lau'hs !ith Chancellor of erman, >n'ela Merkel $ri'ht) as the, o%en 1anover 4air in 1annover, erman, on Monda,, >%ril 8, 5=1B# $Reuters)

0resident of Russia Jladimir 0utin $left) lau'hs !ith Chancellor of erman, >n'ela Merkel $ri'ht) as the, o%en 1anover 4air in 1annover, erman, on Monda,, >%ril 8, 5=1B#

)rime Minister of Great Britain Aavid Cameron greets )resident of -/ssia 3ladimir )/tin at %! Ao,ning Street$ the office of the )rime Minister$ in 0ondon on C/ne %.$ O!%N( Dav!( <ameron atten(e( t*e 2013 2!l(erber" Meet!n"# *el( !n 3ert6or(#*!re, +n"lan( near -on(on 6rom June ,49, 20139 *Getty :mages+

@n this handout ima'e %rovided b, 1ost 0hoto >'enc,, 0resident of Russia Jladimir 0utin $left) shakes hands !ith *ilderber' Meetin's %artici%ant Christine ?a'arde, Mana'in' Director of the @nternational Monetar, 4und, at the 5= Summit in St# 0etersbur', Russia on Se%tember H, 5=1B# 2hristine 5agarde attended the ')1: i#derberg &eetings that "as he#d in Hertfordshire, ;ng#and near 5ondon from June <=9, ')1:. $0hoto: 1andout& ett, @ma'es -uro%e)

+(&ar( $no&(en, <O=N.+-0;O +>traor(!na!re?@ 4 T3 screen sho,s a ne,s report of Ed,ard Sno,den$ a former Central :ntelligence 4gency employee and former Gational Sec/rity 4gency contractor ,ho leaked top2secret doc/ments abo/t s,eeping >(S( s/rveillance programs$ at a shopping mall in Hong Fong$ Comm/nist China on S/nday$ C/ne ON$ O!%N( Ed,ard Sno,den$ ,anted by the >nited States for revealing t,o highly classified s/rveillance programs$ has been allo,ed to leave for a Hthird co/ntryI *Mosco, :nternational 4iport in -/ssia as of C/ly $ O!%N+ beca/se a >(S( e;tradition re?/est did not f/lly comply ,ith Hong Fong la,$ the territory@s government anno/nced on S/nday( Sno,den traveled from Ha,aii to Hong Fong on May O!$ O!%N$ and Sno,den arrived at Mosco, :nternational 4irport on C/ne ON$ O!%N( Sno,den c/rrently resides at the Mosco, :nternational 4irport and so/ght political asyl/m in -/ssia on C/ly %O$ O!%N( >(S( federal prosec/tors charged Sno,den ,ith espionage and theft of government property on C/ne % $ O!%N( *)hoto5 4ssociated )ress93incent L/+

Barack "bama *left+$ )resident of the >nited States$ meets ,ith )resident of -/ssia 3ladmir )/tin *right+ d/ring a bilateral at the G' S/mmit in 0o/gh Erne$ Gorthern :reland on C/ne %#$ O!%N( *"fficial White Ho/se )hoto by )ete So/1a+

> column of Russian T89= tanks rolls throu'h Red S:uare in Mosco!, Russia durin' a Jictor, Da, %arade on Ma, 9, 5=1B# $>40 0hoto&Yuri Ladobnov)

Mueen *eatriN of the /etherlands $left) and 0resident of Russia Jladimir 0utin toast after the, unveiled a %la:uette !ith hand im%rint of 0eter the reat durin' a tour of the >msterdam 1ermita'e Museum in >msterdam, /etherlands on >%ril 8, 5=1B#

Federal Reserve & Bank of srael! " Faustian Bar#ain$

?eft to ri'ht: 4ederal Reserve Jice Chairman ;anet Yellen, former 4ederal Reserve *oard Chairman 0aul >dol%h Jolker, former 4ederal Reserve *oard Chairman Sir >lan reens%an, and out'oin' 4ederal Reserve *oard Chairman *en *ernanke listen to remarks durin' the 4ederal Reserve centennial commemoration at the 4ederal Reserve buildin' in +ashin'ton, D#C# on December 16, 5=1B# $>ccordin' to the Chinese calendar, 5=1B is kno!n as Year of the Snake#) The 4ederal Reserve marked its 1==th anniversar, !ith a commemoration ceremon, featurin' the %ast, out'oin', and incomin' chairmen of the 4ederal Reserve# Janet >e##en, Pau# 1do#+h ?o#,-er, and @ir 1#an Greens+an are members of the 2oun,i# on *oreign 4e#ations, a +rivate foreign affairs organi.ation in Ne" >or- 2ity. $0hoto b, Mark +ilson& ett, @ma'es)

4ormer "#S# Secretar, of the Treasur, ?a!rence Summers $left), former overnor of the *ank of @srael Stanle, 4ischer $5 nd left), 4ederal Reserve Chairman *en *ernanke $5 nd ri'ht), and @M4 Research De%artment Director Dlivier *lanchard %artici%ate in an economic forum on O0olic, Res%onses to CrisesO at the @nternational Monetar, 4und head:uarters in +ashin'ton, D#C# on November 8, ')1:# The forum !as %art of the fourteenth ;ac:ues 0olak >nnual Research Conference# Stanle, 4ischer !as a%%ointed Jice Chairman of the 4ederal Reserve in ;anuar, 5=17# *en *ernanke finishes his term as Chairman of the 4ederal Reserve at the end of ;anuar, 5=17# ?a!rence Summers, Stanle, 4ischer, and *en *ernanke have attended the *ilderber' Meetin's in the %ast# $0hoto: Chi% Somodevilla& ett, @ma'es /orth >merica)

Trilateral Commission Do/nder Aavid -ockefeller *front ro, center+ appears ,ith *front ro, from left+ Coseph S( Gye$ Cr($ Cean2 Cla/de Trichet *former )resident of the E/ropean Central Bank+$ and Minor/ Makihara$ and *back ro,+ )a/l 4( 3olcker *former Chairman of the Dederal -eserve+ and Michael D/chs at the Trilateral Commission@s !th 4nniversary meeting in Berlin$ Germany on March %.$ O!%N( *)hoto5 http599,,,(trilateral(org9+

Christine ?a'arde, Mana'in' Director of the @nternational Monetar, 4und $@M4), s%eaks at the -conomic Club of /e! York in /e! York Cit, on >%ril 1=, 5=1B# 0aul Jolcker $former Chairman of the 4ederal Reserve), Ro'er +# 4er'uson ;r# $former Jice Chairman of the 4ederal Reserve), +illiam C# Dudle, $0resident of the 4ederal Reserve *ank of /e! York), ;ohn 0# ?i%sk, $former 4irst De%ut, Mana'in' Director of @M4), >ndre! Tisch, Marie8;osee Lravis, and 0eter *# 1enr, are seen in attendance# $0hoto: -conomic Club of /e! York)

Aemonstrators$ angered by the loss of their bank savings deposit$ levy protest o/tside the Cypriot parliament in March O!%N(

Mark ;# Carne,, overnor of the *ank of -n'land, addresses The -conomic Club of /e! York at a lunch in /e! York Cit, on December 9, 5=1B# $0hoto: -conomic Club of /e! York)

Christine 0agarde *left+$ Managing Airector of the :nternational Monetary D/nd *:MD+$ greets former >(S( Secretary of State Henry Fissinger at the Economic Cl/b of Ge, Lork in Ge, Lork City on 4pril %!$ O!%N( -a"ar(e an( 5!##!n"er atten(e( t*e 2013 2!l(erber" Meet!n"# *el( at .*e 8rove *otel !n 'at6or(, +n"lan( 6rom June ,49, 20139 *)hoto5 Economic Cl/b of Ge, Lork+

Cacob 4( Drenkel *left+$ former Governor of the Bank of :srael *:srael@s central bank+$ greets former >(S( Secretary of State Henry Fissinger *right+ at the Economic Cl/b of Ge, Lork in Ge, Lork City on 4pril %!$ O!%N( Fren:el an( 5!##!n"er are member# o6 t*e .r!lateral <omm!##!on !n A r!l 20139 *)hoto5 Economic Cl/b of Ge, Lork+

(From left to right) Former Bank of Israel Governor Jacob Frenkel, Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, Finance Minister of Israel Yair Lapid and outgoing Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer appear at a press conference in the Knesset in Jerusalem, Israel on June 24, 2013. Stanley Fischer is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, a private organization in New York City; Jacob Frenkel is a member of the Trilateral Commission. Jacob A9 Fren:el, &*o &a# nom!nate( to #erve a# t*e 8overnor o6 t*e 2an: o6 =#rael !n 2013, &!t*(re& *!# nom!nat!on (ue to a #*o l!6t!n" alle"at!on9 (Photo Credit: Miriam Alster/Flash90)

Stanley Discher$ the Governor of the Bank of :srael$ talks to media d/ring a press conference at the Bank of :srael in Cer/salem$ :srael on Can/ary N!$ O!%N( Stanley Discher$ a member of the Co/ncil on Doreign -elations in Ge, Lork City$ s/rprised :srael on Can/ary O& by anno/ncing that he ,as retiring from the central bank on C/ne N!$ O!%N( *E)494B:- S>0T4G+

%#y&tian Pyramid Scheme! The Cairo Cou& d'%tat ()uly *+ ,-.*/

$:ull A 2one# "reet# Mu#l!m 2rot*er*oo(@ >nited States Secretary of State Cohn Ferry *left+ meets ,ith )resident of Egypt Mohammed Morsi in Cairo$ Egypt on Marc* 3, 2013( Mohammed Morsi is a member of the M/slim BrotherhoodP Cohn Ferry is a member of Sk/ll & Bones$ a secret society at Lale >niversity$ and a member of the Co/ncil on Doreign -elations$ a private foreign affairs organi1ation in Ge, Lork City( Mo*amme( Mor#! &a# remove( 6rom o66!ce !n a m!l!tary cou (Betat on July 3, 20139 *>(S( State Aepartment photo9 )/blic Aomain+

Egyptians protest against President of Egypt Mohamed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood in Tahrir Square in Cairo. Egypt on June 30, 2013. Millions of people protested in an attempt to remove President Mohamed Morsi from office. (UPI/Ahmed Jomaa)

Ch/ck Hagel *left+$ >(S( Secretary of Aefense$ visits )resident of Egypt Mohamed Morsi *right+ in Cairo$ Egypt on 4pril O $ O!%N( <*uc: 3a"el !# a member o6 t*e <ounc!l on Fore!"n ;elat!on#, a r!vate 6ore!"n a66a!r# or"an!Cat!on !n Ne& Dor: <!ty9 *)hoto5 >(S( Aepartment of Aefense9Erin 4( Firk2C/omo+

)rotesters ransack the M/slim Brotherhood head?/arters in the M/?atam district in Cairo$ Monday$ C/ly %$ O!%N( *)hoto5 4ssociated )ress+

Army soldiers stand guard in front of protesters who are against Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi near the Republican Guard headquarters in Cairo, Egypt on July 3, 2013. A meeting was held between the head of the Egyptian armed forces, liberal opposition leaders and senior Muslim and Christian clerics on July 3, 2013. (Reuters/Amr Abdallah Dalsh)

"pponents of Egypt<s :slamist )resident Mohammed Morsi ,ave national flags d/ring a protest o/tside the presidential palace in Cairo$ Egypt on Wednesday$ C/ly N$ O!%N( The deadline on the military<s /ltimat/m to )resident Mohammed Morsi had e;pired$ ,ith ' ho/rs passing since the time it ,as iss/ed( 0re#!(ent o6 +"y t Mo*amme( Mor#! &a# remove( 6rom o66!ce on July 3, 20139 *4) )hoto9Fhalil Hamra+

>nited States Senator Cohn McCain *left+ meets ,ith )resident of Egypt Mohammed Morsi at the )residential )alace in Cairo$ Egypt on Can/ary %.$ O!%N( Cohn McCain is a member of the Co/ncil on Doreign -elations( *4) )hoto+

Ch/ck Hagel *center+$ >(S( Secretary of Aefense$ speaks ,ith General 4bd/l Datah Fhalil 4l2Sisi *left+$ the Aefense Minister of Egypt and Commander2:n2Chief of the 4rmed Dorces of Egypt$ and )resident of Egypt Mohamed Morsi *right+ in Cairo$ Egypt on 4pril O $ O!%N( Ch/ck Hagel is a member of the Co/ncil on Doreign -elations$ a private foreign affairs organi1ation in Ge, Lork City( *)hoto5 >(S( Aepartment of Aefense9Erin 4( Firk2C/omo+

Ch/ck Hagel *center+$ >(S( Secretary of Aefense$ arrives ,ith General 4bd/l Datah Fhalil 4l2Sisi *second from right+$ the Aefense Minister of Egypt and Commander2:n2Chief of the 4rmed Dorces of Egypt$ in Cairo$ Egypt on 4pril O $ O!%N to lay a ,reath at the Tomb of the >nkno,n Soldier and the tomb of late president 4n,ar al2Sadat( *)hoto5 >(S( Aepartment of Aefense9Erin 4( Firk2C/omo+

:n this image released by the office of the Egyptian )residency$ Mohammed Morsi$ left$ meets ,ith -/ssian )resident 3ladimir )/tin$ right$ d/ring the B-:CS O!%N S/mmit in A/rban$ So/th 4frica on Wednesday$ March O#$ O!%N( Heads of State of B-:CS nations met in A/rban for the t,o2day s/mmit( *4) )hoto9Egyptian )residency+

$yr!an <!v!l 'ar, $tate o6 =#rael, A %$na:e O!l) !n t*e M!((le +a#t

>nited States Senator -and )a/l *right$ -ep/blican2Fent/cky+$ the son of former >(S( Congressman -on )a/l$ shakes hands ,ith )rime Minister of :srael Ben7amin Getanyah/ *a member of the 0ik/d )arty+ in Cer/salem$ :srael on Can/ary '$ O!%N(

>nited States Senator -and )a/l *left+ meets ,ith Fing 4bd/llah of Cordan in 4mman$ Cordan on Can/ary '$ O!%N(

United States Senator Rand Paul paid a visit to the Wailing Wall (also known as Western Wall) in Jerusalem on Sunday night January 6, 2013. (Photo:

>(S( Secretary of State Cohn Ferry *center+ poses ,ith members of the :sraeli government before a meeting in Cer/salem$ :srael on May ON$ O!%N( They are$ from left$ Aefense Minister Moshe LaalonP Minister of :nternational -elations$ Strategic 4ffairs and :ntelligence L/val Steinit1P )rime Minister Ben7amin Getanyah/P and C/stice Minister T1ipi 0ivni( *>(S( State Aepartment )hoto9)/blic Aomain+

>(S( )resident Barack "bama toasts ,ith :srael<s )resident Shimon )eres after "bama ,as presented ,ith the )residential Medal of Aistinction$ :srael<s highest civilian honor$ d/ring an official state dinner in Cer/salem$ March O%$ O!%N( *-E>TE-S9Cason -eed+

United States Senator Rand Paul (center) appears with an orthodox Jewish rabbi (left) at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem on Sunday, January 6, 2013.

>nited States Secretary of State Cohn Ferry *left+ meets ,ith )rime Minister of :srael Ben7amin Getanyah/ before their ,orking dinner in Cer/salem$ :srael on March ON$ O!%N( *State Aepartment photo9)/blic Aomain+

)resident of -/ssia 3ladimir )/tin *right+ shakes hands ,ith )rime Minister of :srael Ben7amin Getanyah/ d/ring their meeting at the Bocharov -/chei residence in the Black Sea resort of Sochi$ -/ssia on T/esday$ May % $ O!%N( )/tin hosted Getanyah/ for talks foc/sing on the civil ,ar in Syria$ amid concerns that Mosco, co/ld soon provide the Syrian government ,ith advanced missiles( :srael celebrated its .=th year of independence on May % $ O!%N( *4) )hoto9 Ma;im Shipenkov+

>(S( Secretary of State Cohn Ferry and :sraeli )rime Minister Ben7amin Getanyah/ shake hands amid a ne,s conference in Cer/salem on Aecember =$ O!%N( *>(S( State Aepartment photo9 )/blic Aomain+

>(S( Secretary of State Cohn Ferry delivers remarks at the Brookings :nstit/tion<s %!th ann/al Saban Dor/m$ <)o,er Shifts5 >(S(2:srael -elations in a Aynamic Middle East$< in Washington$ A(C($ on Aecember #$ O!%N( *>(S( State Aepartment photo9 )/blic Aomain+

>(S( )resident Barack "bama visits Lad 3ashem in Cer/salem$ :srael and honors the victims of the Holoca/st on Driday$ March OO$ O!%N( Standing in the rear are :srael@s )resident Shimon )eres *Ond left+ and :srael@s )rime Minister Ben7amin Getanyah/ *Ond right+(

4 man stands near a b/ilding that ,as hit by a mortar shell in Aamasc/s$ Syria on Debr/ary .$ O!%N d/ring the ongoing Syrian Civil War( *-e/ters+

This citi1en 7o/rnalism image taken on S/nday$ 4pril #$ O!%N provided by 4leppo Media Center 4MC ,hich has been a/thenticated based on its contents and other 4) reporting$ sho,s Syrian citi1ens searching for bodies on the r/bble of damaged b/ildings that ,ere attacked by Syrian forces airstrikes$ at al24nsari neighborhood$ in 4leppo$ Syria( More than #!$!!! people have died since Syria<s crisis er/pted in March O!%%( The Syria2based 3iolations Aoc/mentation Center says nearly &$!!! government troops have been killed in t,o years of fighting bet,een )resident Bashar 4ssad<s forces and rebels trying to topple him( *4) )hoto94leppo Media Center 4MC+

>(S( Secretary of State Cohn Ferry *left+$ accompanied by >(S( 4mbassador to -/ssia Michael McDa/l *O nd left+ meets ,ith -/ssian )resident 3ladimir )/tin *right+ and -/ssian Doreign Minister Sergey 0avrov in Mosco,$ -/ssia on May #$ O!%N( The "bama administration attempted to ,age ,ar against Syria in late 4/g/st O!%N follo,ing a chemical ,eapons attack in Syria$ only to agree to a diplomatic proposal in ,hich Syria ,o/ld relin?/ish its chemical ,eapons( The British )arliament voted against a military e;pedition into Syria on 4/g/st O&$ O!%N by a margin of O'= against and O#O in favor( *>(S( State Aepartment photo9)/blic Aomain+

4n anti2government protester holds T/rkey<s national flag ,ith a portrait of M/stafa Femal 4tat/rk$ fo/nder of modern T/rkey$ on it d/ring a demostration in 4nkara$ T/rkey on C/ne O$ O!%N( Tens of tho/sands of people took to the streets in T/rkey<s fo/r biggest cities$ incl/ding :stanb/l$ on S/nday and clashed ,ith riot police firing tear gas in the third day of the fiercest anti2government protests in years( )rime Minister Tayyip Erdogan blamed the main sec/lar opposition party for inciting the cro,ds$ ,hom he called Qa fe, lootersQ$ and said the protests ,ere aimed at depriving his r/ling 4F )arty of votes as elections begin ne;t year( *-E>TE-S9>mit Bektas+

Lo/ng T/rks clash ,ith sec/rity forces in 4nkara$ T/rkey on S/nday$ C/ne O$ O!%N( )rotests in :stanb/l and several other T/rkish cities appear to have s/bsided$ after days of fierce clashes follo,ing a police crackdo,n on a peacef/l gathering( The demonstrations gre, o/t of anger over a violent police crackdo,n of a peacef/l environmental protest at :stanb/l<s Taksim S?/are and spread to other T/rkish cities( *4) )hoto9B/rhan "1bilici+

>(S( Secretary of State Hillary -odham Clinton * th right+$ along ,ith >(S( Secretary of Aefense 0eon )anetta *=th right+ and >(S( 4mbassador to 4fghanistan Cames B( C/nningham$ hosts a ,orking dinner for 4fghan )resident Hamid Far1ai at the >(S( Aepartment of State in Washington$ A(C($ >(S(4( on Can/ary %!$ O!%N( Cames B( C/nningham is a member of the Co/ncil on Doreign -elations$ a private organi1ation in Ge, Lork City( *)hoto5 >(S( Aepartment of State+

>(S( )resident Barack "bama *right+ shakes hands ,ith his 4fghan co/nterpart Hamid Far1ai after a 7oint press conference in the East -oom at the White Ho/se in Washington$ A(C($ >(S(4( on Can/ary %%$ O!%N( "bama and Far1ai said that 4merican forces ,o/ld hand the lead in the fight against the Taliban to 4fghan forces in the ne;t fe, months( *)hoto5 CEWE0 S4M4A94D)9Getty :mages+

Smoke is seen above people gathering o/tside a mos?/e on the site of a po,erf/l e;plosion in Tripoli$ 0ebanon on Driday$ 4/g/st ON$ O!%N( T,o bombings killed do1ens of people( The first blast occ/rred near a mos?/e led by a S/nni sheikh kno,n for his links to Syrian rebels$ 0ebanon<s state2r/n Gational Ge,s 4gency said( The second occ/rred min/tes later near another mos?/e$ close to the residence of acting )rime Minister Ga7ib Mikati( *4D)9Getty :mages+

Dorces loyal to Syria<s )resident Bashar al24ssad stand beside a dead Dree Syrian 4rmy fighter in a damaged b/ilding in Base '! area of 4leppo$ Syria on Govember %!$ O!%N( Syrian forces backed by 0ebanese He1bollah militants recapt/red an army base in northern Syria from rebels on S/nday$ the third day of heavy fighting for the strategic military target ,hich has changed hands three times since Driday( State media and activists said )resident Bashar al24ssad<s forces ,ere in f/ll control of the '!th Brigade base$ ,hich lies 7/st a fe, h/ndred metres *yards+ north of 4leppo airport on the eastern edge of the disp/ted city( *-E>TE-S9George "/rfalian+

He1bollah leader Sheik Hassan Gasrallah *second right+ speaks to the cro,d in a rare p/blic appearance d/ring 4sh/ra$ that marks the death of Shiite :slam<s :mam H/ssein$ in the s/b/rbs of Beir/t$ 0ebanon on Th/rsday$ November 14, 2013( Gasrallah said his fighters ,ill contin/e to take part in the battles of Syria along ,ith government forces as long as it is needed( *4) )hoto9Bilal H/ssein+

4 bombing incident near the :ranian Embassy occ/rred in Beir/t$ 0ebanon on November 19, 2013( 4t least ON people ,ere killed and % . people ,ere in7/red in that bombing incident(

)resident of :ran Hassan -o/hani *left+ meets ,ith )resident of -/ssia 3ladimir )/tin on September %N$ O!%N *-/ssian )residential )ress and :nformation "ffice+

>(S( Secretary of State Cohn Ferry *center+ appears ,ith his fello, )=V% foreign ministers$ incl/ding British Doreign Secretary William Hag/e *Ond left$ at table+$ Drench Doreign Minister 0a/rent Dabi/s * th right$ at table+$ and -/ssian Doreign Minister Sergey 0avrov *Nrd right$ at table+ 22 as ,ell as E/ropean >nion High -epresentative Catherine 4shton *Ond right+ and Doreign Minister of :ran *)ersia+ Cavad 6arif$ far right 22 at the >nited Gations Head?/arters in Geneva$ S,it1erland on Govember O $ O!%N$ after the gro/p concl/ded negotiations abo/t :ran<s n/clear capabilities( *>(S( State Aepartment photo9)/blic Aomain+

@n this %hoto released b, the official !ebsite of the office of the @ranian 0residenc,, 0resident of @ran 1assan Rouhani, ri'ht, meets !ith 0rime Minister of @ra: /ouri al8Maliki in Tehran, @ran on Thursda,, December H, 5=1B# $>0 0hoto&@ranian 0residenc, Dffice, Mohammad *erno)

0resident of Russia Jladimir 0utin $ri'ht) shakes hands !ith 0rime Minister of Turke, Ta,,i% -rdo'an in Strelna near St# 0etersbur', Russia on /ovember 55, 5=1B# $0hoto: Reuters)

2o#ton Marat*on 2omb!n"# =nc!(ent EA r!l 15, 2013F

The ')1: oston &arathon ombings In,ident7 >n unidentified man is seen !alkin' ato% a buildin' roofto% $red circle) as an eN%losion occurs near the finish line of the *oston Marathon in do!nto!n *oston on >%ril 1H, 5=1B#

Medical !orkers aid in3ured %eo%le at the finish line of the 5=1B *oston Marathon follo!in' an eN%losion in *oston, Massachusetts, "#S#># on Monda,, >%ril 1H, 5=1B# T!o eN%losions occurred at the marathon finish line< three %eo%le !ere killed and 18B %eo%le !ere in3ured# >n electrical fire occurred at the ;ohn 4# Lenned, 0residential ?ibrar, in *oston durin' the afternoon of >%ril 1H, 5==B# $>0 0hoto&Charles Lru%a)

oston &arathon ombing7 Prior Ano"#edge6 0rior DAhokhar Tsarnaev, a 198,ear8old Russian8born >merican Muslim colle'e student of Chechen descent and a sus%ected E%ats,F, !as arrested b, the *oston %olice on the ni'ht of >%ril 19, 5=1B after he !as !ounded in a shootout !ith the *oston %olice< 568,ear8old Tamerlan Tsarnaev, DAhokhar Tsarnaev.s older brother, !as killed on >%ril 19, 5=1B durin' a shootout !ith the *oston %olice# The 4ederal *ureau of @nvesti'ation $4*@) had %rior kno!led'e of Tamerlan Tsarnaev and DAhokhar Tsarnaev.s tri% to Russia in 5=15< the 4*@ intervie!ed Tamerlan Tsarnaev in 5=11#

Civilians gather at the scene of a car bomb attack in the east Baghdad neighborhood of Famaliya$ :ra? on Monday$ 4pril %=$ O!%N( 4 series of attacks across$ :ra? many involving car bombs$ has killed and ,o/nded do1ens of people$ police said less than a ,eek before :ra?is in m/ch of the co/ntry are sched/led to vote in the co/ntry<s first elections since the O!%% 4merican troop ,ithdra,al( 4 series of bomb e;plosions across :ra? on Monday 4pril %=$ O!%N killed at least O people and ,o/nded more than O=# others$ according to :ra?i police( *4) )hoto9 Fhalid Mohammed+

:n this :nstagram photo provided by 4ndy Bartee$ a pl/me of smoke rises from a fertili1er plant fire in West$ Te;as$ near Waco$ on Wednesday$ 4pril %#$ O!%N( 4n e;plosion at a fertili1er plant near Waco Wednesday night in7/red do1ens of people and sent flames shooting high into the night sky$ leaving the factory a smoldering r/in and ca/sing ma7or damage to s/rro/nding b/ildings( 4n estimated %= people ,ere reported dead and an estimated %.! people ,ere in7/red( *4) )hoto9 4ndy Bartee+

'a#*!n"ton Navy Dar( $*oot!n" =nc!(ent E$e tember 1,, 2013F

-mer'enc, vehicles and la! enforcement %ersonnel res%ond to a shootin' incident inside the +ashin'ton /av, Yard in +ashin'ton, D#C# on Se%tember 16, 5=1B# >t least 1B %eo%le, includin' the alle'ed shooter, !ere killed and other %eo%le !ere in3ured in the shootin' s%ree at the +ashin'ton /av, Yard# $>leN +on'& ett, @ma'es)

5one gunman or +atsy67 >aron >leNis, a B78,ear8old former "#S# /av, reservist from TeNas and a civilian /av, contractor !ho %ossessed securit, clearance, !as accused of killin' 15 %eo%le !ith a shot'un inside the +ashin'ton /av, Yard in +ashin'ton, D#C# on Se%tember 16, 5=1B until he !as killed b, %olice durin' the massacre# +as the +ashin'ton /av, Yard shootin' incident a covert o%eration and a %s,cholo'ical o%eration $i#e# mind control) similar to the Reichsta' 4ire in *erlin, erman, in 19BBI +as the +ashin'ton /av, Yard shootin' incident 3ust another 'overnment EdrillF similar to the 9&9 *ombin' @ncident $;ul, 9, 5==H) in ?ondonI

5enya $*o

!n" Mall $*oot!n" =nc!(ent E$e tember 21, 2013F

4 Fenyan soldier stands o/tside Westgate Shopping Mall in Gairobi$ Fenya in September O!%N d/ring the shooting incident(

English2speaking Somalian 4l2Shabaab terrorists attack Westgate Shopping Mall in Gairobi$ Fenya on September O%$ O!%N( The Somalian terrorists thre, grenades and fired their 4F2 # rifles$ killing at least .' people and in7/ring more than %#= people(

/n!te( $tate# <a !tol $*oot!n" =nc!(ent EOctober 3, 2013F

Miriam Care,, a B78,ear8old mother and a dental h,'ienist from Stamford, Connecticut, !as fatall, shot b, Ca%itol 0olice outside the "nited States Ca%itol in +ashin'ton, D#C# on $,tober :, ')1:# Miriam Care, alle'edl, tried to drive throu'h a +hite 1ouse securit, check%oint in her @nfiniti automobile, !here she struck a %olice officer !ith her car< she !as chased b, the Secret Service to the "nited States Ca%itol, !here she !as killed# The "#S# Ca%itol !as %laced on a lockdo!n durin' the incident# Miriam Care,.s one8,ear8old dau'hter !as found in the car# > 'overnment shutdo!n of the "#S# federal 'overnment be'an on $,tober 1, ')1:, after the "#S# Con'ress continued to eNtend its debate on %rovidin' mone, for the >ffordable 1ealth Care for >merica >ct, a controversial 'overnment health care %ro'ram informall, kno!n as EDbamacareF# The first da, that >mericans are Ere:uiredF to obtain Dbamacare be'an on $,tober 1, ')1:# +as the "nited States Ca%itol shootin' incident 3ust another 'overnment EdrillF similar to the 9&9 *ombin' @ncident $;ul, 9, 5==H) in ?ondonI $>lhurra Television via >40& ett, @ma'es)

Miriam Care,: Reckless driver or %olitical %a!nI

.*e Nort* 5orea4Nuclear 'ea on <ontrover#y

Gorth Forean leader Fim Cong2>n *center+ visits a long2range artillery s/b2/nit of the Forean )eople<s 4rmy >nit . %$ ,hose mission is to strike Baengnyeong :sland of So/th Forea in the ,estern sector of the front line on March %%$ O!%N in this pict/re released by the Gorth Forea<s official FCG4 ne,s agency in )yongyang$ Gorth Forea on March %O$ O!%N( So/th Forea and 4merican forces are cond/cting large2scale military drills$ ,hile Gorth Forea is also gearing /p for a massive military e;ercise( Gorth Forea has acc/sed 4merica of /sing the military drills in So/th Forea as a la/nch pad for a n/clear ,ar and has said to scrap the Forean War armistice( *)hoto5 -E>TE-S9FCG4+

!Po#iti,a# +o"er gro"s out of the barre# of a gun.% / &ao Tse=tung

Fim Cong2>n *center$ holding a binoc/lar+$ the comm/nist r/ler of Gorth Forea$ ,atches a flight e;ercise and a paratrooping drill of the 4ir and 4nti24ir Dorce and 0arge Combined >nit .N! of the Forean )eople<s 4rmy in an /ndated photo( .*e /n!te( Nat!on#, on be*al6 o6 Amer!ca an( <ommun!#t <*!na, *a# ro o#e( to !m o#e a((!t!onal #anct!on# on Nort* 5orea !n early Marc* 2013 6ollo&!n" Nort* 5oreaB# nuclear &ea on# te#t# t*at &a# con(ucte( on February 12, 20139 .*e Nort* 5orean commun!#t re"!me *a# re# on(e( to t*e ro o#e( #anct!on# by t*reaten!n" to term!nate t*e 1953 arm!#t!ce e66ect!vely on Marc* 11, 2013 an( en"a"e !n reem t!ve nuclear &ar6are9 *)hoto5 -E>TE-S9FCG4+

Dormer professional basketball player *and Chicago B/lls rebo/nder+ Aennis -odman *front right+ appla/ds as he sits ne;t to Gorth Forea@s leader Fim Cong2>n *front left+ at a basketball game in )yongyang$ Gorth Forea on Debr/ary O'$ O!%N( *)hoto5 4D)93:CE Media9Cason Mo7ica+

So/th Forean )resident )ark Ge/n2Hye *left+ and >(S( Secretary of State Cohn Ferry shake hands before their talks at the presidential Bl/e Ho/se in Seo/l$ So/th Forea on 4pril %O$ O!%N( Jo*n 5erry !# a member o6 t*e <ounc!l on Fore!"n ;elat!on# !n Ne& Dor: <!ty an( a member o6 $:ull A 2one# #ecret #oc!ety at Dale /n!ver#!tyG Jo*n 5erry atten(e( t*e 2012 2!l(erber" Meet!n"# *el( !n <*ant!lly, 7!r"!n!a, /9$9A9 6rom 31 May43 June 20129 *-E>TE-S9Fim Cae2H,an9)ool+ http599ne,s(yahoo(com9north2korea2likely2la/nch2n/clear2missiles2/2spy2!%!.!.'&=(html

)ark Ge/n2Hye$ the ne, )resident of So/th Forea and da/ghter of former )resident of So/th Forea Gen( )ark Ch/ng2hee$ sal/tes d/ring her ina/g/ration ceremony in front of the Gational 4ssembly b/ilding in Seo/l$ So/th Forea on Debr/ary O=$ O!%N( *)ark Cin2Hee9Getty :mages+

G4T" Secretary General 4nders Dogh -asm/ssen *left+ visits So/th Forea@s )resident )ark Ge/n2hye$ the da/ghter of the late )resident Gen( )ark Ch/ng2hee$ in Seo/l$ -ep/blic of Forea *So/th Forea+ on 4pril %O$ O!%N( 4nders Dogh -asm/ssen is the first G4T" Secretary General ever to visit the -ep/blic of Forea( *)hoto5 G4T"+

G4T" Secretary General 4nders Dogh -asm/ssen *center+ visits the Aemilitari1ed 6one *AM6+ at )anm/n7om$ Forea on 4pril %O$ O!%N( 4nders Dogh -asm/ssen attended the Bilderberg Meetings in O!!! and O!!N( *)hoto5 G4T"+

"nited States 0resident *arack Dbama $ri'ht) shakes hands !ith 0resident of South Lorea 0ark eun8h,e $left) durin' a ne!s conference at the -ast Room of the +hite 1ouse in +ashin'ton, D#C#, "#S#># on Ma, 9, 5=1B# $0hoto: >leN +on'& ett, @ma'es /orth >merica)

0resident of South Lorea 0ark eun8h,e $left) shakes hands !ith 0resident of Russia Jladimir 0utin at the 5= Summit in St# 0etersbur', Russia on Se%tember 6, 5=1B# $0hoto: 0residential 0ress and @nformation Dffice&Lremlin)

0resident of South Lorea 0ark eun8h,e $left) and 0resident of Communist China 2i ;in%in' shake hands after the si'nin' ceremon, for MD"s on boostin' bilateral coo%eration at the reat 1all of the 0eo%le in *ei3in', Communist China on ;une 59, 5=1B# $0hoto: Cheon' +a Dae)#

0resident of South Lorea 0ark eun81,e $left) and Mueen -liAabeth @@ of reat *ritain raise a toast at a State *an:uet at *uckin'ham 0alace in ?ondon on /ovember H, 5=1B# $>40&0ool&/eil 1all)

4 vie, is seen of a parade of the Worker2)easant -ed G/ards and a mass rally in )yongyang September &$ O!%N in celebration of the .=th anniversary of Gorth Forea in this pict/re released by the Gorth<s official FCG4 ne,s agency on Monday( *-E>TE-S9FCG4+

Gorth Forean troops march d/ring a military parade at Fim :l S/ng S?/are to mark the .=th anniversary of the co/ntry<s fo/nding in )yongyang$ Gorth Forea$ Monday$ Sept( &$ O!%N( *4) )hoto9Con Chol Cin+

Gorth Forea<s leader Fim Cong2/n *center+ attends a parade of the Worker2)easant -ed G/ards and a mass rally in )yongyang September &$ O!%N in celebration of the .=th anniversary of Gorth Forea in this pict/re released by the Gorth<s official FCG4 ne,s agency on Monday( *-E>TE-S9FCG4+

Gorth Forea<s leader Fim Cong2/n *center+ attends a parade of the Worker2)easant -ed G/ards and a mass rally in )yongyang September &$ O!%N in celebration of the .=th anniversary of Gorth Forea in this pict/re released by the Gorth<s official FCG4 ne,s agency on Monday( *-E>TE-S9FCG4+

The 1rrest and ;9e,ution of Aim Jong BnCs Bn,#e Jang @ong Thae-

;an' Son' Thaek, center, uncle of /orth Lorean leader Lim ;on' "n, !as detained durin' an emer'enc, meetin' of +orkers 0art,Cs Central Committee in 0,on',an', /orth Lorea on Sunda,, December 8, 5=1B# ;an' Son' Thaek !as eNecuted on December 15, 5=1B for treason and other crimes#

/orth Lorean leader Lim ;on' "n, second left, !alks !ith his uncle ;an' Son' Thaek, ri'ht< his chief secretar,, Lim Chan' Son, second from ri'ht, and Jice Marshal Choe R,on' 1ae, far left, as he tours the ne!l, o%ened 4atherland ?iberation +ar Museum durin' events markin' the 6=th anniversar, of the end of the Lorean +ar in 0,on',an', /orth Lorea on ;ul, 59, 5=1B# /orth Lorea announced Monda,, Dec# 9, 5=1B, it had sacked leader Lim ;on' "nCs uncle, ;an' Son' Thaek, lon' considered the countr,Cs /o# 5 %o!er, sa,in' corru%tion, dru' use, 'amblin', !omaniAin' and 'enerall, leadin' a Odissolute and de%raved lifeO had caused 0,on',an'Cs hi'hest8%rofile fall from 'race since Lim took %o!er t!o ,ears a'o# $>0 0hoto&+on' Ma,e8-)

North Aorea says Jang @ong Thae-, un,#e of #eader Aim Jong Bn, e9e,uted
December 15, 5=1B S-D"? $Reuters) G /orth Lorea said on 4rida, ;an' Son' Thaek, the uncle of leader Lim ;on' "n and %reviousl, considered the second most %o!erful man in the secretive state, has been eNecuted after a s%ecial militar, tribunal found him gui#ty of treason# OThe accused ;an' brou'ht to'ether undesirable forces and formed a faction as the boss of a modern da, factional 'rou% for a lon' time and thus committed such hideous crime as attem%tin' to overthro! the state,O the /orthCs official LC/> ne!s a'enc, said# The official Rodon' Sinmun ne!s%a%er on 4rida, carried a %hoto'ra%h of ;an' in handcuffs and bein' held b, uniformed 'uards as he stood trial# -arlier this !eek /orth Lorea stri%%ed ;an' of all %osts and eN%elled him from the rulin' +orkersC 0art,, accusin' him of criminal acts includin' mismana'ement of the state financial s,stem, !omaniAin' and alcohol abuse#F O4rom lon' a'o, ;an' had a dirt, %olitical ambition# 1e dared not raise his head !hen Lim @l Sun' and Lim ;on' @l !ere alive,O LC/> said, referrin' to leader LimCs 'randfather and father, !ho !ere %revious rulers of the d,nastic state# O1e be'an revealin' his true colors, thinkin' that it !as 3ust the time for him to realiAe his !ild ambition in the %eriod of historic turn !hen the 'eneration of the revolution !as re%laced#O The eNecution ca%s a s%ectacular do!nfall of the husband of leader LimCs aunt# ;an' had %reviousl, suffered %ur'es but fou'ht his !a, back to the %o!er circle to hold influential %ositions in the rulin' %art, and the militar,# $Re%ortin' b, ;ack Lim< editin' b, >ndre! Roche and ;im lone,) Source: htt%:&&ne!s#,ahoo#com&north8korea8sa,s83an'8son'8thaek8uncle8leader851H65B9B8#html

South Lorean 0resident 0ark eun8h,e shakes hands !ith @nternational Monetar, 4und $@M4) Mana'in' Director Christine ?a'arde $left) before their meetin' at the *lue 1ouse %residential %alace in Seoul, South Lorea on December 7, 5=1B# $R-"T-RS&?ee ;in8man&0ool)

0resident of South Lorea 0ark eun8h,e $ri'ht) shakes hands !ith "#S# Jice 0resident ;oe *iden before their meetin' at the *lue 1ouse in Seoul, South Lorea on December 6, 5=1B# $>0 0hoto&>hn Youn'83oon# 0ool)

*urious over san,tions, North Aorea vo"s to nu-e Bnited @tates

*, 1Y"/ 8;@/ L@M and -D@T1 M# ?-D-R-R >ssociated 0ress March 9, 5=1B S-D"?, South Lorea $>0) P /orth Lorea vo!ed on Thursda, to launch a %re8em%tive nuclear strike a'ainst the "nited States, am%lif,in' its threatenin' rhetoric hours ahead of a vote b, "#/# di%lomats on !hether to level ne! sanctions a'ainst 0,on',an' for its recent nuclear test# >n unidentified s%okesman for 0,on',an'Cs 4orei'n Ministr, said the /orth !ill eNercise its ri'ht for Oa %reem%tive nuclear attack to destro, the stron'holds of the a''ressorsO because +ashin'ton is %ushin' to start a nuclear !ar a'ainst the /orth# >lthou'h /orth Lorea boasts of nuclear bombs and %re8em%tive strikes, it is not thou'ht to have mastered the abilit, to %roduce a !arhead small enou'h to %ut on a missile ca%able of reachin' the "#S# @t is believed to have enou'h nuclear fuel, ho!ever, for several crude nuclear devices# Such inflammator, rhetoric is common from /orth Lorea, and es%eciall, so in recent da,s# /orth Lorea is an'r, over the %ossible sanctions and over u%comin' "#S#8South Lorean militar, drills# >t a mass rall, in 0,on',an' on Thursda,, tens of thousands of /orth Loreans %rotested the "#S#8South Lorean !ar drills and sanctions# O/o! our enemies are tr,in' to make additional sanctions a'ainst us, but !e can never acce%t this,O said Ri Lum @l, a 0,on',an' citiAen at the rall,# O+e !ill make a %reem%tive nuclear attack a'ainst our enemies !herever the, are and turn their stron'holds into a sea of flames#O The "#/# Securit, Council is set to im%ose a fourth round of sanctions a'ainst 0,on',an' in a fresh attem%t to rein in its nuclear and ballistic missile %ro'rams# RussiaCs "#/# >mbassador Jital, Churkin, the current council %resident, said the council !ould vote on the draft sanctions resolution Thursda, mornin'# The resolution !as drafted b, the "nited States and China, /orth LoreaCs closest all,# The councilCs a'reement to %ut the resolution to a vote 3ust 78 hours later si'naled that it !ould almost certainl, have the su%%ort of all 1H council members# The statement b, the /orth Lorean 4orei'n Ministr, s%okesman !as carried b, the /orthCs official Lorean Central /e!s >'enc,# @t accused the "#S# of leadin' efforts to sla% sanctions on /orth Lorea# The statement said the ne! sanctions !ould onl, advance the timin' for /orth Lorea to fulfill %revious vo!s to take O%o!erful second and third countermeasuresO a'ainst its enemies# @t hasnCt elaborated on those measures# The statement said /orth Lorea Ostron'l, !arns the "#/# Securit, Council not to make another bi' blunder like the one in the %ast !hen it earned the inveterate 'rud'e of the Lorean nation b, actin' as a !ar servant for the "#S# in 19H=#O /orth Lorea demanded the "#/# Securit, Council immediatel, dismantle the >merican8led "#/# Command thatCs based in Seoul and move to end the state of !ar that eNists on the Lorean 0eninsula, !hich continues siN decades after fi'htin' sto%%ed because an armistice, not a %eace treat,, ended the !ar# @n antici%ation of the resolutionCs ado%tion, /orth Lorea earlier in the !eek threatened to cancel the 19HB cease8fire that ended the Lorean +ar# /orth Lorean threats have become more common as tensions have escalated follo!in' a rocket launch b, 0,on',an' in December and its third nuclear test on 4eb# 15# *oth acts defied three Securit, Council resolutions that bar /orth Lorea from testin' or usin' nuclear or ballistic missile technolo', and from im%ortin' or eN%ortin' material for these %ro'rams# "#S# "#/# >mbassador Susan Rice said the %ro%osed resolution, to be voted on at 1= a#m# -ST $1H== MT), !ould im%ose some of the stron'est sanctions ever ordered b, the "nited /ations#

The final version of the draft resolution, released +ednesda,, identified three individuals, one cor%oration and one or'aniAation that !ould be added to the "#/# sanctions list if the measure is a%%roved# The tar'ets include to% officials at a com%an, that is the countr,Cs %rimar, arms dealer and main eN%orter of ballistic missile8 related e:ui%ment, and a national or'aniAation res%onsible for research and develo%ment of missiles and %robabl, nuclear !ea%ons# The success of a ne! round of sanctions could de%end on enforcement b, China, !here most of the com%anies and banks that /orth Lorea is believed to !ork !ith are based# The "nited States and other nations !orr, that /orth LoreaCs third nuclear test %ushed it closer to its 'oal of 'ainin' nuclear missiles that can reach the "#S# The international communit, has condemned the re'imeCs nuclear and missile efforts as threats to re'ional securit, and a drain on the resources that could 'o to /orth LoreaCs lar'el, destitute %eo%le# The draft resolution condemns the latest nuclear test Oin the stron'est termsO for violatin' and fla'rantl, disre'ardin' council resolutions, bans further ballistic missile launches, nuclear tests Oor an, other %rovocation,O and demands that /orth Lorea return to the /uclear /on%roliferation Treat,# @t also condemns all of /orth LoreaCs on'oin' nuclear activities, includin' its uranium enrichment# *ut the %ro%osed resolution stresses the councilCs commitment Oto a %eaceful, di%lomatic and %olitical solutionO and ur'ed a resum%tion of siN8%art, talks !ith the aim of denucleariAin' the Lorean 0eninsula Oin a %eaceful manner#O The %ro%osed resolution !ould make it si'nificantl, harder for /orth Lorea to move around the funds it needs to carr, out its illicit %ro'rams and stren'then eNistin' sanctions and the ins%ection of sus%ect car'o bound to and from the countr,# @t !ould also ban countries from eN%ortin' s%ecific luNur, 'oods to the /orth, includin' ,achts, luNur, automobiles, racin' cars, and 3e!elr, !ith semi8%recious and %recious stones and %recious metals# >ccordin' to the draft, all countries !ould no! be re:uired to freeAe financial transactions or services that could contribute to /orth LoreaCs nuclear or missile %ro'rams# To 'et around financial sanctions, /orth Loreans have been carr,in' around lar'e suitcases filled !ith cash to move illicit funds# The draft resolution eN%resses concern that these bulk cash transfers ma, be used to evade sanctions# @t clarifies that the freeAe on financial transactions and services that could violate sanctions a%%lies to all cash transfers as !ell as the cash couriers# The %ro%osed resolution also bans all countries from %rovidin' %ublic financial su%%ort for trade deals, such as 'rantin' eN%ort credits, 'uarantees or insurance, if the assistance could contribute to the /orthCs nuclear or missile %ro'rams# @t includes !hat a senior di%lomat called un%recedented ne! travel sanctions that !ould re:uire countries to eN%el a'ents !orkin' for sanctioned /orth Lorean com%anies# The draft also re:uires states to ins%ect sus%ect car'o on their territor, and %revent an, vessel that refuses an ins%ection from enterin' their %orts# >nd a ne! aviation measure calls on states to den, aircraft %ermission to take off, land or fl, over their territor, if illicit car'o is sus%ected to be aboard# ((( ?ederer re%orted from the "nited /ations# 4oster Llu' in Seoul contributed to this re%ort# Source: htt%:&&ne!s#,ahoo#com&furious8over8sanctions8nkorea8vo!s8nuke8us8=9551B67B#html

<*an"!n" o6 t*e 8uar(#@ .*e 3ou#e o6 Oran"e4Na##au A .*e 7at!can

E/een Beatri; of the Getherlands *left+ passes the 4ct of 4bdication to her son Fing Willem24le;ander of the Getherlands *center+ to sign as his ,ife E/een Ma;ima of the Getherlands *right+ looks on d/ring the abdication ceremony in the Moses1aal at the -oyal )alace in 4msterdam$ Getherlands on 4pril N!$ O!%N( E/een Beatri; of the Getherlands abdicates the throne after a NN year reign and transfers the throne to her son Fing Willem24le;ander( E/een Beatri; of the Getherlands$ a longtime member of the Bilderberg Gro/p$ anno/nced her abdication on Can/ary O'$ O!%N( *)hoto by Bart Maat 2 )ool9Getty :mages+

E/een Beatri; of the Getherlands *left+$ the o/tgoing E/een of the Getherlands$ and her son Fing Willem24le;ander of the Getherlands hold hands at the -oyal )alace in 4msterdam$ Getherlands on 4pril N!$ O!%N( *4) )hoto9Bart Maat$ pool+

)ope Benedict B3: *formerly Coseph 4loisi/s -at1inger+ formally abdicated on Debr/ary O'$ O!%N( )ope Benedict B3: served as the head of the -oman Catholic Ch/rch from 4pril %&$ O!!= to Debr/ary O'$ O!%N(

)ope Drancis *formerly born Corge Mario Bergoglio+$ a Ces/it priest$ leaves the Sistine Chapel after being elected pope and shortly before appearing for the first time on the central balcony of St( )eter<s Basilica at the 3atican on March %N$ O!%N( )ope Drancis served as 4rchbishop of B/enos 4ires$ 4rgentina from %&&' to O!%N( *CGS90<"sservatore -omano+

4rgentine )resident Cristina Dernande1 de Firchner *left+ greets )ope Drancis after his ina/g/ration Mass at the 3atican on March %&$ O!%N( *-e/ters+

E/een Beatri; of the Getherlands *center+ stands bet,een T/rkish )rime Minister -ecep Tayyip Erdogan *left+ and his ,ife Emine Erdogan *right+ as they pose for a pict/re at royal palace H/is ten Bosch in The Hag/e$ Getherlands on March O%$ O!%N( *-E>TE-S9)eter Ae7ong9)ool+

E/een Beatri; of the Getherlands *left+ meets ,ith Singapore )resident Tony Tan Feng Lam *right+ in Singapore on Can/ary O $ O!%N(

Ban Fi2moon *left+$ Secretary2General of the >nited Gations$ and his ,ife Loo Soon2taek *right+ meet ,ith E/een Beatri; of the Getherlands d/ring the official photo session at the -oyal )alace H/is ten Bosch in The Hag/e$ Getherlands on 4pril #$ O!%N( *-E>TE-S9To/ssaint Fl/iters9>nited )hotos+

.*e =nau"urat!on o6 a Ne& 'orl( Or(er?

)resident Barack "bama *left+ takes the oath of office from >(S( S/preme Co/rt Chief C/stice Cohn -oberts *right+ at the ceremonial s,earing2in in Washington$ A(C($ >(S(4( on Can/ary O%$ O!%N( *4) )hoto9Scott 4ndre,s+

"/tgoing >(S( Secretary of State Hillary -odham Clinton *left+ speaks ,ith -ichard Haass$ )resident of the Co/ncil on Doreign -elations$ after delivering a speech on 4merican leadership at the Co/ncil on Doreign -elations in Washington$ A(C( on Can/ary N%$ O!%N( *)hoto5 >(S( Aepartment of State+

U.S. President Barack Obama (center) speaks during a news conference with chief counterterrorism adviser John Brennan (right) and former U.S. Senator Chuck Hagel (left, R-Nebraska) in the East Room at the White House in Washington, D.C. on January 7, 2013. Pending approval by the Senate, former U.S. Senator Chuck Hagel will replace Leon Panetta as Secretary of Defense, and chief counterterrorism adviser John Brennan will become the next Director of the Central Intelligence Agency following the resignation of retired Army General David Petraeus. (Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

)resident Barack "bama *left+ anno/nced his nomination of White Ho/se Chief of Staff Cacob 0e, *center+ to s/cceed Timothy Geithner *right+ as Treas/ry Secretary from the East -oom of the White Ho/se on Th/rsday$ Can/ary %!$ O!%N(

>nited States S/preme Co/rt C/stice Elena Fagan *right+ s,ears in >nited States Secretary of State Cohn Dorbes Ferry *left+ on Debr/ary %$ O!%N in the Doreign -elations Committee -oom in the Capitol( They ,ere 7oined by his ,ife Teresa$ da/ghter 3anessa$ brother Cameron$ and his Senate staff( Cohn Dorbes Ferry is a member of the Co/ncil on Doreign -elations *a private organi1ation in Ge, Lork City+ and a member of Sk/ll & Bones *a secret society at Lale >niversity in Ge, Haven$ Connectic/t$ >(S(4(+( *)hoto5 >(S( Aepartment of State+

T/rkish sec/rity officers inspect the site after an e;plosion occ/rred at the entrance of the 4merican Embassy in 4nkara$ T/rkey on Driday$ Debr/ary %$ O!%N( 4t least one person ,as killed in an e;plosion in front of the 4merican Embassy$ the state2r/n 4natolian ne,s agency and other media reported( *-E>TE-S9:hlas Ge,s 4gency9:H4+

Fla/s Sch,ab *left+$ Do/nder and E;ec/tive Chairman of the World Economic Dor/m$ greets Mario Monti *right+$ )rime Minister of :taly$ d/ring Welcoming -emarks at the 4nn/al Meeting O!%N of the World Economic Dor/m in Aavos$ S,it1erland on Can/ary ON$ O!%N( Fla/s Sch,ab and Mario Monti have attended the Bilderberg Meetings in the past( *Copyright World Economic Dor/m9)hoto by -emy Steinegger+ http599,,,(flickr(com9photos9,orldeconomicfor/m9' !#&&NN.#9in9photostream

>nited States Secretary of State Cohn Ferry *left+ meets ,ith )rime Minister of :taly Mario Monti in -ome$ :taly on Debr/ary O'$ O!%N( *State Aepartment photo9)/blic Aomain+

>(S( 4mbassador to :taly Aavid Thorne and >(S( Secretary of State Cohn Ferry speak ,ith :talian )rime Minister Enrico 0etta at )ala11o Chigi in -ome$ :taly$ on May &$ O!%N( Aavid Thorne and Cohn Ferry are members of Sk/ll & Bones$ a secret society at Lale >niversity( Cohn Ferry and Enrico 0etta attended the O!%O Bilderberg Meetings in Chantilly$ 3irginia$ >(S(4( in C/ne O!%O( TState Aepartment photo9 )/blic AomainU http599,,,(flickr(com9photos9statephotos9'#ONNN&&=O9in9photostream

>(S( Secretary of State Cohn Ferry disc/sses Middle East peace ,ith E/artet -epresentative Tony Blair at the 3illa Taverna$ the >(S( ambassador<s residence in -ome$ :taly$ on May &$ O!%N( TState Aepartment photo9 )/blic AomainU http599,,,(flickr(com9photos9statephotos9'#O %.N&& 9in9photostream

>(S( )resident Barack "bama *left+ pays Hlip serviceI to Chicago Ce,ish billionaire b/siness,oman )enny )rit1ker$ the designated >(S( Secretary of Commerce$ in the -ose Garden of the White Ho/se in Washington$ A(C( on Th/rsday$ May O$ O!%N( )enny )rit1ker is a member of the Co/ncil on Doreign -elations$ a private foreign affairs organi1ation in Ge, Lork City( *)hoto5 4ndre, Harrer9Bloomberg+

>nited States )resident Barack "bama *left+ greets )resident of Me;ico Enri?/e )eWa Gieto at the )alacio Gacional *Gational )alace+ in Me;ico City$ Me;ico on May O$ O!%N( *)hoto5 http599en(mercopress(com9O!%N9!=9!N9obama2s/pports2ne,2me;ican2 dr/gs2sec/rity2policy2to2c/t2do,n2on2killings2and2violence+

Her -oyal Highness )rincess Beatri; of the Getherlands *formerly E/een Beatri; of the Getherlands+ rides in the back of a limo/sine in Watford$ England on Th/rsday$ C/ne .$ O!%N enro/te to the O!%N Bilderberg Meetings held at The Grove( *)hoto5 http599alles2schall/ndra/ch(blogspot(com9O!%N9!.9bilderberg2in2,atford2tag (html+

)resident Barack "bama participates in a G' S/mmit meeting on Transatlantic Trade and :nvestment )artnership in the 0ibrary at 0o/gh Erne -esort in Enniskillen$ Gorthern :reland$ C/ne %#$ O!%N( )articipating in the meeting are$ clock,ise from )resident "bama5 )rime Minister Aavid Cameron of the >nited FingdomP Chancellor 4ngela Merkel of GermanyP )resident DranXois Hollande of DranceP )rime Minister Enrico 0etta of :talyP Taoiseach Enda Fenny of :reland5 CosM Man/el Barroso$ )resident of the E/ropean CommissionP and Herman 3an -omp/y$ )resident of the E/ropean Co/ncil( 2arro#o atten(e( t*e 2013 2!l(erber" Meet!n"# *el( at .*e 8rove *otel !n 'at6or(, +n"lan( 6rom June ,49, 20139 *"fficial White Ho/se )hoto by )ete So/1a+

"#S# 0resident *arack Dbama $left) shakes hands !ith 0resident of Cuba Raul Castro durin' the official memorial service for former 0resident of South >frica /elson Mandela at 4/* Stadium in ;ohannesbur', South >frica on December 1=, 5=1B# Dver 6= heads of state have travelled to South >frica to attend a !eek of events commemoratin' the life of former 0resident of South >frica /elson Mandela# /elson Mandela %assed a!a, on the evenin' of December H, 5=1B at his home in 1ou'hton at the a'e of 9H# Mandela became South >fricaCs first native >frican %resident in 1997 after s%endin' 59 ,ears in 3ail for his activism a'ainst a%artheid in a raciall,8divided South >frica# $0hoto b, Chi% Somodevilla& ett, @ma'es)

4ormer "#S# Secretar, of State 1illar, Clinton $left) embraces 1enr, Lissin'er as he %resented her !ith the >tlantic Council.s ?eadershi% a!ard on +ednesda,, Ma, 1, 5=1B# $;onathan -rnst& Reuters)

)resident Barack "bama *left+ and German Chancellor 4ngela Merkel listen to remarks by Berlin Mayor Fla/s Wo,ereit at the Brandenb/rg Gate in Berlin$ Germany on C/ne %&$ O!%N( *"fficial White Ho/se )hoto by )ete So/1a+

Barack "bama *left+$ )resident of the >nited States+$ appears ,ith Carl Bildt *right+$ Doreign Minister of S,eden$ as the t,o men ,alk on the red carpet at 4rlanda 4irport in Stockholm$ S,eden on September $ O!%N( "bama and Bildt ,ere in Stockholm$ S,eden to disc/ss the f/t/re of Syria and iss/es involving the Syrian Civil War( <arl 2!l(t !# a member o6 t*e .r!lateral <omm!##!on an( a member o6 t*e 2!l(erber" 8rou 9 <arl 2!l(t atten(e( t*e 2013 2!l(erber" Meet!n"# *el( at 'at6or( E3ert6or(#*!reF, +n"lan( Enear -on(onF 6rom ,49 June 20139 *4) )hoto+

>nited States )resident Barack "bama vie,s the area near the Treas/ry d/ring a ,alking to/r of the ancient city of )etra in the Hashemite Fingdom of Cordan on March ON$ O!%N( *"fficial White Ho/se )hoto by )ete So/1a+

>(S( )resident Barack "bama *Ond -+ meets Greek "rthodo; )atriarch Theophilos ::: *Nrd 0+ d/ring a to/r of the Ch/rch of the Gativity in Bethlehem on March OO$ O!%N( *-E>TE-S9Cason -eed+

)resident Barack "bama *Ond right+ la/ghs ,ith former )residents Cimmy Carter *left+$ Bill Clinton *Ond left+$ and George W( B/sh prior to the dedication of the George W( B/sh )residential 0ibrary and M/se/m on the camp/s of So/thern Methodist >niversity in Aallas$ Te;as$ >(S(4( on 4pril O=$ O!%N( *"fficial White Ho/se )hoto by )ete So/1a+

President Barack Obama (right) and former President Bill Clinton (center) speak with House Speaker John Boehner (left, R-Ohio) before a memorial service for former House Speaker Tom Foley, D-Wash. at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. on October 29, 2013. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

)resident Barack "bama and Dirst 0ady Michelle "bama host a )assover Seder Ainner for family$ staff and friends$ in the "ld Damily Aining -oom of the White Ho/se in Washington$ A(C( on Marc* 25, 2013( *"fficial White Ho/se )hoto by )ete So/1a+

)eople ,ait in line to make a transaction at an 4TM o/tside a branch of Bank of Cypr/s d/ring a bank r/n in Gicosia$ Cypr/s on March O%$ O!%N( The Cypr/s government confiscated money from its citi1ens< bank acco/nts in an attempt to seek a bailo/t( The E/ropean >nion agreed to Y%! billion Hbailo/tI for Cypr/s on Marc* 25, 2013( *-E>TE-S9Lorgos Farahalis+

*en3amin /etan,ahu $left), 0rime Minister of @srael, and former "#S# Secretar, of State 1enr, Lissin'er $ri'ht) attend the Ceremonial funeral of former *ritish 0rime Minister *aroness Thatcher at St# 0aul.s Cathedral in ?ondon on 1+ri# 1D, ')1:# Di'nitaries from around the !orld toda, 3oin Mueen -liAabeth @@ and 0rince 0hili%, Duke of -dinbur'h as the "nited Lin'dom %a,s tribute to former 0rime Minister *aroness Thatcher durin' a Ceremonial funeral !ith militar, honors at St# 0aul.s Cathedral# $0hoto: Christo%her 4urlon'& ett, @ma'es -uro%e)

Communist China.s incomin' 0resident 2i ;in%in' delivers a s%eech at a Communist 0art, meetin' in *ei3in' $0ekin') in 4ebruar, 5=1B#

Communist China.s 0resident 2i ;in%in' meets !ith former "#S# Secretar, of State 1enr, Lissin'er, a member of the *ilderber' rou% and the Trilateral Commission, at the reat 1all of the 0eo%le in *ei3in', Communist China on >%ril 57, 5=1B# $0hoto: htt%:&&!!!#fm%rc#'ov#cn&en'&ANNN&t1=BH8=7#shtml)

0resident of Communist China 2i ;in%in' meets !ith former "#S# Secretar, of the Treasur, 1enr, 0aulson $left) at the reat 1all of the 0eo%le in *ei3in', Communist China on >%ril 57, 5=1B# 1enr, 0aulson is a member of the Council on 4orei'n Relations, a %rivate %olitical or'aniAation located in /e! York Cit,# $0hoto: htt%:&&!!!#fm%rc#'ov#cn&en'&ANNN&t1=BH8=7#shtml)

0resident of Communist China 2i ;in%in' meets !ith former "#S# 0resident +illiam ;# E*illF Clinton $left) at the reat 1all of the 0eo%le in *ei3in', Communist China on /ovember 18, 5=1B# *ill Clinton is a member of the Council on 4orei'n Relations, a %rivate %olitical or'aniAation located in /e! York Cit,# $0hoto: htt%:&&!!!#china8embass,#or'&en'&Am'Nss&t11==H99#htm)

4braham H( Do;man *left+$ Gational Airector of the 4nti2Aefamation 0eag/e$ appears ,ith >(S( 3ice )resident Coe Biden at the 4nti2Aefamation 0eag/e Centennial Gala held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Washington A(C( on 4pril N!$ O!%N( *)hoto5 http599,,,(,orld7e,ishdaily(com9adl2centennial(php+

)resident S/silo Bambang L/dhoyono of :ndonesia *center+ is presented ,ith a World Statesman 4,ard by former >(S( Secretary of State Henry Fissinger *left+ and 4ppeal of Conscience Do/ndation )resident -abbi 4rth/r Schneier *right+ in Ge, Lork City on May N!$ O!%N( *4) )hoto9Cason AeCro,+

German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle (left), President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany Dieter Graumann (center), and President of the World Jewish Congress Ronald S. Lauder attend the 14th Plenary Assembly of the World Jewish Congress in Budapest, Hungary on May 6, 2013. (AP Photo/MTI, Lajos Soos)

David Cameron (center), the Prime Minister of Great Britain, advocates war with Syria during a night session in the Parliament in London on August 29, 2013. The British Parliament voted against a proposed war with Syria that night. Dav!( <ameron atten(e( t*e 2013 2!l(erber" Meet!n"# *el( at .*e 8rove *otel !n 'at6or(, +n"lan(, near -on(on, 6rom June ,49, 20139

> Shinto %riest leads 0rime Minister of ;a%an ShinAo >be $5nd left) as he visits the Yasukuni Shrine in Tok,o, ;a%an on Ee,ember '<, ')1:# Communist China %rotested ;a%an.s claim to the uninhabited Senkaku @slands throu'hout 5=1B# $>40 0hoto&Toru Yamanaka)

Caroline Lenned,, the "#S# >mbassador to ;a%an, %resents her credentials to -m%eror >kihito of ;a%an at the @m%erial 0alace in Tok,o, ;a%an on /ovember 19, 5=1B $three da,s before the H=th anniversar, of the assassination of 0resident ;ohn 4# Lenned,)# Caroline Lenned,, the dau'hter of former "#S# 0resident ;ohn 4# Lenned,, is a member of the 2oun,i# on *oreign 4e#ations, a %rivate %olitical or'aniAation in /e! York Cit,# $0hoto: >40&@m%erial 1ousehold >'enc, of ;a%an)

Madeleine >lbri'ht, former "#S# Secretar, of State, attends a meetin' at the Chatham 1ouse in ?ondon on >%ril 19, 5=1B# $0hoto: htt%:&&!!!#flickr#com&%hotos&chathamhouse&866B59H557&)

Robert -# Rubin, the former "#S# Secretar, of the Treasur, and former %artner of oldman Sachs bank in /e! York Cit,, s%eaks at Chatham 1ouse in ?ondon on Ma, 17, 5=1B# The title of the meetin' !as ECritical -conomic Challen'es and +hether Democracies Can Meet ThemF# $0hoto: htt%:&&!!!#flickr#com&%hotos&chathamhouse&89B81988HH&)

1illar, Clinton, former "nited States Secretar, of State, ans!ers :uestions from an audience at Chatham 1ouse in ?ondon, -n'land on Dctober 11, 5=1B# Chatham 1ouse is the head:uarters of the Ro,al @nstitute of @nternational >ffairs# $0hoto b, 0eter Macdiarmid& ett, @ma'es)

Political Turmoil in 0kraine! Or#ani1ed Crime$

?eft to ri'ht: 4uel Minister of "kraine Stavitsk,, 0resident of "kraine Jiktor Yanukovich, 0rime Minister of the /etherlands Mark Rutte and C-D of Ro,al Dutch Shell 0eter Joser shake hands after eNchan'in' a si'ned a'reement at the +orld -conomic 4orum $+-4) in Davos, S!itAerland on ;anuar, 57, 5=1B# $Reuters) 0rime Minister of the /etherlands Mark Rutte and C-D of Ro,al Dutch Shell 0eter Joser attended the 5=15 *ilderber' Meetin's held in Chantill,, Jir'inia, "#S#># from Ma, B1, 5=15 until ;une B, 5=15# 1enr, Lissin'er, former "#S# Secretar, of State $199B81999), and @'or S# @vanov, 4orei'n Minister of Russia $199885==7), also attended the 5=15 *ilderber' Meetin's#

> %rotest is conducted b, the Cabinet of Ministers in Liev, "kraine on /ovember 59, 5=1B# >to% the vehicle are "krainian o%%osition leaders Dleh T,ahn,bok $left), >rseni, Yatsen,uk $center), and Jitali Ll,chko $ri'ht, holdin' a micro%hone)#

0rotesters and riot %olice clash in front of the Cabinet of Ministers of "kraine durin' a rall, in Liev on /ovember 57, 5=1B# $R@> /ovosti & >leNei 4urman)

> %rotester attacks the statue of Soviet "nion founder Jladimir ?enin !ith a sled'ehammer in Liev, "kraine on Sunda,, December 8, 5=1B# "krainians !ere %rotestin' 0resident of "rkraine Jiktor Yanukovich.s %ro%osals for closer ties !ith the Russian 'overnment and his decision to dela, si'nin' the -uro%ean "nion >ssociation >'reement# The 'overnment of "kraine decided to %ost%one the si'nin' the -uro%ean "nion >ssociation >'reement on /ovember 51, 5=1B# 0rotests be'an on /ovember 51, 5=1B# The si'nin' of the -uro%ean "nion >ssociation >'reement !ould have allo!ed "kraine to become inte'rated !ith -uro%ean "nion economicall, and reduce trade barriers bet!een "kraine and -uro%ean "nion# 4ussia maintains a navy base at @evasto+o#, B-raine, a +ort ,ity #o,ated in the 2rimea on the #a,- @ea. $0hoto: Ser'ei ChuAavkov&>0)

E/ropean >nion )resident Herman 3an -omp/y *center+ and E/ropean Commission )resident Cose Man/el Barroso *right+ ,elcome )resident of >kraine 3iktor Lan/kovych *left+ ahead of an E/ropean >nion2>kraine S/mmit in Br/ssels$ Belgi/m on Debr/ary O=$ O!%N(

4ssistant >(S( Secretary for E/ropean and E/rasian 4ffairs 3ictoria G/land *Ond right$ ,earing a bl/e 7acket+ offered food to pro2 E/ropean >nion activists as she and >(S( 4mbassador to >kraine Geoffrey )yatt *right+ ,alked thro/gh :ndependence S?/are in Fiev$ >kraine$ on Wednesday$ Aecember %%$ O!%N( G/land also offered food to some of the police nearby( 3ictoria G/land is the ,ife of 4merican Ce,ish 7o/rnalist -obert Fagan( -obert Fagan is a member of the Co/ncil on Doreign -elations( *)hoto5 4ndre, Fravchenko94)+

>nited States Senator Cohn McCain *center+ appears ,ith >krainian opposition leader "leh Tyahnybok *right+ in Fiev$ >kraine on Aecember % $ O!%N(

"nited States Senator ;ohn McCain $ri'ht) meets !ith "krainian o%%osition leaders >rseni, Yatsen,uk $left, !earin' a blue shirt) and Dleh T,ahn,bok $center) in Liev, "kraine on December 17, 5=1B# ;ohn McCain is a member of the Council on 4orei'n Relations#

"nited States Senator ;ohn McCain $ri'ht) a%%ears !ith "krainian o%%osition leaders >rseni, Yatsen,uk $left) and Dleh T,ahn,bok $5nd left) for dinner in Liev, "kraine on December 17, 5=1B#

.*e <*an"!n" o6 t*e 8uar(# !n 2013

Fing Willem24le;ander of the Getherlands *4pril N!$ O!%N2present+

Fing )hilippe of Belgi/m *C/ly O%$ O!%N2present+

)ope Drancis *March %N$ O!%N2present+

Mark C( Carney Governor of the Bank of England *C/ly %$ O!%N2present+

Farnit Dl/g Governor of the Bank of :srael *Gov( %N$ O!%N2present+

Cohn Dorbes Ferry B(4( Lale %&.. >(S( Secretary of State *Deb( %$ O!%N2present+

Ch/ck Hagel >(S( Secretary of Aefense *Deb( O#$ O!%N2present+

Cacob C( 0e, >(S( Secretary of the Treas/ry *Deb( O'$ O!%N2present+

)enny )rit1ker >(S( Secretary of Commerce *C/ne O.$ O!%N2present+

S/san E( -ice >(S( Gational Sec/rity 4dvisor *C/ly %$ O!%N2present+

Mary Co White Chairman of >(S( Sec/rities and E;change Commission *4pril %!$ O!%N2present+

Samantha )o,er B(4( Lale %&&O >(S( -epresentative to the >nited Gations *4/g/st O$ O!%N2present+

Cohn ",en Brennan Airector of the Central :ntelligence 4gency *March '$ O!%N2present+

)eter Salovey )resident of Lale >niversity *C/ly %$ O!%N2present+

Christopher 0( Eisgr/ber )resident of )rinceton >niversity *C/ly %$ O!%N2present+

)ark Ge/n2hye )resident of the -ep/blic of Forea *So/th Forea+ *Deb( O=$ O!%N2present+

Bi Cinping )resident of the )eople@s -ep/blic of China *March % $ O!%N2present+

Hassan -o/hani )resident of :ran *4/g/st N$ O!%N2present+

Enrico 0etta )rime Minister of :taly *4pril O'$ O!%N2 Debr/ary OO$ O!% +

Erna Solberg )rime Minister of Gor,ay *"ctober %.$ O!%N2 present+

O!%N "bit/aries

Gen( 3o Gg/yen Giap *born 4/g/st O=$ %&%%P died "ctober $ O!%N+ Aefense Minister of 3ietnam *%& .2%&'!+

Gen( H/go Chave1 *born C/ly O'$ %&= P died March =$ O!%N+ )resident of 3ene1/ela *%&&&2O!%N+

Margaret Thatcher *born "ctober %N$ %&O=P died 4pril '$ O!%N+ )rime Minister of Great Britain *%&#&2%&&!+

Gelson Mandela *born C/ly %'$ %&%'P died Aecember =$ O!%N+ )resident of So/th 4frica *%&& 2%&&&+

-obert 0eigh2)emberton *born Can/ary =$ %&O#P died Govember O $ O!%N+ Governor of the Bank of England *%&'N2%&&N+

4lden Winship *4(W(+ Cla/sen *born Debr/ary %#$ %&ONP died Can/ary OO$ O!%N+ )resident of The World Bank *%&'%2%&'.+

-enato -/ggiero *born 4pril &$ %&N!P died 4/g/st $ O!%N+ Airector2General of the World Trade "rgani1ation *%&&=2%&&&+

)hilip Cald,ell *born Can( O#$ %&O!P died C/ly %!$ O!%N+ Chairman and CE" of Dord Motor Co( *%&'!2%&'=+

Ei7i Toyoda *born Sept( %O$ %&%NP died Sept( %#$ O!%N+ Chairman *%&'O2%&&O+ and )resident *%&.#2 %&'O+ of Toyota Motor Corporation

)a/l Aesmarais Sr( *born Can/ary $ %&O#P died "ctober '$ O!%N+ Dormer Chairman and CE" of )o,er Corporation of Canada

Steven M/ller *born Gov( OO$ %&O#P died Can/ary %&$ O!%N+ )resident of Cohns Hopkins >niversity *%&#O2%&&!+

Gen( Aavid C( Cones *born C/ly &$ %&O%P died 4/g/st %!$ O!%N+ Chairman of the Coint Chiefs of Staff *%&#'2%&'O+P >(S( 4ir Dorce General

Thomas S( Doley *born March .$ %&O&P died "ctober %'$ O!%N+ Speaker of the Ho/se *%&'&2%&&=+P >(S( 4mbassador to Capan *%&&#2O!!%+

Ed Foch *born Aecember %O$ %&O P died Debr/ary %$ O!%N+ Mayor of Ge, Lork City *%&#'2%&'&+

Herbert M( 4llison Cr( *born 4/g/st O$ %& NP died C/ly % $ O!%N+ Chairman and CE" of T:442C-ED *O!!O2O!!'+

Gi/lio 4ndreotti *born Can/ary % $ %&%&P died May .$ O!%N+ )rime Minister of :taly *%&#O2%&#N$ %&#.2%&#&$ %&'&2%&&O+

)ierre Ma/roy *born C/ly =$ %&O'P died C/ne #$ O!%N+ )rime Minister of Drance *%&'%2%&' +

Wilfried Martens *born 4pril %&$ %&N.P died "ctober %!$ O!%N+ )rime Minister of Belgi/m *%&#&2%&'%$ %&'%2%&&O+

Edgar M( Bronfman Sr( *born C/ne O!$ %&O&P died Aecember O%$ O!%N+ )resident of World Ce,ish Congress *%&'%2O!!#+

Marc -ich *born Aecember %'$ %&N P died C/ne O.$ O!%N+ Belgian2born 4merican Ce,ish real estate mog/l and f/gitive

@un T.u

E+ar is a matter of vital im%ortance to the state< a matter of life or death, the road either to survival or to ruinQ 1## "arfare is based on de,e+tion. Therefore, !hen ca%able of attackin', fei'n inca%acit,< !hen active in movin' troo%s, fei'n inactivit,# +hen near the enem,, make it seem that ,ou are far a!a,< !hen far a!a,, make it seem that ,ou are near# 1old out baits to lure the enem,# Strike the enem, !hen he is in disorder# 0re%are a'ainst the enem, !hen he is secure at all %oints# >void the enem, for the time bein' !hen he is stron'er# @f ,our o%%onent is of choleric tem%er, tr, to irritate him# @f he is arro'ant, tr, to encoura'e his e'otism# @f the enem, troo%s are !ell %re%ared after reor'aniAation, tr, to !ear them do!n# @f the, are united, tr, to so! dissension amon' them# >ttack the enem, !here he is un%re%ared, and a%%ear !here ,ou are not eN%ected# These are the ke,s to victor, for a strate'ist# @t is not %ossible to formulate them in detail beforehandQ To subdue the enemy "ithout fighting is the su+reme art of e9,e##en,eQ# Ano" your enemy and -no" yourse#f< in a hundred battles, ,ou !ill never be defeated# +hen ,ou are i'norant of the enem, but kno! ,ourself, ,our chances of !innin' or losin' are e:ual# @f i'norant both of ,our enem, and of ,ourself, ,ou are sure to be defeated in ever, battle#F G Sun TAu, The Art of War

>ear of the @na-e F2hinese 2a#endarG7 11=1, 111B, 115H, 11B9, 1179, 1161, 119B, 118H, 1199 15=9, 1551, 15BB, 157H, 15H9, 1569, 1581, 159B 1B=H, 1B19, 1B59, 1B71, 1BHB, 1B6H, 1B99, 1B89 17=1, 171B, 175H, 17B9, 1779, 1761, 179B, 178H, 1799 1H=9, 1H51, 1HBB, 1H7H, 1HH9, 1H69, 1H81, 1H9B 16=H, 1619, 1659, 1671, 16HB, 166H, 1699, 1689 19=1, 191B, 195H, 19B9, 1979, 1961, 199B, 198H, 1999 18=9, 1851, 18BB, 187H, 18H9, 1869, 1881, 189B 19=H, 1919, 1959, 1971, 19HB, 196H, 1999, 1989 5==1, 5=1B, 5=5H, 5=B9, 5=79, 5=61, 5=9B, 5=8H, 5=99

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