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Ancient Rome

W r i t t e n B y : P a y t o n B a i r d a n d B r a n d i H a h n

Julius Caesar
re. Julius Caesar could be considered a hero or a villain in the eyes of the people. To the people of Ancient Rome that thought Julius Caesar was a hero they thought that he was good at everything he done. They also looked at him as a hero because he was the head leader of Rome, so people thought that if he was good enough to lead Rome them he had to be a good person. When they had battles or wars Julius Caesar led them and people thought that he was a good army general. Julius Caesar was considered the king of Rome at the time so the people knew that he would protect the city. The people thought he was a king worth worshiping bepublic as well as targeting the priest. He was so evil that he took Frances riches from them. Julius Caesar manipulated the system of Ancient Rome, and Julius Caesar most people knew what a evil man he was. They knew he had to much power over all. In the crowning of Julius he was going to accept the crown but the people starting to boo him. That made him quickly change his mind and rejected the crown in front of the people. That made the people of Rome start to cheer. He was killed because people did not like his method of running Rome so they stabbed him 28 times and that ended the days of Julius Caesar. A majored of Rome was thankful he was no The Battle that caused the fall of longer the leader of Rome. Rome

cause he expanded Rome by 1/3. For the people of Rome who thought he was a villain they had very good reason to. One thing that Julius did was threaten the

T h e F a l l o f Ro m e
The fall of Ancient Rome started from about AD 190. The Roman Empire was attacked by tribes such as the Goths and the Vandals. Civil wars in parts of the empire further weakened the rule of Rome and respect for Roman law as a result. The empire was attacked because the Tribes such as the Goths wanted to move south into parts of Europe that experienced a better climate that would assist their farming. The emperor at the time realized that something had to be done or Rome and its empire would fall apart. He decided to divide the Roman Empire in two to make it easier to rule - he created the Western Empire and the Eastern Empire, each with its own leader. This split geographically was all but a north to south divide between the empire with Spain, France, England, Italy and parts of Germany forming the Western Empire and all areas to the east of this were in the Eastern Empire.

The Punic Wars

Roman and Carthage fought a series of three wars to determine the dominant power over Europe and who would influence the future. In 270/269 BCE Hiero of Syracuse inflicted a severe defeat of Sicily. Rome helped in defeating Hiero. Rome accepted the fact that they had to start moving their military forces into Sicily. The First Punic War Started in 264 BCE. In 260 BCE the first battle between Rome and Carthage took place at Mylae. During this war, it involved 103 ships. The Punic wars resulted from national interests between Rome and Carthage. Military entered Carthage which began the Punic Wars. Carthage was commanding the seas however, Rome entered the Punic Wars with a larger manpower base. Rome had the power/resources for war and a remarkable ability to

T h r e e p e o p l e t h a t c h a n g e d Ro m e
Julius Caesar was a Roman ruler who refused the title of king. When his best friend heard about this him and his group decided to kill Julius. Julius Caesar was a great ruler and bettered Rome in many ways.

Mark Antony was a Roman politician and general. As a military commander he was an important supporter and loyal friend of his mothers cousin Julius Caesar. He was born on January 14, 83 BC in Rome Italy. He died August 1, 30 BC.

Nero was born in 37 AD. The nephew of the emperor. After his fathers death his mother married his uncle and pushed him to name Nero his successor. Nero took the throne at 17and his mother attempted to control him so she was assassinated.

Three Wars/Battles that changed the course of Rome

The first Punic War started in 264 BC. In that war. Rome conquered Sicily. The fist Punic war was a mile stone in Roman history. Because this war it lead to Roman expansion. The Roman victory in 241b.c.e marked the result of Rome as the bigger power was in the western Mediterranean.

The second Punic War by 275 b.c.e Rome controlled the Italian Peninsula. The Romans began to build and empire around the Mediterranean. Rome expanded south within 3 miles of Sicily. There was already power by Carthage on the south and the Rome went in to the coast of Africa as well.

The third Punic War After4 victory in two long wars Rome had shrunk the size of Carthage. Carthage navy ships reduced to 10 and that they could not start any more wars without the permission.

Government/laws of Rome compared to modern America now

Rome and America are similar because Rome and America are the most powerful in their worlds. Their power includes both military strength and the language, culture, technology and ideas. Rome and America are approximately equal in size. Both societies are made up of many people and open to newcomers. They are willing to adapt to the lifestyle and gods of everyone else. There are also differences to the two as well. Technology advances are different. Rome and all its long history has never left the iron age. America in its short history has already leaped through the industrial age. The government is different because Rome emerged out of city state and took centuries to let go of a city states method of government. America from early on began to be considered as a continental power. For both Rome and America all genders are considered equal.


Ancient Rome Government

American Government Spain

T h r e e a r t s / e n t e r t a i n m e n t i n Ro m e t i m e
Virgil wrote the Aeneid, Roman version of Illiad/ odyssey

Livy wrote the History of Rome.

Horace wrote poetry stressing that greed cause conflict.

T r a v e l Ro m e
The first mentioning of Jerusalem was found in Egyptian text. The name of the city appears in scripts and pottery bowls. Five centuries later, the name Jerusalem was found in middle Egypt which for a short time was the capital of all Egypt.

Italy is an official republic. They are republic in southern Europe, and to the north Italy borders of France, Switzerland and Australia. Italy is a little bigger than Arizona and Italy is a long peninsula shaped like a boot. Surrounded by the Tyrrhenian sea on the west and on the east by the Adriatic.

Spain is a member state of the European union. Spain is located on the peninsula in southwestern Europe. The population of Spain 47.27 million. The language spoken in Spain is Spanish. Spain is considered a constitutional monarchy.


5 F u n F a c t s a b o u t A n c i e n t P i c t u r e s o f A n c i e n t Ro m e Ro m e
1) After the death of an emperor, an eagle (symbol of the god Jupiter) was released to bear his soul to heaven 2) The Romans were the first civilization to use concrete and the arch with any notable skill. 3) By the early fourth century, the Romans had built a road network of 53,000 miles throughout the empire. Each Roman mile was about 1,000 paces (about 4,800 feet) and was marked by a milestone 4) Ancient Romans believed that seeing an owl was a bad omen, sniffing cyclamen flowers would prevent baldness, and ringing bells eased the pain of childbirth. The presence of bees, which were considered sacred messengers of the gods, were seen as a sign of good luck. 5) When the Roman Empire began to fall, inflation dramatically increased. Between A.D. 200 - 280, the price of a bale of wheat rose from 16 to 120,000

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