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Lower Extremity Stretching Home Exercise Program

1. Gastroc-Soleus Stretch
Stand with hands on counter or wall for support. Put one leg behind you. Make sure toes point straight ahead. Bend opposite leg and place foot on the ground in front of you. Keep heel of backward leg down and keep arch up, toes curled under. Slowly move your hips forward, keeping back straight until a stretch is felt in back of calf. Hold 20 to 30 seconds.

Repeat ______ times/leg. Variation: Perform above exercise with knee bent on side to be stretched.

2. Hamstring Stretch (Standing)

Stand with leg to be stretched supported on a table orplatform of comfortable height, knees straight. Opposite foot should point straight ahead. Slowly bend forward from hips keeping your back straight until stretch is felt behind the knee of the leg on the table. Hold 20 to 30 seconds.

Repeat ______ times/leg.

3. Hamstring Stretch (Sitting)

Sit on floor with leg to be stretched extended out in front of you with your toes up. Bend opposite leg and place sole offoot against knee of straight leg. Slowly bend forward from hips keeping your back straight and head up.

Hold 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat ______ times/leg.

4. Hip Flexor Stretch (Lunge Position)

Standing, take a long step forward assuming a lunge positionwith leg to be stretched straight and in back. It is not necessary to have heel on the floor. Rest hands on hips or front leg, keepingfront foot flat on floor. Keep torso upright and back straight.Slowly lower hips forward and downward until a stretch is felt in the front of the thigh.

Hold 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat ______ times/leg. Variation: A chair may be used to increase the stretch.

5. Hip Adductor Stretch

Stand with feet wide apart. Make sure toes point straight ahead.Bend one knee. Shift weight toward the bent knee until a stretch is felt on the inner thigh of the straight leg. Hold 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat ______ times/leg.

7. Quadriceps Stretch (Standing)

Stand close to a wall or chair for support with the leg to bestretched extended behind you. Knee of opposite leg slightly bent.Hold foot of leg to be stretched with your hand, gently pulling the heel toward the buttock until a stretch is felt in the front of the thigh. Do not allow back to arch.

Hold 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat ______ times/leg.

8. Low Back/Buttock Stretch

Lay on your back bringing one knee toward your chest.Place hands behind knee, gently bringing knee toward chest until a stretch is felt in buttock and lower back.

Hold 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat ______ times/leg. Variation: Bring knee toward the opposite shoulder to stretch the lateral buttock. 9. IT Band Stretch (Sitting) Sit on the floor. Bend one knee and cross the leg over the other leg. Turn upper body towards the bent leg. Using the opposite hand slowly pull the knee towards the opposite shoulder until a stretch is felt in the buttocks and along the outside of the hip.

Hold 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat ______ times/leg. 10. Piriformis Stretch (Lying) Lie on your back with both knees bent. Cross one leg with the foot resting on the other thigh. Put your hands behind the knee of the leg with the foot on the floor. Pull up toward your chest.

Hold 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat ______ times/leg. 18. Inner Thigh Stretch Sit on the floor with knees bent, soles of feet against eachother. Use your forearms to give gentle stretching pressureagainst inner thigh of each leg.

Hold 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat ______ times/leg.


Arm-swinging Start with the feet astride and the arms hanging loosely by the sides. Swing both arms forwards, up-wards, backwards and sideways in a circular motion. Brush the ears with the arms as they go by.

Side-bends Start with the feet astride and the hands on the hips. Bend to the left and to the right sides alternately while keeping the head facing forward.

Trunk-, knee- and hip-bends Start in the standing position. Raise the left knee and bring the head down to meet it. Repeat with the right knee. To maintain balance make this a smooth rhythmical movement. The supporting leg can be slightly bent if necessary.

Head-, arm- and trunk-rotating Start with the feet astride and the hands and arms directly in front at shoulder

level. Turn the head, arms and shoulder around to the left as far as possible, bending the right arm across the chest. Repeat the movement to the right always keeping the hips and legs still.

Alternate ankle-stretch Start with the feet astride and both palms on the front of the upper left thigh. Slide the hands down the front of the left leg, allowing the trunk to relax. Return to the up-right position and repeat on the right side. Do not continue this exercise if there is pain in the lower part of the spine.

Lunges Stand with the legs wide astride with the right leg directly in front of the left leg. The right foot points forwards and the left foot is turned to point outwards. Keep the rear leg straight and bend the knee of the front leg to lower the trunk into a deep lunge position. Push back to straighten the front leg and return to a standing position. Re-peat this four times and then change over so that the left leg is in front.


Side Bends

Sit or stand with hands loosely at your sides. Gently Tilt your head sideways. Hold for 5 seconds.

Neck Flexion/Extension

Tilt your head forward and then backwards until you feel the stretch. Repeat 2-3 times.


Stand with feet about shoulder-width apart. Raise both arms above the head and interlace fingers . Extend the elbows directly over the head and reach for the sky.Inhale and expand the chest while pulling in the stomach . Hold the position for a few seconds.Slowly exhale as the arms are brought down to the sides again.This exercise may be performed from a seated position.

Double knee-to-chest stretch Pull both knees to your chest until you feel a comfortable stretch in the buttocks and lower back. Hold and release.

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