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Some of the feedback we have received for our previous Remote Healing Program. A big thank you to all 90 participants

I feel I am blank. I don't have past and future just like blank paper!

My periods started yesterday and I have amazingly none of the usual symptoms - not even the subtle ones! Usually I would be quite tired during this time of the month and very grouchy.

Its been 3 days since I and my husband even snapped at each other. A record I must say! And my son has been an angel for the past 3 days. This morning he woke up and went to the loo all by himself without even calling us! I want core healing everyday!!

Feels like somebody is cleaning me with a broom Full of silence, like I am meditating.

Feeling even less interested and affected by outer world than usual. Sense of a pleasant, significant rewiring!

Overall, there was a gentle sense of protection and perfection whenever I turned my attention to the present moment. At times, the experience of a heaven-like timelessness was strong. At times, it was just a rain of fine energy in the background.

Things happened smoothly and perfectly. And my own calmness and confidence surprised me. Lester Levenson describes enlightenment as the hootless state and that was what I experienced at many points during these three days.

My sons behaviour changed nicely; he was obedient behaving lovingly and happily! My husband had very bad headache till midnight, I feel something is changing in 180 degrees!

I felt extremely energetic through the day and slept well last night. I feel very optimistic in my thoughts and laughed a lot at the end of a long day at work. Many times - I am tired and grumpy. Could complete all my work with a lot of focus and attention effortlessly!

I actually felt so relaxed that I wanted to sleep at noon.

Had some disturbed dreams that seemed like a release of past experiences.

The first morning, and also subsequent mornings, I could feel the frequency strongly as a sonic frequency kneading the energy in my third eye and crown chakra. Every morning, I was drawn into an unusually still meditative state without any effort from my side except to allow it to happen. It was a space where the body became frozen still. Even though the senses were working fine and random thoughts floated through the mind on their own, the I aspect of the mind could not consciously think or do anything. This would last from 7 am to around 9 am.

I could feel the energy all over my body while I lied down between 2 4 PM yesterday.

Feeling happy, bubbly. Feeling lighter as if some weight is being lifted or some sort of releasing is happening.

Feeling calmness without any reason.

I could feel the vibrations throughout my body as soon as I would close my eyes and focus. I handled a stressful and confrontational situation very well and with ease and calmness without falling into my usual patterns.

Felt the energy whenever I sat to observe. I had an odd rigidness in my back for the past few days, in the afternoon, I felt it release and get back to normal.

One of the strongest features for me of the three days was that traditional Buddhist meditation techniques, which I had been struggling with for a few months, began to happen effortlessly.

The first night, I could not sleep properly. I would keep falling awake with spontaneous self-enquiry and connecting with pure consciousness. This continued all through the night. Also, the following day I felt no after-effects of sleepiness which has not happened before to me.

Releasing through yawning happened on its own at various times during the days even when I was not doing any clearing.

The interactions in the day were better than usual. Especially at work, the conflicts were much reduced than what I would face usually.

Thanks a lot for 3 day energy support. Meditation at home has been difficult but with this energy support I felt tempted all the time just to sit and enjoy :)

There was literal difference when you were sending energy; it was like having energy blanket around all the time. Feeling too happy, and I am also able to share with others what I'm feeling :)

Felt expansive and peaceful and soft...

For three days I experienced cool and calm feelings never before! No anger, no irritation, no ill feeling for anyone. But felt sleepy n drowsy all the time. The first night i could not sleep a wink for no reason. I was awake and could see myself walking in my dream too. Next day I had loose motions, again for no reason. Then I slept for two hours like a log. In all the experience was totally feel good and it is still continuing. Thanks 4 this tension free life.

Day 2 was pretty smooth overall. There was a beautiful sense of inner peace even if I was meeting people and doing loads of coordinating work.

It was amazing! There is an unshakable peace rock solid within which also feels light and soft. Finding it difficult to put the feeling in words really! Just deep gratitude for the amazing work you are doing!

Morning... I was feeling overwhelmed with happiness... my chest was feeling loaded... too much energy!

The morning which is my craziest time of the day went magically well! I woke up very late and still everything was done before time and I felt no stress! Also, my son, who is usually soooo cranky was calmer, more co-operative and relaxed this morning. Am eager for the afternoon energies now!

Feeling tremendous amount of energy flowing and a sense of quietness all the time getting in touch with Me! Thank You.

Felt a kind of energy around me in the morning and felt light and joyous later! During the afternoon session I felt tugging at heart chakra and felt like something got released.

In morning, I felt that all the garbage in mind just piled up and got diffused also fast. In the day time I felt lots of energy in my heart chakra!

Had increased awareness most of the time And my wife got some good news and money in her work!

Felt very peaceful and calm in the morning. Later during the day felt some energy movement at the heart chakra. Today feeling happy, bubbly! Feeling lighter as if some weight is being lifted or some sort of releasing is happening.

It was a very positive and wonderful day! I was happy and at peace without any specific reason. One special thing - though things were not working exactly the way I wanted, I was in very Acceptance Mode to whatever is happening and enjoying that! Thanks so much!

I faced an angry person, but my reaction was not the one that I usually give of retaliation.

Severe acidity in the morning followed by an emotional out burst. Amazing clearing last night. Nonstop yawning for half hour with out any reason!

The day was absolutely peaceful. There was a sense of imperturbability right from 10am till around 430/5pm. There was lack of resistance towards anything that was going on and an ease with which things were flowing. Interesting observation is feeling unaffected by what people said about me, whether positive or negative. And a sense of peace within even though I was in middle of work all day and meeting people. Been having a lovely experience with this so far and what else is possible here?

Alert and unable to sleep much was feeling vibes throughout the night Feel like I am losing weight this week.

It felt like after a spa session! I was extremelly relaxed the entire day... it was beautiful! The last day was very very nice I was humming all day long. it was a great feeling! Thank you very much for it.

Pain relief from liver problems, heightened awareness and gratitude. Heart to heart communication with parents after long time. Overall feeling of peace, enthusiasm and stability. Long awaited property deal came through on Friday morning. Met good doctors for my liver problems on Friday morning. Overall, too many good things are happening to call it a coincidence. Thank you very much!

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