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1 Overfishing

Sustainable plan to control overfishing



AXIA College of University of Phoenix

SCI 275

Instructor: XXXXX

After viewing the Declining fish stock video and doing some research about this existing

problem I came to realize that the matter is to be taken seriously and with urgency. As the video

presents overfishing has created a global fish shortage and the consequences of this problem

could be catastrophic for the future. According to Dr. Jeremy Jackson from the Scripps Institute

of Oceanography, the overfishing problem is more destructive to the ocean than toxic pollution

or degrading water quality.

2 Overfishing

In the past years there has been an increase of the demand for products with a high protein

value and low in fat. Fish is the main source of food that quantifies this dieting description. The

fishery industry in response to this opportunity had change the way they use to catch fish,

implementing new fishing techniques using technological advances and better fishing equipment

that assists them become more efficient and to catch enormous amount of fish in a short period of

time. These fishing improvements caused the decline in population of the bigger fish like for

example the shark, cod, tuna, and swordfish. Commercial fishing companies can catch hundreds

of pounds of this fish daily and in some cases some bigger fishing companies even have

transportation boats that take the daily catch to shore while the fishing vessel stays in the ocean

fishing. Therefore, if they catch a substantial amount of this adult fish, there will be not enough

time for these species to replenish and breed. Over 90 % of the big fish species have been fished

out since the large scale industrial fishing began in the 1950’s. (Green peace international, 2008)

The entire oceans ecosystem is threatened by this problem because with the depletion of the

bigger ocean predators, smaller plankton eating species are populating the seas. In some places

overfishing has caused the collapse of some fisheries. In 1992 over 40,000 jobs in the fishing

industry were lost due to the declined cod fish. (Green peace international, 2005) The Canadian

government implemented a cod fishing ban, but, some scientists say that it may be too late to

recover the fish stock.

Fixing the problem

Although some scientists say it may be too late to fix the problem, the implementation of rules

and regulations to control overfishing should be a priority for all the world nations, since this a

problem that will affect the whole world.

Professor Jeremy Jackson from the Scripps Institute states in his interview that the damage

caused by the unrestricted fishing can be reversible if fishing restrictions are applied to world
3 Overfishing

fisheries and fishing industries. Some of the regulations the agencies have to put on fisherman

and industrial fisheries are.

• Catch control

This restriction will include a fishing quota depending what is the targeted fish and

the area this fish are been fished off. It will also put a catch limit on individual

fishermen or fishing companies.

• Equipment regulations

This will restrict the companies to use fishing equipment that can harm the sea’s

ecosystem and the exaggerated amount of fish they can fit in the nets and it will also

prevents the “bycathch” like sea turtles, whales, and dolphins.

Europe has already launched a campaign to prevent and reduce overfishing the blue fin tuna.

The population of this particular kind of tuna has been decreasing in the past years. (Europe

Rapid Press, 2008) The campaign will be coordinated by the Community Fisheries Control

Agency and the recovery plan will take an estimated time of about 15 years. Some of the

recommendations made by the commission are scraping of fishing vessels until they found a

balance between the fishing capacities and fishing possibilities. The owners of the vessels that

will be scraped will be indemnified with financial support. To ensure the accomplishment of the

plan the commission counts with more than 30 patrol vessels, 16 aircrafts, and more than 50

inspectors at the ports making sure the fishing vessels are not in violation of the fishing


The opposition

The profits of commercial fisheries and non commercial fisheries will be cut substantially if a

catch limit or quotas are imposed to them. Since many small fisheries will be affected with the
4 Overfishing

income cuts, some incentive should be given to fishermen whom decide to retire or present more

than normal income losses.

In conclusion I think precautions should be taken before the damage is irreversible. The

fisheries should be concerned about the exploitation of the resources their companies depend of.

As late as it could be, more people need to get involved in this problem and try to look for a

solution and if that solution arises keep enforcing it as planned.

Commission launches major control campaign to clamp down on overfishing of bluefin tuna .
(2008, March 14). Europa Rapid Press , pp. 1-2.
No Cod? Blame The Seals. (2005). Retrieved July 08, 2009, from Green Peace International:
Overfishing. (2008). Retrieved July 09, 2009, from Green Peace International:

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