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Biology Grand Test

1) Which is not the characteristic of the hypothesis? a) A guess about cause and effect b) An inference c) A generalization from specific observation d) None of these 2) a) b) c) d) 3) a) b) c) d) 4) a) b) c) d) 5) a) b) c) d) 6) a) b) c) d) 7) a) b) c) d) The colonial organism is Volvox Spirogyra Sheep Both b,c Phyletic lineage represents Development of a species Mechanism of evolution Geological history All a, b, c Biodiversity is due to Evolution Reproduction Adaptations All a, b, c Which of the following is not a terpenoid? Steroid Cutin Carotenoid Testosterone Which of the following is not a nucleotide? DNA ATP GTP NAD Myoglobin has Primary structure Secondary structure Tertiary structure Quaternary structure 10) An active enzyme is a) Holoenzyme b) Proteozyme c) Apoenzyme d) Both a, b 11) Lipids are glycosilated in a) SER b) RER c) Golgi apparatus d) Mitochondria 12) mRNA is formed in a) Nucleus b) Mitochondria c) Chloroplast d) All a, b, c 13) F1 particles are the site of a) Oxidation b) Reduction c) Phosphorylation d) Both a, b 14) It is the 2nd major kind of hepatitis a) B b) C c) D d) A 15) Hepatitis A virus is a) DNA enveloped b) DNA non enveloped c) RNA enveloped d) RNA non enveloped 16) Halbur & coworker reveals fact about hepatitis D in a) 2002 b) 2004 c) 2005 d) 2001 17) Recent research on HIV is reveals that virus multiply in. a) Insects b) Pigs c) Monkey d) Donkey 18) Viral RNA is used as a temperate to from a) Single strand of RNA b) Double strand & DNA c) Single strand of DNA d) None of these

8) At low concentration of substrate the reaction rate is directly proportional to ______ available. a) Enzyme b) Substrate c) Cofactor d) ATP 9) a) b) c) d) Active enzymes are present in Viruses Viroids Prions None

19) Inhibiter of enzyme succinic dehydrogenase is a) Malonic acid b) Succinic cid c) Fumaric acid d) Oxaloacetic acid 20) At low temperature, enzyme is a) Activated b) Inactivated c) Denatured d) Destroyed 21) Rhabdovrus is a) Tadpole shaped b) Spherical c) Bullet shaped d) Polyhedral 22) In 1796 Edward Jenner first vaccinated 8 years old boy for a) Chicken pox b) Small pox c) Cow pox d) None of these 23) There are _________ capsomeres in herpes virus a) 252 b) 250 c) 160 d) 162 24) In general appearance the helical phages are a) Cubical b) Icosahedral c) spherical d) Rod shaped 25) Which is derived from host cell? a) Nucleic acid b) Capisd c) Envelope d) All of these 26) He proposed a third kingdom to accommodate euglena like organism a) E-chatton b) Ernst Hackle c) Robert Whittaker d) None of these 27) Five kingdom system of Robert Whittaker was based upon ____________ levels of Nutrition a) 2 b) 4 c) 5 d) 3

28) A virus when incorporated into host genome it is called a) Prophage b) Reterophage c) Provirus d) Virulent phage 29) They are smallest known viruses a) Pox b) Polio c) Parvo d) None of these 30) Temperate phage may exist as a) Prophage b) Capsid c) Virions d) Retrovirus 31) Which one is insect a) Cray fish b) Jelly fish c) Star fish d) Silver fish 32) Poales is a) Family b) Class c) Order d) Genus 33) Which are least understood micro organism a) Virions b) Viriods c) Virus d) Prions 34) Primary function of flagella a) Hold fast b) Nutrition c) Motility d) None 35) Capsule is composed of a) Protein b) Polysaccharide units c) Both d) Lipoproteins 36) How many percent of peptidoglycon is present in gram negative wall a) 50% b) 10% c) 8 11% d) 20 80%

37) Binomial name of onion a) Solanum melangena b) Solanum tuberosum c) Cassia fistula d) Allium cepa 38) Vassal is a name for a) Blue bells b) Black bird c) Piyaz d) Gurmala 39) Pox viruses are a) Smallest b) Intermediate c) Largest d) Tubular 40) Which are mainly used in phage study? a) T2 phages b) T4 phages c) Both d) None of these 41) About 60% of adults are immune to it a) Measles b) Mumps c) Herpes d) Small pox 42) Which one are not heat resistant a) Spore b) Capsule c) Cyst d) Both a + b 43) They do not have peptidoglycan in their cell wall a) Gram positive b) Gram negative c) Archeobacteria d) Eubacteria 44) Vibrio comma causes a) Tetanus b) Meningitis c) Cholera d) Hepatitis 45) In which phase death rate becomes equal to rate of reproduction a) Pag phase b) Log phase c) Stationary phase d) Decline phase

46) Which bacteria can rarely have flagella a) Spirilla b) Diplobaccili c) Cocci d) Vibrio 47) Which protect the cell from osmotic lysis a) Capsule b) Cell wall c) Cell membrane d) Slime 48) Ecoli is an a) Aerobic b) Anaerobic c) Facultative aerobe d) Facultative anaerob 49) Which effect kills the microbe immediately? a) Microbistatic b) Microbial c) Cytoplasmic d) Microbicidal 50) Which can be sterilized by membrane filters? a) Milk products b) Surgical instruments c) Antibiotic d) None of these 51) Attenuated cultures of bacteria are called a) Pure cultures b) Artificial cultures c) True culture d) Vaccines 52) Tetracylline & its related compounds cause a) Allergic reactions b) Deafness c) Both d) Discoloration of teeth 53) Pasteur make vaccine for a) Cholera b) Hydrophobia c) Anthrax d) All of these 54) Pheumoniae is a a) Diplobacillus b) Staphylococcus c) Sarcina d) Diplacoccus

55) How many species of bacteria are known to cause disease in humans? a) 100 b) 200 c) 2000 d) 1000 56) Mesosomes help in a) Cell division b) Protein synthesis c) Photo synthesis d) Drug resistance 57) Bacterial cyst & spores help in a) Reproduction b) Storage c) Support d) Survival 58) Bacterial membrane differ from eukaryotic membrane in lacking a) Lipoproteins b) Glycoprotein c) Proteins d) Sterols 59) Bacterial cells have a) A pair of DNA b) A pair of chromosomes c) Two sets chromosomes d) Single DNA molecule 60) Which of these form granules or act as storage bodies? a) Sulphur b) Fat c) Phosphate d) All of these 61) Spirochaete is a) Anaerobic b) Aerobic c) Microaerophilic d) Facultative 62) Which rays in general used for sterilization a) Cosmic b) X rays c) rays d) .u.v rays 63) Robert Koch discovered bacteria that cause a) Tuberculosis b) Small pox c) Rabies d) Hydrophobia 64) Which enzyme is produced by a phage? a) Reverse transcriptase b) Lysozome c) Invertase d) Lysozyme

65) Some members of genus mycoplasma are a) 100 200 mm b) 100 200 m c) 100 200 nm d) Both b + c 66) Psendomonas is a a) Coccus b) Spirillum c) Bacillus d) Vibrio 67) Which one is not found in all the bacteria a) DNA b) Ribosomes c) Cell wall d) Cell membrane 68) Which one is false about AIDS a) HIV b) Acquired immuno deficiency syndrome c) Host specific d) T lymmphocyte 69) Binomial of potato a) Solanum nigrum b) Solanum melangena c) Solanum esculentum d) None of these 70) In which taxon members resemble more with one another a) Family b) Class c) Order d) Subclass 71) Which one is not protozoan a) Dinoflagellate b) Amoeba c) Heliozoan d) None of these 72) Cyanobacteria form which organelle a) Nucleus b) Mitochondria c) Chloroplast d) None 73) Diatoms are more accurately a) Protozoans b) Protists c) Liverworts d) Fungi 74) Filterable gents were discovered for yellow fever in a) 1898 b) 1915 c) 1917 d) 1901

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