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System Specification Cases are opened as normal from the client service Centre (CSC).

A complainant will lay a charge or report crime; an officer will obtain all necessary information and available evidence from the complainant, at this stage all the information is still in hardcopy format. After the case is opened, an officer then record the case on the Integrated Case Docket management System by scanning all the documents and uploading them to the system and then assign an investigating officer to the case who will be responsible for the case. Once an investigating officer has been assigned a case, the complainant is sent an SMS noting their case number, the name and contact details of the investigating officer. Cases can be transferred from one officer to another by changing investigating officer details in the case details, but the case documents cannot be changed, once a case has been transferred to another investigating officer, sms will be sent to notify the complainant. Case or dockets can be transferred or sent to court via the system than having to travel to submit case hardcopy documents to the court. When the case has been transferred to court, the court clerk can view the case report from the investigating officer and then schedule a court date for the case and can notify the complainant. The judge can also view the case report, and track the case to see if new evidence has been submitted.




Use case



record case on system (scan documents ) assign a case

Complaint made a complain Case has been opened

Complainant/vi ctim PoliceOfficer


Case recorded into system Docket allocated




Notify complainant

investigatingOf ficer Evidence gathered/change in duties by investigating officer Court ready for hearing investigatingOf ficer or police officer

NotifyCompl ainant TransferCase

Sent sms


Transfer case to new investigating officer/ transfer case to court

Case assigned new investigating officer/case transferred to court

Complainant Judge CourtClerk

Schedule court date


ScheduleCou rtDate

Date set for court

Complainant, InvestigatingOfficer, & Judge

Done by Makofane L.C & Maloma M.R

Use Case Name


Participating Actors Entry Conditions Flow of Events

PoliceOfficer PoliceOfficer is logged to the system 1. PoliceOfficer logs to the system 2. PoliceOffice activates the Record Case function on the

system. 3. Coplete form by filling in case and complainant details details 4. PoliceOfficer scan the case documents and upload them. 5. Save and submit form 6. Activate the notify complainant use case and send sms to complainant Exit Conditions 1. Case has been recorded on the system, documents has been scanned and uploaded to the system and saved in the database. 2. Sms sent to complainant

Use Case Name


Participating Actors Entry Conditions Flow of Events

PoliceOfficer PoliceOfficer is logged to the system. 1. PoliceOfficer logs to the system 2. PoliceOffice activates the Assign Case function on the system. 3. Assing investigating officer who will investigate anhd handle the case. 4. Activate the notify complainant use case and send sms to complainant

Exit Conditions

1. A case has been assigned to an investigating officer. 2. Sms sent to complainant

Use Case Name


Participating Actors Entry Conditions Flow of Events

InvestigatingOfficer/PoliceOfficer Police/investigatingOfficer is logged to the system. 1. Police/investigating Officer logs to the system 2. Search for a case by entering the case number 3.

Exit Conditions

SMS sent to complainant

Use Case Name


Participating Actors Entry Conditions Flow of Events

InvestigatingOfficer/PoliceOfficer PoliceOfficer is logged to the system 1. InvestigatingOfficer/PoliceOfficer logs to the system 2. InvestigatingOfficer/PoliceOfficer activates the transffer case function on the system. 3. Search for case by entering case number, select the case. Select destination Court/another station. 4. Change the InvestigatingOfficer/select court if case is being transferred to court. 5. Activate the notify complainant use case and send sms to complainant

Use Case Name


Participating Actors Flow of Events

Complainant 1. Complainant enter case number 2. View the case progress 1. Case information displayed

Exit Conditions Quality Requirements

Use Case Name


Participating Actors Entry Conditions Flow of Events

InvestigatingOfficer/PoliceOfficer InvestigatingOfficer/PoliceOfficer r is logged to the system 1. PoliceOfficer logs to the system 2. PoliceOffice activates the track Case function on the system. 3. Search for case by entering case number. 4. Activate the notify complainant use case and send sms to complainant 1. Sms sent to complainant

Exit Conditions

Use Case Name


Participating Actors Entry Conditions Flow of Events

CourtClerk Court is logged to the system. 1. CourtClerk logs to the system 2. Search for a case by entering the case number. 3. View investigatingOfficer report by activating the ConsiderInvestigatingOfficerReport use case. 4. Set date for court. 5. Activate the notify complainant use case and send sms to complainant

Exit Conditions

Case Date set for hearing. SMS sent to complainant

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