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Elementary Teachers Pack

Adrian Doff & Mark Lloyd

With Rachel Thake & Cathy Brabben

Adrian Doff would like to thank Karen Momber and Keith Sands at Cambridge University Press for overseeing the project and for their invaluable help and support throughout the development of this course. He would also like to thank his editor, Liam Guyton, for his commitment and hard work and his help in bringing the book into its final form. He would like to thank Dr Astrid Krake and Donna Liersch at the Volkshochschule Mnchen for giving him an opportunity to teach there and try out new ideas. He would also like to thank Gabriella Zaharias for consistently supporting and encouraging him during the writing of this book. Mark Lloyd would like to thank the teachers and staff of IH Bath/WELS Bath for their suggestions and ever-constructive criticism, as well as all those students who have, knowingly or otherwise, acted as enthusiastic guinea pigs. Above all, however, he would like to thank Rosa for her patience and for doing far more than her fair share of the parental duties and Gabriela, for her smiles and giggles! Rachel Thake and Cathy Brabben would like to thank their colleagues and students in the ESOL department at Thames Valley University, Reading Campus, for their help and support with Writing Essentials. Special thanks go to Mary Langshaw, Angela Buckingham, Sue Laker and Sue Allan. The authors and publishers are grateful to: Text design and page make-up: Stephanie White at Kamae Design Video content: all the team at Phaebus Media Group Illustrations by Kathy Baxendale, Nigel Dobbyn, Mark Duffin, Paul Moran, Julian Mosedale and Sean Sims The authors and publishers acknowledge the following sources of copyright material and are grateful for the permissions granted. While every effort has been made, it has not always been possible to identify the sources of all the material used, or to trace all copyright holders. If any omissions are brought to our notice, we will be happy to include the appropriate acknowledgements on reprinting. For the tables on the DVD-ROM and the text on pages 4 and 20 of the Teachers book Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment (2001) Council of Europe Modern Languages Division, Strasbourg, Cambridge University Press

The thinking behind English Unlimited How a unit is organised A detailed look at the features of English Unlimited The Self-study Pack The Teachers Pack Assessing your learners with English Unlimited The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF) 4 6 11 16 17 18 20

Teaching notes
Intro unit Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Unit 13 Unit 14 21 24 31 38 45 52 59 67 75 82 89 96 103 110 117

Grammar reference: Answer key Writing essentials

124 125

Contents 3

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