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Global warming is the recent increase in the average air and ocean temperature of the Earth as well as its

expected continuation. Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and other pollutants, collect in the atmosphere, trap heat from the sun and cause the planet to warm. Global warming has adverse effects on weather patterns, human health, wildlife, sea levels and the glaciers The cause that is primarily noted as the cause of global warming is greenhouse gas. First of all lets explain the greenhouse effect, which is the process by which infrared radiation is absorbed and emitted by atmospheric gas and then warms the planet. Its existence is positive to an extent, but when human activity strengthens atmospheric concentrations, it can be a negative thing. The main greenhouse gases on earth that contribute to the greenhouse effect are carbon dioxide, methane and ozone as well as nitrous oxide and other naturally occurring gases. The levels of carbon dioxide and methane have increased significantly over the past 650,000 years due to fossil fuels being burned, deforestation and other causes. Currently the CO2 concentration is 383 parts per million (ppm). This is expected to rise as damaging human activity increases or even just continues. Emissions may continue to rise if coal, tar sands or methane continue to be used. You can help to reduce the demand for fossil fuels, which in turn reduces global warming by using energy more wisely. Here are a few simple actions you can take to help reduce global warming, like Reduce waste by buying reusable products as opposed to disposables. Whenever you can, recycle paper, plastic, glass,etc. By recycling half of your household waste, you can save up tons of CO2 every year from being released into the atmosphere. Use less electricity and start the green power which are generated from renewable energy sources such as the sun and wind, producing lower greenhouse emission. Start to plant the trees because via photosynthesis, trees and other plants absorb CO2 and give off Oxygen. They are a significant part of the natural atmospheric exchange cycle on Earth. Saving fuel because Every litre of petrol you save not only helps you save money but it also helps reduce carbon emissions. turning the water off when brushing your teeth or shaving, taking a threeminute shower instead of a bath and fixing leaky faucets and toilets. Use a high-efficiency washing machine, wash only full loads of laundry and wash in cold water.

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