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Using the guidelines suggested by the smart criteria we created nine milestones for this intranet project listed below. 1. Create the project charter - This will form the project team in which each team member is assigned a duty in the project. It also defines the project objectives during the initial process. 2. Schedule project kickoff meeting - In this milestone, the project has been initiated and now it's time to formulate ideas that would develop the first draft of the scope statement and further down the line create the work breakdown structure. 3. Specify project schedule - After having developed the scope statement, and the work breakdown structure along with the Gantt chart, the project schedule is the finalization the leads to the documentation of what should be done and when it should be finished. This milestone is the guideline to project execution in which the planning phase collides with time deadline. 4. Create and identify recreational and self-improvement classes and programs - In this executing process, programs and classes are selected in order that the employees be able to register, and apply feedback from discussion boards, and using the help feature. 5. Develop the help feature - This milestone will help assist users by assisting them when problems occur while questions need to be asked about their programs and classes. This feature will also help users with questions on how to use the search function, discussion boards, rating scale section, and a section for users to upload progress photos. 6. Develop the search function - This process of the executing stage will assist users with information when needed. It will link users to helpful topics relating to users concerns. This process will take up most of the time because it needs to build a database for users to query from. 7. Create discussion board - This will help users and the company in forming opinions, and ideas about the progress of the project. Information from the discussion board can help improve the project which is why the rating scale section was developed to provide input by the users as a means of a progress report for the project. 8. Create and identify incentives - In this scenario rewards are chosen as a prize for accomplishing team and self-improvement goals. 9. Perform intranet site testing - Within this executing process, site testing assures that the intranet project is capable and able to function properly, and with stand the strenuous hours and days to keep it up and running. Having pass this stage will lead to the roll out of the recreation and wellness intranet project to our users. 10. Finalize project presentation - This is the ending step to project completion in which the project was completed on time and within cost.

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