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Gillman/Ghost Ship/1

Ian Gillman Word Count: 8300

Ghost Ship

By Ian Gillman

"This is like watching grass grow." sighed Captain

John "Rocket" Robinson.

"I agree." replied Sergeant Richard "Dick" Clari. Since the

Interplanetary Operations division of the Earth Police

Force was formed ten months ago there had been one really

exciting case, the rest of the time was taken up with

paperwork and escort missions like the one Rocket and Dick

were currently involved with. Escorting a freighter

containing expensive scientific equipment from the

manufacturer on Mars to the scientific base on

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Ever since the early days of the solar system

colonization plan it was found that a naming system needed

to be used that did not require a degree in astronomy. It

was decided to use the name of the major planet when

talking about one of its moons to enable the average person

to understand where a particular moon was in the solar


"I am picking something up on the radar, it appears to

be a spaceship." said Dick while concentrating hard on the

fuzzy blob that had just appeared on the side of the radar

scope. "It appears to be heading this way, they have no

transponder information, shall I try to get them on the


"That sounds like a good idea, see if you can work out how

close they will come to the convoy."

"OK" Dick turned back to the console and picked up the


"SP200C to unidentified spacecraft traveling on a vector of

3,2,2 please identify yourself." The radio remained silent

for nearly a minute during which time Dick was busy

calculating movement vectors to work out if they were on a

collision course or not.

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"This is Earth Police Force Interplanetary Operations ship

SP200C to unidentified spacecraft on vector 3,2,2

approaching convoy, identify yourself." said Dick becoming

a little more official. Once again the radio remained

silent. Dick finished the calculations and called again,

this time he sounded more threatening and forceful. While

he was waiting for a reply he spoke to Rocket.

"They are on a collision course with the convoy. I can't

predict if they will hit anybody but they will pass very

close to us."

"Hmm, OK, call the rest of the convoy and tell them to be

on the lookout for this ship. Tell them to prepare to

execute emergency maneuvers."

"Yes Sir."

"Then tell the rest of the escorts to stay with the convoy,

we are going to go and have a look at that ship." he added.

"She's coming within visual range now." said Rocket as

he eased back on the throttle and activated the braking

rockets. "It looks like they might be in trouble, they have

no lights and they seem to be doing a slow tumble."

"They could also be smugglers trying to convince us they

are a lump of rock." said Dick.

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"Get them on the radio, I can see their registration number

through the binoculars, tell them we know they are a


"SP200C to TK421, SP200C to TK421, come in TK421." The

radio remained silent, whoever was on board the spacecraft

clearly was not going to talk.

"Get the convoy on the radio Dick, tell them to carry on to

Saturn/Pandora, we are going to check this ship out and, if

possible, get on board, I am curious to know what is going


Rocket maneuvered the ship so that it was traveling

alongside the mysterious craft. They had passed through the

convoy a few minutes earlier and, due to the advanced

warning, had not had any problems.

"Grappling hooks attached." said Dick, a little

redundantly, the whole ship started to slowly tumble,

obeying the law of the conservation of angular momentum.

"OK, Dick, let's see who s on board." Rocket started

towards the airlock. Due to the tumbling of the other ship

Rocket could not align the airlocks and therefore it was

necessary to perform a space walk to get inside the other

ship. Rocket worked his way round to the airlock on the

other ship and operated the controls. Nothing happened,

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clearly the airlock had been powered down which, coupled

with the lack of lighting, suggested that the entire ship

had lost power. After fiddling for a couple of minutes

Rocket decided to operate the airlock manually and broke

open the emergency release box next to the controls.

"Rocket, I have found the records on this ship in the Earth

registration files. It is registered to a Simon Jones, 269

Wichita Way, Topeka, Kansas, USA, Earth. I am pulling his

records now, they should be here soon. The ships last known

flight plan was from Mars to Jupiter/Europa two weeks ago

but it never arrived."

"Well, they ended up a little off course out here between

Jupiter and Saturn." replied Rocket while pumping the

handle up and down to open the outer airlock door. "I am

inside the airlock now, I will hand crank the outer door

closed and then try to equalize the pressure." Rocket

closed the outer door and then tried the inner door

controls but they were dead as well. Breaking open the

emergency control system Rocket opened a valve to equalize

the pressure and then proceeded to hand crank the inner

door open.

The inside of the spaceship looked like it had been a

rough ride for the occupants who lay dead in their seats.
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Ship construction manuals and tools floated around the

cabin leaving the impression that the occupants had been

still alive when they lost power and they had tried to fix

the problem until they died. One book caught Rockets

attention, it had a bright purple cover which signified it

was the ships log.

On their way back to Jupiter/Ganymede with the mystery

ship in tow Dick had time to read the ships log that Rocket

had found floating in the cabin.

"Up until the last few days of their life the log entries

appear to be normal, in fact, it is a very well kept log.

The entry for a week last Thursday is where it starts to

get interesting, let me read it to you."


Routine checks were performed, no anomalies found.

On course and on time according to the flight plan.

Nothing else to report.

Thursday additional.

The ship has lost all power, lighting and heating are not

working and neither of the backup generators are

operational, I am writing this by flashlight. We are slowly

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tumbling out of the Jupiter system and into deep space, we

have tried everything we can think of to revive the ship.

It all started a couple of hours ago as we were passing

close to Jupiter/Elara. Everything was fine until the Ghost

Ship arrived, it was the "Michaelova", we could see the

name on the side of the ship. The ship appeared out of

nowhere, at first we thought it was one of the luxury

liners heading for Saturn until we saw its name. All of the

lights were on and we could see people moving around inside

the ship. We had heard rumors of the ghost ship for months

but did not believe them. Just as we tried to get on the

radio to contact someone the whole ship went dead. Nothing

electrical was working and that is the position we still

find ourselves in now, several hours after the encounter.

"The rest of the logbook goes on to describe how they

tried to get the ship working again but it appeared as if

every electrical component on board had been fried, even

the ones that were switched off at the time of the

encounter." concluded Dick.

The rocket blasted away from the launch pad, Rocket

flew the spaceship up and through the thin atmosphere of

Jupiter/Ganymede and out into space.

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"Setting a course for Jupiter/Elara." said Rocket.

"Roger that." replied Dick, "All systems normal."

The spaceship turned and headed towards Elara, one of

Jupiter’s outer moons and the last known position of the

ghost ship. Dick rechecked the equipment they had hastily

loaded onboard. There were several pieces of highly

sensitive radio detection gear, a Geiger counter and both

IR and UV goggles.

Rocket slowed the ship as they entered the vicinity of

Jupiter/Elara and they both got into their spacesuits as a

safety precaution. Looking out of the cockpit they could

see the small moon in the distance against a background of

shining, unblinking stars.

"The instruments show nothing out of the ordinary." said

Dick while examining the dials and gauges. What about the

IR or UV goggles, can you see anything through those yet?"

"No, just the same old background of stars and Elara in the

distance. Its strange but, at the highest magnification I

can see a small hot spot on the surface of Elara."

"That's strange, the data on the moon is incomplete but it

does show no volcanic activity or internal heating in

general. I wonder what that hot spot is?"

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"Let's investigate, it may help clear up this case." Rocket

opened the throttle and took the ship closer to the moon.

"We are running into a clump of rocks just ahead, be

careful." called Dick as he studied the radar screen.

"Whoa!" shouted Rocket as the spaceship lurched to one

side, "What was that?"

"One of those rocks just started moving and the radio

detectors have gone wild. I think that's a ship and a big

one at that."

Rocket brought the ship into a hard turn with one hand and

armed the lasers with the other.

"They are hitting us with a big pulse of electromagnetic

radiation, it's a good job we are shielded." said Dick

while trying to strap himself into his chair.

Rocket swung the nose of the ship round until it was

pointing in the general direction of the mystery craft. The

sight that confronted him almost took his breath away. In

front of them, no more than a few miles away, was a large,

old style, luxury liner. All of the lights were on, every

cabin light and every deck light. The whole ship seemed to

glow as it hung in space.

"They are hitting us with another pulse, this one is more

powerful than the last one."

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Rocket pushed the throttles to their maximum and closed on

the huge ship. As he approached he fired two laser blasts

across their bows, the interplanetary signal to stop. The

huge ship continued to turn as if it were trying to get

closer to Rocket and Dick. As they raced past the hull of

the ship Rocket could see several hatches opening and as

they streaked away from the ship they were chased by a hail

of laser fire. Rocket cut the throttle and hauled the ship

round in a tight arc before giving maximum power to the

engines again. This time their run towards the ship was met

by laser fire from several turrets located on the main

deck. Rocket returned fire putting two of them out of

commission and this time as they streaked past the hull he

got a chance to read the nameplate.

"It's the Michaelova and they do not appear to be friendly."

Unfortunately, this time Rocket cut it just a bit too fine

and clipped part of the superstructure of the huge vessel.

The ship lurched and altered course slightly taking them

right over the top of one of the laser cannons. At that

range even a novice gunner could not miss and both Rocket

and Dick felt the laser blast tear into their ship. The

sound was like tearing metal and the whole ship shuddered.

Rocket tried to escape the laser fire by pulling another

tight turn. This time the strain proved too much for the
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damaged ship and half of one of the wings used for

atmospheric flight came off accompanied by a loud

screeching noise. Alarms went off inside the cockpit, the

cabin pressure fell instantly and several gauges on the

control panel fell to zero. the ship stopped responding to

the controls and Rocket had only seconds to react. Reaching

downwards he yelled "Eject." at the top of his lungs and

pulled the cord below his seat. Dick heard Rockets cry and

reached down to pull his own cord.

Rocket looked around him and saw the large ship turn

and head for the moon. He noticed that his own ship had

managed to hit the liner about halfway down the ship on one

side. There were sparks and a very bright light coming from

the hole made by the smaller ship.

"Dick, Dick, come in Dick." called Rocket over the small

emergency radio in his suit but there was no answer.

Dick felt the ship lurch as he reached down for the

ejection handle but his fingers never touched it, his body

was thrown forward against the seatbelt. The cabin was

filled with a crashing, screeching noise as Dicks ship made

contact with the liner. Fortunately the ship hit the liner

square on with one of the cabins and at that point, due to

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having a window, the hull was relatively thin. The nosecone

and cabin of Dicks ship tore through the hull of the liner

and the ship came to rest partway through the internal wall

between the cabin and the corridor. Alarms went off

throughout the liner and bulkheads closed to seal off the

damaged section. By the time Dick awoke and had got his

bearings he was looking at three figures clad in spacesuits

with nasty looking guns pointing at him. They motioned for

him to follow them and, once he had climbed out of the

wreckage, he proceeded to do so. He was sandwiched between

the front and second guard as they walked down the hallway

to one of the airtight bulkheads. Once they were all

through the airlock in the bulkhead and on the other side

Dick and the guards took off their spacesuits. There were

more armed guards on the other side, about ten in total,

waiting to take Dick downwards, through the bowels of the

ship. Dick was thrown into a cabin somewhere in the depths

of the ship and the cabin was locked from the outside.

Rocket examined his current predicament. He was

floating towards the moon Elara at an undetermined speed.

His ejection seat had a small but functional rocket motor

and directional thrusters with just enough fuel to get most

people out of trouble and safely rescued. Given the current

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lack of instrumentation, going into orbit around Elara was

not an option and turning around and heading back towards

Jupiter was suicide due to a lack of basic supplies such as

oxygen. If he was lucky he might be picked up by a passing

freighter but, considering that Elara was at a point in its

orbit where it did not intersect any major trade routes,

the chances were very slim.

"Nobody," thought Rocket, "has ever made a landing on a

moon using a standard issue ejection seat. But there is

always a first time for everything." Having made up his

mind Rocket decided that it was time to find out how fast

he was traveling and how close he was to the moon. In space

there is little or no depth perception or sense of speed.

By using the maneuvering thrusters and the main engine

Rocket was able to alter his course so that he was heading

for the edge of the little moon instead of the center of

one face. By aiming at the edge he would enter the thin

atmosphere at an angle and, once he was inside the

atmosphere, he would have a better idea of speed and

direction. He turned the main engine at the bottom of the

seat towards the atmosphere and waited.

Dick was escorted by two guards, who carried guns and

said nothing, back up through the liner towards the front

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and top of the vessel where the control room was located.

As they approached the doors to the main control room Dick

noticed that the guards started to smarten themselves up,

straightening their clothing and holding their heads up

high. The guards standing on either side of the door

stiffened up.

"What do you want?" asked one of them.

"We have the prisoner, the captain wanted to see him."

"Pass." The guards moved aside and allowed them to pass

through the door. Dick was reminded of an old medieval

court with the way the guards behaved near the control

room. All three people entered the control room and Dicks

eyes were drawn to the large man in the captains chair who

looked a little familiar but he couldn't place him.

"Who are you?" asked the captain in his deep, booming voice.

"Sergeant Richard Clari of Interplanetary Operations."

"What are you doing here?"

Dick remained silent and the man started to look angry but

then suddenly changed his expression to one of amusement.

"Never mind, you will make a good addition to our mining

crew. Put him back in the cabin and get ready for landing."

"Aye Sir." said the guards in unison and it was then that

Dick figured out where he had seen this man before. It was

fifteen years ago when Dick was in the Space Corps. The
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mans name was "Jonathan Jones" or "Captain Jones of the

Space Navy" to those who knew him at that time. Dick had

been hitching a ride on a missile ship heading back to

Earth and this man was the captain of that ship. Dick only

met him once and that was while he was walking on one of

the lower decks. The captain had chastised him about the

lower decks being off limits and escorted him back to his

cabin. It was five years later when Dick read a news report

about a captain being charged with drug smuggling that Dick

remembered the incident and the captains name. It turned

out that the captain had been smuggling drugs on board his

ship in the lower sections where not many people go. Only

him and one other member of the crew knew about the drugs.

The captain was given 25 years in prison and a dishonorable

discharge but he escaped after two years and was never seen


"I wonder what he is doing here?" thought Dick as he was

being escorted back to his cabin, "One thing I can say for

certain is that this ship is no ghost."

Rocket felt something tug at the ejection seat, one

light tug followed by another one. He was entering the

atmosphere of the moon and although it was a thin

atmosphere it still had some effect on him. He felt a

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slight increase in weight caused by the seat being slowed

by the atmosphere. Another tug, then another one, he

wrestled with the maneuvering thrusters to keep the engine

facing the direction of travel. Rocket could hear a faint

roar through his helmet, the atmosphere was getting a

little thicker and he was traveling at a great velocity

through it. He opened up the main engine and gave a short

burst followed by another short burst and then another in

an attempt to slow himself down. Looking over his shoulder

he could see the ground below him getting closer and

closer. It was difficult to judge distances due to the lack

of atmosphere not providing a haze and the unknown size of

the rock formations below him. Was he looking at a high

mountain range from a high altitude or a low ridge from a

low altitude? He opened up the main engine again, this time

for a long burn. Looking at the fuel gauges he found that

he only had another thirty seconds of fuel remaining. Off

to the left he could see jagged rock formations and the

horizon looking very close. Rocket decided that he would

rather have an empty fuel tank when he landed and not

really knowing how high up he was he decided to open up the

main engine for a final burn. The ejection seat shuddered

as the main engine kicked in and Rocket felt his weight

return as the engine slowed him down. Then just as quickly

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as it had started, the engine stopped, he had used up all

his fuel and was now falling towards the surface, an

unknown distance below him, at an unknown speed. Settling

back into the ejection seat he braced for impact and a few

seconds later it happened. The engine cone struck the soft,

dust covered ground first and collapsed absorbing some of

the impact. Next, the chair itself struck the ground and

started to roll over and over coming to rest several yards

away from the main impact site.

As Rocket started to come round he could hear many

voices and he opened his eyes slowly but the light was too


"Easy does it," said a soft, feminine voice, “you have had

a lucky escape." Rocket felt something soft and cold on his


"Drink this." said the voice. Rocket felt a cup to his lips

and he took a small sip. It tasted of water with a nasty

tang to it, a tang that Rocket knew having spent many years

in space, it was the tang that water gets when it has been

recycled too many times.

"I think he's coming round." said the voice to someone

else. Rocket heard the sound of several pairs of feet

moving towards him. It was at this point that Rockets brain

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started to function somewhat normally again and he realized

that if he can hear all this noise then he cannot have his

helmet on any more. He was breathing air, but it was a

little stale and cold and he felt a little chilly. Rocket

blinked once, twice and his eyes started to focus a little

better. He was laying on some sort of bench looking up at a

ceiling that looked like the inside of a spaceship.

"Where am I?" he asked.

"You are safe Captain Robinson, you are on Elara, one of

Jupiter’s outer moons."

"Who are you and how do you know who I am?"

"You carry an identification card in your wallet and you

are wearing a police spacesuit and uniform. It didn't take

a genius to read your credentials." Rocket felt a little

stupid at that remark. "We are trying to get off this moon

which is why we are rebuilding this spaceship."

"What are you doing here?"

"I suppose I had better start at the beginning. On the

other side of this moon there is a titanium mining

operation going on. The mining is run by a guy who is

called 'Captain', he and his band of criminals have been

here for a few years now. Some of us have been on this moon

for several years, others have only just arrived, all of us

were captured by the phony ghost ship and brought here to

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work. Don't worry, you are not in the mines, we have all

escaped at one time or another and now live here.

"That's quite a story, what do you do for food and oxygen?"

"We have friends still working in the mines that smuggle

things out to us."

"You said it was a titanium mine, that stuff is expensive,

they use it to coat the heat shields used by spacecraft.

How did they find it here?"

"We don't know, all of us arrived after the mine was set


"Well, what are your plans for the future then?"

"We don't really know, we have talked of attacking the

mines and taking them over but we do not have enough people

or weapons for something like that. There was even talk at

one time of getting this ship operational but none of us

know where to begin."

Rocket thought for a moment and then said, "I think I can

help you there."

Meanwhile, back on Earth at Interplanetary Operations

Headquarters, which is a grand name for three offices, one

commander, one secretary and four agents, Chief Gundam was

getting a little anxious.

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"Susan," he called to the secretary in the annex, "has

anybody heard anything from Rocket and Dick lately?"

Susan rummaged through some papers on her desk before

replying, "No Sir, nothing for the past 48 hours. Their

last message said that they were approaching the vicinity

of Jupiter/Elara and that they would report back if they

had any more information."

"Well, they have missed two scheduled reporting times, I

think it might be time to find out what is going on. Patch

me through to the Jupiter/Europa police."

"The Captain" looked a little irritated when one of

his subordinates burst into the control room without

waiting to be invited in.

"What is the meaning of this?" shouted the Captain, his

eyes bulging from their sockets and his face turning red

with anger.

"Sir, I thought you should know that we detected another

very small craft following the ghost ship back from the

encounter with the police ship. We believe it was the

ejection seat from the craft that crashed into the ghost

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"Yes I know about that, the pilot and the ejection seat

would have either missed the moon or crash landed somewhere

on the far side and killed its occupant."

"Not quite sir." with those words the captain looked a

little puzzled. "Why not?" he inquired.

"The standard issue police ejection seat has a main

thruster built underneath it with a supply of fuel on board

to get the occupant out of trouble. It is quite possible

for a highly skilled and lucky pilot to use the engine to

slow their descent to such an extent that they could

actually land on this moon. The light gravity and no

atmosphere combine to make such a landing possible."

"Even if he did land, he would not be able to live for


"No but maybe he would live long enough to send a signal to

Europa or one of the other moons, that would bring the

police here."

"Send a patrol out immediately to look for the ejection

seat, use all the data you have available to pinpoint its

place of landing."

"Yes Sir." the subordinated turned on his heels and left

the control room.

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Things were calm in the crashed spaceship, Rocket and

Joanna, one of the other escaped workers, had been working

on getting the main engine working.

"Rocket, Joanna, come quickly." shouted someone from down

the corridor, "We have a problem.". Rocket and Joanna

rushed towards the main control room of the ship, following

the sounds of the footsteps echoing in front of them. As

they reached the control room they saw people grabbing what

few weapons they had and rushing towards the main door.

"Grab a laser gun, we have company." said the tall man

handing out the weapons, "Some of the guards from the mine

are outside, they have found the ship.".

Joanna and Rocket headed for the main door of the ship and

were met by a hail of laser fire, the guards had found the

entrance and were pinning everybody inside.

"Where is the emergency exit?" shouted Rocket above the

noise of laser bolts exploding against steel bulkheads.

"What emergency exit?" replied Joanna.

"The one that all these ships have in case the main exit is

blocked." Rocket ducked down to avoid a nearby explosion,

"It's probably near the tail, let's go." Rocket stood up,

fired three times through the main exit and then rushed

down the corridor with Joanna in pursuit. A loud explosion

and a wave of hot air followed them round the corner as a

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grenade exploded inside the ship. Rocket kept up a fast

pace as he negotiated the maze of corridors that made up

the interior of the ship. Eventually he made it to the rear

of the ship and came up against a wall of wooden crates.

"The door is behind those crates." he shouted to Joanna as

he started to move the heavy boxes. The laser fire and

shouting was getting closer as Rocket and Joanna worked in

the small room. They stacked the wooden crates behind them

to give them some degree of protection. The explosions

crept closer and closer, Rocket and Joanna could hear

people shouting and screaming, they could smell the

explosives and see the occasional flash reflected off the

walls. Eventually they had moved enough boxes to reach the

door mechanism. Rocket reached across a couple of crates

and pulled the handle. The door gave a small bang and blew

itself off its hinges. Rocket and Joanna jumped through the

door and landed at the feet of several guards from the mine.

Dick was working at one of the titanium seams, digging

out lumps of ore and throwing them into a makeshift cart

when he heard a familiar voice complaining about being

pushed. He turned round and saw Rocket accompanied by a

woman and escorted by five guards all walking in his

direction. Dick had to fight with his urge to call out to

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Rocket, he was so relieved to know that his partner and

friend was alright but he knew that it would not be good to

let the guards know that they knew each other. Dick noticed

that Rocket was not wearing his uniform and rightly assumed

that the guards did not know who they had.

Once the escorting guards had left Dick pretended to

follow a seam of ore and made his way over to where Rocket

was working.

"Rocket." whispered Dick. Rocket turned his head in

surprise and almost shouted but remembered at the last

minute to keep his voice down.

"Dick, what happened? How did you end up here? What is this

place?" whispered Rocket, full of questions and relief that

Dick was still alive.

The two patrol ships from the Jupiter/Europa police

force approached the small moon of Elara with caution.

Using their powerful search radars they started to scan the

area for any sign of Rocket, Dick or their spaceship.

"I am detecting radar emissions from orbit, we are not

in their target cone yet but it is only a matter of time

before they pick us up sir." reported one of the guards

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assigned to look for more ships, "Its frequency and pulse

rate identify it as a class 3 police radar used on long

range scout ships, they are probably from Europa.".

"I will inform the Captain right away, in the meantime keep

track of them."

"Yes sir."

The large ghost ship slowly took off from the surface

of the moon and began to get into orbit around Elara.

"We have to stay on the other side of the moon from the

police ships, Captains orders" said the commander of the

vessel, "We have to stay out of site. The mine is

underground and cannot be spotted from orbit.".

"What's that noise?" asked Rocket as the low rumble

echoed down the tunnel.

"I think the ghost ship is taking off." replied Dick, "They

must have found another ship to capture.". Rocket look

around and noticed that there were less guards than there

were half an hour ago.

"Where did the guards go?" said Rocket.

"I don't know." said Dick, "They have never left us with

less than five guards in the tunnel now I see only two by

the entrance. Something must be happening."

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"We have to make our move now." Rocket turned to Joanna and

nodded in the direction of the pile of explosives in the

corner. "When I make my move, grab some explosives, set the

timers for 5 seconds and throw them at the guards." Rocket

then turned to Dick, "When the fireworks start try to get

some of the other miners to rush the guards, with a bit of

luck we can overwhelm them with people. Once we get out of

the tunnel we have to make our way to the nerve center of

this place. Either this Captain guy is on the ship that

took off or he is still down here running the show. Either

way, we need to take control of the radio system and send a

message to the authorities."

The Jupiter/Europa police ships slowly approached the

small moon of Elara, their radar sweeping out in all

directions trying to locate anything that might give a clue

as to the whereabouts of Rocket and Dick.

"Get the defenses ready, Captains orders. If those

ships get too close to the mine or look like they may have

spotted us we will have to take care of them in a hurry."

remarked the officer of the watch on board the ghost ship,

"Ground control will let us know if they have been spotted."

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Rocket slowly made his way along the rock face,

picking up a large hammer that someone had left laying on

the ground. He nodded to Dick who picked up a pickaxe and

then turned towards the guards.

"Sir, I am picking up some sort of echo from the

surface, it looks like it might be some sort of large cave"

said the young officer in the second police ship.

"They are sweeping us." noted the guard, "But I do not

think they can get a good return on us just yet.

"Now" shouted Rocket as he hurled the hammer in the

direction of one of the guards. Dick threw his pickaxe at

the other guard. Rockets hammer was on target, the guard

seemed to fall in slow motion in the low gravity

environment of the moon. Dicks throw missed its mark as the

guard ducked out of the way and started firing. Rocket

looked across at Joanna who had not moved yet, "Go, get the

explosive now." shouted Rocket. Joanna immediately broke

from the spell she was under and made a dive for the box of

explosives just as the remaining guard fired again. The

laser blasts exploded against the walls of the tunnel,

Rocket and Dick started throwing rocks in the guards

Gillman/Ghost Ship/28

direction and some of the other miners followed suit and

started throwing their own tools and rocks as well. Joanna

reached the box and pulled out one of the timed explosives.

She set the timer for 5 seconds, threw the stick towards

the guard and covered her head.

"The echo I am getting from the large cave shows it to

be oval in shape, almost like it was the entrance to a

mine. It seems just too regular to be natural. I am going

to narrow the radar beam a little more to try and get a

better picture."

"Sir, the radar beam is increasing in intensity, it

looks like they may have an echo from us."

"Stand by to inform the ship that they may have found us."

The stick of explosive landed quite close to the guard

who just stood and stared at it in disbelief for a few

seconds, then he gave it a very hard kick back towards

Rocket, Dick and Joanna. By this time approximately four

and a half of the five seconds had elapsed, the stick

bounced across the floor of the tunnel and came to rest

next to the box of explosive by Joanna’s feet. Joanna,

Rocket and Dick looked at each other and then leaped into
Gillman/Ghost Ship/29

the air away from the box and towards the guard at the

entrance. The explosive detonated sending a searingly hot

shockwave along the tunnel. The air was filled with smoke

and dust and the echo of the explosion.

"What was that?" asked one of the guards in the

control center as he heard a loud noise and felt the floor

shudder beneath him.

"Attention ghost ship, attention ghost ship." said the

guard into the radio, "We are under attack, I say again, we

are under attack"

"Sir there was a flash of light and now a cloud of

dust is emerging from the cave. It looks like there was an

explosion, I am going to investigate it."

The ghost ship started to speed up in its orbit of the

moon, its commander was anxious to get the two small police

ships before they could radio something back to their base.

Rocket lifted his head and peered through the dust,

the rolling echo of the explosion could still be heard up

and down the length of the tunnel. Small rocks and bits of

sand were beginning to fall as the tunnel groaned and began

Gillman/Ghost Ship/30

to shift slightly. Looking around him, Rocket got to his

feet slowly and shook his head, coughing as he did so. He

saw the two guards and a lot of the other prisoners laying

around him either dead or unconscious. Moving towards one

of the guards he reached down and grabbed his gun then,

after getting the other guards gun, he started looking for

Dick and Joanna in the dusty atmosphere.

"This is definitely a man made cave, it is too regular

in shape to be anything else and I am starting to pick up

reflections that are too strong to be...". The police ship

exploded in a ball of light as the missile from the ghost

ship found its mark. Almost immediately the second police

ship with its more experienced police began a high G-force

maneuver designed to shake off any potential attackers. The

missile that had been tracking him struggled to keep the

ship in the center of its sensors. The missile began an

upward curve, chasing its prey. The ship swung through 180

degrees before snapping over and beginning another tight

turn at right angles to the first one. The pilot of the

ship searched frantically for any sign of pursuit. The

threat indicator in his cockpit did not register anything

but the pilot knew that something was out there, he had

seen that type of explosion before. The missile closed

Gillman/Ghost Ship/31

rapidly as the ship changed direction and then began

turning once more in an attempt to keep the ship in its

sights. The on-board computer sensed the range to the ship

and concluded that it was close enough to detonate. A

fraction of a second later the distance between the missile

and the ship started to increase as the ship turned even

tighter than before. The computer decided to detonate the

warhead while the ship was still in range.

Rocket dragged Dick and Joanna to their feet and,

having revived them, gave Dick a gun.

"Quick, to the door." shouted Rocket as he pointed in the

general direction of an access hatch. The three of them ran

to the hatch, opened it and crawled through into a

passageway full of people running around, lights flashing

and a loud siren screaming in their ears. Nobody seemed to

notice them as they made their way through the complex,

everybody seemed to be too concerned for their own safety

to worry about a group of badly dressed people they had

never seen before.

The police ship shuddered from the blast caused by the

nearby missile exploding. The cabin went dark and several

red lights illuminated the otherwise dark control panel. A

Gillman/Ghost Ship/32

siren started sounding in the ears of the pilot and partial

power returned bathing the cockpit in a low light. Some of

the instruments came back on-line, others remained stuck at

either maximum or zero or just stayed dark and silent. The

pilot pulled the ship into a turn and stared at the dark

and silent radar panel.

"Police one to base, police one to base.", the pilot spoke

calmly and clearly into the radio as he stared at the dark

and silent radio panel. The radar panel also remained

lifeless rendering the pilot almost blind and deaf to what

was outside his cockpit. Realizing his situation the pilot

looked out of the cockpit window and began to take in his

surroundings. His first thought was to get his bearings and

he could do that by finding the moon. As he caught sight of

the edge of the moon he noticed an object heading towards

him. In space it is difficult to tell if you are looking at

a large object at a long distance or a small object close

up. A flash of light emerged from the object and missed the

police ship by a number of yards. The pilot of the police

ship decided that the best form of defense is attack and

opened the throttle as far as it would go, charging

headlong into the rapidly approaching ship.

Gillman/Ghost Ship/33

"Sir, he is on an attack run." screamed the radar

controller, not sure if his radar was telling him the truth

or not.

"An attack run? That's impossible, check your screen

again." replied the commander.

"He is opening fire!" shouted the officer as the ship

rocked from explosions along its hull. The bridge glowed

brightly for a split second as an explosion appeared just

outside the main window.

"Return fire, bring that ship down." cried the commander as

he ducked behind a control panel.

One of the rear turret gunners heard the cry over the radio

and swiveled his turret round just in time to see the ship

emerge from the other side of the bridge. The ship screamed

past his position at an impossibly low level and nearly

knocked the gun from its mounting. Turning the gun round

and depressing the barrel to its lowest angle the gunner

released a salvo of laser fire towards the police ship.

Rocket, Dick and Joanna approached the door to the

main control room. The guards were still at their posts

making sure that nobody entered the room. Rocket looked at

Dick and whispered,

Gillman/Ghost Ship/34

"Just two of them, you take the one on the left I will take

the one on the right."

Dick barely had time to nod his agreement when Rocket

rounded the corner, raised his weapon and fired twice into

the guard. Dick followed a fraction of a second later and

hit the second guard. Both guards collapsed without having

a chance to return their fire or even seeing who had shot

them. Joanna picked up one of the guards guns and all three

of them approached the door.

The pilot of the police ship knew he had to keep low

to avoid the guns that littered the hull of this ship.

Dodging the superstructure he flew low over a gun and

instantly regretted his decision. Pulling the ship round

into a wide arc he had to climb slightly to avoid a tower

and saw two laser blasts narrowly miss his ship. The third

blast caught his ship right in the middle and broke it in

half just before the fuel ignited turning the high speed

craft into a fireball. The blast wave hit the hull of the

ghost ship and tore a turret gun from its housing. Sirens

blasted through the decks of the ship as large doors closed

to seal off the damaged sections of the hull.

Gillman/Ghost Ship/35

Rocket opened the door and ran through into the

control room, Dick and Joanna followed him through the

doorway and moved to the left and to the right of Rocket.

The sight that greeted them was quite unexpected. Instead

of seeing a large number of officers sitting at desks with

the Captain in the middle they found a dark and empty room.

The only light was from the control panels with their

flashing lights. The floor shook and small rocks fell from

the roof, a control panel sparked and fell dark. The radio

was still on and the air was filled with shouting and

sirens from the ship orbiting above.

The flash of light from the moons surface signaled

that a craft was taking off. It was a small craft, capable

of holding only a handful of people and designed for speed.

Inside the craft the Captain and three of his henchmen were

crowded into the cockpit while the pilot entered a new

destination into the computer. The craft climbed upwards,

towards the ghost ship which was surrounded by a cloud of

debris. Several fires could be seen through the windows of

the ship and it was obvious that it was in trouble.

"This is Rocket Robinson calling the Europa police

force, come in Europa.". The radio stayed silent for

Gillman/Ghost Ship/36

several agonizing seconds before a voice was heard coming

from the speaker.

"Unit calling Europa police, please identify yourself and

retransmit message."

Dicks face turned from delight to horror as a section of

the wall caved in and the floor shook once more. Rocket did

not seem to notice as he keyed the microphone. "This is

Captain Rocket Robinson of the Interplanetary Operations

division of the Earth police force. Send reinforcements to

the moon of Elara, we have found...".

The floor buckled under the strain of the now collapsing

roof and walls, Rocket, Dick and Joanna were thrown to the

floor as part of the roof fell down.

"This way." said Dick, pointing to a small door on the

other side of the room marked "Airlock". the three of them

got back on their feet and made their way past the rubble.

The Captains craft approached the ghost ship at a fast

pace, the pilot swerved towards the ship to avoid a large

piece of hull that suddenly came into view.

"Quick, close the door and get into a spacesuit." said

Rocket as they entered the airlock. Hanging from the walls

of the airlock were a collection of spacesuits that looked

Gillman/Ghost Ship/37

like they had been collected from several different

sources. Rocket, Dick and Joanna picked out their

spacesuits and started putting them on. The ground shook

once more as all three of them hurried to get suited up.

The turret gunner spotted a small ship traveling at

high speed just out of range of his guns. Keeping the ship

in his sights he tracked it across his viewing area and, to

his delight, the ship turned towards him as if it was

setting up an attack run.

The air was released from the airlock and when the

pressure equalized with the outside atmosphere the outer

door opened and three figures ran from the opening. Dick

turned and looked back just in time to see the roof

collapse inside the airlock. What followed was a series of

small explosions all over the moon base as one corridor

after another collapsed in on itself. Standing around

outside the base were several figures in spacesuits, some

carried guns and others did not. It was obvious that there

was a mixture of guards and prisoners but that nobody could

tell who was who inside the spacesuits.

Gillman/Ghost Ship/38

The turret gunner aimed a fired several laser blasts

at the small craft. One of the blasts caught the craft on

its side and it started to tumble end over end, obviously

out of control.

"Sir, the small craft is coming this way, it looks like it

will hit us!" screamed the junior officer on the bridge as

he looked out of one of the windows.

Inside the Captains ship it was chaos. The pilot was

still strapped into his seat trying hard to regain control

but fighting a losing battle. The Captain and his henchmen,

who were not strapped in, were struggling desperately to

get hold of parts of the ship to stop themselves from being

thrown around. The pilot looked out of the window and saw

the ghost ship getting larger and larger with each full

rotation of the crippled ship.

Dick looked up and saw the ghost ship hanging in the

sky. He also noticed a few flashes of light and pointed

them out to Rocket. The radios in their suits were not

functioning so Dick touched his helmet to Rockets helmet

and shouted, "Laser fire, I wonder what is going on?".

Gillman/Ghost Ship/39

The Captains craft struck the ghost ship just below

the bridge and erupted in a ball of flame. The ship had

been packed with fuel for a long journey and almost all of

it exploded in that split second. A hole was torn in the

side of the ghost ship and the whole superstructure shook

from the blast. The explosion ruptured the floor of the

bridge and exposed the room to the vacuum of space.

"Look at that." said Dick as he saw the bright flash

of light emerge from the ghost ship. The ghost ship started

to roll slowly, it also started to dip its nose towards the

surface of the moon. Slowly, as if in a slow motion action

replay, the ship started to descend through the thin

atmosphere of the moon, heading for the surface. Parts of

the ship broke off as the atmosphere heated parts of the

damaged hull during its descent. The ghost ship disappeared

below the horizon and, seconds later, a large cloud of dust

emerged from the horizon. The impact of the ship could be

felt through the feet of the people standing on the moon as

a small earthquake.

About half an hour later the police ships from

Jupiter/Europa arrived and everybody began to be evacuated

Gillman/Ghost Ship/40

from the small moon. Back on Jupiter/Europa Rocket and Dick

were surprised to find Chief Gundam waiting for them.

“I hear that you boys managed to destroy all of the

evidence in several large explosions.” said Chief Gundam,

“You also managed to destroy one long-range police escort

ship and lose several very expensive police issue

spacesuits. What have you boys got to say for yourself?”

“Not bad for a days work was it Dick?” said Rocket.

“Not when you consider that you signed the ship out using

the Chiefs name. I hope it was not too expensive Chief.”

said Dick with a big smile on his face.


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