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Arun K Krishnan
III MD, C R Dept. GHMC, Thiruvananthapuram

Lycopodium is a genus of clubmosses, also

known as ground pines or creeping cedar
Family: Lycopodiaceae, a family of fern-allies

Specialized leaves (sporophylls) bear reniform spore-cases (sporangia) in the axils, which contain spores of one kind only. These clubshaped capsules give the genus its name.

Common Names

Club Moss Clubfoot Moss Common Club Moss Foxtail

Ground Pine Running Club Moss Staghorn Vegetable Sulfur Wolf's Claw


Club moss contains about 0.1-0.2% alkaloids, polyphenols, flavonoids, and triterpenes

The leaves and stems contain two poisons, lycopodine and clavadine
The spores are completely non-toxic

The spores of Lycopodium have been harvested and used economically as Lycopodium powder The spores, when mixed with air, are highly flammable because of their high fat content and surface area

Medicinal uses
Traditionally, herbal healers employed the entire plant to relieve muscle cramping As a diuretic in kidney and liver complaints, and may have analgesic and antiseptic properties. The spores promotes healing in wounds, stops bleeding and helps drain tissues of excess fluids.

Proved as a homoeopathic medicine

Carbo nitrogenoid

Upper part emaciated and lower part semi dropsical (the pear constitution)



Predisposed to hepatic and lung affections


Digestive organs and adjoining glands Liver and larger intestine Respiratory system Kidney

4 8pm < Right sided remedy

Externally sensitiveness to a warm atmosphere in head

and spine symptoms Sensitive to cold Lack of vital heat < cold air, cold food and drinks Exertion <

Better by motion ( esp. in rheumatic complaints) If there is inflammation > from the warmth of the bed. Head ache better from cold air and motion

Tendency to necrosis, abscesses, spreading ulcers and great emaciation

Cannot bear oysters

Onions- Thuja Strawberries- Oxalic acid
If you ever have a patient get sick from eating strawberries, tomatoes or oysters, and you have no homoeopathic remedies at hand, it is a good thing to remember that cheese will digest strawberries or tomatoes or oysters in a few minutes J. T. Kent


state of the arteries and veins Poor tone and poor circulation Numbness in spots Emaciation of single members Clumsiness and awkwardness

the MONK

Social, moral and physical
Want of confidence

Inability to take up responsibilities


Stage I- Sexual excitement

Increased sexual desire Superficial relationships Promiscous Easy gratification of sexual desire Sexual disorders

Intellectually strong Attains high positions in society

eg. Lawyers, Teachers, Priests, Politicians etc.



Fear of solitude, darkness, ghosts, dogs They wants to feel that there is somebody else in the



state of mind, a chronic fatigue Forgetfulness Idiotic Pre- senility


in the act of receiving a friend or meeting an acquaintance. Very nervous, sensitive and emotional Sensitive, even cries when thanked Excessive merry and laughs at simplest things

Apprehensiveness, difficult breathing and fearfulness. Anxious thoughts as if about to die Taciturnity, desires to be alone

Periodical headache

Shakes head without apparent cause.

Twists face and mouth. Pressing headache on vertex;

worse from 4 to 8 pm, and from lying down or stooping, if not eating regularly (Cact). Throbbing headache after every paroxysm of coughing. Headaches over eyes in severe colds; better, uncovering (Sulph). Vertigo in morning on rising. Pain in temples, as if they were screwed toward each other. Tearing pain in occiput; better, fresh air. Great falling out of hair. Eczema; moist oozing behind ears. Deep furrows on forehead. Premature baldness and gray hair.


Fan-like motion of alae nasi (Kali

brom; Phos).

Dryness, without thirst.
Food and drink regurgitates through nose.

Inflammation of throat, with stitches on swallowing; better, warm drinks. Swelling and suppuration of tonsils. Ulceration of tonsils, beginning on right side. Diphtheria; deposits spread from right to left; worse, cold drinks. Ulceration of vocal bands. Tubercular laryngitis, especially when ulceration commences.


Dyspepsia Excessive hunger. Aversion to bread Desire for sweet things. Food tastes sour. Sour eructations. Great weakness of digestion. Cannot eat oysters. Rolling of flatulence (Chin; Carb). Wakes at night feeling hungry. Hiccough. Sinking sensation; worse night.

Immediately after a light meal, abdomen is bloated, full. Constant sense of fermentation in abdomen, like yeast working; upper left side. Hernia, right side. Liver sensitive. Brown spots on abdomen. Dropsy, due to hepatic disease. Hepatitis, Pain shooting across lower abdomen from right to left

Reproductive system
Male: No erectile power; impotence. Premature emission (Calad; Sel; Agn). Enlarge prostate. Condylomata Female: Menses too late; last too long, too profuse. Vagina dry. Coition painful. Right ovarian pain. Varicose veins of pudenda. Leucorrha, acrid, with burning in vagina. Discharge of blood from genitals during stool.

Tickling cough. Dyspna.

Tensive, constrictive, burning pain in chest.

Cough worse going down hill.

Cough deep, hollow. Expectorations gray, thick, bloody, purulent, salty (Ars; Phos; Puls).
Night cough, tickling as from Sulphur fumes. Catarrh of the chest in infants, seems full of mucus rattling. Neglected pneumonia, with great dyspna, flaying of al nas and presence of mucous rales.

Skin ulcerates

ulcers Cellular troubles Burning, stinging and smarting Relieved by applying cooling things and < by warm poultices Eruptions with violent itching Bleeding ulcers with thick, yellow, offensive, green pus.

Complementary: Lycop acts with special benefit after Calcar and Sulphur. Iod; Graphites, Lach; Chelidon.

Camph; Puls; Caust

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