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FREE non-polluting ENERGY (F n-p EJ

by J.W. Ecklin
There are two forces at a distance. mag-
netic and gravitational, that theoreticall y
could supply us with clean perpetual energy.
We can f orget gravi ty because of the many
complet e fai l ures where scient ist s and tink-
erers over the cent uries could not even get
perpetual motion. With proper care, perman-
ent magnets (PM) will make t r illions of tem-
porary or PMs and not be weakened which
we can almost call perpetual. How can we
ever expect a device, which uses no f uel and
is somewhat smaller than a car engi ne, to
put out as much power as a car engine when
we have never abl e t o even achieve
perpetual motion??
Most of our energy comes direct l y or
indirectly from the electromagnetic radiat .
ions of the sun. This prime mover will
harness magnetic portion of t he
spectrum. The sun also helps make oil and
other chemical bonds. Water power was one
of the first f orms of energy we harnessed.
The sun causes the oceans to steam, i t r ains.
and gravity pulls the water t o sea level .
The 7 advantages of magnetism over grav-
ity are: l. Magnets both repel and attract . 2.
Magn1!ts repel much further than they at .
tract because of friction and inertia. 3.
Magnets can be shielded. -4. The magnet ' s
field does not require TOTAL shielding. 5. A
magneti zable material at REST between 2
magnets, regardless of the magnet's polarity
or strength, will go to the magnet which has
the greatest field strengt h at t he material .
(These pr ime movers start f r om r est . ) 6.
The earth attracts a 15 lb. chunk of iron and
can put 15 lbs. of tension in springs yet a 15
lb. PM can attract this same chunk of i ron
and put over 350 l bs. of tension i n springs.
{This is 23 t imes the tension f rom an obj ed
t rillions of times smaller than t he earth. )
7. Magnets have a very , very steep gradient
of CHANGE in attracti on at the magnet and
up t o a foot from i t whi le you weigh fhe same
on the ground as you do " foot above ground.
(You could calculate a slight change in
weight but you can't measure it.) Very pri -
mitive devices and instruments measure the
very large change in magnetic field strength
at and up to a foot away from a magnet. Be-
cause of a magnet's steep gradient of change
in force with distance we can get perpetual
energy with magnets even though we could
never achieve even per petual motion with
grav i ty and i t s fl at gradient .
Historically gravi t y was usually used in
attempts t o get perpetual mot ion. In t he f ew
cases where magnetism was used, only one
magnet was used to lift a mass whi ch was
then supposed to drop the mass vert ically in
a gravitat ional field but the mass al ways
st uck to the magnet. The majority of these
devices had to be given moti on which t hey
were then supposed to maintai n.
PM prime movers use 2 magnets with a
temporarily magnet izable object between
them which is made to go back and forth
HORIZONTALLY between the 2 magnets.
Material or an object in motion is energy.
Since we must alternatel y shield t he mass
from the magnets an arm or shaft connects
the shields at bot h magnets so the work of
pulling out a shield from in front of one
magnet i s cancelled by the other magnet
pul li ng a shield i n front of it and doing work
0'1 the or Have 2 round thin discs
of soft ir on welded to a common shaft at each
magnet lor sh ields. Alternately cut hol es in
discs and align them on the shaft so a
magnet i s uncovered when the other is
covered . Rotate the shaft with a small motor
to make up f or friction losses. Identical PMs
lessen the load on the motor . The magnet 's
field i s at right angles to the rotary motion of
the discs and the force t o uncover a magnet
is cancelled by the other magnet pulling a
shield in and being covered.
The next two paragraphs describe a dev ice
which you can build and it will operate. You
don' t have to understand the preceding inf o
which was wri tten for scientists and skept i cs
as perpetual motion has always fai led in the
past. My 10 year old son Scott C. Ecklin. has
bui l t a basi c worki ng model and sent it to t he
President . PM pri me mover s are somewhat
small er in size per horsepower than a -4 cycl e
engine and can propel ANY vehi cl e or turn a
generator and f ur ni sh electr icity f or heat ,
lights. etc. in your home. If you can resolve
the forces and dynamics of the shields you
can build a worki ng model with two 3 cent
magnets, a steel ball and a shield cut from a
tin can.
Get a PM, springs and a steel ball . The
steel ball will be temporarily magnetized,
attracted and move toward the PM. Use
springs whi ch are compressed by t he attract-
ed steel ball so the ball can't qui te touch t he
PM. Bring a thin pi ece of iron between t he
PM and the steel ball. The iron will absorb
(shi eld) the PM's field becoming temporar-
ilt_magnetized. The steel ball will no longer
and will be pushed away from
the PM as the springs release their com-
pression. The steel ball rolls much further
away than it can be attracted because of
inertia and friction.
If we use another opposite PM and springs
t he steel ball can be made to go back and
f orth between the PMs. This back and forth
motion of a steel ball is energy and is easily
converted to circular motion as with a piston
and crankshaft. The radius of t he output
drive wheel and the adjustment of the
springs determines the distance of t ravel t he
steel mass. between the magnets . can go
back and forth. A 15 lb. PM lifts or pulls 350
lbs . which is a lot of compression on springs
and their rapid repetitive release represents
a lot of power . work or energy . Compared to
a car eng ine (4 cycle) there are 4 times the
power strokes with a PM prime mover hence
much less fr iction. Your car no longer needs
to carry gas f or fuel or water for cooli ng.
If you need other inf o please specify and
send stamped self addressed envelope to JW
Eckl in, 5100 8th Rd S 508, Arlington, Va 22204

v QA.. ............. _,.-4.-'lf....-
1M: F'/urr. A TM is attracted almost a s much as an o ther
4which you can feel. If m' is a H1,b y i nseTting a sh ie ld l' et\;ern
f m and m' we vary the (u) permeability 3nd hence t he potenti3l
I energy of 111'. When Coulomb d e vel o ped tt:i < 1<11, th e thr us t c f
to pr o v e a
and _electr1c1ty. b uild exc ellent s hiel ds arouhd
aud1o transformers to shield them fr om cp s 5 . After a
is aged, its output drops very s lightlv, if it not ahused
(struck, overheated, etc.) so our s upply is a lmo st p e rpetual as
PMs can be restrengthened a s tronger PM or a hc 3 vv current
from a generator which a Nlpm turns . 6. flere i s o ne o.f th e manv
scientists tell us a magneti c field is c o nserv3tivr
should be given long and careful thought: "it 1s n o t p oss it, le t c
extract energy from the field by moving any sy s tem o f magnets
through a cycle that ends a!l components hack in their o r -
iginal positions. " My comments - - This must ref er t o"only" pe r -
manent magnets because 1; e kno,.- an electric mot o r mu s t I a 1e a t
least " one"electromagne t l<h ich i s a ter;po r a r y It
. seems tliTS descript i on o f a consena t in f ield sav - e l ec tr ic
motor won't operate unless by ma gn et s t hey r::e an \ r 'lpr.-
uses, spr i ngs, shields and a moveable mass 6<h ic h a t r mp c r arv
magnet) to take the place of an e lectr oma gnet ( ,, T'l l anJ
electrical supp lied to an elect r i c me t e :.
) I combine the ab ove l o g ic and ude t hl' ; .ll
1 almost e nd less energy i n a r' l ' s fie l d no t h:n c t 1. "' , ,r>e r
\_ vati\'e, '< e ha1e o r.l' in t c ;o be l iC'\iq;.
, ____

'J'. I
:IFn- pE t-y .n1 rck l i n- i 5 ur.! F
i ted ene r gy ir. 3 j' ( nr. anent r:-tgr:c-t. <
jfi e l d if he C:ln tap i t. f"cr S( [, ; Q!"".C <cr-
rui l d a dc\"ice t hJ t
a t Jme l > sclut 10n t o cur E'nC r &' pC'llt :t llln .
dollar and Las t CR1S[5.

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:c. - -::::J 0 =-; ":; 1-o -""' - . '-'
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V'l.CO c.,;:: .....
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C... ff, "0 0 '::aGL :0 II. :-: f . h; C......, ,1:. :S ,
Cu t a l'" from an iror. c; m fc r :;
shield f. put thin cardboard en e:-tcl: , ;..: c , t
tl-:e f ind a "/It'" C: iar:-E't<'r hi! I ea -
ri ng, ge t t1,o 11: di aJT"etcr h thrd I
f"'1s , pa r t dnR20 at ! each r"rorr. l" c!Il'urc! '- c-
ientif ic, Bar rington , \J osoo . l:1r <' th<
t o cardboard 1'" apa rt . rJaet he:r'ir.g ;
bcf1,een f"':s. Sl ide s hi e l d hf1,een E:
["'\' f, J-. eari n!: l<i ll r e att racteC: tC' ot h r !"' .:
if not, put ca rdboard on <held . r<'r-
E' at . Rack f. forth ret i on is ] \ cor.'.t'rt
ed t c c i rcu lar rr-ot i on . To auto.rr:-t t r
han hE'a ri nJ< cor::pr es s s prings I d c re JJJ
i s i ns erted <r YOU can s t ore E'xtr energY ! '
au t oma t e '!agnets repel
e r than they attract ( t ry leforc
ing) . Tron gat he r5 ragne t ic cf f" rce
tightly together so litt le , i f c f :1 .
f"\1's field gets beyond a s hiel d. Shields f. i
bearing are temporan magnet s "hie!-.
can only be attracted. Bearing is
almost as much as another r-,.1. i
r:=J".I f. IT'' =T\1. The (PE) potenti a 1 of
r.-' i s QW\:Grn when shi eld anJ
i 1 i tv nf the <1 i r hcf1,ee,
!the "I" [, r't. .-\SY l .ll-\.\t;E . iII rl l"t' ;-tn< hC rk
c r can h dOJ:C' . .., 'c !' 1_".' .1ttr
':10 lhs f, th is de, i ce h<l' .1 t 1r ec thr
r r <t rokes c f :1 -1 C\"Cl <'
gincs of the future
i 11 t- (; smaller r. 1 i ght - 3
er f. us e no fue l .
letail s - send s tamped se l f - addressed c- u cl-
pe -5100 8th Rd c SOH, \ rlingt nn , 2::0
f you can donat_E'_lO( or lease do.
- -
- 8 7;:: ;.<
j: / 4
-:: -:::; c.'./ .
-- c;,... - -
c c -= - -
:,... . ...., ::;.c.r, 7-
= c-:=::.
G c.c.. -::..
::. =c-: =
;.... . c.., E "f
scientists there is considerable energy in a magnet's
field, they believe the field to be conservative so they think
there is no '<ay to tap this energy. The real problem is : Ther e
have been many , many failures so the scientists have always been
correct in the pa s t and now they take the time to think the
problem through again . Maybe in 1990 when they are
gas ring for breath it might occur- they find time . ,,_,, ....:....-. .; <1.-'-i.
. '
<.J.f"... ... . . ... ' '< \' .... ... .... , \"J ...

._; I , t . /. l 'f,.. .... , _,d \ : "(
rl".. ., "Lq\ a ....:..., t, Q.. PM ...ct::u..l....A_ W..-
A .,. ... . J
lH. "t:k< w...--Ji,.._ c...... , . ...J;;:\Ji. .ll
......_ "' ' ... ' .. ..:. ..- .k. .. "\ -"!,"
. .... -....... _.,.......... ... \ "'""",""<
H rn c 5t \ 1\. h . rc 2nssu
.\:\5 , 210 1 Cons tit . A\ 1\11 1\. ,rc 2041 8
40 1 St Sll' , II' ., DC 20460
[)!1\lt;E, r ent agon, \i . , OC 20301
.-\R(\ Durham, \C
ll:aill, 1400 \i i lson Bhd , .\ rlingt on, \"a . 22209
01\1<, Rnn \Qu i ncy , Ar l, \"a. 22217

it poss i hl e for you to ge t
tq;e tLer anc! one or gani :a t ion go
1Y- IIIh JCMK O'MI IKift-pollutt nc
from (fili i whu;t1 never
ur out . ,..., tttr.ct IIHI. TM St ftl compresses
IPI'IIIp. lfon sfilt tld INtwnn SIHI ttiCI PM lbsortl s
P "! 1t l d Steer ' ' reoeUed away r,y spr.nas for
dtlts of SIMI '"rx ted Ncl and
forth bt lwuf'l two ,....., and convt rti nt ttus mot ton
to s.nd s tamped Mit addressed
tnvt lopt to tckhn, 5100 lth 1111., S. #SOS
All nrton, Y 22204. '
Aug . 10, 1973
home 67 1- 8547
off 274-6317
c-ut h it h a proposa l t o actua ll y conduc t the follo"ing t hough t
\! so if any of you ,,ho r ead th i s can help "i th pub licity
, i cf fi ci:1 ! h or unoffic i a ll y pl ease do .
rnclc<t< ! arc I r ec non-po ll uting Energv and rn-pE ...-hich have heen
, , r:t t c I.' P 1 Cc'[" l c 1-:ho han already res ponded t c an ad i n the Aug 73
; encc lii gcq. \ r_,. one can huild the hasic de\ ice hut s ome ar e concerned
ln;t the rc4uired t o au t omate the sl: ields. You _ius t can't tell a
! the nagr:e t i , fc rcc in :t F'ennanent prime mover i s
r: r r o : t o the mc ti or. cf the coiTlll'on mass and at right :mglcs t o the moti on
o! :mJ cxpect hir; to understand . Results of this experi ment
r:" heir to clr 311".ati:e for the and the scientist.
llwught cxpl r ir:;ent: Tc sec hm< l i ttle cr.rr&' i s requireJ to :Jutomatc the
,!: : de f 3nc! t hat ,,e must onl r make up f or friction if
i r l: han' e4ua l s trengt hs cons1der t he roucault pendulum at the
.\ur .e the hob i s made of i ron and ins tal l a magnet at
c '' ot t om r. f i t ' ,[; . Since it already a mechani s m t o make up
t c r r rict i cr los<c5 the onh change l< ill rein tl":e s peed c f the hoh when
nc"r t h,, The . bob the same distance h 11t
- ho ct e r peri oJ . \ r :llit\ remains cons tant for the full swing
' .. : a ttracti or. i s 1e rv s trong at the hn: om d t he and
khcn speed i s zero and near the ext remes of the s...- ings .
l l hl ni );h t r.;; ke up fo r frict i on losses in t hese pendul wns hy using th<'
1 rf' pcr c i:c magnet <md s hifting a s hie l d so the hoh is att r act ed more
q r r. ngl y ;;s i t comes t o the n:agnet.) Th is 11 taJ.,.e ,,a r k t o move the
,hic l c , i nct: t here is or. l y one magne t. )
enc : as
cc file
Since r ely ,
\fJ._,. ! c)
.John \'i. Ecklin
c, i ""/enc l t o C. Ya r brough, niges t, ,\S'1E, Ce, GI-!, NSTA,G-kF,
t< t;, . r r - ,_ """"'! ._, """- "E C.. "-\1\ . .1\ (<) J'-"4-l
!' '-;: I ' ll prohar h send copies of t his letter as 1 ge t mor e rep li es
t l n : i s aJ and thcv a re j us t beginning t o come in .
ha s
IT": r,en thougl' ma gneti 5m and gr:11 i t y a r c nm, thought t o he consen ati\e
t magnet i srr. can he eas i 1, 5I: i e l ded and t he de\"i ce can operate at
gra, it y c-r hori :ont a ll y. Bo t h f or ces vary as the in\'erse squa r e
o f t he J i<t ancc hut t hough can he manr t imes s tronger than
gr:-t \ i t, it 's f orce dr ops of f much f as ter.
w ubincton Poll Staff Writer
D n:r SMITH has competition. He is The shield, Ecklln explains, interrupts
John Eeklin, an Arlington computer one magnetic field so the ball bearing
terhnician who, like Dick Traey's indus- can be attracted to another field. But
trialist-inventor, thinks magnetism is an where will the energy come from to move
ovrrlooked but potentially rich and shields through the magnetic fields!
l'il'an source of energy. Won't that energy requirement cancef
llnlike Diet Smith, who speeds around out the energy gained from the" move
in a space coupe and does other wonder- ment oft he bearing?
ful with magnetic power, Ecklin No, says Ecklin. He explains: The
isn't having too much success putting his shield moves at a right angle through the
ideas to work. magnetic field. Moving laterally, it re
l: ngiMers and scientists tell him he's quires only a fraction of the force it
lr.ving, impossibly, to rewrite the first would need ifmoved in a parallel mot
law of thrrmodynamics. They say it's im- ion.
pos, lblc to get energy from a machine Ecklin says this fractional energy need
w1t hnut putting an equal amount of en- could be supplied by the energy ex-
ngy into it. All perpetual motion rna- tracted from the movement of the bear
1hines failed because of this immutable ing. .
law, they say, and so will a machine try- In a larger, more sophisticated assem-
ing to tap magnetism instead of gravity. bly, Ecklin would mount his shields on a
answer to his critics is a hand shaft that would be turned by power SUP
111ade demonstration project that he plied by the reciprocating bearing. Fur-
l'iairns shows how magnetic force can be thermore the bearing, when it was at-
(unverted into energy. The project con- tracted to one magnetic field, would
st.,ts of two dime-size magnets, a steel compress a powerful spring that would
hall hearing, a piece of tin can sand- push it toward the other magnetic field.
wiched between two pieces of cardboard But right now Ecklin would like to see
<r nd two strips of Scotch tape holding his thousands of people construct their own
ruagnets to a piece of cardboard. Total 25-cent demonstration project, then, hav-
lls s than 25 cents. ing convinced themselves it works, write
When the cardboard-enclosed piece of their congressmen about the untapped
1111 can (actually a piece of steel) is power of magnetism.
placed between the ball bearing and one Ecklin's 10-year-old son built a model
magnet, the bearing is attracted to the and mailed it to President Nixon. Rep.
other magnet. When the shield is placed Joel T. Broyhill (RVa.) has inserted Eek-
hetween that magnet and the bearing, lin's explanation of his scheme (with
the bearing is attracted to the other mag- sketches) in the Congressional Record,
net. with thit I believe Mr. Eck-




This Idea Bas
Ecklin doesn't have the
money, or the mechanical ex
'pertise, to build a model that
would work entirely under
its own power. He says the
Environmental Protection
Agency told him it wasn't in-
terested in such experiments
because "we are trying to im
prove on known technology."
Inquiries to foundations and
other sources failed.
Ecklin is an amateur ex-
pert on magnetism. He
learned his first facts about
1 the subject from a book he
bought for his boy, called
"The How and Why Wonder
Book of Magnets and Magnet
If magnetism is .. sed,
Ecklin says, the implications
would go far beyond the en
ergy crisis. "It would pul un
limited power in the hands of
individuals. They wouldn't
be dependent on the energy
companies. That would 1nean
. they couldn't be ed,"
Diet Smith's creator, {;hes-
ter Gould, has often used his
Dick Tracy comic strip to il
Justrate the potential power
' of magnetism. One of his
Ideas is "atomically ener
gized magnets that amplify
the pull of gravity a bUlion
times, if need be, to elimb in
spaee, or to brake speed by
reversing the poles of the
Ecklin says the back and forth motion lin's theory will be of interest to many
of the bearing can be captured and con- who are now engaged in attemptl to
verted into usable energy. Three pairs of solve the problem of power shortagea."
magnets with proportionately- So far, Ecklin has been greeted by
,;ized ball . bearings, he claims, could mere skepticism thun ''The
power a car. Smaller ones could be used universities won't talk to me," he says." A
lo provide household electrical power, professor of physics would throw my idea
he says, and larger ones could be used into the wastebasket. He'd say it isn't in .. ,.::
for industrial purposes. the books. But you know, according to the
When asked. bow he reconciles his de- laws of aerodynamics. the bumblebee
Magnetic power, he says,
would not only be clean, it
would be inexhaustible. If a
magnet becomes weak, it can
be reoowered by another
Gould, who eonceled tiM
two-way wrist radio and
other scientific and elec
tronic marvels that proved
feasible, concluded: "I have
g,.,..t hith ;,. n111' hiHtv tn
"Thought Experiment" If you can imagine a
PERFECT gravity shield (GS) or substance then
you might see where most &
texts get slightly when they d7scuss
Perpetual Motion , and make m1stakes summar1zed
p1 IZ PFTU.-\L ;\fOT:ON

JOt. ,J.
'w, f>Mt"'l

X .
Jr h. ! ... ;, .... rc-1 ' ;-,_d 11 .t l ll(C r. ,u1tl l 1c found w; llt ,
,;:r ,,fj I con; pl .r. k rile .llll tl: l " ' t: !.i \'i{\' , ir \\ (1/ld "l' C' .l "\' I;
... ': lt '\ l ' !'I !rJ., I nldi, ,,, h\ :1 n:' / h, J, ,, _
II . . !
1 . 1 \' '!t ' ili h, il..! l i1' r, d rrn:cn<r ,:: ! llc :-- ht.'l't i! (,]!.
. \ .- i iPJl.t, r 1,, l \L h:!, : ' :1 :1 .' li' .l . il .k if .1 suh:-l :'l ll '
, .. ;nd 1 ;. ,.n.J ll nr ,\ , ,:f ,J n ;r ,JJi rnr npktd: t hl' :tction .. r"
,; , q "' I I. ,. !. J, ' I he wnrk r.o :ll fhHitwc .nul
!1 1 ll': !l . \'l' l ho t! o-1 ' I , ,
and similiar to those in the Encyc1opedfa Br1t-
annica but the mistakes in texts are hidden better.
By slightly modifying the proposed scheme (use a
dumbbell) there would be no requirement to introduce
and remo,..e the GS XXXX in Fig. 1.
It is obvious shaft s would put out useful power not
just perpetual motion. It is also quite obvious if the
shield were not perfect we could still get some useful
power. As the shield became less and less perfect we
would finally reach the point where we could get is
perpetual motion (a useless concept 1f we could ever
acheive it.) . .
a Logic Or Energy Crisis:! Practically every text
on physics or science teaches in stays
in motion but perpetual motion IS 1mpossible. Because
scientists know you CAN'T shield gravity most would
agree the device in Fig. 1 would not only produce
perpetual motion (until it wore out) but would prod-
uce useful power at shaft s where XXXX is a perfect
gravity re
A Pernancnt Magnet prime mover )>;.. s
(PMpm) operates horizontally and c,s
uses 2 PMs to take the place of Cr. ;r; ,.
gravity and reciprocates a
('oft iron) by altematdy
ing the magnets. We know by rem-
oving the keeper from a large
horseshoe magnet the ball in Fig.
2 wi ll get much more force than , \ , ::l. .
it requires to insert the shields and remove them 1n
ig. 2 as we can easily slide the keeper off sidewcv
even when we can't pull it straight off or a ratio o
at least 20 to 1 without even greasing the keeper or
otherwiseminimizing friction.
Returning to the first law, we ]mry,.. if a body move:l.
at constant speed in a straight line we could get no
more energy from the body than it possesses or if we
could achieve perpetual motion it is worthless. Rev-
ersing direction or start-stop motion of a is
. vitally important. When the shield is inserted the
' mass has no speed, mi nimum attraction & maxilllUffi po-
tential energy (PE) to the opposite magnet & as it
gets close to the other magnet. it has m:;x:D:rum
minilllUffi PE and maxilllUffi attract1on. Tens1on1ng spr1ngs
is very important. We can shield magnetism even th-
ough we can't shield gravity. For details see
ES750 of the 12 Sep 73 Congressional Record or'Mag-
netic Power"in the 13 Oct 73 Science News.
Magnetism can be shielded and there 1s energy 1n a
magnet's field so we don't violate the ist law of th-
ermodynamics. we also use springs to loss-
es. We know there is energy in a because
it gets magnetic or magnetized mater1al 1n mot1on when
it attracts this material to it. It can also repel mag-
netized material. Any object (material) in motion has
energy. Magnets can attract IllUch material
ting weaker. <>--, , Q H , .., <U Q) Cli ...,
.... 1....1- -t;;<>-turui"t-. ' .. /}r-._ _,..._, "'IC..._li , >..=:: "C 0(,, c-. r--

.... .h . . n -- .. _ .... -ft-.- ..l.aAoA??P rJl
o _, t l"
"lf .. v OJ h4-i o or:: c:4--t
MAGNETIC PE ULUMS: Arrange 12 ceramic permanent magne s x ,J.. ..f;:
o '\:: Q) J! Q) >.2 .
/16" which have N & s polee on large flat surfaces ashsh
own. i

8..., t; g-z
1 :vhich group bobs the slowest? 2. Which group bobll t e ong- (l)O;::;Q) ....l "'''"' O
d d ? 4 I k "' v. .,., <!; >::: V1 H ..., ..., rl .-< ....; H u
est? 3 Is work done when the magnets bob up an own s wor P o: o c.; o H COl...,<+-< >..-. H::;
done when the magnets stationery? 5. Do the magnets get warm? L u 8 t/)t;i,.3 'u 1:-.B-
? Wh t t k
), Q) ..C: 0 ..-< - >::: r. H - >::: <V (1) rl
6 Do the magnets get .measurably weaker 7. a appears o ma e .:>+ .::: ;;: ..., <ll v 5,.... ..... e v..., o,.... H .::
the m:umets rensl against gravity? 8. Why do magnets bob longer l:f j-..
.g 2 u Q) g b
.phen of1 a hard smooth surface? Ans. 1. a. 2. a. 3. No 4. No J sT 5 S "'.S Q) S-f 8 g
5 no 6 no 7 Magnetic ATTRACTION force. 8. friction. F'.,.. :3: "',..... >- E Q) ..o
. :,. _ :s..,
&o.t-f ... _e Note. The forces on the shielde of a Per- , tt 5" ro g "'t f=; G 5 t3 _ 1- 'fi .-. g; =" .
-y. " -
0" ! u 0 .......-! ,...... ,..... ....... z C) Cl) r'"""'1 0 r::
;n11.nent Magnet ur1me mover are exactly x .., "G c.; & . -;:; :n ;,: ,.... c 0<...-< v o c.; o
. 1 t th f 1 ... >::: Cl> "" Q) ..... ....14-< >::: Q)..., v. c..;
-r...<:) s orc_e_s_ - - ),., _ ..... i= >- o "'-. S"Vl !:: "'
.,Q. . lr: EJi3 c:. valved in bobbing motion r ct g ..... Vl <f) 'j "' -;:; 5 ..., ro b..=
, . : . ..... .,. ] Vl z l! Q) ;g g "'..c: u >- ....
t-' J- as they are both oanservah v .e. Note 2 : A terrp:>rary magnet ('1M) can't be at- C) H ,..., -;:; 01; ..., ..., H E e.c ..., <:.> Q) E

tracted quite as much as a permanent magnet but it can canpress springs while f 6 .8 _3 B g...; >::: "' t/) ;,:
l 1.- being attracted and then be shielded when it loses nest of it's magnetism so ..c:: ,..... .S b ..... ::1i; ,.... S. '+<
stared in the springs. 'lMs can't be repelled. u -5 u '" E 3 2 s; ';;! v, f; : 5i

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