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ENGLISH PAPER Journal Review

Prepared to fullfil the English For Nursing II assignment Coordinator : Asih Nurakhir, S.Pd

Compiled By : Afriza Hanief Ela Riya Mutiara Rachmawati Innaya Nurul Class A11.1


EFFECT AROMATHERAPY FOR ANXIETY Mutiara Rachmawatia*, Ela Riya Sb*, Inaya Nurulc*, Hanief Fd*

School of Nursing, Medical Faculty, Diponegoro University

Introduction Anxiety is a stress related emotion that result from stress that occurs from either real or imagined events, emotions, threats or problems. Anxiety is accompanied by tension, confusion, forgetfulnes, worries, fears and phobias, and destroys a person's ability to relax. Anxiety has a negative significant effect on the individuals job performance as well as on the interpersonal relationship. (Sayedah sadat Maasumeh Mirkarimi, 2011) Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils extracted from plants, flowers, trees, and seeds for therapeutic purpose. scented oils have been used since ancient times for their healing properties, but more recently, scientist have investiged the psychological and physical effect of particular essential oils. In jornal Effects of aroma inhalation on examination anxiety explain Some studies how that aroma has an important on attention level, cognitive performance, creativity, mathematical success, writing skills, motor skills and increased perception and memory. It has also been pointed out that aroma has a significant positive influence on emotional state, which has a very important role in directing ones attitude and in increasing activity, speed, and permanance oflearning. A study of the role of aroma in the learning process found that it improved memory and cognitive funtions (Aydin, 2006; Herz, Schankler, & Beland, 2004; washbum, Jones, satya, & Bowers, 2007) Aromatherapy for Anxiety Journal The Effect of Aromatherapy Inhalation on Female Students Anxiety describe aromatherapy is a technique for using plants volatile oil including essence in order to achieve physical and mental health. Aromatherapy is used to relieve pain, cure anxiety,depression, insomnia, fatigue, asthma, and even to create self-conidence,

success and creativity. The frequent studies on mental health indicated that the use of aromatherapy has a positive effect on human feeling. Since at least 60 percent of going to doctors are due to the stress problems, aromatherapy inhalation can effectifely decrease stress. There have been further reports on the more positive effects of aromatherapy to decrease womans stress. ( Sayedah sadat Maasumeh Mirkarimi, 2011) Aromatherapy is believed to work in two ways, via inhalation or absorption. (Jacqueline Young, 2007). In journal comment Since at least 60 percent of going to doctors are due to the stress problems, aromatherapy inhalation can effectifely decrease stress. Inhalation is the more widely used method of delivering scent. one of the earliest uses of herbs in their natural state, in fact, was through inhalation therapy in a system called "smoking". the herb was burned and the fumes inhaled by the ailing individual to effect relief from whatever malady was being treated. It is easy to see the direct relation of this method of treatment to the burning of incense in the temples of ancient civilization, one of the earlist methods of megical aromatherapy. although essential oils have become the central medium of aromatherapy practice, the employment of aromatic herbs in their natural state should not be forgotten. it remains a viable form of utilizing the properties of fragrance (Gwydion,2001). That opinion was supported by Adalet koco Kutlu, 2008 in journal Effects of aroma inhalation on examination anxiety that One of the methods used in aromatherapy is release of odor to a particular environment. The sense of small plays an important role in the physiological funcion of the individual. The odor moleculus of essnsial oils are transmitted to the brain by olfactory sensory neurons in the nasal cavity, thus they stimulate smell-memory work and influence memory, thoughts, and emotions. Purpose of aromatherapy is to make of the current study is to determine the effect of aromatherapy inhalation on the decreasing the female students level of anxiety. The researchers state that one of the reasons for the increasing use of complementary and alternative medicine is the peoples dissatisfaction with the care systems. It is estimated that one person out of three uses complementary medicine to treat common illnesses such as backache, anxiety, and depression. That opinion was supported by Mardiyono, 2011 in journal Spirituality Intervention and Outcomes:

Corner stone of Holistic Nursing Practice, this therapy is islamic cognitive therapy to alleviate the auditory hallucination, bereavement, depression and lower level anxiety. In journal Studying the Effect of Aromatherapy Inhalation on Female Students Anxiety Living in Dormitory Complex of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, 130 dormitory students were randomly selected and assigned to either groups of control or anxiety according to the scores obtained in pre-test (the number of each group= 65). The required inclusion criteria for candidates were: 1. They obtain score above 80 based on Spiel Bergers Anxiety Form 2. They do not afflicted by other diseases except anxiety 3. They did not use anxiolytic and herbal drugs 4. They do not have asthma and allergy background 5. The study does not coincide with final term examinations 6. There is no unpleasant event happened to the candidates one month before the study or during the study At first a written agreement was taken from the participants conveying their willingness to take part in the study. Four co-researchers gave instructions to each group before the study. The independent variable was the mixture of Lavender and Rose essence which was diluted at 10% with odorless sesame oil in the laboratory of Pharmacy Faculty of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. The Lavender essence is calming and is anxiolytic. The Rose essence balances the feelings and is used especially for healing depression, nervous tension, and states related to stress. The sources of aromatherapy argue that the mixture of essences is more effective than using them separately. For this reason, the mixture of the two essences was used. The mixture was used as follow: Seven drops of Lavender essence and three drops of Rose essence were dripped on a non-absorbent cloth by a dropper and the cloth was placed 20 cm from the participants nose for half an hour. The independent variable was carried out for four weeks (students studied at nights so as to avoid drowsiness). During this period the control group inhaled only sesame oil. At the end of second week post-test 1 and at the end of fourth week post-test 2 were taken (the test taken in pre-test). In order to analyze the obtained data,

descriptive statics (demographic characteristics) and variance analysis for repeated measurements (investigating intragroup and intergroup independent variable) were used. Conclusion The findings of the study proved the fact that aromatherapy inhalation (the mixture of Lavender and Rose essences) has a noticeable effect on the decreasing of symptoms of anxiety among female students who are living in the dorm. Aromatherapy can be used as a complementary treatment or event as an alternative approach. Certainly, the positive effects of this approach can provide useful treatments for those who are pessimistic about mental drugs and those who rarely go to a psychologist or a psychiatrist. The approach decreases the individual, educational, social, and family outcomes of these diseases and it prevents the progress of symptoms and deterioration of the disorder.

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