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Teaching Special Education Students to Count Money with the Aid of a Haptic Device

James A. Jezewski Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Kettering University Kimberly R. Latuszek Department of Education Saginaw Valley State University Mehrdad Hosseini Zadeh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Kettering University

ABSTRACT Through four case studies, this study aimed to determine if the aid of a haptic device could assist special education students in coin counting. The results showed that the haptic device helped the subject retain skills learned and improve performance over a series of questions and applications. KEY WORDS Accommodations, coin counting, haptic, human-computer interaction, special education;

help bridge the gap between what they see on the screen and using the same coins in real life situations. The benefit of creating a dynamic haptic applications compared to using of physical materials is that the content can be designed freely and changed dynamically making it more interactive. [7] Students with special needs have a range of abilities and skill levels. Due to this factor, different aspects of this procedure had to be geared to suit their specific needs. The students that were in this study exhibited cognitive disabilities that included difficulty communicating, delayed physical coordination, limited problem solving skills, and struggles with numerical understanding. When conducting the initial research into this project, the educational aspect was studied along with the haptic involvement in order to create a mutually sound test. By involving both of these areas, the students and the researcher could better understand how this system worked. Background research was conducted to understand how these two areas could fit together. Even though it was difficult to find any information relating to both of these areas being combined in the past, data suggested that haptic devices such as this could help improve learning in both special and regular student needs. We were able to work with parents and guardians to assess and predict accommodations and modifications that would assist test subjects in their understanding of the haptic device and coin comprehension. During the actual procedure however, some of the changes were modified as the students demonstrated a higher skill level than predicted.

Counting change is a common activity for most people around the world. Unfortunately, this skill is difficult to achieve for many young adults with special needs. There are studies attempting to determine the best method of teaching these students to count change or money [1] [2], studies for basic counting skills [3] [4] [5], studies for basic life skills [6], and studies for students with a disability and using a haptic interface [7] [8] [9]. No study has yet attempted to combine haptics, the study of the sense of touch, and coin counting. By utilizing a haptic device, it may make learning how to count money into a game vs. a chore. In addition, it will allow the student to practice independently and get correct feedback without the aid of a teacher, therefore allowing them to be more independent. The Phantom OMNI haptic device is a very precise input device that allows users to interact with objects in a 3D plane on the computer screen. It has been featured in a variety of training applications such as aiding people with Williams Syndrome to improve their copying abilities [9]. One of the advantages of using this device is that it has force feedback in the X, Y, and Z directions, so if an individual is having difficulties moving an object, the application can aid and push/pull the stylus in the correct direction. Additionally, the haptic device allows the programmer to change the feel and control the forces that the end user experiences as they manipulate the models [10]. What this translates to is being able to program things such as gravity into the simulation [8] so when the user picks up a coin on the screen, they will feel the correct weight of the coin. As they interact with it, it will

As stated before, there is research covering similar ideas but none bridges the gap between coin counting and using a haptic device. When focusing on the haptic interface, many concepts are assembled from other research papers. When using the haptic device to aid blind students in identifying angles and geometric shapes [8], the haptic device still proved to be useful, but the possibility for improvement still exists. One of the points made was a person always learns best if he/she is active both mentally and physically [11]. With this knowledge, we were able to incorporate these techniques in engaging the students and aiding the design of the tests.

Numbers are an abstract concept that many students have difficulty grasping. While it is a regular aspect of daily life, for students with special needs they may not see the connection that it has [3]. In addition, classroom environments may not always provide the right atmosphere that they need in order to meet their learning style. Teachers may struggle with teaching this since everyday classrooms contain a variety of stimuli that may be overwhelming or distracting to students that are trying to learn these basic concepts. Programs that allow for independent learning can help minimize these distractions. Repetition can also be incorporated easily through independent learning activities, allowing the student to progress at their own rate. Students have their own individualized method of learning that can be especially pronounced in special education. By targeting their specific needs they can develop on their own level. Focusing on designing the haptic game itself, the paper written by Raisamo [7] provides many recommendations that can be taken into consideration. In this example, they created a simple memory game for blind students. In this particular study, they used a 3x4 matrix of cards and had to match like cards. The authors recommend using audio cues to aid playing the game. The criteria for the effects in game were that they had to be short and clearly distinguishable from each other. The authors final recommendations were to ensure the game was designed around the haptic device and did not offer extra support during the test. The end goal of their testing was for the student to use the game individually. With slight alterations, this research has the potential of creating a program that could individually teach and assess the needs of students. In a different study, a Phantom device is used to aid people with Williams Syndrome in copying simple 2D shapes [9]. First, the student would attempt to copy the shape without any haptic aid. This drawing would be compared to a second attempt at the same figure after using the haptic aid for a training period. The training would assist the student in drawing the lines and would snap the stylus to the correct line. The demonstrated improvement was significant. This study provided the initial framework for our test setup and testing procedure. Focusing on the coin summation [1], Lowe recommend starting very simple and counting a single target coin, and then working forward and summing new coins with previously taught information. In addition, pictorial representations of coins and bills are helpful teaching materials [1] [2]. In this particular study, the order of coins taught was nickel, dime, quarter, half dollar, and penny. In this particular study, the success rate of a test was 29-92% initially, and a 79% average after the training. This study was also critical to our question setup as we progressed from simple identification of coins to the actual application of money. Another recommendation would be for the participant to roll play the steps of the task and identify what to do next [2]. Making sure the student can be independent is an important life skill. By rewarding the student and making a game out of counting money can aid in their independence [2] [3]. It is recommended if the student is having difficulty in the game to aid them in succeeding. McEvoy also recommends that if they have made a mistake, to ask the student if they are sure and to check again. If they are still incorrect, the teacher can correct

the student but they lose points in the game. Studies have shown that these areas of money usage and counting have to be simplified for these students in order for them to grasp the concepts. Targets are created in order to help meet these goals [3]. This allows students to meet challenging goals but ones that are within their reach. These techniques were heavily utilized while performing the tests and providing positive reinforcement to the students. Another study has modified a vending machine that only accepts specific combinations of change to get the candy [5]. This could be another type of game in the simulation where the game asks the student to pick a specified amount of money by only using certain coins.

This experiment aims to compare the effects a haptic device can have on individuals with special needs. By increasing focus and guiding their actions, the haptic effects will construct and improve their learning. Through a series of timed tests, the results will compare how the effects impact the student and their influence on retaining information over time. This will target the use of prior knowledge, kinesthetic, and auditory learning through a series of questions designed to stimulate learning.

Participants had a range of conditions from cogitatively impaired to those challenged in counting and math. The participants that were part of the study also ranged in ability, concentration, computer experience, and knowledge of money. This allowed the study to cover and test a wide variety of situations in which the haptic device may be used. The ages of the participants were from 8 to 22 years old, with an average age being 20. An assessment of the students prior knowledge and background was taken into consideration in order to allow us to understand how they may interpret and comprehend the information that would be presented to them. There were four students tested for this experiment and the following are detailed explanations of each of their specific backgrounds. Student A, age 22, is a moderate autistic high school student with an IQ of 60. He has had past experience working with money and computers. He also has high verbal abilities and was able to interpret commands and directions in order to use the device. Some of his fine motor skills are underdeveloped, which resulted in an increased amount of time spent practicing. Student B, age 18, is a high school student that has both autism and a bilaterally divided brain. He has a moderate to moderately severe form of autism that allows for basic life skills but difficulty processing and learning new information. While he can interpret directions, his verbal skills are quite limited and therefore had difficulty verbalizing what the information had meant to him. Due to the fact the different hemispheres of his brain do not have strong neural connections, learning and remembering can present a greater challenge in his abilities. Student C, age 8, is a 3rd grade student with a normal IQ but struggles with basic math skills. Her verbal and fine motor

skills are normal for a child her age and did not prove to be an issue when interpreting and performing the basic commands prompted. She was shy, however, which required some initial directions and questions to be given in order to make sure that she comprehended the material. Student D, age 18, is another student that demonstrates another variation of autism. While he has the ability to function in the classroom, his learning, and social interactions are limited and often do not follow normal patterns. His learning usually occurs after repeating the same skill many times and with very specific directions. He does, however, have a lot of practice and understanding of computers and their various applications. Using this skill, he was able to demonstrate his understanding and learning of money. Overall, the various skill levels and abilities made for a very diverse range of testing. In this area of education, being able to vary and manipulate the teaching tool to fit the goal would be necessary. Seeing the different students adapt and learn from this device was encouraging as to its everyday applications in the real world.

Figure 1: Illustration of a spring system for force-feedback on the stylus (not final picture)

Since the modes are metal coins and very solid, a large force is needed to push back against the users hand. The variable x is how far the pointer has penetrated the coin. In our experiment for all coins, both the K and B values were set to .9 to ensure maximum stiffness and damping while ensuring that the program remained stable. To further the realism of manipulating coins, the surfaces of the coins were textured using both a static and dynamic coefficient of friction. The static friction was set to .3 to allow some grip, while the dynamic was set to .1. This effect will occur when the user drags the stylus across any of the surfaces of the coins. The final effect was the magnetic effect and was achieved through the use of a gravity well. With this effect, it also uses a spring force, except in this instance, it pulls the stylus towards the center vs. pushing back similar to Figure 1. When calculating the forces for a gravity well, it uses Hookes law or Equation 2 to pull the stylus towards the surface of the object. The snap distance for all coins were set to a value of 4




In this Experiment, we utilized a PHANTOM Omni Haptic Device using OpenHaptics v3.0 along with a Dell M1330 Laptop connected via firewire. The coin models were created in 3ds Max and the faces of the coins were provided by the US Mints website. The actual testing screen was presented to the students on a large monitor in order to assist with the viewing of the program. The haptic feedback consisted of setting the stiffness, damping, and friction of the models. Additionally a magnetic effect was enabled in the second round of tests to help aid the students locate the face of the coin. When incorporating the coin models into the program, they needed to feel as real as possible while using the device.

(2) (1)
Looking at Equation 1, the maximum force that is output to the student while attempting to push through the coins is FExerted. The variable k is the multiplier that the programmer can modify to controls how stiff a surface should appear. The variable x is how far the cursor has penetrated the surface. B is the amount of damping that occurs to the spring. v is the velocity of how fast the stylus is moving. Figure 1 shows an illustration of the spring model. A simple classroom type environment was set up in both the initial and follow-up tests to provide a conformed setting. The testing required two people to conduct, which included managing the program/results and the individual administrating the questions. All results were timed with a watch timer and informal observations. Questions provided for this test were constructed beforehand to accommodate for both the student and the program. They were formatted to include basic coin recognition, value assessment, different coins for the same value, and applying coin counting to real world situations.


During the haptic testing of students with special needs in coin recognition, a procedure was followed in order to collect the supporting data. Each initial testing day contained two similar testing procedures. The first test was intended to provide the administrators a guideline as to his or her skill level as well as provide them with prior knowledge for the following tests.

While some modifications, adaptations, and accommodations were applied to each test considering the type and severity of the learning disability, the general procedure was identical in order to provide accurate data and feedback. The beginning of the training used the Pick Apples program for the haptic device, from the examples of open haptics from the Sensable Company, which allowed the students to familiarize themselves with the actual haptic system. While this program can vary depending on the choice of the student and the administrator, an apple highlighting program was used for this specific collection of data. Without being given a specific time to complete the activity, the student was presented on the screen with a bowl full of red apples. They were instructed to feel each of the apples with the stylus (pencil). When this occurred, the red apple would turn green. Once this happened to each of the apples on the screen, the program was ended. This provided the user with an indication of how the apples occupied space on the screen as well as an understanding of how their physical movements influenced the direction of the pointer on the screen.

used to test their understanding of a variety of correct answers. The test subject was asked to make two different sets of $0.25. One was allowed to be the quarter, but one also had to be a different combination of coins. The values were once again reset. The final aspect of this testing procedure involved using real world applications. Problems including purchasing a product and case scenarios were asked. During this, testing three similar questions were asked. One question involved numbers over a dollar, another focused with an odd number above $0.50 and the final question was a number under $0.50 that could not be reached easily by any specific coin other than a penny such as $0.46. With the conclusion of all of these tests, the student was given at least a 15-minute break. The second trial provided in the initial test day involved switching on the snap effect. This change to the haptic device assisted the student in picking up a particular coin. With a simple motion over the coin of choice, the coin would snap to the users stylus. The first questions presented to the student in the beginning to assess coin recognition and values were not repeated. The administrator started by asking the student to move each of the coins across the white bar. The following portion of the procedure was identical other than the added haptic effect to the testing. The second day of testing occurred at least a week after the initial testing day. This was designed to test the students knowledge and memory of the device and to once again test the haptic systems impact on their learning. The test was setup identical to the initial testing day other than a few simple changes. This was done in order to take into consideration the programs functionality, the students individual needs and general changes to work with the setting. The quantity of money used and questioned during the second day of testing was decreased in order to help the program run with less delays and to keep the concepts general for the students. Another change was the decreased participation allowed by the parents in order to see exactly what the students were capable of achieving. The final aspect that was altered was when the haptic effect was enabled. During the initial testing day, this occurred after the student had some time to work with trying to manually move the coins over to the other side of the white line. On this testing day, the snap effect was turned on first to see how quickly they would notice this a week after the initial testing. This was to ensure that the snap effect was an actual improvement rather than familiarity with the system after later use.

Figure 2: The initial assessment screen presented to the student

After the training, each tested student was presented with a screen containing four types of coins: three quarters, three dimes, three nickels, and five pennies, as seen in Figure 2. Each type of coin was stacked so only four coins were visible at the beginning. On the opposite side of the screen was a white bar. The administrator would instruct the individuals that they would be asked some questions about these coins and would use the haptic device (described as a pencil) to answer some of the following questions. The following tests were timed and marked for errors. Prior knowledge of money and value was assessed right after by asking him or her to point to the quarter, nickel, dime, and penny on the screen. They had the choice of whether or not to use the haptic device in order to gain an accurate representation of their knowledge. The same process was repeated by asking which one was worth $0.25, $0.10, $0.05, and $0.01. If the desired answers were not reached after three attempts, the instructor/administrator provided the correct information to them. After this, they were given specific instructions to take the pencil and move each of the coins across the white bar on the opposite side. Each was instructed how to use the stylus to hold and carry the coin across the screen. Once each coin had been moved, the program was reset. This allowed for the impression of a fresh start and a new opportunity to work with the coins. The next question was

Figure 3: Student D demonstrating coin recognition on the 2nd day of testing

The results to this testing were both predictable and surprising. Over the course of the procedure, the students exhibited varying degrees of learning in both the physical manipulation of the device and the concept recognition and mastery. The students all demonstrated different forms of improvement. One result that we received from this testing supported the idea that having the snap effect would help assist the students as they worked with the money, with most values showing a decreased time that it took to perform the test. Students were also able to accomplish more tasks and with greater accuracy.

Student A
200 150 Seconds 100 50 0 Make $0.67 Day 1 Test 1 No Snap Make $0.25 D1 T2 Snap Day 2 T1 Snap Make $0.42 D2 T2 No Snap

Training Completion
400 300

Figure 5: Comprehensive view of assessment results for Student A

200 100 0 Student A Student B Student C Day 2 Test 1 Student D

Day 1 Test 1

Figure 4: Comparing training times for all students

An added result of this testing was also the enjoyment and attention that the students gave to the new tool. By being able to keep their focus, learning was able to occur along with their own personal pride in their successes. Looking at the results from the training in Figure 4, it shows that in all cases, students demonstrated that they had gained prior knowledge of the haptic device. With all students, the amount of time spent on the training decreased by at least 60 seconds. There was less hesitation and fewer errors in procedure. This data proves that the students comfort level with the device is retained over gaps in use. Through the process of using the haptic device, we were able to draw conclusions based on the students learning, retention, and applications. For the majority of the students, the snap effect aided their ability to make a decision and carry out the command. The students overall seemed to enjoy and seek out the ability to manipulate the device and often try out its potential. Students with special needs often require special methods to meet their learning needs. Teachers would have the potential of using this device to help educate their students with programs and effects to suit their specific level and needs.

With this student already being somewhat familiar with money, we were able to gage his confidence and overall familiarity with the program and money. The difference between the 2 days was greatest with the increased speed of his choices and confidence in his answers. He appeared to want to take an initiative to start answering the question before the directions were finally given. This appeared again on the second day as he remembered the program. The result was the demonstration of his sense of pride for accomplishing this new technique and gaining a greater understanding of money. Figure 5 shows this students test results. With only slight change in times, the snap effect did prove to decrease the time that it took him to answer each of the questions. He stayed consistent through the testing especially after becoming familiar with how to use the stylus. In an education setting, the key to unlocking a students learning potential is through their confidence and gratification in learning. During this experiment, the results demonstrated their personal sense of accomplishment as he moved each of the coins to their destination. Money can be an overwhelming concept to those that struggle with its functional purpose in life. By removing this, it was able to start them from a neutral learning position to eventually use the concepts in application settings. The social worker that works with Student A had this to say about the testing, I like that it is a game that keeps him focused while encourages learning. The connection between humans and computers can be especially powerful with students with special needs. Student A had a solid focus on the computer throughout the entire testing. Even with a slight distraction in the setting, he was able to focus on the task at hand. Accommodations such as a haptic device can assist students who need the visual and kinesthetic connections in order to grasp concepts. The solid background, simple motions, and low visual stimuli all aided student A to maintain attention to the task of coin counting.


Student B
200 150

100 50 0 Make $0.67 Make $0.25 Day 2 T1 Snap Make $0.42 D2 T2 No Snap

Day 1 Test 1 No Snap

D1 T2 Snap

testers, the rate of her reactions and feedback became more consistent. Even though she took her time in making a decision for many of the questions, the rate of error that she demonstrated was low. By the end of the second day she was becoming more confident in her decisions and even took the opportunity to demonstrate her knew skill and knowledge to her younger sister. In Figure 7, the test results demonstrated her learning through the tests. During the first day, she was adjusting to the use of the stylus and the technique that was required to manipulate it. Enabling the snap effect increased her time in one test as she adjusted to its use. The following tests, however, show a decrease in time as she became more familiar with it. Even though her times on the second day stayed quite consistent, the slight decrease and increased confidence proved to be an effect.

Figure 6: Comprehensive view of assessment results for Student B

This student had a basic sense of money, but had only limited emotional connection to its purpose. With his method of learning, repetitive activity is required in order to gain increased recognition of the goal, gain understanding, and improve memory. In the first day, he demonstrated hesitation and lack of focus while performing the test, occasionally becoming frustrated when he did not understand what he was supposed to do. He did, however, show evidence of enjoyment while manipulating the device and using it to do a complicated task. By the second day, he showed a greater grasp at the concepts and manipulation, which helped him to perform the tests. Figure 6 shows the timed results of his testing. Even though the data appeared to be irregular in parts, his learning tended to be consistent through the testing. By the end of each day, the times that he displayed decreased, especially with the snap effect turned on. With his limited motor skills, the haptic snap effect helped him grasp and hold onto his choice. On the second day, however, he did not demonstrate a great quantity of learning from the first day, but appeared though to be more confident in his ability to know and manipulate his answers.


Student D
400 300


200 100 0 Make $0.67 Make $0.25 Day 2 T1 Snap Make $0.42 D2 T2 No Snap

Day 1 Test 1 No Snap

D1 T2 Snap

Figure 8: Comprehensive view of assessment results for Student D

Student C
100 80


60 40 20 0 Make $0.67 Make $0.25 Day 2 T1 Snap Make $0.42 D2 T2 No Snap

This student had the most limited knowledge of money compared to the other students. He was a nonverbal student except for limited sounds that he used to express his opinion and recognition of the different answers. During the first testing on each of the two days, he tended to be unfocused and uncertain of how he was supposed to answer. This required additional guidance to keep him focused and to help guide his answers. Manual manipulation of his hand was also required often to help him answer and to keep him on task. The results in Figure 8 demonstrated this concept as it shows higher test times for the first two tests. He appeared to have a more difficult time the second day because he was given more responsibility for the program and answers. A lack of focus also proved to be an issue when collecting the test results as he occasionally lost interest in the task. When he was focused on the task, the snap effect increased his ability to manipulate the coins.

Day 1 Test 1 No Snap

D1 T2 Snap

Figure 7: Comprehensive view of assessment results for Student C


This experiment is a proof of concept. The goal was to see if using a haptic device would help students learn how to count and conceptually understand money. Based on this goal, the results supported this objective.

With student C being a typical elementary student, we were able to see how her use of the device could possibly be used in a regular classroom setting. She demonstrated some hesitation in her understanding of money, but it could have also been heightened due to her unfamiliarity with the setting and shy personality. As she became familiar with the program and

Through this testing, techniques were incorporated from other research projects in order to help maximize its potential to the students. During the testing, several situations could have been improved upon. While this did not always directly affect the test results, it did change the way that some of the data was collected, interpreted, and provided by the students. A factor that could have improved our testing would have been to have a larger group of individuals that had similar needs. This would have allowed us to see the specific changes in the haptic device versus the individual differences in the students greatly different interpretation of the device. This could have also been applied to students in regular education classes that fit a similar learning style or need. Distractions, changes, and specific individuals are something that can make a great impact in students with learning disabilities. Even though great attention was paid to the setting of the testing, improvements in making a more conformed testing atmosphere would have helped to keep the students on task and focused on the task. We discovered that additional noises, material and even people were sometimes a disadvantage when the students were working with the haptic device. Parents that chose to be a part of their childs testing procedure would also need to be informed beforehand what was required of their child and what they could do in order to make sure their role was the most advantageous to the testing. Having the testing occur earlier may have also helped their concentration and focus. During the initial testing, the students were asked to work with money during the evening. While they seemed alert, a decreased amount of concentration and focus was observed. Some adjustments that could have been improved with the program itself consist of adding a reset function so all the coins would reset to their original location and a computer powerful enough to support higher numbers of coins on the screen. Although the snap effect was exclusively used in this study, the program has the option of enabling a weight effect that will push down on the stylus when a coin is picked up. The result of this effect was not focused upon in this study due to limited time and limited focus of the participants. A future prospect might consider constructing a program that would allow the learner to independently operate the tutorial with auditory feedback when a coin is manipulated. This would allow for positive reinforcement. Additionally it should be considered for the program to manipulate the stylus to guide the student to the correct answer. This would provide instant feedback in their independent learning.

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[1] Margaret L. Lowe and Anthony J. Cuvo, "Teaching Coin Summation to the Mentally Retarded," Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 483-489, 1976. [2] Diane M. Browder and Edward Grasso, "Teaching Money Skills to Individuals with Mental Retardation: A Research Review with Practical Applications.," Remedial and Special Education, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 297-308, October 1999. [3] John McEvoy and Roy McConkey, "COUNT ME IN :teaching basic counting and number skills," British Institute of Mental

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