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Ida C.fctartinfile;WC-408623; Veterans Administration, Group 15 (Washington: National Archives)

M$Az of ^ T < .J^^^kii^i^^^h^- SS.

In. the matter of the application for pension of *&. ^-n. ^C• (fo\ < W ^ °t GAv^UUx™
U^pLry^j, tA^J^*A^-~rn /C*+XJLri™*. Q, (Vn o^iA>^ __. __
; ON T H I S . is 7 5 day of. On. fl/W A. D . 189 0, personally appeared before me, a

PUSlUs<- .in ancid for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths
y?L<\. . U'. LlH AA/CW\ aged 3 ^ years, a resident of - ^ w i v A ^ r x i
in the County of -JixAsiy/Lisisz>^rY^ and State of / C A

whose Post Office address is _JA/l^/Usi^a-~r^\ and

aged years a resident of

in the County of and State of_..
whose Post Office address is_ . _.. .

well known to me to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who being duly sworn, d e c l a r e ^ relation

to the aforesaid case as follows: That *&4u}\a.vtv) been well and personally acquainted with

'•<£ J^f^-v-v. &. [flA, &AASW\ for JL, -3 years, and _ _ years respectively, and t h a t .

dLM L^f^&A'x'Wl*- &j*JL Pf4~ih. thl<4-- fJ&LL&AU: (P

A^<-< C%Z*^v &d—

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Attorney at Law, _l
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Atchison, Kansas. „ _, D.
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Selp & Horton, Printers, Atchison, Kansas. (T> D*
•—i G. I/)
M:: Ida ^ Martinfile;WC-408623; Veterans Administration, Group 15 (Washington: National Archives)

NOTICE—Witnesses must give their means of knowledge of the facts testified to.

Qeperal Affidavit.
State oP_ ., County nF ^ ^ ^ ^ f e g a , ss:
s In the matter of ^%U
/^hiJiJuAsi^. /2-frvpt-m' J- ^t l^n^\.
HMTHTS • T> A. D. 189J£ personally appeared before me, a
(Jy^JZ^j (P_^LCA in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer
n*th«/ ^ 0?. If/a^Mi^ aged ' frsl/ys/Aj ^Lwv-v. ypars, a
resident nf — £ % / l ^ C / U i ^ * 2 ^ r > ~ \ in the County of. ^ f e and State
nf ^syZZ*—i^z-<rr p --g whose postoffice address is ^?y'l^yt^^&-4->^
and. aged _years, a
resident of_ _in the County of_ and State
of .whose postoffice address is.
well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declare^in relation to the
aforesaid case as follows:

Sul - t^vC-'C-- 4^c-*7 /£ <^tC /'. ,Xi t

a*. fA+—-r~is%—+* /^-y?—\^tl^t>^JL*-^-, -^r^^^df^^l^I Cr-3-3tv^i€W£*v-«

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j~iU f—i <& *L. JL /*> SS J&i

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/C^ry^ W C A
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* (Affiants sign on the cnher side.)

Ida C. Martinfile;WC-408623; Veterans Administration, Group 15 (Washington: National Archives)

.. • -ft.. ^f2<~+du. «fec*<(Jta
Q ^ ^ A I T U X ^ J ^ t Z U < * J L J L - * ^ / < £ • < t Y - . Z & 9 - 4 . C r U ^ < ? x s < s C i J ^ ,

•zu^JL . k^~,< 4- -C«-^ /r <3u 'festA^A

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(K?- t-' *--i-i,-U. -'*-*v

\ \ ji - tl*ey have no interest in said case, an d q§e not concerned in its prosecution.
further declare that tJ*»\

[If affiants sign by mark, two persons who can write sign here.l AFFIANTS.

State of , , / f c ^ ^ n ^ ^ C , County of J&Skdam

i/i/S^r^rs ss:
Sworn to and subscribed before me this da}' by t h e above named affiants, and I certify that I read said affi-

davit to said affiants, including the words erased,

and t h e words .added,

and acquaint mi ifcaaa with its contents before *#fcy executed t h e same. I further certify that I am nowise inter-

ested in said case, nor am I conc^erne&in its-pros%cution; and that said afnant*-a*e personally" known t o m e , and

that they n,re credible persoii**: (A\} X' jj '. ' \

"0 (•)
" ";» /"", "i • I C^f P [Official Signature.
[L. S.]

^\. KJIHcial Lharacter. „ -, » - ^.. —

[Execute before a Notary Publm.or Clprk of'Court.-'If before a Justice of the Peace, a CfAk's Certificate will be necessary.]
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Ida C. Martin file; WC-408623; Veterans Administration, Group 15 (Washington: National Archives)


STATE OF 22^*2^? , COUNTY QF 4^C^^^i>^^- ss.
Pension-Claim No -of^ V'.....TMZr.r r. — C?f ST^^Z^r?^)


B Personally appeared before me an officer duly authorized to administer oaths within and for the County and State
= O;
o aforesaid,
•H a citizen of
whose Post Office addresB is
vTD' 9
en well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly

sworn, declares in relation to aforesaid case as follows:


I have been a practicing physician for
JA <U>&6
years, and ptl acquainted with the above-described soldier

f about
(Here embody all the facts known to e aftlant in accordanc marginal ins, ctiona.)

t^^^/A •ZtHX?
r/ZLAsts/lW-^. sJ&iLJ^
g 3
B «-^
W o

Physician's affi-
davit should be Is
his own handwrit- . . /*.
ing or explanation \/y , f
made why it is not, J f i t / J 5 * <
and if made f r o m r * * * ' '
memoranda, th at
fact stated and the
memoranda em
bodied in the affi
d a v i t . It should
s h o w when the
affiant first got ac-
quainted with the >.*€- av-&<7.u vws?^T>i^j f-z^A^*<L*y srt^rt^. l^%s
soldier; for what
p e r i o d and how
well he knew him
and his o p i n i o n
(and )
for) as to soldier's
£*?L^&f./i/^ J6~Z&L.
physical conditio
up to the time "
came under i
a n t ' s treatment,
the date (as near yLt^»^Z^£ /**<n^&e*A-*-ri4r

He should a l s o
state what portion
of each year of this
time was t h e sol:
Mer,reaH.v~8ble to
•pqr-form' hard
<%y £/i^* rT^^f.£.£<?<?*xst LC <frx*>
manual labor and
the cause of his in-

/j2^*^C6, (i*JLt>JL (Zov^tiU- ^ 7 ^

£ /p^T^X-

v:;i»4.i*L*v» ., • •.-.•
Ida C. Martin file; WC-408623; Veterans Administration, Group 15 (Washington: National Archives)

I further declare that 1 have no interest, either direct or indirect, in^Hie prosecution o i t h i s claim.

t'vSlfinature. i**Tc ranlBajMtervice, if in th*arj*ry.>7 i

SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME, this JBt..M day of /&2te&*2. A. D. 189 0 "
and I h e r e b y certify t h a t t h e affiant is a practicing physician in good professional s t a n d i n g ; • t h a t t h e contents of t h e above

declaration, etc., were fully made known to h i m before swearing, inclnding t h e words

erased, a n d t h e words

a d d e d ; a n d t h a t I have no interest, direct or indirect, in t h e prosecution of this claim.

(Official Signature.)
[L. S.]
-—This should be sworn to before a CLERK OF COURT, NOTARY FUBLICTSfSEST

•suotsuaj fo jauituvxg jviosdg puv ivdwu-uj sivq

•'DD31M V
-oo/ui gyi j.of Sutt/iou noH 3&j,vxp puv fitfdtucud siailh l\v
usmsuv nyai j noK moj,f J.V3%[ rw. pq '%sv noH jtjun noR
S3mo 1u3u1uj.3a.0Q 3Vi ivym inouy dsaju n%cn nox 'STiuojf
J,3VIO 10 uoxsusj 'fivj fo sjvsjuy ot p?i)i)U3 sq Hvxti n o j
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IdaC. Martinfile;WC-408623; Veterans ^^ministration. Group 15 (Washington: National Archives)

':' .

State of fflfljffifl , (Jocmty of ATCHISON 58.

In the matter of the application for pension of_

. O N THIS ^ gg ^ T day of dJL^ried&^fc* A. D . 189 *>, personally appeared before me, a

O^ttX^c^ r^t^^Z^L, in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths

o^^f^^^i. S(J £&Lc*j&U^~.zg<z& pO years, a resident of / ^ ^ g ^ z ^

in the County of'' £&£ri^'Z^a~-*-z^i and State of

whose Post Office address is .and

___: ; LI- aged years a resident of.

in the County of "-'. .and State of_
whose Post Office address is

well known to me to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who being duly sworn, declare in relation

to the aforesaid case as follows: T h a t _ > ! k ^ . _ h a ^ < 3 been well and personally acquainted with

J- -</7L*.<sv In/£±~C^*>&Y

>£ *L* ^(2^^^,^*^*

for 0<3 yrm, nnd

J**&*>^ -<U+2%-z><
yeaaa F«peetHwi[ 1 '1irrt ^sg-^fc^e:


2L^ JL *~~ - •-.. A <*^. st/ *

V & C * * J L Q u L t - l - * ; ' < t • < - * * > • >

^/vCtSlAX-^} XL»^C^^L^LA^{ f. 11

6r A

!f&tf$&iitt^& \
i, M
Ida C. Martinfile;WC-408623; Veterans Administration, Group 15 (Washington: National Archives)

g% £ —; further declare that_^-d^/<-<»-<yno interest in said case and .not concerned

in its prosecution.
d.CJL< -g_<f— <-4vS

S T A T E OF ., COUNTY O F . ., w.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this day by the above-named affiant , and I certify that I read said
affidavit to said affiant , including the words ' ^77^-i.^ erased, and the words

~~~~~~~~~^^ZZZ. ""_ added

and acquainted ftfe*_with its contents bef<3£e. .executed the same. I further certify that I
am in nowise interested in said case, nor amrf dbjicernecF&iais prosecution; and that said affiant ^^^.

personally known to me and that_^z-*r: '*^.c^5r-^-_crds§ibig person

err ^^
g t— /J^rz^W

[L. S.]
© £ ^ rr (Pu
/2tc* (J l/PtLCCt <^#-o i^»c m*^ tT?J


>J >-

Ida (J. Martinjple;JVC-408623; Veterans Administration, Group 15 (Washington: National Archives)
State of
County oi-^v^C^f^c<z~t>-z<^

In the matter of the claim f o r . ^ * t < ^ r * « r < h ^ . . ^ . : ? * r ^ ^ ^

-*7J£ &**<£&..Meg\mer\\......<^.C^rtt^^

Personally came before me, a ^x.-rrz^rf^rT^-rX^-c/^.....-rrtfL-^rC-: .in and foT

aforesaid County and S t a t e , . . . T & ^ . X . 4 & * . ^ . ! . . C S . A £ & X & A * + » « > . .

citken of the County vL.<Syf^&Xx£rf<<lrt?rzGr3X. State tf....<?/.S..-TT&rrrkr*rar*fr?f?. , reputable

and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declare in relation to aforesaid claim, that the date of the b i r t h s

of theichilcUVMrt-. of said soldier is as follows

^fr. ' J /—r, /cf-Zj
- * & ^tL, JLc^kiL tJt i *-**-
?//&*£ sZ&f c*^2<z^r 6*?. / f-tf-
_Jtyr^*^r £^L*6c^s-^<>£>t-S^<s<sv£^~l. ^ ^ » 6L~*S7SV% •'*^JL & 9"m / * £S

That<«t*,. £*r3V*?:.present at the birth^f the same in the capacity oLCW&Kvet**?^. .tf. r£ and has

personal knowledge of the date,as aforesaid

.further declarer that =<£v*^...«-<»-* in terest in said claim, and...<^"?...not conoerned in itt

Attest—token any affiant signs by mark, (2 per torn.)


SWOKN TO AND SUBSCBIBED BEFORE ME this day by the above named affiants; and I certify that I read said
affidavit to said affiants, and acquainted them with its contents before they executed the same. I further certify

that I am in nowise interested in said claim, nor am I concerned in_ks prosecution^.....v_...Jfruje-cv 1-uw rvc-<5> >

/ 7^rt'rt^r-y vuy&-••{.<- <.,.,

Ida C. Martin file; WC-408623; Veterans Administration, Group 15 (Washington: National Archives)

"Vitnesa my hand and official seal this day of.. 18

A D D S E A L HERE. Sign here, [i» s.J

NOTE.—This should be sworn to before a CLERK OF COURT or JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. If before a JUSTICE, then
CLERK OF COUNTY COURT mutt add hit certificate of character on the back hereof and not on a separate slip of paper.

l\ >* , Clerk of the County Court in and for aforesaid

County and State, do certify that , Esq., who hath signed his

\ . \ .
name to the foregoing affidavit, was at thetime of so doing a
. i. in

*and State, duly commissioned and sworn ; that aft his official acts are entitled to full faith and
and for said County^jnc
\ \ . \ \
credit, and that his signature thereunto is genuine. ^
Witness my hand and seal of offioe,...-. day of.. :., is

Clerk of the.

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< 9
Ida C. Martinfile;WC-408623; Veterans Administration, Group 15 (Washington: National Archives)


•k *J* Declination for Original Pension of a Widow—Child or Children D

!**3$pV&' ; under Sixteen years of age surviving.
!%!• STATE OF.__Cfea4d^_4^L'. . C O U N T Y OK .g&kZ£h&4
r, i^i ~J~£, f t
On this ~-&SL3L -j}W/ J^ -^-<--^- y , A. D. one thousand eight hundred and ^O
personally appeared before me ,_<;(
the same being a court of record within and for the county and State aforesaid,
, aged JKJL-, - years, who, being duly sworn according to law, makes the following declaration in order to obtain the pension
provided by Acts of Congress granting pensions to widows : That she is the widow of < £ v ^ l J ^ / A i^-. .v&.. K I M C ^ ^ ^ . ^ . .
^ - r * 4 ^ 3 C ^ ^ j ^ ? r „ « c « r * . . . . under the name of . . l i L ^ . . i f r . . i / 6 . a ^ < ^ ( !
at^^^OtTlci<dle<^ic^7y^^r..^^.?t^'.^ j on the . . . £_ j 7 ^ __ day of . . . ^ 2 ^ < f e ^ < ^ , A. D. 1 8 ^ , /
^* '^h'.&~. ^ te^™* ^t.p'f-, „
in thewar of"'Jg&4i-.U^2^C^LjL^i*r^C>.JL- , ^°*<~icy£Zk*&^_d4^

on the Sr.fhrfiLiL day of . . . ^ £ ^ K - £ ~ L * « _ . _ _ _, A. D. V&?*?, who bore at the time of his death the rank of
-C»=Ca»r»<^*!L k .ffl3-#*;..'^^3? / _^fc4C„ in ?. t^£^.QA/^(r'fr<<iJ-.i!^±<rX^A^^^-f^. i that 8 ' l e W1S
"lurried under the name of
&d^..J&^ZLjj£j4it> to said . . . w J h w * & % d&£~*<&r**i*.
""the /.&£_ day of J^C-6^4L< , A. D. 1 8 ^ T b y i^&P^Vr.. . f e . ^ f c f e * ^ * * - .
•t -•de'C&isLA^l&ZtO -xSO.d*-{*v&^&r?*& ..__, there being no legal barrier to such marriage; that neither she nor her husband had been
previously married \

that she has to the present date remained hiB widow ; that the following are the names and dates of birth of all his legitimate children yet surviving
who were under sixteen years of age at the father's death, to wit:

-*&Q-i^£*Cs. >A&(Xs\XZ^_ rfc—» <TfAir ?_ . ***$¥" V. , .._*!•«•..- .,18

JoCZiiJb. ." *— ( T r y f- ifr.. "I^nff ~ r\: „. . ,bom .. 18
§*&<U«>_„yJr->.- '.'.... i *™~tMM*\ft J T . i n ?&\r*__: _.,born... ,18

*.4Z4M<{3m...... X -M^JUteU,^ JL.O_.„, 1 8 , f V > ( . . \ ...born ,16

{£fiU^„J»L .". J born.^?«w../^...,18/"6y.. _, born ,18
y@U30Ajh4> &t ** .M* JL0tk.Jb$t..L,*8/^| V... ., born ,18
That she has not abandoned the support -of any one of his children, but that they are still under her care or maintenance 5

that she has not in any manner been engaged in, or aided or abetted, the rebellion in the United States; that . <?-k</*___ prior application has been

tiled <S

that she hereby appoints _/^^4fC^r£c^jCi^^^^..^^..j^U?J^r<^.^t^: :_'.•—- •- r attorney to prosecute her claim ;
that her residence is No. ..u.l.)^7..>^r^-Cr!-LA^O^. street,
and that her post office address is . _ v ^ ) C i ^ i ^ i f c s ^ „ . . ^ ^ ? . < 3 U ^ r ^ r f ; t ^ ? ' - > %$.

(L'luimant'B signature.)

Also personally appeared _L>£.4£&...^^2^k£>£ ., residing at No.

in -._ : street, in CZfes^tm-^Ji-GKtl-r j and £°^.

residing at No. j&* in ^+S/r?—-jf. rrr-. street, in Cd^i^t' Aj4r<7.f^t.../j^<Sk^^m—.< persons whom I certify to t e respect-
able and entitled to credit, and who, being by me duly sworn, say that they were present and saw _£/.QCi3^-^.Cf.,.-^r^.(X^.'%^^r?..^
, the claimant, sign her name ^ — b » d w wnvh) to the foregoing declaration ; that they have
every reason to believe, from the appearance of said claimant and their acquaintance with her, that she is the identical person she represents herself
to be; and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim. / ' ~~7/f //
Ida C. Martinfile;WC-408623; Veterans Administration, ^™«(^p{Wj^fog" n>: ferriy'^. ^ g j g g j b f c ^ f e ^
, • ^^(5B35I5resofwitne«ees.)

SWORN to and subscribed before me this tP^O day of .J&^firiifJefiJL- > ^- ^ - ^ £^0

and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration, & c , were fully made known and explained

to the applicant and witnesses before swearing, including the words „_.

, erased, and the words „

added; and that I have no interest, direct

or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim.


(Official rhrirjHJui.;

if iiarmy; otTSaad and rank, if la L .
an^c^nillMllliuafasasniWns;them, or the disease and manner lu which it was incutjfad, in either case showing soldier's death to have
p*«rorpauf(l," or otherwise.
\ U " !l3P"! T,°, ™"' P™ T l o u «iy married, so state, and give date of death or divorce of former sponse.
lt , U

n f o r *°S» children as are not nnder her care claimant should account
u If prior application has been nled, either by soldier or widow, »o state, giving number assigned to it.
(7777—10 at)

MiMrMirrtrtftn irrtari tniaa,,.. m „ WttUUtHttt^KHmmmm

Ida C. Martinfile;WC-40862^ Veterans Administration, Group 15 (Washington: National Archives)

o I AC-OA *

ft tf

o ft 9 m
p ft w w

ft E o

All the blanks in this form should be carefully filled and the requirements of t h e notes strictly observed.
An honorable discharge from t h e service in all cases is necessary.
Declarations of claimants, either for original pension or for increase of pension already granted, must be made before a court of record or before
some officer thereof having custody of its s e a l ; said officer being fully authorized and empowered to administer and certify any oath or affirmation
relating to any pension or application therefor.
The claimant's identity and loyalty must be proven b y two witnesses, certified b y the judicial officer to be respectable and credible, who are
present and witness the signature of the declarant, and certify to his identity and loyalty under oath or affirmation.
Declarations and other papers should be as legible and as clear in statement as possible.
Where a n y evidence is already on file in any department of the Government, a definite description of and specific reference to it will render it
available in a n y subsequent claim.
The post office address ( n a m i n g Btreet and number in all large cities) of the applicant, attorney, and witnesses should be embodied in or accom-
pany every application, and all evidence in each claim ; and each change of residence of said parties, while communicating with the Pension Office
or tile pension agents, should be stated.
Pensions are, by law, exempted from any liability on account of the obligations of the pensioners, and no lien upon them can be recognized.
All facts, testimony of which is required to establish a claim, must he proven by the affidavits of two or more credible witnesses, other
evidence is specified.
The statements of claimants, unless duly corroborated, are not accepted as evidence.
Testimony in support of allegations made in a declaration may be taken before any officer whose authority and signature are duly certified,
and who sh::li disclaim any interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of the claim.
With all claims for arrears, increase, or restoration to the rolls, the original pension certificate must he returned, or explanation of its absence
must be given under oath.
To facilitate the adjudication of claims, all the requisite evidence that is available should li« forwarded with llw application.

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Ida CiMartinfile;WC-408623; Veterans Administration}Group 15 (Washington. National Archives) y- " „ *v
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QJ. Wl'DLAVC^A^, iri CL£S<JLAS&I^ALS WvnAAisdsj, QOAAJXJJ tfyfot

•* j-^^XtSj. s£L^ fadi $& SJJLAUAZ4S, (XAIA_AJ tyyitU&m (^d^AJ^KAA\JX^<lAl/j <rfL

:T <rUjL<-Z/UAtA2,.n4j ^ cnALAAJtZf, ^AMJCO dn[. J®JL*<At*«A4/, (XAZJLJLA £b 0 ~4COAtAlA'>

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Ida d. Mdllinflle,WC-408>313, H — j AtMnmnUluli W&P 15 (WaSnington: Natural ArchVes)

i, lAt.LAinrJi ai ^J^f^yL^^li^sJ $jtL


£.. S| a/ft AAAJ t\Tji^4riiAt,J^Jt^^d ft JJilA.* ^ ^ ^ / y ; — i/it^uta ^^j Jj}

WM- * I >ry^Xf 4j~*f**ruJ „y(ALu J ^ xLtu-4.. id. .)L^<J?J. /J 7/, ^^^^JM^L

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p>mm?&*: :-"^z>®±s:-:^-::z\^,~:~
aatinfile;WC-408623; Veterans Administratis Group lyO^^slm&pn: National Archives)

; In the Probate Court in and for Atchison County,

State of Kansas:
r SS

I,J> J- LOCKER, Ex-Officio Clerk of the Probate Court

in and for the County of Atchison, State aforesaid, do hereby certify that the Pro-
bate Court is a Court of Record, having a seal of office; that lamthe lawful custo-
dian of such record and seal; and that the above and foregoing is a full, true
and complete copy of the matters therein contained, as the same appears of record
^itimu. office.

IN TESTIMONY W H E R E O F , I have hereunto setmy^

hand and affixed the seal of said Court this Z f ~

day of. 70t3...f*db±.z , A. D. 18&.A.

arn^Lc C^C-t^. i

Probate Court, Atchison Co., Kansas.

State of Kansas, County of Atchison, ss.

/ , J, ./• LOCKER, do hereby certify that I am the sole
presiding Judge of the PROBATE COURT in and for the County of Atchison, State
of Kansas; that said Court is a Court of Record, having a seal of office, and that
the above and foregoing certificate and attestation by the Clerk of said Court, over
the seal thereof, is in due form of law, and that the said Clerk whose signature
is attached to the above and foregoing certificate is the duly acting and quali-
ftedcEjtrOfficio Clerk of said Probate Court.

WITNESS my hand and. the seal of said Probate Court

of Atchison County aforesaid, affixed this 1. ./. ™

day of. 7 ? ^ ex^yt,- A. D. 18fJL

Judge of Probate Court in and for Atchison County, State of Kansas.
i ^ Ada,C- v Martin fiIe; WC-408623; Veterans Administration, Group 15 (Washington: National Archives)

i t e r of tne a p p l i c a t i o n of. Ida C. M a r t i n ,

^o3^~ A;. M a r t i n , C o l . 8 t h Kansas"..Infantry.

artxn ; r j oeint; ; dul}, sworn on o a t h , d e p o s e s and s a y s *
wmmshe i s the widow of John A. K a r t i n . C o l , , 8th Kansas I n f a n t r y ;
..•-.,".'•.• .:•'.';-'/.''''y--.*.-'•:'"•'*• - .•>'*'•*"_ v »•

| ^ ^ | n e was' m a r r i e d To s a i d John A. M a r t i n , June Is+.,1871; t h a t she

Sfei^M|Mae;,:eyery p o s s i h l e e f f o r t to o b t a i n a d d i t i o n a l evidence to t h a t
llljready on f i l e in the o f f i c e or the Pension fWT&*tL , to show^the c s \ f e

m h e r s a i d ' h u s b a n d 1 s death o r i g i n a t e d duririr; h i s a c t i v e s e r v i c e in

^.theyUni tad^;States Aanny;. ; t h a t Pr. VJ. H. Grimes , the p h y s i c i a n who a t -

tended him during' h i s s i c k n e s s immediately following h i s r e t u r n fro:;.

,;the; army, i s M e a d , and t h a t t h e r e i s no person who can t e s t i f y in ref-

e r e n c e to such s i c k n e s s , f u r t h e r than has bee'' t e s t i f i e r . ; to by T>T. J .

.^yBryning,whose a f f i d a v i t is on f i l e ; t h a t v a r i o u s members oi' John

A. K a r t i l i ' s /regiment,who would ~e most inforsued oy- his c o n d i t i o n phy-

'Si ; cally when l&aving the a r m y , a r e dead,and f u r t h e r irn'on.m ti on in

•that...respect cannot be had.

g^-' This a f f i a n t remembers t h a t a t and before the time of her m a r r i a g e

%& the s a i d John A. M a r t i n , h e was t r o u b l e d with s hacking cough, and a l -

ways, s a i d t h a t lie had c o n t r a c t e d i t when in the s e r v i c e of the army,

;.and'that he had been t r o u b l e d with i t ever s i n c e ; t h a t t h i s couch was

/.chrorxie'arid, he was. a f f l i c t e d with i t down to t i e time o f his d e a t h .

. ; -v : .'.'This • a f f i a n t s t a t e s that further testimony she cannot o b t a i n in t'ais

c'aae, because o the death of those,who alone are fand.liar with the

/fae:ts^p':?QQf of which 'has been r e q u i r e d .

'bn/-5;b.This; aff;iant f u r t h e r s t a t e s t h a t tho s ta teamen ts in t h i s a f f i d a v i t
'"'cfoAtwined,were the o r a l s t a t e m e n t s of a f f i a n t , m a d e to H. J . P . a i l e y , t o
"^V-sVyhira t y p e - w r i t t e n , and a t the time s a i d s f aiemehts were rerluced to
^ r i ' t i n ' s ; 'anVi in making the s a m e , a f f i a n t did n o t use any n o r was she
-projiipted, by any w r i t t e n or p r i n t e d s t a t e m e n t or r e c i t a l , p r i n t e d or
ru i^G^t'a-vt^d'^by-. any o t h e r p e r s o n . .

v»* •-
^|^;„cSii^«'ri.oedb.^d sworn to before h& thff 22nd day of Dec. 1893.
- • x ^ - : l5ty Vr cof;ml*ssion
e x p i r e s A p r i l ^Ulwr'-^^^ fj^uJ^U, Notary r u o u c
Ida C. Martinfile;WCM08623; Veterans Administration, Group 15 (Washington: National Archives)

\ fr * *
^ 3—015


Act of May 1, 1920
0 State of ....B^SAS Camty Qf J^Hia&B , 83:
P On this . ..2nd dav of -SQ-pt-©ttk©-3? -i.SiJ.l ,X9ZX , before me, the undersigned, personally
< appeared 1 0 8 0 « .i.lQrTin, ( w jjo makes the following declaration as an application for

.<; pension;under the provisions of the act of Congress approved May 1, 1920.
That abe is .._._;„ll!;....9.Q... years of age, that she was born Hay...25T - , 1-851-
0 at | • ; ->••• : ^._..i^oor3to\xn.,...]i^..j.*....
That she is the widow of -jk"' *•' * - - ^ofe A* I^y-fcli^, __, w ho
0 ENLISTED :S.ep t. JL _.^ )- ..mai j .. I i , at .....At-dll-San.,—J£an.3a37 , under the name of
Io}m..Ai~IyIar_£iJQ„ I , in „J&fiJBliL-Bagl mRn-t.-l^as^-yal-uate^g-
i iRtanlry. L.l-....GQlQHal...aJld...GDlQILel
(Here state company and regiment, if In the Army; or vassel, ilia tniTNavy)
and was honorably
DISCHARGED .Jl&lLi 15., 10fl5 —, 1 , h a v i n g s e r v e d n i n e t y d a y s o r m o r e , o r w a s d i s c h a r g e d for, or d i e d i n s e r v i c e
k of t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s o f a d i s a b i l i t y i n c u r r e d i n t h e s e r v i c e i n t h e l i n e of d u t y , d u r i n g t h e C I V I L W A R , a n d w h o
0 DIED 9.1o t»_2nd_» , ioa9:., at M.QhLS.QJLV--Eanaas,
* That he also served in
0 (Here give a complete statement of all other military or naval service, if any, at whatever time rendered)
< and that, except as herein stated, said soldier (or sailor) was..HQ.tL employed in the military or naval service of the United States;
hi THAT SHE WAS MARRIED to said soldier (or sailor) JtiUm %* , , 1.A7.1..., under the name
I of J.l?.,..Q.halllas. ..., at *«*M r w , Kaniiqp -,-
I- by i— „BS.X.« S J f l n n n ^ • that she had . . . H Q . t been previously married, that he had _**5L5
2 been previously married;

(If there was a prior marriage of either, the name and the date and place of death or divorce of the former consort, or consorts, should be stated)
0 That neither she nor said soldier was ever married otherwise than as stated above. , >-s
h That she was NOT divorced from the soldier (or sailor) and that she has NOT remarried since his death;
0 That the following are the ONLY children OF T H E SOLDIER (or sailor) who are now living and are tinker sixteen years of age:
D (If he left no children tinder sixteen years of age, the claimant shoold so state) /* B C/ •*
/: £g
IT H.QXLQ , born ., 1 , at.
<D , born , 1 , at.
Z , born ., 1.. , at.
- r ^ — % - * - — ^ Eg- • C7

:;—-~-~-i^....~—it::.". .-_ . . . . . . b o r n ~—— • —
, born
, , 1
, 1
__, a t .
, at.
I:•&•'• '~^"7"-* " • • —;---*•
, born ., 1 , at.
T h a t s h e . d i d — U O - t - s e r v e i n t h e A r m y , N a v y , M a r i n e C o r p s , o r C o a s t G u a r d of t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s b e t w e e n - A ' p r i l ' 6 , 1 9 1 7 , a n d
(Did or did not)
July 2 , 1 9 2 1 , or a t a n y t i m e during said period.

1 service during the

mentioned, state the full name under which such member served, with the designation of the organization in (or ve on) which sue was rendered,
t _ together with the dates of enlistment and discharge. State also whether any such members are dead, and if so, give the names)

2 That she has heretofore applied for pension, £he number of her former claim being 1 ? C ~ 4 . Q . 8 £ L £ 3 — ; that said
Q soldier (or sailor) was XlQi a pensioner, the number of his pension certificate being

(i) —]^^^u^A..L
I * (Signature off first
flu witness) ^ H v U c OLuU^«> T^U^UCZ
-»»jk (Address of first witnW) (Claimant's signature in full)

(2) .£^^t^^.>^..^2^z£2^i (Claimant's address in full)

V \ S , /)• (Signature of second witness)
(Addres/of second witness)
CLJ^LL^0^ %&
5 Subscribed and sworn to before me this .*&: day of ^r^Xt^u^Uc , 19^/> a n d J hereby certify t h a t
< the contents of the above declaration were fully made known and explained to the applicant before swearing, including the words
J ^=r=r. erased, and the words . : ^^17.....^. added; and that I
0 have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim.

/ A * (Signatusek

[L. S.]
^—\ . (Ofecial character^

(Post office address of officer) s—sa


^ ^ > 4 i * | i > j H .'v.--v'

•••.•• .-•.-,•• "*;; ; *y-V!
Ida C. Martin file WC-408623; Veterans Administration, Group /J^VashjngtoK NatipifeLfrrchpes)
| | 1 f>4

A C T O F M A Y 1, 1920
Under the provisions of the Act of May 1, 1920, the widow of any person who served in the Army, Navy, or Marine Corps
during the Civil War for ninety days or more, and was honorably discharged, or regardless of the length of service was discharged for
or died in service of a disability incurred in the service in line of duty, may be entitled to pension, without regard to her financial
condition, provided she was married to him prior to June 27, 1905. The rate of pension is $30 per month, and $6 additional for
each of his children under the age of 16 years. Pension commences from the date of filing a valid declaration in the bureau.
The act of July 3, 1926, increases the rate to $50 per month only in the event that the widow was the wife of the soldier, sailor,
or marine during the period of his service in the Civil War."
"That no claim agent or attorney or other person shall be recognized in the adjustment of claims under this Act, except in
claims for original pension, and in such cases no more than the sum of $10 shall be allowed for services in preparing, presenting, or
prosecuting any such claim, which sum shall be payable only on the order of the Commissioner of Pensions; and any person who
shall violate any of the provisions of this section, or shall wrongfully withhold from the pensioner or claimant the whole or any part
of a pension allowed or due to such pensioner or claimant under this Act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con-
viction thereof shall, for each and every offense, be fined not exceeding $500 or be imprisoned not exceeding one year, or both, in
the discretion of the court." • "

i • -'

Declaration and testimony must be executed before some officer authorized to administer oaths for general purposes. If such
officer is not required by law to have and use a seal, his official character, signature, and term of office must lie certified by the
proper State, county, or city officer under his official seal, unless such certificate has been filed in the Bureau of Pensions for general
reference. • • ': .••-•'—»•••. -•,',•• •_ ••••-••:• ;'"•-. - -••; • • •'••''•"I'-'v
Under the law, a person may not receive pension from the Bureau of Pensions and compensation or vocational training pay through
the United States Veterans' Bureau, covering the same period of time, except that the receipt of compensation by a widow, child,
or parent on account of the death of any person will not bar the payment of pension on account of the death of any other person. ;
That part of the declaration referring to service between April 6,1917, and July 2,1921, should show whether the claimant or any
member of her family rendered any service in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard of the United States during said
period, and if so, the foil name under which each served should, be stated, together with the designation of the organization in (or
the vessel on) which such service was rendered with dates of enlistment and discharge. ' ;v
The term "family" includes: Child, legally adopted child, stepchild, father, mother, stepfather, stepmother, father and mother
through adoption, and person who has stood in place of parent for a period of not less than one year prior to induction into service.

. i. ;,':.:';»,,.

< : , . ' . o :.

.•- ••. m
Ida C. Martinfile;WC-408623; Veterans Administration, Group 15 (Washington: National Archives)


Topeka,, 71 cu *
3 3 r t c r c b l j ( f i c r t t t l j . That it appears from the records on, file in. this office, that

t/..-:.::.(dZ ZM..&Sl2Qs>l/.. ..^,.^„ ^.^.was enrolled on the y./X-td-^ _ day of

^fe^^^A^..::::...: 18.L1... aJb...Q^M-£^M. :M^?-n/. t£..f&Mjfc.<.&-*-f:Z
T zr
jind mustered into the U. S. service as
^5M^KX^- in Company Regiment Kansas Volunteers,

on the 11 _day of. SAg^Jgi .. 18.&

%<*.zJzw.J. 2 by &.U

t zfe fb1.0T0iig%renvark.s appear on the muster-out roll, d,ated /'Jr'fJ'.. . s& £ U/

, lSt^z

fsff&U'^.? J&ffi-4*j£<A/j^L^M,
• .
a& ^t£i2jusMf...c'<<>. 4LA....&£%£:. -1...^e-.-j4 dzLui
. _ _ j J . - f

i i
/£&1/.. /A. (# *-/
^ zr


and that he was mustered out on the ^ d .. day of'._ n 7/ i-O-?'•? :'~^ l8Lr<3~

and honorably discharged v&JuJeitXk. U^H&kiZisL <-.<?. ,QS.* v £t<i

by *0 :'' LAS

<^lS...&^'£ltr?<*..!? Q/L*,..I/.CU?,.

/ 1 (Jj/ Ul/C<? . Ad.iutanl General.

Ida C Martin file; WC-408623; Veterans Administration, Group 15 (Washington: National Archives)

Write nothing above this lino.


Yfi*A. .Div.
fjrf-LESr. gjeyartmetxt xrf the ^nltxwx,
NO. hty.ttJL
B U R E A U OK P E N S I O N S ,

SIR: .
----- JfakUd Washington, D. C, jkd&SJL , 18$JL
I t is alleged that / t p - f f i * ^ ^ . / M J U L J I Z ^ . enlisted Ww~t Vl , mil

and served as a..Q.ftdO.(. in-Go ., ^L Eeg't.M-C?-fc23*&.

also as a in Co , Eeg't

and was discharged atrrr..... , .—18

It is also alleged that while on duty at .--rr.

on or about TT.. __ , 18.—._.., he was disabled \>y-^^.S^^LA>rnA^L<t^(~^-cU^

r dA^i4^*--M-^M&tt<£^--

and was treated in hospitals of which the names, locations, and dates of treatment are as follows:

In case of the above-named soldier the War Department is requested to furnish an official statement of the
enrollment, discharge, and record of service so far as the same may be applicable to the foregoing allegation,
together with full medical history. Please give the rank he held at the time he is claimed to have incurred the
disability alleged, and if records show that he was not in line of duty during that period, let the fact be stated.
Very respectful 1\, / }

"^y-f.^t- \~ •••'

The Officer in Charge of the
Record and Pension Division,
War Department.
o 2

1M13 b—SO m
hfiV, (3—O60.)


o Respectfully returned to the Commissioner
of Pensions.
"Co &, Reg't.^\.c^?z^...j/(tUI.
was enrolled —kLi.&CT'.. mtJ.. , 186 J- k
and M£J2umJLMAitjimt.JXMM I
j3^t..,uxtL< : 1

-_.^^^^X€^^.^^i^.^MZ_-.'?^^.^?^-- The medicaJThycords phow him treated as —:_.

_A_4^ follows<^^.l2....m.a^^r.&d - ^ S ^
- ---'--- ----- ^r^_j2^^-. t %4^_^fe^^r - ££l^%
From.&(<£&?,186/..., U>JZm./.£l88.f. ^ ^ A^xL.^
he held the rank <&J&]£*l£jkudL /J^^^^^^^^7^i...<2^d..... ...... ..^^.%^....
Ja*i-~- — i. ^J^^^s^s^ &.
- - --- J£/i^..Ja^%^? &*
and during that period the rolls show him L^.^.^jtXj.Ci
present except as firTfatMr ,f/^J4,<Gtf $f £^..(l)J?fe-k__/jrf/ii£//L.

By authority of the Secretary of War:
AJLSLAJ*- .6^^^^^^4^^^^^-<2^bfc^Ai^

f J*. Captain and Ass'l Surgeon, U. S. Army.

^£dt^£&?d-. ptr'ftr- SEP8 1890

Date -
Ida C. Martin file; WC-408623; Veterans Administration, Group 15 (Washington: National Archives)

m r ••


4086 2 3 JUNE ».ID
315 ti OKTli TERRACE

Cert. No.
Soldier ...
Service ....


NOU.4 1932
BEC-4 19-32


NOV.1.8.1932 193
The name of the above-described pensioner

who was last paid at the rate of $... t&.

+K , OCT 3- 1932
per month to , 193....,
has this day been dropped from the roll be-

cause Of /..'./.^./. 3./*r<

Vet. Adm. Wm. H. HOLMES,

Fin. Form 1411
Rev. Mar. 1932 *w
Chief Accounting Division.
jJohn A. Martin,* t/w/oi

< ^ C ^ Z J £ ^ Z ^ •


/t^<frz. t^e^szkr

7 ^ <? ^

£^^^yz^6^ /
cCL. £U.

John A. Martin, Union Military Service Record, 8th Kansas Volunteer Infantry (Washington: National Archives)

/^zL^ ^yC<^-^ &A*?£ /?&*- <?-^<^ <Bf~ <^2g£^Z2£>

V^<^ ^ f c ^ ^ ^ ^ /ZiLL^^? ^ ^ ^ ^ t r ^ £ ^ f


^ t i - O t ^ L . lJt<--t^

^>tu^>^t^Ltp •,^^y%^t, •=-



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J?L6* y^ly^y/~ *%&*&&€' £¥&£4*£y<i^*^y *•

John A. Martin, Union Military Service Record, 8th Kansas Volunteer Infantry (Washington: National Archives)

QAhiih'tn'uc. GL/e>in.

A j#6da.

<5C £*. 5^e-J&%£~

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^^LstfC ^KS-ztLz.

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A>vz^ J%L
John A. Martin, Union Military Service Record, 8th Kansas Volunteer Infantry (Washington: National Archives)



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John A. Martin, Union Military Service Record, 8th Kansas Volunteer Infantry (Washington. National Archives)


John A. Martin, Union Military Service Record, 8th Kansas Volunteer Infantry (Washington. National Archives)

&L V&*£? /S6Z



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John A. Martin, Union Military Service Record, 8th Kansas Volunteer Infantry (Washington. National Archives)

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John A. Martin, Union Military Service Record, 8th Kansas^Ko/w/i/ee/-/^w//>> (Washington: National Archives)


= *

" yf^/^y "c/t. J&avUZU, Jj£ff£ ?&zy#y fog. ^ ^

Caylwpu fey,
cnr* ^aypr,^e,
^ej A />/
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^, f^*A4&tn~t** wu> JrzAs tx^y H ^ M ^ ' « /**tsC \
(AAJ,V,JA'M£ A S£U> AAtw&vf. Cf, r>ye^n^^rj, W&r/£*
s/ay^"- .y^.r-f.y/uyy-^^^' fA r,yr/) /ry^crx- rfC*-** J-
... //

0,1 Jaltu^ZT

•n.i ^^/^c^lyy ?&**&%>

^^A^^UrnotrMititdry Service Record, 8th Kansas Volunteer Infantry (Washington:
ington: National Archives)

cC ;^ f* J^

C\ 1/

/h~*L^ *v %i.
s7i^n ^)Q&&eyp2VM!&2y Servi3 Volunteer Infantry (Washington: National Archives)

£>2*t&^. jfTbtig-z-*^*: c~c*

<? ^ f e ^

z**&£ s<^^ *=&Z*2A





John A. Martin, Union Military Service Record, 8th Kansas Volunteer Infantry (Washington: National Archives)

**£ *2S SjTtrp

vs k

SJ~? t <z<? Z^t

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1 4^~ <£^

I t&t^&ts&z^cae.. <x^f-~ sZ*0-z&*,s^> <zz^c.f *£ ^ SS&L.


• vs.- -

•;• ;•'.
John A. Martin, Union Military Service Record, 8th Kansas Volunteer Infantry (Washington: National Archives)

„ 4 % . & I
4 J ^ * < • ¥ • • :

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— ' -A 1

\ ^ y ^ - # ^ , ^ j ^ ^ ' ^ ;*£_1 / ^ . ^ ^ ^
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: X ^ c ^ <^ *£<^__w_ I *>*._:* ^
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J' ' ' \/U2a^4~:\

r Ilans.

£&JXBJ nsas oreAC4f..c... K a n k / ^ Z k V / . , ...A.. Reg't Kansas fSrjpl;.... >±JL^J^.Jkl&£&Z r-A-J^i.

Appears on Rankd^. y~, - 4 — Reg't Kansas Cgskt*£+..

Age. years.
Field and Staff Muster Eoll Appears on
Field and Staff Muster Eoll
Appears on
J L for . i^^?/..9r..^fe^V.._., 186L& Field and Staff Muster Roll
Field and Staff Muster Eoll*
lent or absent JU6JIZ&&££^1 Present or absent ,Mc^^£^f^i,l,Z.,.. 'kM^.^2X^--, 186^
for 4/^k^Mk^SjStSdiS/t 186/. J
3|page, 3 100 for Present or absent.
Stoppage, %. ...ioo for..
Commissioned or appointed Stoppage, % ioo for..
., 186 .
if Gov't, 3 loo for Due Gov't, ? ioo for Station

Mustered in: Due Gov't, 3 ioo for ..__.;

igiation of horse, S- Valuation of horse, $ ioo
When.........:... ......J^lSZlM, 186
. /.
dgiation of horse equipments, S Valuation of horse, $ ioo
Valuation of horse equipments, §.
• \YhereJ^^^i2^^^^rS^2r^^Z.:..:.^
Remarks:. , Valuation of horse equipments, § ....Ioo

Remarks: -. -..'
Present or absent../J^l^.€^zr^^^.^7Z7^:'...'.....l

.Stoppage, $.—..; Ioo for............. L:....::^-.:.-

Due Gov't, $_-.--_._-._.ioo for:._.„.: : i

Valuation of horse, %... .....ioo - :.

' Valuation of horse equipments, $._...........Ioo - - '

Remarks: .1 :.-._. .„•.!...._.^..:.-..'.:. ..J...

Book mark
•First oarrent roll. No mnster-in roll of Field and Staff on file. Book mark :
Book mark: _ _. ....
Copv'nt (357- CopyUi. '
CopyiH. Copyitt.
Xians. I / laCcinis.
=^£ r i Kans.
mi r Kans.

.? ^, Cof
..., ...J...Reg't Kansas.
Rank^,.*.-.'.'^. Bmh^kbL...., ...JL. Reg't KansasM&&..„.
J' . • -u-
Ranlc__-sS-."./ Rcg't Kansas Q^-.-^^J'I...
X Reg't Kansas ..-\-_.V-.i
j g .Z...*?. years. Appears on
Appears on Ap]>ears on
:«t-jra mi an i
Field and Staff Muster Roll
Field and Staff Muster Roll J?
Individual Muster-out Soil Field and Staff Muster Roll
for for
g b e organization named above. Roll dated
---^-- t&&£z^,iu& for j$^i%dj£k&i "m£
W ' /
-/- 'V '' - ?, 1 -: - Present or absent £&£&gdL&?^??-.
Present or absent^.A^s^fyc, —> Present or absent ..^\J^.°-lj£-,c..<^/-.'.--/-.

« t e r - o u t to date .!?/:. ^/.., 1862-- Stoppage, $ ...ioo for ._ Stoppage, §... .ioo f o r . . . Stoppage, § - I o o for...

i § paid to <$k£..£Jf.., 188 2-

ogling account: :
D u e Gov't, $ ioo for Due Gov't, 8 ioo for Due Gov't, $ ioo for
.15 settled , ISO ; drawn since $ Ioo"

Valuation of horse, $ ioo Valuation of horse, $... ...ioo

f|soldier $ ioo; due U. S. §,, ...loo Valuation of horse, $ Too

OT for cloth'g in kind or money adv'd § ioo Valuation of horse equipments, § Ioo Valuation of horse equipments, S 1°"° Valuation of horse equipments, $. .100

Rema r k s : : AA k'.. ^^IZkisUZAisi^y^ c<- '&& Remarks: _. Remarks x C ^ ^ ^ ^ k / M ^ ^

nyU. S. for arms, equipments, <£c.,$. Ioo
jttity paid.? ioo; due $ ioo
rgarks : Mf^&^Z^i^^J&.^&zr
l/-/£&A~iZ<&r*» ii

§ ' (/? / As ' *&> J?
'% -^ , -Y 'p ', • /
W7""7 W'"^"/7r
«& mark:
;<££.* \J
Book mark :. Book mark :. ! Book mark

/, , /
(, .C,
043) fft57i
U^UMdkL (357
?^LZ*£c&b (357 Copyi*l.
Copyirt. Copyinl.
LJL I XvJXllS-i.
Y K ct u s .
.//•'-( S" IKans. fa YrA- / Klaris.
/>. / / /
(U£Udk~U&„£&^*J&Lk - '-* 1 •,^:%?^tcl ?.
'A -y 1
/'/.si s (7 ,•:•' /
%^k't£g£t . . X - Reg't Kansas d&jk^L. Ikuk.»-^xl£--, -d... Reg't Kansas,:L^r.C. Rank^J~:%.,..J.. Reg't Kansas ( ._.-«. ..\'.i..., Co...., ..}- Reg't Kansas./.:'
'gj.\irs on Appears on Appears on Age ..-:'.'..-:'. 1 years.
S%JSL/£/:J^{' !
| Field and Staff Muster Roll Appears ou a
Field and Staff Muster Roll Field and Staff Muster Roll
o Detachment Muater-in Roll
for. 136 for $.&.*X.±.±./&:&t 186 £.
. of the organization named above. Roil dated
Mat or absent . . . ^ r ^ r - A ^ f , . ^ . / Present or absent .•=— Present or absent .-t-:L.-v...-'-:'!^-.f-y.. A
1 / f~i
jgjiage, 5... ioo for Stoppage, S-.. 100 for Stoppag .ioo f0

f Muster-in to date "/l^cZ..,\^A

i<33ov't,8 100 for Due Gov't, % ioo for Due Gov't, § ioo for Joined for duty and enrolled :

.ligation of horse, $ 100

When ri£. .,186 £/,
Valuation of horse, § Ioo J Valuation of horse, $ Ioo
.Mition of horse equipments, 5 100
Where "-tZ.^i^^zl^^^^L&^^-./W,.
Valuation of horse equipments. $ 100 I Valuation of horse equipments, $ 100
•§ 1 ) ^ Period *L. years.
n*arks: Remarks:... I Remarks x.^.t.iL^ai.^^.iA.^.;tA/ii^rz^r..—^x..
sL ''_ <=c < i Remarks : Ag%St&&l&S*A^„,,Ai-sA<£ir.

i 1

^LU^^JSL^JL .^CaA^'...(:y^-?^y..L.L.
. " ^ c f c . $~&4L$4- •*£& -•?-- - ---J- - -<&&&t£t.

---'.T'^- LgkJ&tkcAtitii.. [ 3 b t:y^;-J^—+


aw. mark Book mark


/- <
Copt/iff. (R5T Copvi*t.
i; 3EH;m.s.
# . i
" X£aiis. ICans. IKans.
it. % . -v . _ . y . . , l. •L y
.Ikufe*^ , ij'... Reg't Kansas .:¥JJ.K„<-,. ./
o i&XiV/Mu...., ...f^Reg't Kansas C&xZ,... Ranlw-'i.'r.C/.....,...)•:... Reg't Kansas .r.:A....i.
^Jears on RanWr.t.-r.i...... . . / . . . Reg't Kansas ...r.1?.-:}.....
Appears on Appears on
Appears on ///,* ' *;
J Field and Staff Muster Roll
Field and Staff Muster Roll Field and Staff Muster Roll Field and Staff Muster Roll
; for /fM&ALltdzZkkL,^ 18<\5 for .......;...:.ri.'t'./...'t:..T;.'-..'..-'.<'...'...., 186 i for ..- ^.^fJ^l./A-l:....., ]36u?.
.S?nt or absent ...^:..4-.4^-.^-.t_'..<r.'tr:r_.
« Present or absent .^3sfr.«^=^fe*?K„ Present or absent J^si.rdr.^.tiL Present or absent ..c'/.^l'^r. fk£:?:~J-
gpage, $ . . - ioo for
Stoppage, $ -ioo for Stoppage, $ ioo for Stoppage, 3 - -ioo for

^Gov't.S ioo for

Due Gov't, 3 ioo for
i Due Gov't, S ioo for Due Gov't, 3 ioo for

iSation of liorse, $ ioo

g \ Valuation of horse, S—
..ioo Valuation of horse, S ....ioo Valuation of horse, $.. ioo
Isjation of liorse equij>rnents, $ ioo : 100
j Valuation of horse equipments, $- Valuation of horse equipments, $ 166 Valuation of horse equipments, $---- 166
I Remarks , / i ^ . ^ C £ ^ . ^ i . £ r . ^ ^ . S ^ ^ t Re m a r k s J — . tc /r... _:-... i< •.&£*£&£ .-<4:'^.'z.4. tf,„ t&CJ
Remarks xjQ^^/^^BOM^i J&i£

s s~ jfL&£3&34 A.±-<~'~<-.i^..^

M 'iikp./T.JtmijL Sjfy/&, al

•Is marl
Book mark Book mark : Book mark
o /
...i..^.JuC:.^.^:f^.Copyist. L ( 4-06. ^ ^ — -~:-.,-^
f«f' Copyist. (357' Copyist.
(857' Copyist.
•/...-.. .

2_ DKaiis.
SL Kans.
/M\ t.__ Ivans.

• i j L ^ ^ . . . . , . . . £ Reg't Kansas*&<€*1. t
3 . / B a n k - C ^ ^ . . . - , „.&.. Reg't Kansas .<^^f/._.
RankL&£....... ,JL. Reg't Kansas . ^ ^ 2 . . .
irjgars on B*nU*KluL~, ,£1 Reg't Kansas c^'j-^f--'-
a n k ^ . ^ T / . . . - , J..„
Appears on Appears on
Z Appears on
g Field and Staff Muster Roll Field and Staff Muster Roll
Field and Staff Muster Roll
Field and Staff Muster Roll
for -..-J^IJ^.&'/L., 136^
OS '
for 'A^SL^&d- ,186^<
eSnt or absent for..-_.04&z/,.....^ £&<£&* , 18^.
Present or absent X*£tCi£&&iit?!-
Present or absent .^(Jt^s&Mz&l&skf.C.-**
' ^ a g e , %- ..loo for... _ ;:• Present or absent . ^ W ^ ^ . ^ _ ^ . : ^ 7 7 7 :
Stoppage, % ioo for
Stoppage, $.. .ioo for... _.
Stoppage, % ioo for..., _ ...

a£ov't,| -loo for ...

Due Gov't, $ ioo for
Due Gov't, | ioo for .... [;/•
Due Gov't, % ioo for ...
luation of horse, S- ioo
S3 Valuation of horse, %.,.', ioo
Valuation of horse, $ ioo
lotion of horse equipments, $ ioo Valuation of horse, $ ....ioo
Valuation of horse equipments, S .100
Valuation of horse equipments, $.. .100
mriks : y ^ ^ S ^ - ^ S ^ ^ f e ^ Valuation of horse equipments, $.. .100
Remarks:.' f - . . , ^
Remarks:... -


ik^mark :
o Book mark Book mark :
Book mark

5T» Copyist.
(357> Copyiil.
Copy int.
John A. Martin, Union Military Service Record, 8th Kansas Volunteer Infantry (Washington: National Archives)

j . - / ' . * . . . ; :i$;


^sAv. */¥. '£L

nt , Co ., ..-/A.-Reg't Kansas.. 'Z'A '&£<.., Co. . :, J _ Reg't Kansas ^^'.'..
Ago ... years.
&jg&&fi~Z. years.
A|>|>eui"s on an
AmwiRj on
I n d i v i d u a l Muster-out Roll Field a n d Staff Muster-out Roll
of the organization named above. Roll dated
of the organization named above. Roll dated
/V) • •'/ /
' ''•.:'.:-.'..<'j./£i.....>/•'.!•>.'.<. , yj?&L /.£. \sc>'.<
Muster-out to date Muster-out to date .. , 18G
Last paid to -ll...,-y.., vto*A Last paid to ..., 180 .
Clothing account:
Clothing account:
Las*settled ,188 ; drawn since $ ioo"
Last settled .,180 ; drawnsince $ ioo
Duo soMwr $,[....... ° ; due U. S. % Too
Due soldier $.. ioo ; doe O. S. $ ioo
Am't for cloth'g in kind or money adv'd % .. . ...ioo'
Am't for clotii'g in kind or money adv'd %..... ioo

Doe U. S. tor arms, equipments, Ac., § ioo Due U. S. for arms, equipments, Arc., $ ioo
Bounty paid $ \o6\ due $ . _. ... ioo
Bounty paid % -W9\ d u e $ i°°
Remarks : / . .' ' ,' I <'J ! . ( . •/•/!' //t,'j /l •

'<••> V,':,,/. S-/,' <o>.£

/ •
>. f1 J I , I' •,,.,/„
, • • f A V . • / _ ' ' • ' • . ' • • ' ! i _ , Y ; , / . r f t / > « " - -

Book mark : _
Book mark: _

, • tff.'y v.
(:W!) r,.i„,;,i.
John A. Martin, Union MilitarvService Record, 8th Kansas Volunteer Infantry (Washington^TSTatfottal ^Archives*) QQ
CD * '"::'::-.'--:^-'X- :•'•' ' 1) H

2 9659293 H$

/ / -
Qa-weM. 60V-Z4L .&£***& /fcrzSs/j-/^,
L/'i <>'?• •? -r f<-r -yCd.

. I.

jM.Yr.S, <#<*rf. ,*.-„/ .

.•»•£.. A * ' / , , / ,
„-„,./•//,.,/,.,,/* // //-<•.

74 Kans. Ivans.
/k;/ JE%ia,i*&.
£U. ZL tdrS

M#UJI<L fef„J
-ZtfakL-L /2 ik (J

Rank. , ..^Z... Reg't Kansas <2efei^L.,_ RankL^Q...-., J& Reg't Kansas^

RankL's-J-J. , ...K... Reg't Kansas
& Appears on
Appears on
Appears 011
Field and Staff Muster Roll Field and Staff Muster Roll
sear3 on Field and Staff Muster Roll
o General Order for A/.
/Jy:/Mj^lZ,l/kA...,, 1SG&3 for (J%Z&&. for JphUbbLSL^QS^SL^., 186 <V"
I ted War Department, Adjutant Gen- Present or absent MdU^&^fh
Present or absent ^ ^/7/^jKy— ^
:|^Tda Present or absent _4^^;?!^SU^<k^?. _._
Stoppage, § loo for. Stoppage, § Ioo for... ._
&*VU~.£^U„.„, 186 7 . ; Stoppage, $ loo for


pgointed to be Due Gov't, § ioo for Due Gov't, 8 ioo for

Due Gov't, S loo for

Valuation of horse, § ioo Valuation of horse, $ ioo

"Valuation of horse, $ loo
(/BY BREVET Valuation of horse equipments, § ioo Valuation of horse equipments, %. Ioo
Valuation of horse equipments, $ 156
ogie Volunteer Force, Army of the United Remarks : Remarks i ^ ^ ^ S L ^ ^ ^ . A ^ . ^
"2' Remarks:
a|5?s, fo: ^^^^tiu™.^„„».: ''

,§ ,- ... ••-•'• •••• - ...

:>.£(ate from. A2L, 18&5T

J- Book mark : .. -
Book mark Book mark
¥" y

(357 > OopyitL (357' Copvi't.

(#00) Copyisl.
Ida C. Martinfile;WC-408623; Veterans Administration, Group 15 (Washington: National Archives)


4 £
^ )


Ida & Martinfile;WC-408623; Veterans Administration, Group 15 (Washington: National Archives)


State of Vc"* JJtX^nAuA^-^~i^iL, 58.

In the matter of the application for pension of J^^t^^C- ^ a ^ ^ t A S ^ ^ ^ -

O N T H I S _ . A ^ _ j § L _ _ d a y of (/?7 ^w A. D . 189 0, personally appeared before me, a

Q\ oXHOv^ B t v i t v c in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths

i,MM^- • *->\ Lfh pujClv^ aged 3 <f years, a resident of J^A^t4A^(L^ry^_

in the County of J^A^d^y^^^inrs and State o f _ _ V L C ^ 4 4 ^ - ^ ^ = ^

whose Post Office address i s _ ^ _ ^ ^ —and

. aged years a resident of. .
in the County of and State of
whose Post Office address is —

well known to me to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who being duly sworn, declare^n relation

to the aforesaid case as follows: That_„...J^uhavtiobeen well and personally acquainted with

1^JL^i^y\. d . (/H. &A€VV\ for JL 3 years, and years respectively, and that...

Ot^-J. ~3n>+L<4 Q^~>^2. c^o_JUx_ J^CSl*

T .^-^fS^KJP?.-^

^J!n~ ^vvo


s>i?*±B- ^t*^><t**??23?4*^ir&-^^^

ffL-lsL"t^t^-tsi-*f f^Vt*. /fZU-^t.'- *-*\ -7 jvzux*. />*K^AAJLLA

Ida C Martinfile;WC-408623; VeteransAdmtmsiratiufi, Group 15 (Waslungluii.^ationalArchives)

.further dnnlnra thnt n^-intcpcat in aaid oaoo and. noL, uunuuiful

^_in itg p r m r m t i " n .
<oHa£^ ^&>, ^kpo^^ZiiU^

S T A T E OF_ ^C,^t^T^-*rr5L ., COUNTY O F . UtyUz^t^t isL-=£?0_ _, ST.

Sworn to and subscribed before me this day by the above-named affiant , and I certify that I read said
affidavit to said affiant , including the words o tfaU*; Jcf- tz. J ?- erased, and the words
(TllCtAf 8 /.J<rJHJL added

and acquainted_ J-wt/vr with rfs^ntOTts""befor.p^s2^i^- executed the same. I further certify that I
am in nowise interested in said'^aae, noparti I koncVned in its prosecution; and that said affiant

personally known to me and t ^ a f ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ A j ^ ^ l - J — credible pei


C"5 , ,

[L. S.]
V*s * /
jM iyjtf&

I k. CQ
m a
i> o >- W

O \

* 4 ~0 o

fe^ «J

a \
Icfc|C. Martinfile;WC-408623; Veterans Administration, Group 15 (Washington: National Archives)

NOTICE—"Witnesses must give their means of knowledge of the facts testified to.

Qeperal Affidavit.
fitate oP- ., County nP J%^4^4T^<SL--*--^ . ss:

In the matter oi^^U

XHIALAAA*^ . /Vui^-<w + 4pkkv\ <£ •Jjj^e^-

ON THIS y~L & A. D. 189^ personally appeared before me, a

^?2^Z^y (P^U^, in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer
oaths ^ € d?. bya-ta^Lss aged Lsi/Js/7? ^-7\v*- years, a

resident of ^^L/l^?/?nsi^L^ir>-\ in the County of J^t/c^lvsC^L^rt

nf ^i/^^-^t^i^a.—1>—a whose postoffice address is _ ^ ^ k 2 o * ^ £ > Z

and_ _aged. _years, a

resident of_ _in the County of_ and State
of .whose postoffice address is_
well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declare^in relation to the
aforesaid case as follows:

J2,( <L<^AM"

vf^JL Jc-^c^~-t~-*^i^&,

UfefcfaAst. cM—~L%.
LxX— \y*—*JiAsijLA-*t Z^jL^hjAA*


v-^J^i* Cv^uS-

^y^h^i " u x . IVI^-»-W


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^ , /cu, L a O i TS •y-ittt -±- yyi^Hs-^yi^ Jf" &&<+4JV\.
/<^ ^ i — :7-S^?
7?u». Ctyl^J. Qu^i^Uj^f CH^mwJ J^JL. «*-

itrztttiL M


PTT V Si _ / 77"
0*~*-<A OUx.
s*r> JL I /+• 63 . ^ 1
4JLc^rtJte±± *—*t-i*-r-i* t ' A A /T^^^u>^a-^v
Jd^r^t ry^xM ^ x - ^ ^ ^>vrV. 4- ^ L ^ - ^ C , /«/- ^>vS O ^ H A CDU. C L X J ^ L ^ X ^ .

Jut^<- ^ ^ « - - %

' (Affiants sign on the dTher side.)

Ida C. Martin file; WC-408623; Veterans Administration, Group 15 (Washington: National Archives)

-J2±*ff* . o<^s<-<k l/L\x.

<x^A. &t**Ast*s>j IZU /&o~c Qu~i?isvOij^*

S£A/L**~ -Z^CJL . A < ^ 4* l-*-*-**^. U^Z* +*^*-d A tf fa~ £&•*• l\^e~a-fesvt*>A

^ - ^ * * ^ ^ ^ ^ < »

/?t/^-o s*r-r-r*-*k.
*£* ' y / f*X*~6 f2~X^0/<.

S X A - e ^ n ^ i ^ t ^ j L * - * • * » . ^ ^ — • M ~ — ~ C ~ * - r £ * T

\ ; , i*- further declare that tfe»y

tfeey have no interest in said case, and 6\fe not concerned in its prosecution.

[If affiants sign by mark, two persons who can write sign here.] AFFIANTS.

State of < J/\LcM*<A<<^ r County nP LWUSA^A^UY^ ss:

Sworn to and subscribed before me this day by t h e above named affiants, and I certify that I read said affi

davit t o said affiants, including t h e words erased,

and t h e words. added,

and acquainting thi'm with its contents before tflpy executed t h e same.
he- I further certify that I am nowise inter-

ested in said case, nor am I concerned-in its.-pros*cution; and that said affiant»-a*e personally'known to me, and

t h a t t h e y are credible persori**; } Jfc'J \ ' ' \

~W t^Sl V [Official Signature.

[L. S

V/"V <**• * , ^ T \ \ < / • . ^Official Character.

JUthcial Character. ^ >•»., ->
_- _*« • .^-•^_

[Execute before a Notary Publm.or Cffi'k'ofrCourt.-^If before a Justice of the Peace, a Cl/rk's Certificate will be necessary.]


pa I CO
g rr ><

pq m» a
PI %
^ 0

<2 *
a F
o V a

S I—I <*5
i E

Ida C. Martinfile;WC-408623; Veterans Administration, Group 15 (Washington: National Archives)

PensioiuClaim No.


Z . T r f T x r r T T"-^ LL^Y

& Personally appeared before me an officer duly authorized to administer oaths within and for the County and State
a* o
O aforesaid, a citizen of ftZr>*^i*z>
whose Post Office address is
.2' ..."-i
"o s»"
<^lK^MS3^*-J? - well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly a
1? a

sworn, declares in relation to aforesaid case as follows: -

s I have been a practicing physician for >—f..j&. years, and fat acquainted with the above-described soldier £

S£ &
4 (Here embody all the facts known to tfle affiant in accordance with the marginal instructions.) „
B «« <£L#£L
St •«
00 g
c 3
w e
O fcoL&risvJ^L JeidL
z?/jKfA ^ y ^ fac^sC*.
/#*y- \ t/Lts /*?<n^c |
3STOTB3. ml -J<f~ftr>- & /tt-^AlzL 4+t*
Physician's affi-
davit should he in
his own handwrit-
ing or explanation
made why it is not,
and if made from
memoranda, t h a t
fact stated and the
memoranda e m -
bodied in the affi-
As>****-£l4c£yJLS .
d a v i t . It should
s h o w when t h e
affiant first got ac- *?**£ (Pv-*>0*{2 St^ny?^ r^jjfi&ZpTH^ri^i g*L-*3L\
quainted with the
soldier; f o r what
p e r i o d and how
well he knew him
tf^WcAyzZt+i-, '
and his o p i n i o n
(and reason there-
for) as to soldier's
physical conditioi
up to the time "
came under t
a n t ' s treatment:
the date (as near
a s may he) t h a t
the treatment was
commenced; t
ed by the different%JL>tMJL
whole time cove: _.
periods of t r e a t -
ment and soldier's
physical condition
during that time.
He should a l s o
state what portion
of each year of this
time was t h e sol-
ilier realisable to
perform hard
manual labor and
the cause of his in
ability. jsi*~$«s6£^i/ /i£ri/£.
^f2*ri>£6'.(l+JLi'Z/L CUnA^lc/s 6&ttA
*J *£}<<i <H*/~£- 'jy^^yi^ri-/. '7 6&> H^A^

/ft^ fcn£ fer^L ad^Zs tiLe^0LT_%y' d-v

Ida C. Martin file; WC-408623; Veterans Administration, Group 15 (Washington: National Archives)

I further declare t h a t 1 have no interest, either direct or indirect, in^&e prosecution o i t h i a claim.

.'s-Sisnatuie. tttve ran)»an«service, if in theariKy.W »

SWORN TO AND S U B S C R I B E D B E F O R E M E , t h i s * ? . . . W . day, of 189 ^

I h e r e b y certify t h a t t h e affiant is a practicing physician in good professional s t a n d i n g ; • t h a t t h e contents of t h e above

declaration, etc., were fully m a d e known to h i m before swearing, including t h e words

erased, a n d t h e words

a d d e d ; a n d t h a t I have no interest, direct or indirect, in t h e prosecution of this claim.

?/?/ >
(Official Signature.)
[L. S.]

-This should be sworn to before a CLERK OF COURT, NOTARY PTJBLICTifHSST. CErliavmff a'

•iuotsusj fo j.3u\mvxg jvyosdg puv jvdiouuj 9%vj

-uofui 9«} uof Suiyiou noH »£j.vvo puv dj)dviOJ.d t&t&l W>
j,9ai8uv 27131 j -nod uioxf ja>9u mi wj •qfffo nod j}tun noli
s»aio %u9wuj.9a,0f) 9V) jvvtn mouq J,9ti9u 22J0J no^ -89iuojf
d»v)o J.O uotsu9j 'Hvj fo gj.r>9j,j,y 0) p92)i}ua aq Hvw noji
•U01SU9J fo 9SV9dom 0% p9\yi%u9 ?q Rwi n o ^ -fipinog jo
-noytyppv o% praying 9q kvw noj[ •R\v6nojLOv} sa»uisnq Hm
puv)8j.9pun pvv 'M>IVU3§ *<y 73 v oj HJ.VJ9J.398 vfoaxid 8v
' Rlivpijfo 'iu9w.uj.9aof) 9V) fo 8nv9ung puv sju»ui)j.vd9(j
JIU?ll»S 911) 3J.0f9q S89Wimq puv rillivp )V)U9UtUU9a0f) fo 89
-88VJ3 fiv BiH)U989ud m p96vBu9 8vai 1 8J.V9H unof uof puy

•JSTOiaLjsxrH:jDJ,~¥- i v i o a a s

a. H
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*1^Wtif)S*%*tFf'- •-"''' • -•••'• - " -• • ' »tii^ ii. •.,.•„,
Ida C. Martinfile;WCM08623; Vetera^Administration. Group 15 (Washington: National Archives)


State of__JHMM£_ , Qounty of AXCHTSON,. 55.

In the matter of the application for pension of Q ^ Z ^ - ^

ON T H I S JL \f *. day of , L¥^C<7^£L^A^ A . D . 189/>, personally appeared before me, a

(/LZMJC^CC^I r?t*siL&Z^ in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths

o^s6fs££*^i. /{} / ^ ^ / y y U ^ a g e d (po years, a resident of_

in the County of L4(y^t%^r^a^^z^ and State of

whose Post Office address is _and

_aged_ years a resident of_

in the County of_5L and State of_
whose Post Office address is

well known to me to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who being duly sworn, declare in relation

to the aforesaid case as follows: That_>4^>__ha*<3 been well and personally acquainted with

</2isLt*^^*>r for 3c3 years, -and • yrnrr respectively, and that.

<&4 &0%^* jfcss

.*.. 6/&+Z <a&2&x.


^ ^ W &.<7?S*i~€^r. M?C —

VT/t^s&Z, (l/V< <u*/£*^i

^phr~6i*4 ~tA-£jc^escs**^£*^
0 e***jj QiJL*-/L*"*t'<-*s •< /f&. *. ~ Jh*~~ /f?f

^i<^if^ &&*-***-*>
Id^C. Martinfile;WC-408623; VeteransfomMstration.Group 15 (Washington: National Archives)
State of ^fr^c^^ ;i
County of~^V^C^t>c<z~z3rz-i:^

In the matter of the claim fa.~<tt!L<<<%rt<<Z<(rrft.^.r?^^

Company , c^K^fWKf...Regimeent.....^ Vols:

Personally came before me, a ^Z.-rrtfr^T^fX^^f....rr^L^c^f^&r^f^r^rf...'. in and foi

aforesaid County and S t a t e , . . . 7 & ^ . * . £ j £ i . ^ . ! . . C s . & f v j £ l b i A w 9 .

citizen of the County of..<ttt&Xx£tef<&r?&ttX. State of....<^N^«Tr*r*rt5hitf^*? , reputable

and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declare in relation to aforesaid claim, that the date of the b i r t h s

of theichilcLil^frarf-. of said soldier is as follows .

X*. r^s
J? / —T> /cf-7j
£* ^^r i rf£^fe£ j~^ / j^?*-
?/tZtjct Z&f c*><*s2-z^r
6*?. L£2t-
.JLtf&** ^sti^estsf^^^srCcst-StfiZt^t^t^ l^ya^, Ce^T^y*. \*j£ JL1£. / * <T4

That/£%*-. £^3*rf?. present at the birth^of the same in the capacity of.<?^**v*?^^^..^ri<*^r5?--*rrSrTr;*ff and has

personal knowledge of the date,as aforesaid

further declare^ that.r^V^r;...^W?^ interest in said claim, and...<^-S...not concerned in itt


Atiat—when any affiant signs by mark, (2persons.) ^ " ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

^ r -S /O. ^f€~^£c*^/- i Signature j

f Affiants. •
* J [
SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME this day by the above named affiants; and I certify that I read said
affidavit to said affiants, and acquainted them with its contents before they executed the same. I further certify
that I am in nowise interested in said claim, nor am I concerned in_ks prose^cjatiou^ ..v_...^^e../.v^<^^1, ,~r.-<? >

_£. S\0y-z^tjS /?/', / e O < ^ A ^ > ~ t

/l^la-ry \fit*>4-t<- ^_
Ida C. Martinfile;WC-408623; Veterans Administration, Group 15 (Washington: National Archives)

^^A-^_ .further declare that /i£/A^>-<r no interest in said case and. not concerned
in its prosecution.


Sworn to and subscribed before me this day by the above-named affiant , and I certify that I read said
affidavit to said affiant , including the words ^cX^-v~^ erased, and the words

~~!L added

and acquainted^z-«^***__with its contents bef<Sj»e„ ^Zj^._._executed the same. I further certify that I
am in nowise interested in said case, nor am-^c*diicernec§ncas prosecution; and that said affiant , ^ ? ^ ? ! _

personally known to me and that ^TJL. S*^& "~ ^fr-^: creaeShjg person.
' 30
CO /t^njzx^ed
j/^H^iY (/^^L.
[L. S.] >.*••• ,«k CO ^

ffct* (J ttHtMi* is#~o o**C xt^hrrs

T *
s N
>i s 'A!
~»3r P» 7k —-.'at-'

i ^
Ida C. Martin file; WC-408623; Veterans Administration, Group 15 (Washington: National Archives)

"Vitness my hand and official seal this day of.. 18

ADD SEAL HERE. Sign here, [L. S.J

NOTK.—This should be sworn to before a CLERK OF COURT or JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. If before a JUSTICE, then
CLERK OF COUNTY COURT mutt add hie certificate of character on the back hereof, and not on a teparate tlip of paper.

l\. \ , Clerk of the County Court in and for aforesaid

\ V
County and State, do certify that » -. Esq., who hath signed his
name to the foregoing' affidavit, was at thetime of so doing a & I in
and for said County%nd State, duly commissioned and sworn ; that all his official acts are entitled to full faith and
S \ *•
-v ure thereunto is gen»|ine.
Witness my hand and seal of office,...-. day of. .'„ i,, 18

Clerk of the.

f 6
- f*$ 1
r— _ . » -* •
cr ', ^i ja

ft =S • M 1
u~* > , ^
H5 » r =c 1 i
U-' -< VI a
'J— u *i £
O jc
~~' r f J 2o

< 9

Ida C. Martin file; WC-408623; Veterans Administration, Gr>
natures of witneriBe*.)

SWORN to and subscribed before me this G?*.Q- day of .^^CtUn^iU^-— > A- D - 1 8

^ ^
and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration, &c., were fully made known and explained
to the applicant and witnesses before swearing, including the words
, erased, and the words
_. added; and that I have no interest, direct
or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim.

(Signature.) ^/ .

<Ofa<Hi»! rhnrsctoj^)

—. and rank, if In navy

attending fbom, or the disease and manner In which it was incuqpad, in either case showing soldier's death to have
n.-«. «roresuJ<]," or otherwise.
,»„ve been previously married, so state, and give date of death or divorce of former spouse.
5 t or snnji children as are not under her care claimant should account.
6 If pnor apphcation ha. been filed, either by soldier or widow, so state, giving number assigned to it.
(7777—10 M.)
IdaC. Martinfile;WC-4o8623; Veterans Administration, Group 15 (Washington: National Archives)

0 t
Z •J
H | -4 re

0 M


All the blanks in this form should be carefully filled and the requirements of the notes strictly observed.
An honorable discharge from the service in all cases is necessary.
Declarations of claimants, either for original pension or for increase of pension already granted, must be made before a court of record or befor*
some officer thereof having custody of its seal; said officer being fully authorized and empowered to adiniuister and certify any oath or affirmation
relating to any pension or application therefor.
The claimant's identity and loyalty must be proven by two witnesses, certified by the judicial officer to he respectable and credible, who are
present and witness the signature of the declarant, and certify to his identity and loyalty under oath or affirmation.
Declarations and other papers should be as legible and as clear in statement as possible.
Where any evidence is already on file in any department of the Government, a definite description of and specific reference to it will render it
available in any subsequent claim.
The post office address (naming street and number in all large cities) of the applicant, attorney, and witnesses should be embodied in or accom-
pany every application, and all evidence in each clahn; and each change of residence of said parties, while communicating with the Pension Office
or the pension agents, should be stated.
Pensions are, by law, exempted from any liability on account of the obligations of the pensioners, and no lien upon them can be recognized.
All facts, testimony of which is required to establish a claim, must be proven by the affidavits of two or more credible witnesses, unless other
evidence is specified.
The statements of claimants, unless duly corroborated, are not accepted as evidence.
Testimony in support of allegations made in a declaration may he taken before any eifieer whose authority and signature are duly certified,
and who sh;;ll disclaim any interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of the claim.
With all claims for arrears, increase, or restoration to the rolls, the original pension certificate must be returned, or explanation of its absence
must be given under oath.
To facilitate the adjudication of claims, all the requisite evidence that is available should be forwarded with the application.


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IdaC. Martin file; WC-408623; Veterans Afpiinistratioh, Group 15 (Washington: National Archives) .-'"^tUT^St

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st'^/J&ti _^y J^si J' jrf ^aft/y SUSIXAJ /tM-£+f <^*-^~& Vu<tA~ <^-JJ^OXA^CL)


T&LL; Jfiuu^uu -a-^i

£ 1 ^t^JLuUb
/2y]yirtrrPtJ AM 4rt/'U~n/ I^ASO, £l*~*y& yiyi^AJ ^?Ctc*v.

J .Jira,M9Z.

Ji^tJL_AylytSlA-s, \JVfLsLAyes4t4s,

JJULAA4U, / " , /o //,

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JCUylAj 'ayiyiyoA-4i
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tnAJ.&jTFb iAJUxJUATU OLA^CUU^ tTY~iSl-lJAj AJ) ATnyiA^i s\sisv ~>ny^a^is^-nyQi^aEs-

I Jl*^yuuU...AA)
r J / J <>•— V ~ r. p • (1


Jf (1) ^-aykA^AJ. p

Ida C. Martin file; WC-408623; Veterans Administration, Group 15 (Washington: National Archives)


D Declaration for Original Pension of a Widow—Child or Children D

under Sixteen years of age surviving.
STATE OF.__ y A O ^ * * ^ , ^ ^ . , COUNTY OK _G&4&6t.Ae&*:g<A >M ;

On this ___Z>J7'~_ 4»v/f , A. D. one thousand eight hundred and __^_(?_

the same being a court of record within and for the county and State aforesaid, „£/^/Z
oged V-j- . years, who, being duly sworn according to law, makes the following declaration in order to obtain the pension
provided by Acts of Congress granting pensions to widows : That she is the widow of __^J^_L^U.^^.JA^-^^JCO'^4^<*>. -
]j> ^ * * « * £ 6 ^ j ^ _ « f ^ 3 l _ _ _ . under the name of t-/.*^, ^JL d^oL^vCZc&
*J-i* /^ , y - ^ ^ — — — ™—~i""J "
« ^^i^ra^.^feidt^}^^,...?^.^?^^ j on <Bm ^"/ ^= *yrf_.^&&5&*!— - »•*> D - 18
™i--t£&.-£^...^a^^^r&K&&.. „
in the war of . . ^ K o . ^l^i£^^L£^^^>_.£__ , who?_^^£i!rfa^|£^__<=&^

on the _...^r.*L<flt-£ __ day of . (P.cJti^t^V. * A. D. VSP9, who bore at the time of his death the rank of
•^oJii^t^tJ^T.,^X^^^.fLJ?^i^J&t^C4, in ^.i^^.QA^0r^C^._e^jHClA^^?^^-4^i ! that she was married under the name of
-££dL^..<£cMLciLjUL*t& to said .. ( 2 [ ^ j « ^ - 0 j , . ^ . , ^ 4 « ^ ^ ^ ' - -
>n the /.&(£. day of __. \iA^UtA^ , A. D. 18G^fby ^^^^^..fe.,^^*^*** _
at j-&£CsULAr&!CrZ!0-t._VO<?/?rft4«r«^r^ , there being no legal barrier to such marriage; that neither she nor her husband had been
previously married *

that she haw to the present date remained his widow; that the following are the names and dates of birth of all his legitimate children yet surviving
who were under sixteen years of age at the father's death, to wit:


-^efe^fiO_v^^<*-r^^ 1 8 ^ I/ _jborn_ ...18

.®tfek*£> •.'* ii * ~ - fi^faf/i • •' it ^y^ffj . . . . . j born ..,18
i#jLu*>.JLi. ?> , *^*jHti££L2'$., 18 f-O [ / / ' . . _ ' ,born. . .,18
"^a^Ztv.- 5L_ T 1 *— 'rmitilrr f & \ 1
*lfVry \''' ...,born ..,18
(rau4^!_.^irJ_ _* ^ b o r n - ^ * - / _//?_„, l & ^ f i V / . ,born ..,18
/Q30/)i>^!tji^.4a^..--U. , torn &}£.A&T , born __ ..,18
That she has not abandoned the support-of any one of his children, but that they are still under her care or maintenance |

that she has not in any manner been engaged in, or aided or abetted, the rebellion in the United States; that _/?i^/"___ prior application has been

tiled « , .

that she berehy appoints X^?~yL<^0..^ r ^ f<A . - / t y ^ j ^ ^ / r ^ y her attorney to prosecute her claim;

that her residence is No. __3.l_)fT__i^t^_Cf!£/U&xZ- — street, jH

and that her post office address is _»AiZJi^i^£^6zi^.fJx^^<i^!^^&^^r-i -•&--)• - - —


„..(ZM2 (Claimant's signature.)

Also personally appeared t / . $?% ^ZcAtyCJ? , residing at No.

in ..- : street, in C2^c_^uaierJ__y(ot^l' —, a - ~2/!±-sz(4?r--
residing at No. ^-Oj£, in ..s/jf^—jE. .T^.TT^ _ street, in C&d&ttA<7-£xZ^-/j^<lr'n.-r,« persons whom I certify to t e respect-
able and entitled to credit, and who, being by me duly sworn, say that they were present and saw _£/_QCH^ ^-L^.f. */j&jGk<!l/3£Sh?L
, the claimant, sign her name (iiiiilin \wt innrlij to the foregoing declaration; that they have
every reason to believe, from the appearance of said claimant and their acquaintance with her, that she is the identical person she represents herself
to be; and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim. f /J//
Ida C. Martin fij|e; WC-408623; Veterans Administration, Grou%


ACT OF MAY 1, 1920

Under the provisions of the Act of May 1, 1920, the widow of any person who served in the Army, Navy, or Marine Corps
during the Civil War for ninety days or more, and was honorably discharged, or regardless of the length of service was discharged for
or died in service of a disability incurred in the service in line of duty, may be entitled to pension, without regard to her financial
condition, provided she was married to him prior to June 27, 1905. The rate of pension is $30 per month, and $6 additional for
each of his children under the age of 16 years. Pension commences from the date of filing a valid declaration in the bureau.
The act of July 3,1926, increases the rate to $50 per month only in the event that the widow was the wife of the soldier, sailor,
or marine during theperiod of his service in the" Civil w a £
"That no claim agent or attorney or other person shall be recognized in the adjustment of claims under this Act, except in
claims for original pension, and in such cases no more than the sum of $10 shall be allowed for services in preparing, presenting, or
prosecuting any such claim, which sum shall be payable only on the order of the Commissioner of Pensions; and any person who
shall violate any of the provisions of this section, or shall wrongfully withhold from the pensioner or claimant the whole or any part
of a pension allowed or due to such pensioner or claimant under this Act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con-
viction thereof shall, for each and every offense, be fined not exceeding $500 or be imprisoned not exceeding one year, or both, in
the discretion of the court."

Declaration and testimony must be executed before some officer authorised to administer oaths for general purposes. If such
officer is not required by law to have and use a seal, his official character, signature, and term of office must be certified by the
proper State, county, or city officer under his official seal, unless such certificate has been filed in the Bureau of Pensions for general
Under the law, a person may not receive pension from the Bureau of Pensions and compensation or vocational training pay through
the United States Veterans' Bureau, covering the same period of time, except that the receipt of compensation by a widow, child,
or parent on account of the death of any person will not bar the payment of pension on account of the death of any other pe.-son. :
That part of the declaration referring to service between April 6,1917, and July 2,1921, should show whether the claimant or any
member of her family rendered any service in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard of the United States during said
period, and if so, the full name under which each served should be stated, together with the designation of the organization in (or
the vessel on) which such service was rendered with dates of enlistment and discharge.
The term "family" includes: Child, legally adopted child, stepchild, father, mother, stepfather, stepmother, father and mother
through adoption, and person who has stood in place of parent for a period of not less than one year prior to induction into service.
JrtafrT Muffinfile,WC .108633; Veterans jJWiiiilUliuiWl), OJUIJJJ /J IWUUJimglWl! Nafional Archives)

L L L L L ^ O ^ ^ - J ^ J ' / ? ^ J W ^ ^ / / / / <y* ...^iLa^ui^cau^y.,

&IUJ.~X)AJISAJ J / L . - ^ . i ^ ^ AALI

A>Jyifj J*f A i r * fj ATM J AAA/ J /• i P d j i A J t/± ^\ytyL^cJU • / J - Z / ^ & - ^ i ^ J J L t d L

Tyi^Sbd^uQj... 9^a^CtL^y, GUscJj. /71A^Z4J dUtciy <Q i^aJM^i^, ^ ^ ^ \

• i r u H i n A j .

Q)XAM^UU. ^XAyiAyiAJ. —

• 9 A

P? 3 £4
{TS - « - CO
\ ^ # #

[•mm—i ii i
Ida C. Martin file; WC-408623; Veterans Administration, Group 15 (Washington:
liirair i • . •»-

In the Probate Court in and for Atchison County,

State of Kansas:
v ss

I, J. J. LOCKER, Ex-Officio Clerk of the Probate Court

in and for the County of Atchison, State aforesaid, do hereby certify that the Pro-
bate Court is a Court of Record,, having a seal of office; that I am the lawful custo-
dian of such record and seal; and that the above and foregoing is a full, true
and complete copy of the matters therein contained, as the same appears of record
inmd/- office.

IN TESTIMONY W H E R E O F , I have hereunto setmv

hand and affixed the seal of said Court this Z......f. Z
day of- i ^ ^ - , A. D. ISf&

Probate Court, Atchison Co., Kansas.

State of Kansas, County of Atchison, ss.

I, J-./. LOCKER, do hereby certify that I am the sole

presiding Judge of the PROBATE COURT in and for the County of Atchison, State
of Kansas ; that said Court is a Court of Record, having a seal of office, and that
the above and foregoing certificate and attestation by the Clerk of said Court, over
the seal thereof, is in due form of law, and that the said Clerk whose signature
is attached to the above and foregoing certificate is the duly acting and quali-
fied Ex-Officio Clerk of said Probate Court.

WITNESS my hand and, the seal of said Probate Court

of Atchison County aforesaid,, affixed this 1. .L ZZ.......

day of Ion: t*^Lsi -^A.D.i8f..A.

Judge of Probate Court in and for Atchison County, State of Kansas.

'V'-:"". ••';•
Ida C. Martinfile;WC-408623; Veterans Administration, Group 15 (Washington: National Archives)

:P* ' 3 n > ^ § l t t e r of the application of Ida C. Martin,
John A. Martin,Col. 8th Kansas InfarMry.

State of Kansas,
C c

f Atchison.

Ida C. Mar t i n , be in^ dully sworn on oath,deposes and says:

is the widow of John A. Martin,Col. 8th Kansas Infantry;

s c a r r i e d to raid John A. Martin,June 1st,1871; that she

has made every possible e f f o r t to obtain additional evidence to that

already on f i l e in the office of the Pension P/ttHMHA. , to show x the ca.'jqfe

of hTT said husband's death originated during h i s active service in

the United States Aanny; that Dr. VI. H. Grimes, the physician who at-

tended hiii* during his sickness immediately following his return from

the ariuy/is dead',and that there is no person who can t e s t i f y in ref-

erence to such s i c k n e s s , f u r t h e r than has been t e s t i f i e d to by Dr. J.

V. Bryning,whose a f f i d a v i t is on f i l e ; that various members of John

A. Martin's regiment,who would oe most informed on his condition phy-

s i c a l l y -Vihen leaving the army,are dead,and further information in

that respect cannot be had.

This, affiant remembers that at and before the time of h^r marriage

to the said John A. Martin,he Y<as troubled with a hacking cough,and a l -

ways said that he had contracted i t when i n .the service of the army,

and that he had been troubled with i t ever since; that this cough was

chronic and he was a f f l i c t e d with i t down to the time of his death.

This a f f i a n t s t a t e s that further testimony she cannot obtain in thia

case,because o the death of those,who alone are faiuiliar with the

facts,proof of which'has been required.

This a f f i a n t further s t a t e s that the statements in t h i s a f f i d a v i t -
contained,were the oral statements of affiant,made to H. J . R a i l e y , t o
be by him type-writ ten,and at the time said statements were reduced to
writing and in making the same,affiant did not use any nor was she
prompted by any written or printed statement or r e c i t a l , p r i n t e d o r '
ictated by.any other person. j _

Subscribed and sworn to before me thi* 22nd day of Dec.1893.

eommi ssion exp:i r e s April 1 8 , 1 8 9 7 . ^ ^ J f c j j ^ c / , Kotary PIJJ&AU.
IdaC Marttafile;WC-40&S23; VOewmAdmMsKOn Gmup IS ~ " f ; National Archives)


Act of May 1, 1920

0 State of ,; ft^gAS ^ ^ o/ ATCHISOff -, as;

On this ind — dav of. ^e-pt«pifeep- 193-1—,3rasx, before me, the undersigned, personally
~ appeared J^__Ci_ii§XSA5jL , who makes the following
foil declaration as an application for
^ pension under the provisions of the act of Congress approved May 1, 1920.
J That she is __ 8 0 . . . years of age, that she was born HajT— S & T - ., 1851
Q at ZLI _ ifopagfciMjft, JB»7J, -
u That she is the widow of . o h n A. Martin, , who
ENLISTED a§El*-J&^JLafil^., i , at A1LC1L1.SQ.PL,—K»n saa,,- ., under the name of
2 jjaJuLJ^a-JterlUL 1 in _.tJks.J3th Ifagtnrnit,. Sana, vox.
1 (Here state company and regiment, if in the Army; or vessel, iriirftfe*Navy)
f. InrflJilry- Lt.-.—QQiQneL..aJld—GQl.Qn.el and was honorably
, DISCHARGED . ji_Q.Y.» lf5 , "IflfiS ,1 , having served ninety days or more, or was discharged for, or died in service
/* of the United States of a disability incurred in the service in the line of duty, during the CIVIL WAR, and who
DIED 0airf----2n&t , lQag:., at A t c h i s o n , TrfingRgy
* That he also served in
\J (Hera give a complete statement of all other military or naval service, if any, at whatever time rendered)
ID and that, except as herein stated, said soldier (or sailor) was..HQ_t employed in the military or naval service of the United States;
y THAT SHE WAS MARRIED to said soldier (or sailor) _?Une__XJ , % fftj , under the name
I of 15a.„Qhallijaa- , at AiJ3hisonT-Ka«ss&-,- T
t" by Rev. B. fllinr), ; that she had . . . H Q j t been previously married, that he had — ? ? . ? .
2 been previously married;
0 (If there was a prior marriage of either, the name and the date and place of death or divorce of the former consort, or consorts, should be stated)
Z. That neither she nor said soldier was ever married otherwise than as stated above. •, r
That she was NOT divorced from the soldier (or sailor) and that she has NOT remarried since his death;
That the following are the ONLY children OF THE SOLDIER (or sailor) who are now living and are trode* sixteen years of age:
(If he left no children nnder sixteen years of age, the claimant should so state)

Jtona. „, born .
-'»* M& w -1^._
_, born .
_, at |t*-.«a 68- -OB
—, born . _, at U_-i?5,—4i
—, born :
—, born .
„ , at „
, at.
<^m—£ia ia i.--.-
i _, born.
h ., at
That s h e - d i d — n o t - serve in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard of the United States between-Aprii 6, 1917, and
j. (Did or did not)
|_ July 2, 1921, or at any time during said period.
C That .*_—„. membejgof her family served in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard of the Uniteq ites between
5 ("a" or "no") *£/L, st
April 6, 1917, and July 2, 1921, or a t any time during said period ^uB^k^^^L^.
^" A * . ^ ! * * * /2>/ — « C A* ~jf-* / 7 ' /£. jeifflta"
• (If any members Qbrialmant's famil/were in the jnilitarayt naval service during the

J period mentioned, state the full name under which eacnsuch member served, with the designation of the organization in (or vessel on) which such/iervicewas rendered,

•^ together with the dates of enlistment and discharge. State also whether any such members are dead, and if so, give the names)

>2nd^.JLt*--85-th. ,
<c; That she has .
Q soldier (or sailor) was A Q *. a pensioner, the number of his pension certificate being
(1) rzof first witness)
hui.(Lu c£*M*~» ht^U^Z

D L , -^ (Address of first witness}

0 (Claimant's signature in full)
I (2) {^.j^LiJL^..^.^^^jScaI^2L
S/ , A (Signature of second witness) (Claimant's address i s f ull)

(Addres/oY tJ>_
id witness)

Subscribed and sworn to before me this ^f^. day of zsE3sSss!SSS^L , 1 9 ^ / , and I hereby certify that
^ the contents of the above declaration were fully made known and explained to the applicant before swearing, including the words
Q b=r=: erased, and the words r r r n n T m . .^. added; and that I
have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim.
I cx
/ A 4 (SignatjjseK

[L. S.]
^—\ . (Official
l u m a a i character)

_ (Poston^osaddrr"
(Post office address of officer) 8—6211

Ida C. Martin file; WC-408623; Veterans Administration, Group 15 (Washington: National Archives)


Timlejt. //( a-U / 7 .18#C

31 i i c r t b u <8iei'tit|Jt That it appears from the records on file in this office, that

....idZ -ZM..&i ,.,. was enrolled on the _Q7/>'U^ day of

Ws. 18 at ^^^.d^.?.y:.4......^<S:±X^M/. d[g...£?^-:<^rd4S.
7f 7)—
*>y. and mustered into the U. S. service as
-^ct&i^uJ^.. in Gompany Regiment Kansas Volunteers,

.A.L day of:.. J:^c£ti •.-.: j ?18.LA...

.&<&/%&-. ,mr^rt<<.'^L.
that the following remarhs appear on the nwster-out roll, d,ated_ 2h^. 2.1. i8.U

^^..^.kX.^^dii^..tkM^...^.in,. OA. *i4t£&tU&JZ& •7u -«&aaj ££&&£..
..«,, />
— 7 7'
id '•w.twz.sL. 1te>cJ'.....£U}. (i l&d/Z&L

A£^f>injJj...'^t^/u^... •*y>~c*aAA1. fl-zi/......./.<$..:....-. ^..±/'... T


and, that he was mustered out on the ^ d

day of •VIA/...
\/.i<fcV..:%?ltt.:&iA/.. 18 U:.
j7 — p-
and honorably discharged at...KJ..^.^O. {J^.i^d}.^J-f.L.<CrdC?. Q./.^^Md
*y. /
..sUt., I ..^..C<>^dA....(^^^^^A OZL

l.U±(ff/MJs7~.AdAdjutant General.
Ida C. Martin file; WC-408623; Veterans Administration, Group 15 (Washington: National Archives)

Write nothing above this line.



___ h£U-t Washington, D. C, ^mMtJLS. - , iB$JL

SIR: .
It is alleged that n&pn*i~ ^ . . J/L^AJIX^. enlisted ( f f * A V? , lsAL.
and served as ajLJJtSit in-Go , #-. Eeg't -J1&-0?^^-J— Y.kCa.j.

also as a in Co. , Eeg't

and was discharged at T^I. , —18

I t is also alleged that while on duty at ..err.

on or about m . , 18.— ..., he was disabled by-^D.fe^r

and was treated in hospitals of which the names, locations, and dates of treatment are as follows:

In case of the above-named soldier the War Department is requested to furnish an official statement of the
enrollment, discharge, and record of service so far as the same may be applicable to the foregoing allegation,
together with full medical history. Please give the rank he held at the time he is claimed to have incurred the
disability alleged, and if records show that he was not in line of duty during that period, let the fact be stated.
Very respectfullj,

Ct Commissioner.
The Officer in Charge of the
Record and Pension Division,
War Department.
O 2

19413 b—50 m
h&V/ (3—060.)

t • .

Sfc'fc <>. W A R DEPARTMENT,


8 Respectfully returned to the Commissioner

of Pensions.
OSS "Co —$~., Reg't^J&Zld.-.JZctLt-
was enrolled ...kLi.(LdL7l. «&L£ , 186 J—
and &A<&dMA£tJteV-./J7l86^
j£4-U-/dL: .

The medica/Trtcords show him treated as

t/ULSl follows C^.^-./y.,..^.i^b^^r-.(^U

/ "p / -s^s , y^f>"mm

From.W-lA&f, 186/.., toJtiOf.1^186^.
he held the rank of4C£-&^-.&&&u- - it.jzkl :..._!</<%3
J>4, -
and during that period the rolls show him
present except as follows:.—LAA^C^J.^-/...

By authority of the Secretary of War:

A*£-st_Ajx_ ; Q/t^^^^/^^^tJd^.a^Iitkta^
. \L/AA£Lx^~s*JL£#t^c^^c^^ ....
/ ./^.ajtm^t^j^.-jiLc^jtsL^ Captain and Ass't Surgeon, U. S. Army.
Per ?-H n SIP* 1890
Date... -r—

Ida C. Martinfile;WC-408623; Veterans Administration, Group 15 (Washington: National Archives)


4086 23 JU1JE W.ID

Cert. No.
• Soldier ...,
Service ....


m.A 1932
-DEG'4 1932


NOV.18.132 193
The name of the above-described pensioner

who was last paid at the rate of %..}rp..)z.

O C T 3 - 1932

per month to , 193....,

has this day been dropped from the roll be-

cause of \AJjr.l.£tJL*.

Vet. Adm. Wm. H. HOLMES,

Fin. Form 1411 Chief Accounting Division.
Rev. Mar. 1932 By #.B

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