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Analytical Biochemistry 376 (2008) 122–130

A highly sensitive high-throughput luminescence assay

for malonyl-CoA decarboxylase
Mei-Chu Lo a,*, Minghan Wang b, Ki Won Kim b, James Busby b, Harvey Yamane c,
James Zondlo c, Chester Yuan d, Stephen W. Young a, Shou-Hua Xiao a,*
Chemistry Research and Discovery, Amgen, South San Francisco, CA 94080, U.S.A.
Metabolic Disorders, Amgen, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320, U.S.A.
Protein Science, Amgen, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320, U.S.A.
Chemistry Research and Discovery, Amgen, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320, U.S.A.

Received 17 December 2007

Available online 2 February 2008


Malonyl-CoA decarboxylase (MCD) catalyzes the conversion of malonyl-CoA to acetyl-CoA and thereby regulates malonyl-CoA
levels in cells. Malonyl-CoA is a potent inhibitor of mitochondrial carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1, a key enzyme involved in the mito-
chondrial uptake of fatty acids for oxidation. Abnormally high rates of fatty acid oxidation contribute to ischemic damage. Inhibition of
MCD leads to increased malonyl-CoA and therefore decreases fatty acid oxidation, representing a novel approach for the treatment of
ischemic heart injury. The commonly used MCD assay monitors the production of NADH fluorometrically, which is not ideal for library
screening due to potential fluorescent interference by certain compounds. Here we report a luminescence assay for MCD activity. This
assay is less susceptible to fluorescent interference by compounds. Furthermore, it is 150-fold more sensitive, with a detection limit of 20
nM acetyl-CoA, compared to 3 lM in the fluorescence assay. This assay is also amenable to automation for high-throughput screening
and yields excellent assay statistics (Z0 > 0.8). In addition, it can be applied to the screening for inhibitors of any other enzymes that
generate acetyl-CoA.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Malonyl-CoA decarboxylase; High-throughput screening; Luminescence assay; Coupled assay; IC50; Inhibitor; Km; kcat

The heart has a high energy demand that is met primarily boxylation of acetyl-CoA by acetyl-CoA carboxylase
by the oxidation of fatty acids and secondarily by the metab- (ACC)1 and degraded to acetyl-CoA by malonyl-CoA decar-
olism of glucose and lactate [1]. Fatty acid oxidation is highly boxylase (MCD). Under ischemic conditions, limited oxy-
regulated to ensure that energy supply closely matches gen supply reduces both fatty acid and glucose oxidation
demand. Carnitine palmitoyltransferase-I is a key enzyme and thereby decreases subsequent ATP production. To
involved in mitochondrial uptake of fatty acids and is inhib- maintain ATP levels during ischemia, glycolysis is stimulated
ited by malonyl-CoA [2]. As a result, a rise in cardiac malo- to drive anaerobic ATP production. Whereas overall mito-
nyl-CoA levels suppresses mitochondrial fatty acid chondrial oxidative metabolism decreases during ischemia,
oxidation by decreasing fatty acid transport, whereas a two factors cause excessively high rates of fatty acid oxida-
decrease in malonyl-CoA leads to increased fatty acid oxida- tion at the expense of glucose oxidation: (1) circulating fatty
tion [3]. The steady state level of malonyl-CoA is controlled acid levels increase during ischemia [4] and (2) malonyl-CoA
by its synthesis and degradation. It is synthesized from car-
Abbreviations used: ACC, acetyl-CoA carboxylase; BSA, bovine serum
Corresponding authors. albumin; CoA, coenzyme A; DMSO, dimethyl sulfoxide; DTT, dithio-
E-mail addresses: (M.-C. Lo), josh.xiao@amgen. threitol; HTS, high-throughput screening; MCD, malonyl-CoA decarbox-
com (S.-H. Xiao). ylase; PPi, pyrophosphate.

0003-2697/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A luminescence HTS assay for malonyl-CoA decarboxylase / M.-C. Lo et al. / Anal. Biochem. 376 (2008) 122–130 123

levels are reduced by ischemia-induced activation of AMP- human liver cDNA using high-fidelity Pfu Ultra Poly-
activated protein kinase, which phosphorylates and inhibits merase (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA). The 50 and 30 PCR
ACC [5]. Fatty acid oxidation leads to elevated ratios of primers used in the reaction were 50 -AAC ATA TGC
NADH/NAD+ and acetyl-CoA/free CoA that further inhi- ATC ATC ACC ATC ACC ATG ACG AGC TGC
bit glucose oxidation through inhibition of pyruvate dehy- TGC GCC GCG-30 and 50 -AAC TCG AGT CAG
drogenase [6]. As a result, the pyruvate produced from AGC TTG CTG TTC TTT TGA AAC-30 , respectively.
glycolysis is not readily oxidized in the mitochondria and is Two restriction digestion sites, NdeI and XhoI, were
instead reduced to lactate, resulting in accumulation of met- introduced into the 50 and 30 primers outside the open
abolic by-products (lactate and protons) that can lead to reading frame, respectively. In addition, an in-frame
impaired cardiac function, decreased cardiac efficiency, 6X His tag was introduced at the 50 terminus so that
and increased myocardial tissue injury [7]. the expressed protein started with the sequence
Because the excessive use of fatty acids leads to contractile MHHHHHH followed by the residue 41 onward of
dysfunction and ischemic injury, one approach to the treat- the native protein. The PCR product was subcloned
ment of ischemia is to decrease fatty acid oxidation by into a sequencing vector (PCR2.1) and verified by
increasing malonyl-CoA through inhibition of MCD [8]. sequencing. The insert in the PCR2.1 vector was
Potent MCD inhibitors have been developed [9–11] and digested with restriction enzymes NdeI and XhoI and
tested in a number of ischemia/reperfusion animal models subcloned into an Amgen proprietary plasmid,
[12]. These MCD inhibitors significantly increased glucose pAMG21, for bacterial expression of the MCD protein.
oxidation rates and reduced lactate production compared This plasmid was derived from Amgen plasmid
with vehicle-treated hearts and showed a significant accom- pCFM1656 (ATCC 69576) to allow for chemical induc-
panying increase in cardiac work compared with controls. tion of recombinant proteins.
However, no efficacious and safe MCD inhibitor has been The recombinant pAMG21 His6-MCD plasmid was
demonstrated clinically and approved for use in humans transformed into Escherichia coli expression strain
yet. Therefore we are interested in the discovery of additional BL21 [15] and cultured overnight at 37 °C. A fermentor
MCD inhibitors, especially of different pharmacophores. batched with Terrific Broth at 25 °C was inoculated 1%
Currently, the commonly used MCD assay works v/v from the overnight culture and growth continued at
through coupling to malate dehydrogenase/citrate synthase 25 °C until an A600 of approximately 1.5 was reached.
and measuring the production of NADH spectrophotomet- Temperature was then dropped to 20 °C and expression
rically [13,14]. Because this assay monitors the fluorescence chemically induced. Cell paste was harvested by centrifu-
emission of NADH, interference from fluorescent com- gation 16 h postinduction. SDS–PAGE analysis of cell
pounds may be an issue when screening compounds using paste fractions indicated that approximately 50% of the
this assay. Here we report the development of a lumines- total recombinant protein appears in the soluble
cence-based MCD assay that is more sensitive and less sus- fraction.
ceptible to compound interference. We have characterized To purify the His-tagged human MCD, the cell
the steady state kinetics of purified human MCD using this paste was resuspended in a buffer containing 20 mM
assay and compared the results with previously reported Tris–HCl, pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl, 5 mM imidazole,
data from the literature. In addition, the assay was adapted 10% glycerol, and 20 mM b-mercaptoethanol. Cells
to a high-throughput screening (HTS) format with a robust were lysed by mechanical shearing in a Microfluidizer
Z0 factor. (Microfluidics, Newton, MA). The resulting lysate was
clarified by centrifugation at 20,000g for 2 h at 4 °C,
Materials and methods followed by filtration through a 0.45-lm membrane.
The clarified lysate was mixed with Talon metal affinity
General resin (Clontech, Mountain View, CA) for 1 h at 4 °C.
After washing with a buffer consisting of 20 mM Tris–
AMP, acetyl-CoA, malonyl-CoA, L-malate, NAD+, and HCl, pH 7.5, 500 mM NaCl, 5 mM imidazole, 10%
PPi were purchased from Sigma–Aldrich (Milwaukee, WI). glycerol, and 20 mM b-mercaptoethanol, bound pro-
Acetyl-CoA synthetase, L-malate dehydrogenase, and cit- teins were eluted with 20 mM Tris–HCl, pH 7.5, 150
rate synthase were obtained from Roche Applied Science mM NaCl, 100 mM imidazole, 10% glycerol, and 20
(Indianapolis, IN). Kinase-Glo Luminescent Kinase Assay mM b-mercaptoethanol. The Talon pool was diluted
was from Promega (Madison, WI). Compounds A and B with four volumes of 20 mM Tris–HCl, pH 7.0, 10%
were synthesized in-house. glycerol, and 5 mM DTT and applied to a column
of SP Sepharose HP (GE Healthcare, Piscataway, NJ)
Cloning, expression, and purification of His-tagged human equilibrated in the same buffer. Elution was performed
MCD with a linear gradient of 0–0.5 M NaCl in the equili-
bration buffer. Peak fractions containing MCD were
A cDNA clone containing the coding region of pooled and aliquots were stored at 80 °C prior to
human MCD (residues 41–493) was obtained from use.
124 A luminescence HTS assay for malonyl-CoA decarboxylase / M.-C. Lo et al. / Anal. Biochem. 376 (2008) 122–130

Luminescence-based MCD assay inElmer) with 0.2 s per well integration time. The initial
velocities were determined from the slopes of the progress
In the luminescence-based MCD assay, MCD activity curves in the linear range and the luminescence units were
was measured by coupling to the acetyl-CoA synthetase converted to the acetyl-CoA concentrations based on the
and luciferase reactions as shown in Eqs. (1)–(3): standard curve of acetyl-CoA. Km and kcat were obtained
by fitting the initial velocities to the Michaelis–Menten
Malonyl-CoA ƒƒ! acetyl-CoA þ CO2 ; ð1Þ equation (Eq. (4)) using GraphPad Prism 4.02 (Graph-
acetyl-CoA Synthetase Pad, San Diego, CA).
Acetyl-CoA þ AMP þ PPi ( + acetate
þ ATP þ CoA and ð2Þ V max ½S
V ¼ ; ð4Þ
luciferase ðK m þ ½SÞ
Beetle luciferin þ ATP þ 1=2 O2 ƒƒƒƒ! oxyluciferin

Mg where [S] is the substrate concentration, V is the initial
þ AMP þ PPi þ CO2 þ light: ð3Þ velocity at a given [S], Vmax is the maximum velocity, and
Km is the Michaelis–Menten constant. kcat, the enzyme
Acetyl-CoA synthetase catalyzes the formation of ATP in turnover number, was derived by dividing Vmax by [E],
the presence of AMP, PPi, and the MCD product, acetyl- the concentration of enzyme.
CoA. ATP was subsequently quantified by measuring lumi- To determine the IC50 values of MCD inhibitors, reac-
nescence intensity generated by monooxygenation of beetle tions were conducted at 9 lM malonyl-CoA, 0.1 nM
luciferin catalyzed by luciferase in the presence of Mg2+, MCD, and various concentrations of compounds. After
ATP, and molecular oxygen. 15 min incubation at room temperature, reactions were
The MCD reactions were performed in a white 384- stopped by adding compound A to a final concentration
well Opti-plate (PerkinElmer, Shelton, CT) with a total of 10 lM. The luminescence detection reagent was added
volume of 20 lL. To determine the Km of malonyl-CoA, and luminescence intensity was measured as described
reactions were conducted with 0.1 nM MCD and various above. To obtain IC50 values, the luminescence intensities
malonyl-CoA concentrations at 1.9, 3.8, 7.5, 15, 30, 60, at different compound concentrations were fitted to a sig-
and 90 lM in buffer containing 40 mM Tris, pH 8.0, moidal dose–response curve with a variable slope (Eq.
0.02% Tween 20, 0.1% BSA, and 1 mM DTT. Reactions (5)) using GraphPad Prism 4.02 (GraphPad).
were stopped at different time points by adding 5 lL com-
pound A (Fig. 1), a MCD inhibitor [12], to a final concen- ðV max  V min Þ
V i ¼ V min þ Hillslope
; ð5Þ
tration of 10 lM (1000-fold above IC50); 25 lL of the 1 þ ðIC½I50 Þ
luminescence detection reagent containing 0.9X Kinase-
Glo Reagent, 20 lM AMP, 20 lM PPi, and 0.003 U/lL where [I] is the concentration of the inhibitor, Vi is the ini-
acetyl-CoA synthetase was then added and 1X Kinase- tial velocity at a given [I], Vmin is the background of the as-
Glo Reagent was prepared by adding 10 mL of Kinase- say, and Vmax is the initial velocity without inhibitor.
Glo Buffer to one vial of Kinase-Glo Substrate following For Z0 factor determination, 48 wells of a 384-well
the manufacture’s instructions. After adding the lumines- plate were used as positive controls and another 48 wells
cence detection reagent, the plate was incubated at room were used as negative controls. Negative controls were
temperature for at least 5 min, and luminescence intensity uninhibited MCD reactions containing 9 lM malonyl-
was measured using an Envision microplate reader (Perk- CoA and 0.1 nM MCD in buffer of 40 mM Tris, pH
8.0, 0.02% Tween 20, 0.1% BSA, and 1 mM DTT. Posi-
tive controls were completely inhibited reactions contain-
ing 10 lM compound A (dissolved in DMSO) in
addition to the same MCD reaction components present
R/S in negative controls. A small amount of DMSO was
H added to the negative control wells to match the DMSO
N CF3 concentration in the positive control wells (final 5%
Compound A O
DMSO). Reactions were incubated at room temperature
O for 15 min and then stopped and detected in the same
ways as described above. Z0 was calculated according
N to equation [16],
ð3rcþ þ 3rc Þ
Compound B Z0 ¼ 1  ; ð6Þ
jlcþ  lc j
where rc+ and lc+ are the standard deviation and the mean
F3C CF3 of the positive control signal, respectively, and rc- and lc-
OH are the standard deviation and the mean of the negative
Fig. 1. Chemical structures of MCD inhibitors, compounds A and B. control signal, respectively.
A luminescence HTS assay for malonyl-CoA decarboxylase / M.-C. Lo et al. / Anal. Biochem. 376 (2008) 122–130 125

Fluorescence-based MCD assay Results

The Km of malonyl-CoA was also determined using a Cloning, expression, and purification of human MCD
protocol described by Zhou et al. [14] with slight modifica-
tions. In this assay, the MCD activity was measured by It is not uncommon for full-length proteins containing
coupling to the L-malate dehydrogenase and citrate syn- membrane targeting sequences to be insoluble when
thase reactions. The equilibration between L-malate/ expressed in bacteria [17]. Amino acid analysis of human
NAD+ and oxaloacetate/NADH is catalyzed by L-malate MCD reveals a putative 39-residue mitochondrial targeting
dehydrogenase (Eq. (7)). Acetyl-CoA, the product of domain at the N terminus [18]. These residues were shown
MCD, shifts the equilibrium to the right by reacting with to have no effect on the catalytic activity [14]. Therefore, to
oxaloacetate in the presence of citrate synthase (Eq. (8)), facilitate protein expression and purification, we cloned an
resulting in a continuous generation of NADH from N-terminally truncated human MCD (residues 41–493, res-
NAD+. idue 40 is methionine) lacking the putative mitochondrial
lmalate dehydrogenase targeting domain. A 6X His tag was inserted after the
l  Malate þ NADþ ( + oxaloacetate þ NADH: ð7Þ methionine start codon for purification convenience. This
citrate synthase
Acetyl-CoA þ oxaloacetate ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ! citrate þ CoA: ð8Þ His-tagged MCD expressed well as a soluble protein in
Escherichia coli (Fig. 2, lane 3). This is in contrast to
To determine the Km of malonyl-CoA, reactions were
reports from Zhou and co-workers [14]. Their attempts
performed in a black 96-well Microfluor plate (Thermo Sci-
to express the soluble His-tagged full-length or N-termi-
entific, Waltham, MA). Each 50-lL reaction contained
nally truncated human MCD were unsuccessful because
2 mM L-malate, 2 mM NAD+, 0.786 U L-malate dehydro-
overexpressed MCD was found predominantly in inclusion
genase, 0.028 U citrate synthase, 0.1 nM MCD, and vari-
bodies. These different results might be due to the difference
ous concentrations of malonyl-CoA ranging from 0 to
in the induction temperature of protein expression: we used
300 lM in buffer of 40 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 0.02% Tween
20 °C, while Zhou et al. [14] used 30 °C. We purified MCD
20, 0.1% BSA, and 1 mM DTT. Reactions were initiated
from the soluble fraction of the cell lysate by Talon metal
by adding MCD and fluorescence intensity was monitored
affinity chromatography followed by SP Sepharose HP
continuously using a Tecan Safire II (Tecan Systems, San
ion-exchange chromatography. The purity of the recombi-
Jose, CA) with an excitation wavelength at 340 nm (band-
nant protein improved after each step of purification, with
width 20 nm) and an emission wavelength at 460 nm (band-
a final purity of 95% as shown in Fig. 2 (lane 5).
width 20 nm). The initial velocities were obtained from the
slopes of the progress curves in the linear range and cor-
rected for the background rate determined in the absence
of MCD. Km and kcat were obtained from curve fitting of 1 2 3 4 5 6 kDa
the initial velocities as described above.
HPLC-based MCD assay 150
The HPLC-based MCD assay was used to monitor
the inhibition of MCD activity by L-malate and
NAD+. Both L-malate and NAD+ were reconstituted in
reaction buffer (40 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 0.1% BSA) and
reactions were performed in a final volume of 100 lL 37
containing 0.1 nM MCD, 5 lM [2-14C]malonyl-CoA
(GE Healthcare, Piscataway, NJ), and various concentra- 25
tions of L-malate or NAD+ in reaction buffer. After 30 20
min incubation at room temperature, reactions were
stopped by adding 10 lL of 100% cold methanol and 15
placing on ice for 10 min. The solutions were then trans- 10
ferred to HPLC vials and loaded onto an HPLC
machine for analysis. Acetyl-CoA was isolated on an Fig. 2. SDS-PAGE analysis of the expression (lanes 1-3) and purification
HPLC instrument using methods described previously (lanes 4-5) of human MCD. Lanes 1-3 are total lysate, the insoluble and
soluble fractions, respectively. Lanes 4 and 5 are pooled eluant fractions
[17]. For Km determination, reactions were conducted containing MCD from Talon metal affinity and SP Sepharose HP
at 0.1 nM MCD and various concentrations of columns, respectively. Lane 6 is the molecular weight marker. 5 lg of
[2-14C]malonyl-CoA ranging from 0.1 to 15 lM. Reac- the soluble fraction, Talon pool, and SP Sepharose pool were loaded and
tions were stopped at different time points using the pro- separated by 4–20% non-reducing SDS polyacrylamide gel and stained
cedure stated above. Km and kcat were determined from with Coomassie blue. Loading of total lysate and the insoluble fraction
was normalized by volume to the amount of the soluble fraction. The
the initial velocities as described previously. MCD band is indicated by an arrow.
126 A luminescence HTS assay for malonyl-CoA decarboxylase / M.-C. Lo et al. / Anal. Biochem. 376 (2008) 122–130

Development of a luminescence-based MCD assay Next we monitored the MCD reaction using this cou-
pled system. We found that MCD can be stabilized by
To address the compound interference limitation associ- the inclusion of 0.1% BSA and 0.02% Tween 20 in the reac-
ated with the reported fluorescence assay, we developed a tion buffer. To determine reaction linearity with respect to
novel luminescence assay for MCD activity. In this assay, time and enzyme concentration, reactions were performed
acetyl-CoA, one of the products of MCD (Eq. (1)), is used at various concentrations of MCD and stopped at different
as a substrate for the coupled acetyl-CoA synthetase reac- time points. As shown in Fig. 4A, the reactions are linear
tion (Eq. (2)), which generates ATP. The production of up to 16 min using a range of MCD concentrations up to
ATP is proportional to the amount of acetyl-CoA. Subse- 0.25 nM. In addition, the initial velocities are linear with
quently, ATP is quantified employing the firefly luciferase respect to the amounts of MCD used (Fig. 4B), indicating
reaction (Eq. (3)), which has been used widely to detect that the velocities measured by this coupled system are
ATP levels [19]. indeed the initial velocities. Based on the signal and the
To develop a luminescence-based MCD assay, we first reaction rate, 0.1 nM MCD was selected as the amount
optimized the detection of acetyl-CoA using coupled reac- used in the MCD assay for determination of Km and IC50
tions. We varied the concentrations of AMP, PPi, and values.
acetyl-CoA synthetase to identify the optimal concentra-
tions for acetyl-CoA detection. Under optimized condi-
tions (20 lM AMP, 20 lM PPi, and 0.003 U/lL acetyl- Kinetic characterization of MCD by three different assays
CoA synthetase in the luminescence detection reagent),
luminescence intensity is linear (R2 = 0.9985) with respect Having established the assay conditions for luminescent
to the acetyl-CoA concentration from 20 nM to 20 lM, detection of MCD activity, next we determined the kinetic
with a signal range spanning 3 orders of magnitude parameters of MCD using this assay. The MCD reactions
(Fig. 3A).
0.05 nM
60000 0.10 nM
A 0.15 nM
50000 0.20 nM
0.25 nM


100 0
0 5 10 15
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Time (min)
Acetyl-CoA (μM)
B 0.4
B 100000

V 0 (μM/min)


0 20 40 60 80 100 0.2
Acetyl-CoA (μM)


1 10 100 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
Acetyl-CoA (μM) MCD (nM)

Fig. 3. Standard curve of acetyl-CoA from (A) the luminescence assay Fig. 4. (A) Linear sections of the progress curves at 0.05 to 0.25 nM
and (B) the fluorescence assay. In (A), the luminescence signal shows a MCD. The reactions were monitored by the luminescence assay as
linear correlation with the concentration of acetyl-CoA from 20 nM to 20 described under Materials and methods. (B) Initial velocities plotted as a
lM. The dashed line represents the 95% confidence band of the regression function of the MCD concentrations. The initial velocities were obtained
line. In (B), only the data with filled squares were used in linear regression from the slopes of the corresponding progress curves in (A), followed by
and the dashed line represents the 95% confidence band of the regression converting the luminescence signals to the acetyl-CoA concentrations
line. The inset in (B) shows the plot of the same data in the linear scale. according to the standard curve in Fig. 3A.
A luminescence HTS assay for malonyl-CoA decarboxylase / M.-C. Lo et al. / Anal. Biochem. 376 (2008) 122–130 127

were conducted at various malonyl-CoA concentrations mats, we also determined the Km of malonyl-CoA using the
ranging from 1.9 to 90 lM. A plot of the initial velocities fluorescence assay described by Zhou et al. [14].
as a function of the malonyl-CoA concentrations is shown The fluorescence assay measures MCD activity by cou-
in Fig. 5A. Km and kcat values obtained from fitting of the pling to L-malate dehydrogenase and citrate synthase
Michaelis–Menten equation (Eq. (4)) were 8.7 lM and 47.3 (Eqs. (7) and (8)). This assay was described originally by
s1, respectively. The kcat value obtained from this lumines- Kim and Kolattukudy [13] and modified by Zhou et al.
cence assay is comparable to the value (28 s-1) reported by [14]. To determine Km using the fluorescence assay, we first
Zhou and co-workers [14] but the Km is much lower than generated a standard curve of acetyl-CoA (Fig. 3B). Sur-
the value they reported (330 lM). To determine whether prisingly, the limit of detection in the linear range is above
the Km discrepancy is due to the difference in the assay for- 3 lM, 150-fold higher than our newly developed lumines-
cence assay (20 nM). Nevertheless, it is sensitive enough
for use in Km determination. To determine the Km of mal-
onyl-CoA, we conducted the MCD reactions at various
A 0.3 malonyl-CoA concentrations ranging from 0 to 300 lM
and monitored the NADH fluorescence continuously.
The Km and kcat values obtained from fitting of the initial
velocities (Fig. 5B) were 31 lM and 48.4 s1, respectively.
The kcat value is similar to that obtained from the lumines-
V 0 (μM/min)

cence assay, while the Km value is 3.5-fold higher.

In the fluorescence assay, the L-malate dehydrogenase
0.1 substrates, L-malate and NAD+, bear some structural sim-
ilarities to malonyl-CoA. In the coupled reaction, 2 mM of
both L-malate and NAD+ were used. We hypothesized that
the higher Km obtained from the fluorescence assay might
0 20 40 60 80 100 be, at least in part, due to competitive inhibition of
Malonyl-CoA (μM) MCD by L-malate and NAD+. To test this hypothesis,
we monitored the effects of L-malate and NAD+ on
B 0.3 MCD activity using an HPLC assay because the high con-
centration of L-malate or NAD+ inhibited acetyl-CoA
detection by the luminescence assay (data not shown).
The dose-response curves of L-malate and NAD+ are
shown in Fig. 6. The IC50 values are 4.1 and 2.2 mM for
V 0 (μM/min)

L-malate and NAD , respectively. This result indicates that
L-malate and NAD used in the coupled step of the fluores-
0.1 cence assay inhibit MCD activity and supports our hypoth-
esis that the Km from the fluorescence assay is artificially
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Malonyl-CoA (μM)

C 0.10
Percent of Activity

80 L-malate
V0 (μM/min)

0.06 60

-6 -5 -4 -3 -2
0.00 Log (M)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Malonyl-CoA (μM) Fig. 6. Inhibition of the MCD reaction by L-malate and NAD+ monitored
by the HPLC assay. The MCD reactions were carried out in the presence
Fig. 5. Michaelis–Menten plots of the MCD reactions monitored by (A) of various concentrations of L-malate or NAD+. The percentage of
the luminescence assay, (B) the fluorescence assay, and (C) the HPLC activity is derived by dividing the MCD activity at a given concentration
assay. of L-malate or NAD+ by the MCD activity in the absence of inhibitors.
128 A luminescence HTS assay for malonyl-CoA decarboxylase / M.-C. Lo et al. / Anal. Biochem. 376 (2008) 122–130

We also determined kinetic parameters of MCD using Determination of the Z0 factor of the luminescence-based
the HPLC assay (Fig. 5C). The Km and kcat obtained from MCD assay
the HPLC assay are 3.5 lM and 16.9 s1, respectively,
which are slightly (two to three fold) lower than the values Z0 is a statistical value that assesses dynamic range and
determined using the luminescence assay, further support- variability of an assay to indicate assay quality [16]. A Z0 P
ing our notion that the higher Km from the fluorescence 0.5 indicates a good assay and a Z0 P 0.75 indicates an
assay is artificial. excellent assay. To determine the Z0 of the luminescence-
based MCD assay, the MCD reactions were conducted in
Determination of the IC50 values of MCD inhibitors by the a 384-well plate; 48 wells of a 384-well plate were used as
luminescence assay positive controls (100% inhibition) and another 48 wells
were used as negative controls (0% inhibition). The lumi-
To validate the utility of the luminescence assay, we nescent signals of the control wells are shown in Fig. 8A.
determined IC50 values of two MCD inhibitors reported The Z0 factor is 0.81 when the plate was read at 5 min after
by Cheng et al. [9,10]. The structures of these two inhibitors adding the luminescence detection reagent, indicating
are shown in Fig. 1. The IC50 values of compounds A and excellent assay performance under these conditions. The
B from the luminescence assay are 9 and 814 nM (Fig. 7), same reaction plate was read repeatedly over a 4-h period,
respectively, which are similar to the reported values (7 and and the Z0 factor remained similar (Fig. 8B).
931 nM, respectively) from the fluorescence assay [9,10].
The luminescence system that we used showed a glow-type Discussion
luminescent signal with a half-life greater than 4 h. There-
fore, the same reaction plate was read repeatedly over a 4-h When choosing an HTS assay format, there is a growing
period after adding the luminescence detection reagent. preference for assays with luminescence readouts over fluo-
The IC50 value remained similar (within 10%) over this per- rescence formats due to considerations of sensitivity, linear
iod (data not shown), indicating good signal stability.
Because the compounds in our screening library are
invariably dissolved in DMSO and the DMSO concentra- A 35000
tion in the final assay mixture can be up to 5%, it is impor-
tant to determine the DMSO tolerance of the assay. To test 30000
the DMSO effect on the luminescence assay, we performed 25000
dose–response experiments with compound A and final

DMSO concentrations of 0 and 5%. Our results (not

shown) indicate that the DMSO effect is minimal on the 15000
MCD activity, with 5% DMSO increasing MCD activity 10000
slightly (10%), and not significant on the IC50 values of
compound A (11 and 14 nM with 0 and 5% DMSO, respec- 5000
tively). Therefore, the luminescence assay is tolerant of at 0
least 5% DMSO and is consequently amenable to HTS 0 10 20 30 40 50
operation. Well Number

B 1

Z ' Factor

Compound A
25000 Compound B 0.4

20000 0.2

15000 0
0 50 100 150 200 250
10000 Time (min)

5000 Fig. 8. Assay signal window (A) and Z0 factor evaluation (B) of the
luminescence assay. In (A), open circles are positive controls containing 10
0 lM compound A, and filled circles are negative controls without
-11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 inhibitors. Solid lines indicate the means, and dotted lines indicate ±3
Log (M) SD of these populations. In (B), the same reaction plate was read
repeatedly over a 4-h period and Z0 factors at different time points were
Fig. 7. Dose–response curves of MCD inhibitors (compounds A and B) in plotted. The calculation of Z0 factor is described under Materials and
the luminescence assay. methods.
A luminescence HTS assay for malonyl-CoA decarboxylase / M.-C. Lo et al. / Anal. Biochem. 376 (2008) 122–130 129

range, and robustness to assay artifacts arising from inter- due to experimental errors in determining the concentra-
ference by fluorescent compounds. We have developed a tion of [2-14C]malonyl-CoA. If this is the case, the kcat
highly sensitive luminescence assay to detect MCD activity. would also be affected. This is supported by the observa-
As shown in Fig. 3, the linear detection range for acetyl- tion that the kcat value obtained from the HPLC assay
CoA is from 20 nM to 20 lM in the luminescence assay. was about 2.8-fold lower than that from the luminescence
In contrast, in the fluorescence assay, the linear response assay. Nevertheless, these differences are relatively small.
for acetyl-CoA is above 3 lM. Therefore, the luminescence Using the luminescence assay, we determined the IC50
assay is about 150-fold more sensitive than the fluorescence values of two known MCD inhibitors. The IC50 values
assay for acetyl-CoA detection. In fact, the concentration that we obtained from this assay were close to those
of MCD used in the luminescence assay is about 100-fold reported before. We also found that the IC50 and Z0 val-
less than that in the reported fluorescence assay [9], making ues remained similar over a 4-h period, making this for-
the luminescence assay much more cost effective. Using mat highly suitable for automated HTS operation.
only 0.1 nM MCD in the luminescence assay, we obtained Furthermore, luminescence detection is more sensitive
a 10-fold assay window with a Z0 > 0.8. and less susceptible to interference by fluorescent com-
We characterized the steady state kinetics of MCD using pounds than is fluorescence detection. Therefore, the
the luminescence assay and compared our results with the luminescence assay is a better choice for HTS. However,
reported data. The kcat that we obtained from the lumines- as with all coupled assays, including the reported fluores-
cence assay is comparable to the values reported for MCD cence assay, the luminescence assay does require a second-
from humans and other species [14,20]. However, the Km ary assay to identify the false positives due to inhibition
obtained from the luminescence assay is 20–40 fold lower of the coupled enzymes used in the detection reactions.
than the values reported for human MCD [14,21]. How- This can be easily performed using a counter assay in
ever, this large discrepancy was not solely due to the differ- which the MCD reaction components are replaced with
ence in the assay formats. When our purified MCD was acetyl-CoA at a concentration generated in the uninhib-
characterized using the fluorescence assay described in ited MCD reaction (2 lM in our assay, corresponding
the literature, the Km was only 3.5-fold higher than that to 22% substrate conversion). We have tested com-
obtained using the luminescence assay. The remainder dif- pounds A and B in this counter assay and they do not
ference in Km may, at least in part, stem from the differ- inhibit the coupled enzymes in the same dose range tested
ences in protein constructs used: the reported kinetic (data not shown), supporting the notion that these two
characterization used human MCD overexpressed as a compounds are true MCD inhibitors. Finally, because
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cleavage of the MBP tag because the soluble His-tagged applied to other enzymes with acetyl-CoA as a substrate
MCD could not be produced [14,21]. However, when we or a product as long as those enzymes do not require
overexpressed MCD via a His-tagged construct, the pro- ATP as a cosubstrate.
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