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North Megatronics SAC Case

Jos Delta, CEO of North Megatronics SAC, talks to his fellows directory partners with the following tone: It's been about 4 months since we sat down to talk about the direction the company should take. I think it is time to evaluate thoroughly what we have been doing; we have also had the support of a select group of students from UCVs Industrial Engineering School. Yes, - answered Manuel Chirinos - the boys supported us a lot, but now it is, up to us to internalize within our organization what they gave us not let it remain only on paper. Thiats right my dear friend, the truth is that now comes a much more difficult, job since we understand have done everything, but can we make all of our partners understand too? Well, there must be some way to get to them, make the ideas that we plan to develop us who are senior executives reach our middle managers reach our tigers who are in charge of the operations, whom face daily the ravages of this business. You are absolutely right my friend, we have to be the leaders again, we have to take those things that we do well, and reinforce them, and above all we should try to improve our market share, as the company Juan Guevara has grown rapidly and is attracting almost all of our potential market. Well, I think we could have an alternative solution, so if we cannot compete with the company of Juan, then why not join? Our know-how linked to theirs, help us a lot. I had not thought of that, but it does not sound so crazy, we could increase by 45 % our sales next year, we could be their exclusive representatives, and now that he is trying to open the borders to trade in the European market. Its true my friend, I agree with you, but I think before that we should evaluate our current staff, therefore most of our human capital has chosen to go to other organizations and do not have the same level as before, remember that apart from our commercial, we also Academy Computer repowering. Yes, you said it, I think one way to recruit our ranks again our people will be the makeover, we also start going to the universities, we now have enough capital to choose from: We have the UCV, UPAO, UPN, UAP and UCT, all of which dictate Systems Engineering and can engage their students and evaluate top 10... What do you think? It is a good choice, but now you're talking about universities students, most, if not all, use Software License (Microsoft), we could see who mastered the free software use, would be a "goal", since no Academy is training in handling this type of software. Help us meet our goal to reduce costs, because we would not need to pay Microsoft licenses for the machines, which are too expensive. Oops, I forgot about the sales force?, We need to motivate those tigers, because lately fallen spirits walk. Yes, not bad fall a program of staff motivation, put it on the agenda as a priority, we need to organize as soon as possible. Well, you had a brilliant idea, we must communicate with Juan Guevara, and tell him that we agree with the proposal made last month, as we have no other, our company is in red, and

cannot be insensitive to our people, we must also think of their welfare, for something we are a family, do not you think? In fact, you're absolutely right, and look at it also by the technological side, John is in contact with the first world countries, and therefore have access to the best technology, that can give us a competitive advantage in the market, and we can stay afloat. Yes, we must give this radical change in our company, we will talk the name, but now we have the support of the Corporation of Juan Guevara that will benefit us. You're right, now, we'll call Juan, you should still be awake, and quickly we then have to call the Vallejo guys again, because we have to help translate these ideas to carry them all employees of our organization, from the head to the "smaller, not disparagingly, but responsibility.

You are part of that group of students to the Directorys Members Megatronics are bound to be asked: a) b) c) d) e) Establish the Vision and Mission of Megatronics SAC (2 pts.) Set the main objectives and goals of the Organization. (2 pts.) Perform SWOT Analysis Megatronics SAC (4 pts.) Develop SWOT Matrix business strategies. (6 pts.) Choosing a Strategic Objective, and take it to Level Tactical and Operational level, taking into account their respective metrics. (6 pts.)

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