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SodexhoPass Česká Republika, a.s.

l50 00 Praha5 . Smíchov
CompanyIdentiťrcationNumberGČo): 61860476
VAT Identification
Number(IČDPH): Cz6|860476
The companyis registered
with thecommercialRegisterkeptby theMunicipalcourt in prague,
No,2947 sectionB, file
by:Miroslav Sedlrík


no comment! s.r.o.
Jiráskova|424,2900l Poděbradv
CompanyIdentification Number(rČol. 26431556
VAT Identification Number(tČoPH): Cz2643|556
The companyis registered with the commercialRegisterkeptby theMunicipalcourt in prague,
N o ,8 1 6 9 8 sectionC, file
Represented by: Pavel Juklíček
(hereinafter 'NC')

have agreed to conclude this contract

L Subject matter ofthe contract

l' NC pledges to perform for SP consultancy services in

the area of government relations in czech Republic
related to the social reform, and SP pledges to pay the agreed
fee foithese services to Ňč.
2. The consultancy services will be aimed at achieving the following

a) "Modification of the czech legal system with the aim of saving

a system of meal vouchers under the
curent tax and legal regime."

Any necessary modificalion or change of the objective defined

in the preceding point must be the
subject of further negotiations and of a subsequint amendment
of this contract.

II. price and period of time

I' The contract is concluded for a definite period of time from

I't May 2007 to 3 1thJanuary 200g.

2, Either party may terminate the contract in any breach oťduties

define by this contract.
3. The contractualparties have agreed success fee oť l00.000,.
Euro if the success is is achieved.Deťrnitionof
cuccessis in appendix No. l.

III. Manner of consultancy

I' NC pledgesto inform sP monthly or upon requestof all activities

relatedto the subjectmatterof this

2, NC will above all Íjndout the interestspf the government,parliament

and third subjectswilling to support
the achievementof the statedobjectives;:espeCially refening to the obsraclesand ofrponentsof the stated

. /'/'/ .5 "
IV. The rightsand obligations

NC is obligedto proceedwith specialcare.NC cannottransferits rightsor obligationsunderthisconffactor

underthe law to third partiesandcannotauthorizea third personto performthe objectivesstatedin this
contract.NC cannotprovideany informationof which it learnsin relationwith the subjectmatterofthe
contractto a thirdperson,unlessit hasbeenpreviouslyauthorized to do so by SP or unlessit mustdo so in
orderto comply,u'ithits obligations.

2. No longerthan l0 daysaftertheterminationof the contractualrelationship,NC is obligedto handoverto

SP all materialsanddocumentswhichbelongto it.

J. SP is obligedto informNC in writtenťormif any incorrector misleadingdatarelatedto SP is statedínany

writtendocumentsubmittedto it by NC for approval.

V. Finalprovisions
I Either ofthe contractualpartiescan terminatethe contractifthe othercontractualpartyhas breachedits
obligationsandhas not removedthe consequences of thatbreachin the appropriateperiodof timeprovíded
to it in writtenform.

2. All amendments
to this contractmustbe concludedin writtenform and signedby both contractualparties.

3 . The invalidityof any of the provisionsdoesnot meanthe invalidityof the contractas a whole if its other
provisionscan remainvalid and if the contractmeetsits originalpurpose.

4, The solutionof ail disputesbetweenNC and SP will ťrrstbe afiemptedby the meansof settlement
proceedings.If no settlementis achieved,the decisionwill be takenby the court of law in the placeof the
registeredoffice of SP.

,5. The contractualpartiesdeclarethatthey arenot concludingthis contractunderduressnor understrikingly

disadvantageous conditions.

6. The contractualpartiesdeclarethatthey havereadthe contractandurderstoodits contents,which they

confirmby sígningit freely,willingly andseriously.

Prague,8trMay 2007

't ///
! s'/
authorized representative
No Comment,s. r.o. Sodexho Pass Českárepublika,a.s.

i"") ,,//,
V Příloha č.1

Předmět sm|oury

Cílemje zachovatipro rok 2008daňovýaprávnírežim poskýovánípříspěvků na stravování

zaměstnanců formoustravenekv reŽimuplatnémk 1,|. 2007( tedyjako daňověuznatelnýnáklad
ťremaždo výše55Yocelkovýchnákladůna stravováníabezzdaňovánia odvodůu poskr.tnutého
příspěvkuna stranězaměstnanců).

Termínyryplaty prémieza úspěch

1. splátka- 50%smluvníodměnybudevyplacenado 14dnůpo podpisuzákonaodaniz příjmu

právniclqýcha fyzickýchosob (respektivenově předkládaného
zákona o reforměveřejnýóhiozpoětů)
prezidentem Ceskérepubliky'
2. splátka- 50%smluvníodměnybudevyplacenado 3 1.1.2008

Záruka v pruběhuroku 2008 k riziku zménystavu daňového reŽimustravovánídosaženéhoěinností
NC dle tétosmlouvys úěinností již v průběhuroku 2008'musíNC vyvinoutmaximálníspravedlivě
vyžadovatelné úsilík udržení
daňového režimustravováníbeze změn,
P9k1d byv takovémpřípadědošloke zménělegislativys negativnímdopademna hospodářské
vysledky SP, je NC povinnavrátit SP uhrazenoučástkuodpovídající
poměrnédobě,pó kterounebyl
udrženŽádoucídaňoý a právníreŽim.

No Comment,s.r.o. SodexhoPassČeskárepublika.a.s.


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