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D Correction Symbols

Meaning Incorrect
p. P-
p. punctuation I live, and go to school here- I live and go to school here.
Wh~ do you work.
- p. Where do you work?

o word missing
I working in a restaurant.
C4~. CD.p.
COf. capitalization It is located at main and llaker It is located at Main and Baker
C D.J>. c.. p;
- streets in the £ity.

Streets in the city.

I never work as a cashier until I had never worked as a cashier

o..;r. subject-verb
- vi: ----
I get a job there.

The manager work hard.
0.,(. -
until I got a job there.

The manager works hard.

agreement There ~ five employees. There are five employees.

make one
word or -
EverYOne works hard.
We work together.~ So we have
. -....'
Everyone works hard.
We work together, so we have
sentence become frIends. become friends.

5p. spelling The mane&~ is a woman.
pI. plural She treats her employees like 1!av!t.

unnecessary My boss ~ watches everyone all My boss watches everyone all

X word the time. the time.

w.f: wrong word Her voice is irritated.

'w.W. wrong word The food is delicious. Besides, The food is delicious. Therefore,
the restaurant is always crowded. the restaurant is always crowded.
Appendix D Correction Symbols I
pronoun The..,restaurant's specialty is fish. The restaurant's specialty is fish. It
reference error TIley are always fresh. r,P. is always fresh.
The food is delicious. Therefore,.ll The food is delicious. Therefore.
is always crowded. the restaurant is always crowded.

wrong word Friday~our busiest night.

RO Lily was fired she is upset. Lily was fired, so she is upset.
OR Lily was fired; therefore, she is upset.
comma splice Lilywas fired, she is upset. Because Lily was fired, she is upset.
(incorrectly Lily is upset because she was fired.

fragment She was fired. Because she was She was fired because she was
(incomplete always late. always late.

She was also careless. She She was also careless. For example.
frequently spilled coffee on the table. she frequently spilled coffee on the table.

"Is open from 6:00 P.M.until the last The restaurant is open from 6:00 P.M.
customer leaves. until the last customer leaves.

The employee~on time and work hard.
We start serving dinner,,6:00 P.M.

The garlic shrimp, fried clams, 1\ The garlic shrimp. fried clams. and
broiled lobster are the most broiled lobster are the most
popular dishes. popular dishes.


Diners expect.f!lass of water when Diners expect a glass of water

I'( orot-.
they first sit down at,{able. when they first sit down at the table.

Symbol for a

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