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Introduction The states of countries are run by a government which are set of chosen people to occupy some strategic

offices. There are many ruling systems which are used by different countries to select people who become to front leaders. One of the systems is called Multi-party system. In this paper the researcher has highlighted about the Multi-party system which is the one whereby different parties are given chance to run and become the ruling party or are incorporated in the decision making of the country through parliament or inclusive government, normally, this multi-party system and democracy walk hand-in-hand. As a way of elucidating the reader, in this work is defined the system and presented the different types of this system as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the system. To be more explicit, there are some examples of how this system is being used in the Mozambican context.

Multi-party system Multi-party system understood as being a system in which multiple political parties have the capacity of gaining control of governments offices, separately or in coalition. The effective number of parties in a multi-party system is normally more than two but less than ten. To add, in the majority of multi-party systems, numerous major and minor political parties hold a higher chance of getting offices, thus, they all compete, though the many parties may not control the legislature and it can end up leading to creation of a coalition. According to Sartori view, multiparty is party system which is fair, however, not consolidated. In this, neither a party can gain consistent percentages of votes nor can one of them exhibit the power of taking long and grow as the time moves. There are some subdivisions of this system. From some critical analysis, the multiparty system can perfect or imperfect multiparty systems. Perfect Multiparty System, There is a complete electoral plans dispersal and parliamentary which makes impossible the formation of any majority without having recourse to a coalition formed by not only one but several parties. When it is perfect, the decision making conducted through appropriated channels and every party is fully involved in the system. This is the democratic spirit which the multi-party system brings about. However, it can also be imperfect as any other system. Imperfect Multiparty System or of the Ruling Party, coexist with various parties with different number of chairs in the parliament. Where one of them is pointed out, with above 35% of the electoral representation which approach the parliamentary majority and allows the formation of one-party which holds more power in the government. Here, we have one political party taking advantages over others as the major party prioritizes own interests against the points of view of another parties. For instance, this can be seen happening in Mozambique where Frelimo has the parliamentary majority number people comparing to others.

How the multi-party system in Mozambique was established. According to the history, the multiparty system in Mozambique emerged after the civil war between Frelimo and Renamo which were fighting for the power over the country. On one hand, Renamos party was seen as a guerrilla movement or as this partys name suggests, it is the resistance to the rule of Frelimo. This was the party which for the first time in the history of Mozambique, forced to move into multi-party system as a way of solving the conflicts between the two sides. On the other hand, Frelimo is viewed as the liberator of the homeland from the colonial system. In another words, the above paragraph means that the civil war ended by the General Peace Accords, which was signed on October 4th in 1992 between Frelimo and Renamo, this agreement provided the clauses which recognized Renamo as a political party and not as a rebel movement and it led to the beginning of multiparty system in Mozambique. As a result, on October 27th to 29th of 1994 took place the first free and democratic elections in Mozambique in which Frelimo was the winner. Nowadays, in Mozambique there are several parties and various political coalitions, the seats in the parliament are distributed by percentage of votes in the electoral process. Actually only three political parties have seats in parliament, in other words, only Frelimo, Renamo and MDM have seats in parliament and Frelimo has bigger percentages of parliamentarians. So, it is seen that the system is deficit since only one party has the higher power to take decisions; the reality shows that there is unfairness in parliament and it risks the multiparty system. The multi-party system which is being used whereby the most voted political party becomes the dominant, has been leading to unhappiness and frustration of the smaller parties. This is because the biggest party becomes the decision maker on all issues which have to take place. As a result, other political parties start using inappropriate means to be heard. For example, as Remano has being under-minded by the ruling party, it started threatening the peace in Mozambique as a way for making its voice heard.

Point of View I think that there should have room for dialogue and agreement among political parties as they could adopt a perfect multi-party system instead of having one a dominant party for the dominant party has characteristic of dictatorship and this is not what Mozambican people expect to live. This is a violation of democratic principles. Multi-party system is a principles which is part of the constitution, however are not respected and got forgotten after the first elections in 1994.

Recommendation There should be given a percentage limit of seats to the party which is more voted. For example, the ruling party would be not given more that 45% of seats and the union of the other smaller parties would be 55%. It can allow more constructive debates in the parliament and the

decisions taken would be according to the pertinence of the issue and not according to the influence of the party the parliamentarian represents.

Conclusion Multi-party system is as one way of ruling which allows many different parties to run as rulers and in the parliament provides inclusiveness for the decision making. However, this system has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages is when it is applied perfectly and all systems are fairly conducted and when it is imperfectly applied brings disadvantages as we find one party taking advantages over others due to the big percentage they have. This is the case of Mozambique and the reason of the fear which Mozambicans are under.

Bibliography Mendes, joao- A nossa situacao, o nosso futuro e o multipartidarismo; Calvalho, manuel proena

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