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Breathing White Light In addition to the use of affirmations, it is possible to replace negative beliefs with positive beliefs using

a technique called "Breathwork." Through Breathwork, you can replace negative thoughts with White Light. Many of the ancient schools knew the importance of breath in connecting with the Divine. You can use this ancient knowledge to raise your vibrations. Sit comfortably with your spine erect and relaxed. Breathe in deeply and slowly through your nose. As you breathe in, visualize yourself breathing in White Light. While holding your indrawn breath, picture White Light filling up your body. Then breathe out through your mouth and say, "I release _________ (fear, lack, jealousy, anger, doubt, all that is non-serving, karmic debts, etc.)" Breathe in, hold the breath, and breathe out for equal amounts of time. For example, if you breathe in for three seconds, hold the breath for three seconds and breathe out for three seconds. You may also, as you breathe out, simply name the vibration you are breathing out. For example, you might breathe out, for three breaths, "Anger." In this case, as you breathe in you would simply say "White Light," and upon the release of breath, simply say, "Anger." Breathwork transforms negative, subconscious vibrations into loving, higher frequencies. Chakra Clearing Working with your chakras is another way to raise your vibration. Visualizing a brilliant green light filling your heart chakra will help to clear any unwanted energy in this area. After filling your Heart Chakra with green light, bring in pink light, the light of self-love. Loving yourself is a wonderful way to raise your vibration. Each thought or act of self-love sends positive energy to the Universe, adding to the Light. The Violet Flame of Transmutation Another very powerful tool to help us raise our vibrations is the Violet Flame of Transmutation. Immerse yourself in the cleansing energy of the Violet Flame to create harmony and lift your consciousness. To call on the energy of the Violet Flame, sit quietly and visualize a clear, violet flame coming from the Source. Imagine it coming toward you, growing larger and larger as it envelops your body in a circle of violet light. Envision it entering your body through your Crown Chakra (the top of your head). Ask that all negative energy which you are holding in your heart, mind, and body be transmuted to positive, loving energy. You will immediately feel lighter, uplifted, and less burdened when you call upon the Violet Flame of Transmutation. Final Thought Your loving energy raises your own vibration and that of the world. Every time you have a loving thought or say a kind word, you are becoming more like the Masters. Do not let yourself become overwhelmed by the daunting task of replacing all negativity in your life with positive energy. Just take one step at a time. Use an Affirmation, Breathwork, Chakra Clearing, or the Violet Flame Of Transmutation to bring more Light into your life. Our Guides, Teachers, Ascended Masters, and Archangels are always available to assist us in bringing more love into our lives.

Remember that everything is intention. If you call upon your Guides to assist you in raising your vibration, you will receive the assistance you ask for.

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