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Student ID: 70669987 Exam: 986869RR - GENETICS

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1. During division in cellular reproduction, the DNA and cytoplasm of the parent cell is distributed to two
A. daughter cells. B. chromosomes. C. clones. D. simplified cells.

2. Once the _______ checkpoint is passed in the cell cycles, the cell is committed to division.
A. S B. G1 C. G2 D. M

3. Which statement about Chargaff's rules is correct?

A. In each species, the amount of adenine equals the amount of thymine. B. In each species, the amount of adenine equals the amount of cytosine. C. In each species, the amount of adenine equals the amount of guanine. D. The amount of adenine, guanine, thymine, and cytosine is the same in every species.

4. In humans, blood type inheritance is an example of

A. complete dominance. B. codominance. C. incomplete dominance. D. predominance.

5. Through a microscope you see an exchange of chromosome segments between chromosome pair 7 and chromosome pair 15. This condition is an example of
A. translocation. B. inversion. C. relocation. D. duplication.

6. The process of reproductive cloning begins by

A. isolating cells to learn more about how they specialize. B. genetically modifying a stem cell. C. placing an adult nucleus in a cell without a nucleus. D. genetically modifying an embryo.

7. What cell parts have been compared to the protective caps on the ends of shoe laces?
A. Telomeres B. BRCA1 C. Angiogenes D. Oncogenes

8. A DNA molecule has a unique design that resembles a spiral staircase. Scientists call this design a
A. double nucleotide. B. spiral structure. C. double helix. D. spiral purine.

9. The scientific field devoted to developing new drugs for treating genetic disorders is
A. proteomics. B. genomics. C. bioinformatics. D. genetic profiling.

10. In one kind of abnormal chromosome inheritance called Down syndrome, a child has three copies of
A. chromosome 23. B. chromosome Y. C. chromosome X. D. chromosome 21.

11. Transgenic bacteria can be used to produce

A. antibodies. B. proteins. C. food. D. medicines.

12. During meiosis, the "shuffling" exchange of genetic material is called

A. crossing-over. B. allele distribution. C. synapsis. D. tetrad formation.

13. A visual display of the chromosomes of a person, arranged by size, shape, and patterns of banding is

A. bioinformatics. B. a karyotype. C. a genetic profile. D. a gene map.

14. In the development of a cancer cell, the formation of new blood vessels is called
A. metastasis. B. carcinogenesis. C. angiogenesis. D. differentiation.

15. Let T mean tall and t mean short. If Clara's mother is Tt and her father is Tt, what is the chance that she'll be tall?
A. 3 in 4 B. 1 in 4 C. Zero D. 2 in 4

16. Animal cells actively replicate their genetic material during

A. metaphase. B. cytokinesis. C. interphase. D. the mitotic stage.

17. A change in a single DNA nucleotide is called a

A. ligase. B. point mutation. C. transposon. D. mutagen.

18. The human chromosomes that are responsible for the gender of a child are the
A. autosomes. B. homologues. C. X and Y chromosomes. D. alleles.

19. Which one of the following statements would most clearly refer to a person's genotype?
A. Harold inherited high cheekbones. B. Bill is recessive for height and dominant for hair color. C. Karen has broad shoulders, long legs, and green eyes. D. Susan has blue eyes.

20. Proteins are synthesized in

A. messenger RNA. B. transfer RNA. C. ribosomes. D. the cell nucleus.

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