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7 AugUS12010
12 Ways To Write Bullets Points
That Give Prospects Almost NO CHOICE
But To Buy From Your Sales Letters
Dear Crypto "Iarketer,
Scooting right along with our "how to write a sales letter" lesson -- today we're
gonna talk about writing bullets. Lots and lots and LOTS of bullels. Because, in the
end, it's all about t.he bullets, baby.
In fact, as Ken McCarthy says in his magnifieent. copywriting eOllrse
(www.KensCopyClinie.eom): Bullet. writing is the one "skill" you MlJST have to creat.e
truly effective ads. For one thing, bullets are easy on the eyes and quick for your brain
to "digest." (There's a reason we write grocery lists and not groeery paragr'aphs when
shopping). And some of t.he most successful ads in history are nothing but a headline,
an opening paragraph ... and bullets. Frankly, one good bullet "shot" inside your
prospect's psychology can drive t.hem t.o the point of madness if they don't buy. This is
why (for example) I average well over 50 bullets in most of my ads. (My Copywriting
Grab Bag ad has almost 200 bullets!)
Plus, here's another thing to consider:
Bullets al'e t.he raw mater'ial for everything else in YOlll' ads, too. \Vhen YOLI
know how t.O write bullets, you can write awesome P.S.'s offers, b'uaranl.ees, subheads
. \.
COJlJrighl2010 Ben Settle, All RighiI' Reserved Published 8y Settle. LLC

and, yes, headlines. Again, as Ken teaches, "what is your headline but your
best bullet!'" So it's ALL about the bullets. Master this skill and you become a master
copywritcr'. And today I'm going to show you how to hammer out dozens (even
hundt'eels) or bullets for' your' pJ'Oducts that drive your I'eaders cl'azy with <lesit,c,
curiosity and thc "tII'ge" to buy.
So without furthcr' ado ...
nullet Point Secret #1:
This bullet is pretty stl'aighl forward. You simply say somet.hing that wrenches
on your' pl'Ospeet's natural scnsc of ctll'iosit.y. It. goes back to what. mastel' copywl'itcl'
Scott Haincs told me he learned from thc late (great) Sir Gary of Halbert: Curiosity is
an even MORE powerful buying motive than dcsir'e:
17 lies all intelligent women always tell men!
Cancelled check for rire insurance premium pl'Oves you're covered. Right?
nullet I)oint Secret #2:
"Can't Be Done"
This kind of bullet is ,'elated to the curiosity bullct abovc, And I fir'st heard of it
in a lectlll'c by copywriting legend Eugene Schwartz. These are bullets where the
benefit 01' claim seems almost unbelievable (but still possible):
A secrct, "baek door" way of gcuing Cooglc to ('educe your pay-per-diek fees ...
without. even logging int.o YOIII' Ad\Vords
How t.o vacuum, dust. and dean your dresser dr'awel' wit.hout removing its
CopyrighL 2010 8tm Sellle,AlI Rights Published n.r St!lIlt" LI.C
Bullet Poinl Secret #3:
Proof & Credibility
\Vhcnever you add credibility (or "prooF) to a claim, you exponentially increase
its believability. And since (as the "greatest. living copywriter'" Gar)' Bencivenga says)
nobody buys without belief, adding credibilily to your bullets will oft.en increase your
ovcr'all responsc, too:
A scientifically provcn way (discovered by Isaac Newton) to hit another man
wit.h "slcdge hammcr'" likc foree. (Rcgardless of your' size or specd now.)
The onc word Socratcs (perhaps t.he grcatest mastcr of persuasion who ever
livcd) used to "scll" people on his ideas -- even though they werc dead set.
ag'dinst him bcfOl'e!
nullet Poinl Secrel #.1:
Conlrast idcas, wOI'ds and concepts gct BIG attention in advcrtising. That's
why you see headlincs about one-legged golfers and other sensationalist ideas in high-
pulling ads. They also make great bullets, too:
The incredihle copywriting secret (used hy both P.T. Barnum and )rlothcr
Theresa) that. leLo; you sell to cvcn your coldest, most "sales resistant" prospects.
A sncaky way t.O sell morc products with a WEAK sales pitch
Bullet Point Secret #5:
Pain (Physical Or Psychological)
'.emory training cxpcrts will tell you to painfully "peg" things to your body (in
your mind) to remembcr something. Example, if you want to remember a hot dog, you
visualizc someone nailing a hot dog into your leg. Ouch! Bul it works. BeC!allSe thc
human brain finds pain (physical and psychological) har'cJ to f()rgel. And gucss what?
W\ CopYl'ighl 2010 Ben Senle,AJI RighlS Published Uy Settle, LLC
AUGUST, 2010
You can also use this concept 1.0 craft "unforgeuahle" bullets:
A secret "bear hug" defense that's so ruthless, there's a good chance he'll be
pissing blood immediately afterwards.
What many people do in their wills Lhat could disinherit. their children.
Bullet Point Secret #6:
Straight Benefit
This is anot.her simple and sll'aight fonvard one -- just. slat.e the claim (or more
than one claim):
I low to hitthc golf hall's "swcet spot" every time you swing the club. (Hit the
hall in this exacl spot. and you almost can't help (h'iving t.he ball farther and
stl'aighter down the fairway.)
How to get YOlll' amlial.e web pages featured on CNN, Coogle, Yahoo and other
high tr'amc sitcs -- 100% free.
Bullet Point Secret #7:
Tell Them 'Vhat NOT To Do
This bullet. is also I'elatcd to curiosity. Exccpt, you're not telling t.hem what to
do ... you're telling them what. NOT to do. This is especially powcl{ul if it.'s somelhing
you know they arc alr'eady doing. I love these bullets because people have an
ext.remely hard time not. buying if you do enough of t.hem:
The #1 \VOnST mist.ake you ean make with your wrist. when swinging a golf
club. (Even ifYOll do evcl',Ything else "t'ight",'yourgame will fall apal'l. if you
make this common mist.ake nobody talks about.)
Fom' words that will destroy ,Y0lll' chances of sponsOl'ing new reps -- even the
ones who alr'e:Hly want. to sign up! (\Vhcn r stoppcd saying these fOlll' wOI'cls --
lhal99% of nel.w(wk marketers say during ealls -- my sponsoring I'ate shot
.. ight20IOBenSettle.AIIRights Resen'ed Published LLC
through the roo()
Bullet Point Secret #8:
The Give Awuy
One thing you can do in your bullets is give away what the'e secret is. I
don't recommend doing a lot of these. But tossing a few in the mix can ratchet up the
"believability factor" of your ol.her claims and promises (since you're
your knowledge):
Nausea -- settle a queasy stomach with a bowl of milk toast. Amazing! Page 5
How 1.0 usc simple cartoons to explode your sales ... no mattcr what you sell or
who you sell 1.0. (For example, you'd be amazed at. how easily a picture of a
phone operator with her' headset on can jack up your response!)
Bullet Point Secret #9:
The 90% Solution
This is a great. technique T learned from "A-list" eopywl'iter David Deutsch. This
is where you "bait the hook" 90% of the way, and purposely leave oul. I.hat extra 10%
the reader would need to get the whole secret. Here are some examples:
Why you should never ehew gum if you are I.rying 1.0 lose weight!
The real reason why Prozae and Zoloft are so popular' in this country! (Almost
no one ... not. even doeIOl's ... under'stands the stal'lling sexual implicat.ions.)
Bullet Point Secl'et #10:
End \Vith Dramutic Subheadline
This a great way to tweak lip the "sameness" of an ad with lots of bullets. 'Vltat
you do is turn the last six or seven words of your bullet int.o a dl'amatic sub-headline:
www.BcnScllle.eom COI)yright 2010 Ben Settle, AU RighlS I\escn'(!d Published B)' Scttlc, LtC
How to "tl'ick" copywriters who get paid hundl'cds of t.housands of dollars
pet' ycm ....
Into Doing All The "Dirty'Vork" For You!
Bullet Point Secret #11:
Compressed Bullets
I first noticed this when reading a Gary Bencivenga ad. I tend to do these at the
end of a long bullet list. as a sort of "gt'and finale." And what you do is tHke a bunch of
your short and "punehy" bullets and compress them into their own paragraph:
'Vhy you do NOT want your press releases used word-for-wOl'd ...
ITow to usc "sound bites" to make your press releases almost impossible
fOl' reportel's to forget or ignore ... Why you should almost email
YOlll' press I'clcascs ... How to make yoursclf an instant "expert" ... And
nmch mOl'c.
Bullet Point Secret #12:
Expansion Bullets
Finally, we havc what I call "expansion" bulleL'i. This is where you take a bullet
and taek on a detailed explanation of it. (using lots of tease). This is another great way
to brcak up the "samencss" of the page when writing a fat list of bullets. Here's an
example that also combines the compressed bullets, too:
lIow to stop a life-thl'eatening disease in YOUl' dog ... b(!fOl'e it

Speaking of' stopping diseases ... chapter 32 of "Why You Should
Never Give Your Dog A Bone" will show you ...
. ().
www.8eIlS(! COII)'l'ighl201O 8m) S(!lllc,AlI Rights Resen'ed Published 8y Settle, LLC
How To Pay Little Or Nothing For Your Dog's
Vet Bills And Medieutions!
This is no joke.
In fact, if you want to kiss those sky-high vel bills and expensive
pet medications goodbye forever ... then turn immediately to page 92 and
Why some collcges will pelfOl'm veterinary sel'Viees fOl' ,Your dog (as
eduealion for their vetel'inarian students) at a redueed cost (and
sometimes free!) .. , A special website where you ean buy dog medications
for as much as 50% off ... A secret way to get high-(lHtlity veterinary
services 100% FREE for' the rest of your dog's life ... How to save a
HUGE amount of money on your vel bills by asking your vet one (almost
laughably simplc) qucst.ion ... And more.
There arc actually 12 money-saving secrets in this
And each one can save you a pile of money the next time YOUl' dog
gets sick, hurt. or just. needs a routine checkup. Here arc a few more of
the little-known secl'ets I'evealed in this hot new book for dog owners:
More Bullet Point ...
Here are some more bullet point "odds and ends":
.f Beef up the "book ends": if you follow the for'fllula we've been discussing in
these "how to write a sales letter" issues, there's H very good chanee your readel's
will at least skim the first. few bullets ... and then the last couple .. Just like the
P.S. is the second most read part of the ad, the last bullet point is the second
most read bullet (usually). This is why YOll want your "book end" bullets La be
the cream of thc cr'op. It's also why (in many eases) I'll r1nish the builds lip
www.BenSctllc.l:om COIIYI'ighI201O Bcn Senle,AII Righi!> I)ublishl!d By Scttle, Ll.e
wilh an expansion bullet, followed by a "compression" of shorl euriosity ones.
Bam! Bam! Bam!
.f Loop effeeL: If I have 30 OJ' mo('e bullets, I'll divide t.hem int.o 2 01' 3 sections of
10 (give OJ'take). Then, I'll insert an expansion bullet that. leads the reader back
into more bullets (see the expansion bullet example above about the dog book).
T won't say it.'s "hypnotie" (that lerm is way too overused). But it ereates a sort of
"loop" cITed that tends 1.0 increase readership .
.f Vary UI) your "ammo": This is important if you have IOLs of bullets in differenl
categories in yom' ad (i.e. product bullets, bullets describing the pl'Oduct's
author, more bullets in the P.S., etc). Instead of just "bullet" marks, you can use
check marks, numbers, arrows and any other kind of mark. lL helps keep things
lively and unpredictable. You never want to bore anyone .
.f Eye relief: Gal)' Iialberllaughi. this all the time. What you want to do is bold
every other bulJel.. That visually gives your bulleted list even more "eye relief."
.f Amazon cheal sheel: Want tons of great bullel ideas? Look yc at the table of
contents in the highest selling books on amazon (the ones rclated to yours, of
course). Read 'em and then "I'eplll'pose" lhose tit.les, book litles and
oLher ideas into your bullets .
.f Praetice makes perfeeL: Publicity "wizard" Paul Hartunian uses bullets in his
press releases all the lime (I'eporters LOVE reading press releases with lots of
hOl bullets). And he once said he'll leave notes for people in "bullet" form just
lo keep praelicing. Good advice .
.f People to study: TTel'e aI'e some of my favorite bullet point writel's. Just. reading
Lheil' builds will give you a wold-class educat.ion on the subjeCl: Gary Halbert,
John Carlton,.Mel Martin, Gary Bencivenga, Parris Lampropou los, Ken
Eugene Schwal.z, Carline Anglade-Cole, Jim Rulz and Seott Haines.
Also, check out where you can sec the laleslmagazine covers
COI,yright 2010 Ben Settle,AII Rigbts Resened Published BJ Sellie. LLC
(you can get a lot of ideas from reading Cosmo's covers, for example, even if
they arc kinda raunchy). Yahoo and MSN also sometimes have good teaser
bullets for t.heir news st.ories, too.
So there you have it -- a "baker's dozen" of ways to wl'it.e bullets t.hat. almost
force people 1.0 buy what you're selling.
Happy shooting!
Questions From The
Crypto Marketing Mail Bag
QUESTION: "You teacl, a lot abollt telling stories. Bul you don't seem to Iwve a story in allY
of tile ad\'./iJryoul' own products. "
It's about time someone noticed that. Yes, it.'s I.rue, t.he 5 products I curl'ently
sell don't have sl.ories in Lhe ads. And the reason why is simple: I I.e II my "stOIY"
regularly in my emails. See, my business model is far more akin to lalk radio
than anything else. Take, fOl' example, Rush Limbaugh. If 1\1Ish writes a book and he
sells it Lo his own audience (and noL via mass mal'kcting, Ad\Vords, space ads, etc),
docs he really need to tell his full story in the ad? Docs he really need t.o "sell" the
peoplc who alr'eady know, like and I.l'USt him enough to tune in evm'y day on his
credibility? I say thee nay. He can immediately jump int.o t.he good stun' (the benefit.s/
bullets) and safely skip the story part.
And that's how my business is set up, in a sense.
My ads aI'C not intended to sell "cold" pl'Ospeel.s (although I gel a slll'JH'isingly
large number of first t.ime visitOl' sales -- that I Ii ke to think is due to t.he sales letter
bullets). Instead, t.hey are wl'iUen to those who lune inlo my eaeh day, arc
leased and tanlalized (which I tr)' to injeel in each l'l1lail) ahollt a speeifie pl'OdUCI, and
Cop),I'ight 2010 Seule,AlI Rights I\esel'wd BJ Settle, LLC
want more. These customers are already pre-sold on me and just want to see what I
got. flying lip for them in the kit.chen. These are also the easiest kind of prospects to
sell to. Heck, I don't even want cold prospect.s reading my ads much less buying (one
reason T don't. have affiliates). ON THE OTHER HAND ... if I was selling to ice eold
prospccts ... or if 1 was not having a daily dialogue with my list ... or ifI was selling 1.0 a
mass mal'ket ... I would approach my ads differently.
Jt's all about YOUR unique strategy, st.rengths and market. place dynamics.
Thel'c's no "onc size fits all" husiness model (no malleI' what the goo-roos say).
Critique Time
This month's cl'itique "" is Stephen Davies. Steve's got a membership
product about winning the lottety. This is an early draft of his ad (making it a perfect
fit for a critique). You ean I'cad it at the link below, with my suggestions following:
OK Steve, here are some ideas to consider:
without the tOI) For one t.hing, it s{!reams "ad!" And secondly,
you might be surprised how many marketers are finding t.heir responses going
lip by removing theil' top graphics. It's worth a test if nothing clse.
I lead line change: Try playing up the media directly in the headline (and not in
its own box or anything like that). Mayhaps something like this:
\Vhy Reuters, C8C And Hundreds Of Prestigious Media Outlets
\Vorldwide Are Talking About This New Way To 'Vin The
Lollel'y Almost Every Time You 1)lay
. to.
That's kind of r'ough (not great), but 1 think you get the idea. This way you can
"borrow" t.he credibility from t.hose media sources. Also, I' III kind of the lone
voice in the wilderness about this, but I recommend notllsing the usual
headline structUl'es t.hat scream "ad!" (like "revealed at lasl.!", CIC). "l-lowTo" is
fine, and any common hook litle structures are fine, but I'd st.eer dear of the
obvious adver'lising phrases. You might also play around with using "NASA
seienee" or something like that in your headline, too.
Personal message: Instead of having it say "personal message from me" (who's
"me"?). You may want to make it. look more editorial. For example, just a
picture of Kelly with something under it that provokes eUl'iosity. Like, "Kelly
Watson -- Just. an ordinary woman who figured out an extraordinary way to win
the lottery almost every time." Doesn't have to be exaclJy like that. But just
something to make people identify with her.
Story/Mechanism: The story and mechanism for' how it works al'e ver:y well
done, so good job on that! You also do a great job of conneeting with the
market (a lot. of people feel t.he way Keny does about money, their johs, etc)
Disclaimer: I also like how you bring the reader "down" t.o a more realistic level
and leave all the hype out -- especially wit.h t.hat disdaimm' about how you
cannot guarantee their' winnings, etc. A lot of sales letter'S skir'l over this or try
to hide it. When, in reality, revealing flaws helps response.
Voice: It could just. be me with this (others may disagr'ee) ... so take with a grain
of salt ... but just as a reader, I'm not convinced a female is actually talking in
this sales leUer'. You might wantlo make sUI'e il.'s in a woman's "voice." This is
hard for must of us guys to do (1 find it excruciatingly har'd). But it's important
to keep it in a woman's voice the whole time.
Order buttons: You might test pulling those order bullons farther up the page.
Certainly one right YOll introduce the product. The gencr'a) idea is not to
introduce an OJ'der link until value has been estahlished. And since YOlll'
Ben Scul",AII Rights I\esen'cd Published S(!ule, LLC
membership is not super expensive, testing the order link farther tip the page
(starting after you introduce the membership -- maybe right above the Q&A
part) would be worth the effort.
Okey-dokey, dawgy daddy.
Next month we're gonna wrap this "how Lo wriLe a sales letter" lesson up with
the all-important dose, as well as some assorted fine points abouL writing sales leUer's.
Aner Lhat. .. I've gOL something completely different (and extremely valuable) cooking
up for' ya.
Giddy up,
Ben SeUle
Hemember, if you have an ad or email or marketing idea you'd like critiqued, or a
question you'd like answer'cd in this newsletter, send to ben@benseUle.eom. And
don't forget to check out the Crypto Marketing Lounge (free to you as a subscriber --
ail you need is a free Yahoo id. When it asks to tell the moderator about yourself,just
type in yom' full name so 1 ean verify your subscription status):
The Crypto Marketing Newsletter Contact Info:
PO Box 492 Gold Beach, OR 97444
(815) 425-4483
Sign up for free daily email tips at:
2010 Ben Sellle,AlI Resen'ed Published Selll,,", LLC
August , 2010 -Hot Sheet "
Since this month ' s issue is about bullets , here's a list of great
bullet point "templates . " They are ver y easy to adapt and modify for
just about a ny product you will ever sell. I use a lot of these in my
own ads , so I can assure they are proven to work for a wide variety of
markets and products . ..
Breakthrough solutions for
Outrageous new ___ that
Shocking confessions of
The real reason
What to say/ write
Take the sting out of
Exampl es of
Secret techni ques that
Fastest known way to
The single biggest
Sure way to
Why "the jury is no longer out " on the common belief
What it means if you have
A dead "gi veaway" which
One- and- only proven-effective way to
Sneaky psychological tactics hidden from
Exactly where to go / what to do if
A brand new discovery which
Simple - sometimes even illogical - - ways to
The secret of starting your
The "no- sweat, no-brainer" way to
A secret almost nobody
The secret, almost automatic way to ensure
The biggest (and easiest) secret of
The biggest -- and maybe most common
A special place/way to find/get
The only time you should ever
The "insider" secrets of
A weird (but effective) way to
The two almost unknown secrets
A "can't miss" way to
The dirty little secrets of
The demystifying truth about
The life- changing secrets of
Key strategies for finding
The honest , no "bull crap" truth about
An almost unknown way to
Clear and straight-forward advice that will instantly
5 quick-start steps for
Why you live and die by
A five-second exercise to
How to "sucker punch" the competition by
Everything you need to get
The super-intense "insider" secrets of
The 10 instantly-effective
How to use the ancient secrets of
very simple tactic to
11 proven ways to
A quickie "idiot's guide " to
A single little-used secret that will
secrets nobody told you about
The singl e most- violated rule of
Exploding the _ _ myth
Cheap tricks to ensure
A scientifically-proven
What X knows about Y which Z doesn't that
Two magic little
The single most important thing
Three sure- fire ways to
How any man can
A insight into
Almost fool-proof way to
A unique _____ accidentally discovered by
The really juicy secret to
The number one rule you must fol low when
A simple questions you must ask yourself before
A which is impossible for most people but
Spooky insights to
A little- known secret that
The ugly little secret that
An exclusive look into
A simple "laundry list " of things you must
A secret (place) ini on
The pure magic of
The thrilling
The scary side of
The six "tricks" which are the surest path to
Why it's so important to
The details about how
The "X" factor of a "for real"
What you need to know about ____ and how this knowledge will
Why you cannot believe
Why_ almost never work and the one "almost magic" way to
every time
The great secret of
Why most people miss out on
Why you really don't need to be in order to
How to use the
The correct way to
Four incredibly easy ways
The simple little tip that will
The one mistake even professional make
(Some respected authority's) secret:
Exactly where to put
The one best way to
The truth behind
A simple IS-minute change in the way you ___ that
The fallacy of
Ten things you must know about
The "big lie" of
A simple 3-second "trick" which 100% eliminates
The vital importance of
How to get into
An eye- popping demonstration of
that works

The major flaw in 99% of
How will solve almost all problems caused by
The often-overlooked that
How to produce awesome
The most powerful cure for _____ ever known
The most certain way to
Put an end to
What most people report as their number one source of
The critical element
An "almost magic" way to
The surprising reason
The 10 most common "clumsy mistakes" 90% of all make
The one and only aecret to
A very important (but almost unknown) "trick" which
The startling discovery that
Why almost always fail to understand a
The real reason you
The only list that
The single, critical key to
How often
The approximate
A "last stop" option for
A complete description of
A rare fact:
Surprising solutions to
Why ___ hate and how to
Quick cure to
The most i mportant (and most little-known)
The world's most powerful secret
How to achieve true
2 overlooked
How to tell if
Secrets to "ethically rigging" your
secrets used by all
For an even bigger list of ALL the bullet templat es I personally use
when writing my own ads , check out:
The Cl'ypto Mal'keti ng '' Conlaclll1lo:
PO Box 4!J2 Gold Beach, OR 97444
(815) 425, 4483 e,co111
Sign up rOl' free daily email tips at:

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