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THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Perception has been explained by theories that differ in their emphasis on the role of innate brain

processes versus learning nature versus nurture. Research has identified feature detector cells in the brain, but the binding problem, or how the pieces of perception are finally bound together meaningfully remains unsolved. During identification and recognition, percepts are given learningbased meaning through processes involving context, expectation, perceptual set, and cultural and personal factors. (Zimbardo, 2003) In Alva No s Enactive Approach to Perception, perception is not something that happens to us or in us, it is something we do. The world makes itself available to the perceiver through physical movement and interaction. What we perceive is determined by what we do or what we know how to do; it is determined by what we are ready to do. In ways, we enact our perceptual experience. The central claim of the Enactive Approach is that our ability to perceive not only depends on, but is constituted by, our possession of this sort of sensorimotor knowledge. One implication of the Enactive Approach is that we ought to reject the idea that perception is the process in the brain whereby the perceptual system constructs an internal

representation of the world. No doubt perception depends on what takes place in the brain, and very likely there are internal

representations in the brain. What perception is, however, is not a process in the brain but a kind of skillful activity on the part of human as a whole. (No, 2004) According to Santrock, the purpose of perception is adaptation that improves a species chances for survival. An individual must be able to sense and respond quickly and accurately in the immediate environment, such as the approach of an upcoming examination. (Santrock, 2005)

Revalida is a way to revalidate the existing knowledge of nurses and other professions related to medicine. It is essential for them to acquire an assurance that their competencies are still on its highest peak. Throughout their professional life, whether within or outside the profession, dynamic changes has evolved. Nevertheless, it has been seen as part of the professional duty breakthrough may occur. Revalidation meets the expectation of the public that doctors, nurses, and other members of the healthcare team are equipped with the agreed levels will of also competence. be benefited. Aside It from it, healthcare healthcare to undertake whatever




professionals some protection against unfounded criticism of their

professional competence. Thus, we make our comments about the need for revalidation of healthcare professionals, aware that the potential value of this mechanism is already coming to be widely recognized by the public and as well as within most of the professions. (

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