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Brentwood Hills HOA

Neighborhood News
July 2009 SAVE THE DATE For Our Annual
Meeting and Party: September 13
Included in this BRENTWOOD HILLS neighborhood, meet BHHA’s
issue: HOMEOWNERS Board of Directors, and express
ASSOCIATION CORDIALLY your concerns to our local
Emergency INVITES YOU TO OUR elected officials.
Preparedness 2 This year, we have invited City
Councilmember Bill Rosendahl,
Block Captains 2 FROM 3:30 to 6:00 pm.
who has appeared at our past
Fire Danger 3 Every year BHHA holds its meetings. We also have invited
annual meeting and party. This State Assemblyman Mike Feuer,
Board Elections3 year, in a change of scene, we who can talk about what’s going
Brush will be holding the event in the on in Sacramento.
Ponderosa Cul-de Sac.
Clearance 4 Please bring your kids! There
This is a great opportunity to will be food, drink, and fun for
meet your neighbors, talk with all!
Important Phone the local Police and Fire
See you there.
Numbers: officials responsible for our

Emergency: 911 BHHA Forms Neighborhood Watch/
West LA Police Emergency Preparedness Program
310-444-0700 Two important issues of community in the event of
concern for any member of our emergency.
Police Senior community are emergency
Lead Officer: Important elements in both of
preparedness and having a safe
these programs are for
310-444-0744 and crime-free community.
neighbors to get to know each
We are blessed with living in other, have a point of contact
one of the safest and most in their immediate
Violations: beautiful communities in Los neighborhood, and keep an eye
213-485-4184 Angeles. To maintain this out for each other when
atmosphere, BHHA is forming a people are out of town or in
Pothole Neighborhood Watch and the event of an emergency.
Emergency Preparedness
Repair: 311 or Program. Both the police and
800-996-2489 fire departments say these (Cont’d on page 2)
programs are quite effective in
enhancing safety, keeping
crime down, and assisting the
Brentwood Hills Neighborhood News, Page 2 of 4

Neighborhood Watch/ Emergency Preparedness

Program (continued)

To implement these programs, to know whom to contact to check

BHHA is setting up a Block on the neighborhood situation,
Captain Network. This network look after their home, and
has several purposes: (1) to communicate important
provide neighbors a point of information.
“One of the Most
contact with whom they can
Effective Ways Members of the Board of BHHA
discuss issues and concerns
have volunteered to be Block
for a Community to pertaining to their neighborhood;
Captains on their streets, but
(2) to foster quick communication
Enhance Safety there are still some unassigned
in the event of an emergency; and
and Emergency areas. BHHA will be distributing
(3) to provide a focal point to
a letter from your local Block
Preparedness is to implement a Neighborhood Watch
Captain asking for contact
program on individual streets.
Establish a Block information in the event of an
Captain Network The recent fire July 8 near the emergency, and asking for
Getty provided a sobering volunteers to serve as Block
to Foster Quick reminder that emergencies can Captains in uncovered areas.
Communication in arise quickly and without warning,
Please fill out these letters and
an Emergency” and that it can be critical to have
drop them off in the mailbox of
a network in place that can get
your local Block Captain so we can
information out to the community
make this program effective. All
quickly through a phone tree or
information will be kept
email blast. Also, for residents
confidential and used only for
who work far away or who are out
emergency notification and other
of town, it would be very helpful
BHHA purposes.

Block Captains Needed

BHHA’s Block Captain lives on your block, he/she program, please contact the
Network will not only be becomes an easy conduit to BHHA and volunteer to be
important in our Neighborhood pass on to the BHHA any issue the point person for a given
Watch/ Emergency you may have. number of homes. By doing
Preparedness Program, but so through BHHA we can
BHHA will address any
also to facilitate avoid duplication, as we
matters members raise at our
communication between already have volunteers for
monthly board meeting and,
members and the BHHA many areas.
hopefully, will be able to
expedite a resolution. Also, Your responsibility would
Sometimes there may be an Block Captains can be an asset then be to place a flyer at
issue you want to discuss, but in an emergency or disaster, those respective homes
because of the momentum both to inform you of an identifying yourself as the
needed to find the number, approaching fire and in block captain and collecting
get on the phone, and call the expediting aid. contact information for
BHHA, it never gets that far. people in your area.
If you are willing to
By having a Block Captain that
participate in this new
Brentwood Hills Neighborhood News, Page 3 of 4

No Smoking in Brentwood Hills!

The recent fire near the Getty In addition, if you are doing
on July 8th should be a wake-up construction, please remind
call. According to the LAFD, the contractor to require the
the fire was likely caused by workers not to smoke, as it is “As the July 8 Fire
sparks from brush abatement dangerous and against the law. Near the Getty
equipment. Please be sure Construction workers are
that any brush clearance often seen smoking during
Demonstrated, We
crews or other contractors on their breaks. Please exert your Live in a Dangerous
your property are careful and authority as a responsible Fire Zone and We
are using the proper homeowner over those you
equipment. employ.
Are All
Responsible For
Also, please be reminded that Imagine if a fire started in
there is no smoking outside Mandeville canyon near the our Community’s
your home, as we live in a fire Sunset entrance, and headed Safety.”
area. Please do not smoke when north. We would be trapped,
you are walking in the as that is our only exit. Please
neighborhood. It is against the report anyone that is
law and you will be cited. It is endangering our families and
common to see cigarette butts neighborhood.
on the sidewalk, in the gutter,
and under bushes.

It’s Board Election Time!

Yes, it’s that time of If there are no other right away! You can now do so
year again—the annual residents who are interested by Paypal on our website.
election of the Board of in serving as Board members,
So that we’ll be able to hold the
Directors of BHHA. these incumbent Directors
Board election and count the
will be re-elected by
Your 15 Directors each serve ballots at the Annual Meeting,
acclamation at the Annual
for three year terms. The the Board has set a deadline of
Meeting. However, we do
terms rotate, so each year August 5, 2009 for anyone
encourage all members to run
the terms of 5 of the interested in running for the
for the Board if they are
Directors expire. Board to contact Mike Leslie,
interested. If there are
who is on the Directors
Often, as is the case this others interested in running
Nominating Committee.
year, the Directors choose to for these Board seats, we
run again. Incumbent will hold an election. If you are interested in
Directors who are up for re- running for the Board, please
Only members who have paid
election this year are: drop a note in Mike Leslie’s
their dues for this fiscal
Loretta Ditlow, Judy mailbox before Aug. 5:
year are eligible to be Board
Handler, George Maranon,
members or to vote, so if 13759 Bayliss Road.
Kurt Benjamin and Anne
you haven’t renewed your
Youngblood. Or, you can email Mike at:
membership for 2009, be
sure to send in your dues
Brentwood Hills Neighborhood News, Page 3 of 4

Fire Season Brush Clearance

WHERE TO CLEAR 200 feet from structure is the “Fuel
Modification Area.” Reduction of the
If you would like to Requirements apply to any portion
volume of plant material lessens the
of your property that is within 200
write an article for likelihood that radiated heat would
feet of any structure, even if the
this newsletter, ignite the structure. In extreme wind-
structure is not on your property,
please contact: driven fires, flame lengths can reach
including structures across the
well beyond 100 feet.
Anne Youngblood You are only required to clear on your
The area within 100 feet of a
2103 Queensferry own property. This includes: within 10
structure must be maintained to
Road feet of driveways, roads, and alleys;
provide a “Defensible Space”
310 503-4690 within 10 feet of combustible fences;
where vegetation is less flammable
and within 200 feet of structures.
and not excessive in volume. This
E-Mail: “Defensible Space” allows WHAT TO REMOVE
anneyoungblood@mac firefighters to work around the
Dead plant material; foliage within 10
.com structure while protecting it from
feet of a chimney outlet; prune plants
to leave more than 5 feet between the
The area between 100 feet and roof and foliage; remove native plants
or prune the lower 1/3 of foliage.

Be a good neighbor and trim your trees

We’re on the Web! Many of us enjoy our view, but whether your trees should be
forget the potential impact that our topped. Having your trees
See us at:
trees may have on our neighbors. slightly shorter and trimmed Some are allowed to grow so tall won't affect you as much as the
that they block the view of others. potential benefit to others. You
Please take a moment when you are will be appreciated for your
sitting in your yard to consider consideration.

Brentwood Hills Homeowners Association

P.O. Box 49495
Los Angeles, CA 90049

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