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EXERCISE 1: Read the text and answer the questions. (5x5) Giraffes live in Africa. They are about 5 metres tall and they have got long legs and long necks. They are usually brown and white and they have a thin tail. They have got small horns on their heads. They often weigh 1, ooo kilos. They live for about 25 years. Giraffes eat leaves from trees and wild plants. They often sleep for less than 2 hours a night and they are very quiet animals .They can run very fast but they cannot swim. 1. Where do giraffes live? 2. How tall are they? 3. How long do they live? 4. What does a giraffe eat? 5. How long do they sleep? VOCABULARY. EXERCISE 2: Match the words with their definitions. (10x1) 1. Huge 2. Unusual 3. Warm 4. Calm. 5. Polite 6. Vet 7. Secretary 8. Quite 9. Shape 10. Strong A. a doctor for animals B. powerful C. enough D. a person who types letters E. form F. extremely big G. not rude, kind H. quiet and relaxed I. a little hot J. different, strange

EXERCISE 3: Put the words in the right sentence. (10x1) floor, view, insect, professional, cartoon, similar, compete, floats, respect, shape 1. Ronaldo is a ------- footballer.

2. My house is on the top ---------. 3. Bugs Bunny is a popular ------- character. 4. Athletes -------- in various races. 5. My bedroom has a great -----of the garden. 6. Laura is ------- in appearance to Britney Spears. 7. Children should show ------ to their parents. 8. The parade has got colourful ------- and music bands. 9. Cockroaches are -------. 10. Toms birthday cake is in the ------- of a train. GRAMMAR EXERCISE 3.Put the verbs in the right tense. (2x10) 1. The children ---------- (watch) TV now. 2. I ----- (not like) football. 3. ---- you-----(sometimes-eat) hamburgers? 4. Helen (not speak) French well. 5. Look! The dog ----- (run) away. 6. They---- (never go) to school on Sundays. 7. Tom ---- (live) in Paris at the moment but 8. he usually -----(live) in London. 9. -----you (be) good at Maths? 10. ----- Tony ---- (swim) well? EXERCISE 4: Write the comparative or the superlative form. (2x5) 1. Tigers are----- (fast) than lions. 2. Lions are ----- (tall) than tigers. 3. Giraffes are the ------ (tall) animals in the world. 4. Dogs are ----- (heavy) than rabbits. 5. Parrots have got the ----- (colourful) feathers.

USE OF ENGLISH EXERCISE 5.Choose the correct answer. (25x1) 1. My mums sister has got two children. They are my ------. A. nieces B. cousins C.nephews 2. Peter ---- to the supermarket on Mondays. A. go B. dont go C. goes

10. ---- time do you go to school? A. When B. What C. How 11. My parents ---- play tennis on Saturdays. They never miss it. A. sometimes B. usually C. always 12. They finish school ---- 3 oclock. A. on B. in C. at

13. We ---- eat pizza. We dont like it. A. often B. usually C .never 14. I like to watch TV ---the afternoon. A. in B. at C. on C. in 15. Bill and I usually ---- basketball on Wednesdays. A. play B. plays C. playing 16. Are Bob and Jack --- now? A. swimming B. swim C. swims 17. I love ---- films about heroes. A. watches B. watching C. watch 18. We go on holiday ---- the summer. A. on B. in C. at

3. Jake always watches the news --- the evening. A. on B. at

4. Sue ---- in Rome. A. live B. dont live C. lives

5. I ---- football every day. A. play B.doesnt play C.plays 6. My dad is my mums ----. A. uncle B.granddad C.husband 7. The Smiths sometimes ---in the winter. A. do B. go C. play

19. Are you doing your homework now? Yes, I ---A. do B. am C. m not 20. She ----- to her dance lessons every Friday. A. goes B. is going C. are going 21. Giraffes are ---- than tigers. A. tall B. more tall C.taller 22. How ---- do you play football?

8. Its Alans birthday---- 27th August. A. in B. on

9. How ---- do you surf the Internet? A. often B. usually C.sometimes

A. many B. much C. often 23. No, she ---- working today. A. doesnt B. isnt C. arent 24. How ---- brothers have you got? A. much B. long C. many 25. A hamster is ----- than a chimpanzee. A. smaller B. small C. smallest

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