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Under this chapter, we will elaborate on the research design as well as the methodology that will be used to collect information that will enable us to answer the 4 research questions identified under the reserach study. The methodology will cover research design, Unit of analysis, the target population and, sampling design ,and data collection instruments and measures to ensure research . Researchquality. Research Design This research will adopt a descriptive based approach design with the primary data collected using questionanaresquestionnaires, personal interviews and analaysysand analysiss of existing documentation of of PCKthe corporation such as the financial statesmentsstatements and strategy documents. Descriptive choice is based on the argument by Kathuri and Pals (1993) who explores the relationship between variables and entails making careful description of the phenomenon ( Borg& Gall,1993). Christensen (1997) indicates that the primary characteristic of the descriptive research approach is that it represents an attempt to provide an accurate description or picture of a particular situation or phenomenon. It attempts to identify variables that exist in a given situation and describes the relationship that exists between those variables. This research meets these requirements as the characteristics and constructs of organisational culture and financial performance are clearly defined and analysed using quantitative and qualitative techniques, and the aim of the research is to determine the nature of the relationship between the two variables. Explanatory research goes further than merely indicating that relationships exist between variables (Mouton & Marais, 1994). It indicates the direction of the relationships in a causal relationship model. In this research, a strong organisational culture profile is hypothesized to have a positive impact on the financial performance of the organisation. This research can thus also be described as being explanatory in nature.

Unit of Analysis The unit of analysis in this research will be the group. The organization and its various departments can be referred to as groups which comprise a collective of individuals that make up the employees of the organization. The organizational culture will be examined at group level by examining the results in totality as one single individual cannot determine the organizational culture which is a collective phenomenon. The financial performance of the organization will also be assessed at organizational level by examining the results of PCK in totality

Population and Sampling Mugenda and Munganda (2003) define popluaton as a complete set of individuals, cases or objects with some common observable characteristics. A population can be described as the entire compilation of elements that the researcher aspires to draw conclusions from (Cooper& Schindler, 2003). Table 3.1 present the target population. The population was drawn from the staff of the PCK in various departments. The underlying assumption of the key informant approach is that the persons, by virtual of his/her position in the organization hierarchy, is able to provide opinions and perceptions that valis reflrection of theose of other key decision makers in the firm (Li&Atuahene-Gima,2002) Table 3.1Target population

Sampling According to Schimidt and Hollesen (2006) sampling involves the identification of a group of individuals or households who can be reached by mail, telephone or in person and who possess information relevant to solving the problem at hand. This study use non- probability sampling method (purposive and

convinience) and a sample size will be determined by practical concerns such as resources in terms of money, time and respondents available. The sample for this study will be 50%of the total population and the study will cover a total population of XXX. Therefore a sample of XXX will be engaged in the study. Table 3.2 Sample size Data Collection Methods The study sought primary and secondary data. Primary data will mainly be quantitative in nature and will be collected through a semi structure questionnaire, with open ended questions give the respondent a chance to express their opinions. More qualitative data will be collected through the use of structured interview guide. McDaniel and Gates (2001) define questionnaire as a set of questions designed to generate the data necessary to accomplish the objective of the research project. It is guided by the research questions and serves as the data collection tool (Punch,2003). The questionnaire will be designed to solicit ideas and will have a brief introduction of culture and performance. The questions will be divided into sections representing the various variables adopted for the study. The questionnaires will be administered through a drop and pick method to the employees that will be selected. The authority to conduct the study from the a targeted populations will be obtained from the top level management of PCK through an introduction letter from Strathmore university 1.6.2 Type of Research 1.6.3 Research quality The four facets of research quality include validity, reliability, objectivity and subjectivity will be considered during the study process. Validity Our research will be properly designed in order to ensure that it is both internally and externally valid. Research is internally valid when the constructs are measured in a valid way and the data that is measured is accurate and reliable. The analysis will be relevant to the type of data collected and the final solutions will be adequately supported by the data (Mouton & Marais, 1994)., external validity is the extent to which the results of research can be applied to and across different persons, settings and times. Validity for this study will be guaranteed through triangulation of data collection methods (questionnaires and interviews). Content validity will also be conducted whereby previous studies in literature review will also be conducted to validate the findings. Objectivity Objectivity generally requires that the findings are open from bias (Silverstone, 2000). This study will achieve this choosing the relevant methods and design collecting tools which eliminate research bias. Subjectivity Leedy and Ormrod (2003) describe subjectivity as a research principle that refers to the extent the researchers personal impressions, feelings, assumptions, beliefs and opinions influences their judgment. The group being aware of this aspects will ensure that this is minimized in the study through the methods selected in the data collection. Reliability .The data gathering techniques used will ensure anonymity in order to make sure that the participant effects of motivation are addressed. Names of participants will therefore not be written on the questionnaire responses. A representative sample of employees reflecting the demographics of the

organisation will be selected for this research. The data gathered will be used to test the reliability of the instrument selected.

Strongly agree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly disagree

Individual Performance

Individual performance is emphasized as an important goal; achievements in increasing performance are rewarded. Action is taken whenever individuals or procedures seem to be unproductive.


Managers are respected for their expertise, and their decisions implemented Managers communicate clearly the company goals and culture.

Customer Focus Customers current needs are actively identified and future needs anticipated. Customers views are sought and listened to and feedback is used to make

improvements. People take time to understand their customers markets and business pressures. Organisation Structure Responsibilities are clearly defined and individuals understand their role and the extent of their authority. There are neither too many nor too few managers and they have enough, but not too much power. People are clear about the structure of the organisation and that changes to it are made as and when necessary. Communication Managers and subordinates communicate readily on an informal basis and meetings are held when necessary. People say what they really think and information on future plans, etc., is readily accessible.

Conflict Management

Subordinates as well as management are encouraged to volunteer their views, and disagreement is seen as a positive attempt to improve things. If there is rivalry between divisions, then every effort is made to ensure that the outcome is positive for all concerned.

Human Resource Management

The right people are selected in the first place and effort is made to help them develop their skills. Promotion decisions are fair and objective and good people are valued. Participation Ideas are welcomed from any level in the company and everyones views are taken into account before important decisions are made. People feel that their views are valuable and that

they will be considered carefully and acted on if they are appropriate. Innovation Time and money are committed to exploring new ideas. Innovations is encouraged from everyone in the organisation and there are always plenty forthcoming. The organisation will try radically new ideas at times, even if it is not guaranteed that they will work Decision Making Decisions are made promptly and on the basis of the facts, not personal prejudice or selfinterest. People take responsibility for their decisions and are not penalised if the results are not as they expected, so long as the decision was soundly based on the facts available at the time.


Colleagues cooperate with each other to achieve standards of excellence and do not allow personal feelings or animosities to interfere. Individuals are well qualified for the jobs that they do and their technical knowledge is valued. The issue of professionalism is frequently discussed and regarded as an important asset.

Organisational Goal Integration

The overall organisational goal is clearly understood by all employees. Individual and departmental goals are in line with the overall company goals and all employees understand the contribution that they are making to them. Individual and group performance targets, reward

systems and training all emphasise the overall company objective and are designed to expedite its achievements. Fun People look forward to going to work and enjoy the work they do Staff has a positive view of the workplace, their colleagues and the companys achievements. The company organises social and other events for the enjoyment of its employees.

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