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The Real Deal On First Nations Trust Funds In Canada Held By The Federal Government Aris Arnelle Durocher

The Real Deal In the past couple of days I had the pleasure of battling it out with a couple of con party supporters who were absolutely negative in the Elsipogtog Anti fracking protest. The norm occurred, ignorance and ill informed vs myths. Every now and then ladies and gents I feel a great big need to pull up my sleeves and let the battle begin so to speak One of them said the following to me. So how do FN's plan on getting away from Subsistence allowance? Whats your plan! "turtle island" Here is my response and the next time anybody tells you that Natives in Canada are getting a hand out feel free to educate them on the truth and the fact that this is a bold faced lie. Natives are self sufficient in terms of the "own-source revenue." in resources they have on their lands/territories and they have never been given a hand out by the Government of Canada or taxpayers, in fact it is the Government of Canada and the rest of Canada that are kept afloat by First Nations generosity . It is the Federal Governments Intentional Poverty bestowed on Aborginals that keeps First Nations impoverished to date. The real deal on Government held Native Trust Funds is as follows: It is a myth FN"s get handouts from the gov or taxpayers. Not true. Once more. FN's actually OWN Canada!!!! That's why there are treaties. The treaties define payment for acquiring Indian lands in Canada Monetary Settlements! are paid out as per the treaty agreement. Then the Feds hold that money in trust and Canada collects royalties from the vast resources on First Nations lands which Canada also holds In Trust!!! Some FN''s have "Band Monies from royalties off of reserve land and guess what the Feds hold that in trust as well! Note there are also other areas in which the Feds hold Native own source revenue in trust! The Feds then dictates to Natives on a per-capita basis ( per-capita meaning by each individual person/head) how FN can spend their own money and when and if they get the money the Government of Canada hold in trust so they say. Once more the Supreme Court of Canada did rule that FN's can take care of their own money and decide who could hold their money themselves. To date the Feds have ignored that ruling and have NOT turned over the money that the Feds are said to be holding in trust. Its because they don't have it IMO!!!! Now that is the cold hard facts & truth . Its not just a myth that FN's get handouts its an out and out bold faced LIE manufactured by the FEDS! Note: Despite popular belief on the basis of fabrication, Aboriginal peoples are not generally exempt from taxation. The exemptions that do exist extend only to FN in relation to reserve lands and to personal property of Natives living on reserves. Which has nothing to do with the rest of Canada at all!

And it is about time the Government of Canada tells the truth on this bold as brass lie they have been telling about Natives being free loaders and getting handouts for centuries now! As you can see it is NOT TRUE! Its the other way around and in all actuality First Nations have been keeping Canada afloat. For this FN's generosity the Government of Canada over the years have been dishonorable and are directly responsible for the Intentional Poverty they have bestowed on Canada's First Nations peoples. It is absolutely unnecessary for any First Nations to be in dire straits, yet many reserves are. They have the money in trust funds, their money, Native money. The same trust funds that the Federal Government of Canada continues to dictate to FN's despite a Supreme Court Of Canada ruling that directs them to turn over the trust funds to the respective bands! First Nations Trust Fund is said to be over $2 TRILLION and earns an annual interest of over $35 BILLION.(The Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC/Gov Dept released this information)/ March 31, 2009.

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