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EXCERPTS ABOUT OKIDANOKH outside of chapter about Gornahoor Harharkh, chapter 18 The Arch-preposterous ("Beelzebub continued as follows: The

cause of my first meeting with that three-centered being who subsequently became my essence-friend and by whom I saw the said experiments with the OmnipresentOkidanokh, was as follows.") And outside of chapter 45, In the Opinion of Beelzebub, Man s Extraction of Electricity from Nature and Its Destruction During Its Use, Is One of the Chief Causes of the Shortening of the Life of Man; And outside of Chapter 17, The Arch-absurd. The latter 2/3rds of that chapter are about the Omnipresent Okidanokh. (Those chapters are all about the Omnipresent Okidanokh.) All excerpts from the (original) 1950 edition. I. Pg. 304ff And later, when the same constant abnormal conditions of ordinary being-existence were finally established, as a consequence of which Great Nature was compelled, for reasons of which I have already once told you, among other limitations, also to degenerate the functioning of their organ of sight into what is called Koritesnokhnian, that is to say, into the sight proper to the presences of onebrained and two-brained beings, then thereafter they were able to perceive the visibility of their great as well as their small concentrations situated beyond them only when the sacred process Aieioiuoa proceeded in the Omnipresent Active Element Okidanokh in the atmosphere of their planet, or, as they themselves say according to their understanding and their own perceptions on dark nights. And the second fact, by virtue of the same degeneration of their sight into Koritesnokhnian, is based on that law common to all beings, namely, that the results obtained from every manifestation of the Omnipresent Okidanokh are perceived by the organs of sight only when in immediate contact with those vibrations which are formed in beings and which actualize the functioning of the being-organ for perceiving, at the given moment, the visibility of cosmic concentrations situated beyond them; that is to say, only when the said results of the manifestation of the Omnipresent-Okidanokh proceed up to the limit beyond which, according to the quality of the given organ for perceiving visibility, what is called the momentum of the impulse dies down, or to put it otherwise, they perceive the visibility of objects only when almost next to them. II. Pg. 311 In order, my boy, that the sense of this latter emblem put into the material called there amber, may become quite comprehensible to you, I must add that amber is one of those seven planetary formations, in the arising of which the Omnipresent Active Element Okidanokh takes part with all its three separate, independent, sacred parts, in equal proportion; and in the process of planetary actu-

alization, these intraplanetary and surplanetary formations serve for what is called the impeding of the independent flow of these three localized independent sacred parts. III. Pg. 587ff Certain members of this society who already had some notion of the sacred Omnipresent Okidanokh discovered, by their persistent labors, how to obtain from their own atmosphere and also from certain surplanetary formations each of its sacred parts separately, and by keeping these sacred cosmic force-bearing substances in a concentrated state, how to perform, with their help, their definite scientific elucidatory experiments. The learned members of the said great learned society then also discovered among other things, that they could, by means of the separately localized third part of the Omnipresent Okidanokh, namely, by means of its sacred neutralizing-force or force-of-reconciling, bring every kind of planetary what are called organic formations into such a state that they remained forever with all those active elements contained in them at the given moment, that is to say, they could stop and absolutely arrest their future inevitable what is called decay. The knowledge of the ableness of such an actualization passed by inheritance to certain beings of this Egypt, namely, to those initiated beings who were the direct descendants of the learned members of the Akhaldans. Well, many centuries after the loss of Atlantis, beings of this Egypt, on the basis of the knowledge which had reached them, also discovered how, by means of that same sacred neutralizing-force of the sacred Okidanokh, to preserve the planetary bodies of certain of them forever in a nondecaying and nondecomposing state after the sacred Rascooarno, or as they say, after death had proceeded in them. And indeed, by the time of my sixth visit to that planet all the beings and everything which had been in this Egypt during my former visit, had entirely ceased to exist and not even any notion of it all was preserved. But those planetary bodies upon which they employed the mentioned means remained intact and exist there even to the present time. And these surviving planetary bodies are called by the contemporary beings mummies. The transformation of the planetary bodies into mummies was effected by the beings of Egypt by a very simple means; namely, they kept the planetary body assigned for this purpose about half a month in what is there called castor oil, and later they introduced into it the sacred substance-force dissolved in a corresponding way. IV. Pg. 731ff As my further investigations showed me, this great misfortune occurred in the following way: When these six great initiates still existing with their planetary existence began by twos in turns uninterruptedly for three days and three nights to produce upon the planetary body of their former chief the process Vallikrin, that is, the inpouring of their own Hanbledzoin into this body, then, because of the absence of the said preliminary prep-

aration of the connection with his body Kesdjan, their Hanbledzoin did not go to the actualization where it should have gone, but only accumulated chaotically over this planetary body of their former chief; and since, unfortunately for them, during these same days, a reinforced blending of the sacred active element Okidanokh was proceeding in the atmosphere above that locality, or as the beings say there, there were great thunderstorms, then, between these two cosmic results, still only in the process of transition from one definite cosmic phenomenon to another, a what is called Sobrionolian contact resulted. And it was thanks to that contact there, on that small area of that ill-starred planet, that that accelerated cosmic phenomenon resulted called Noughtounichtono, that is to say, the sudden and instantaneous evolution of all cosmic formed crystallizations, and, namely, all the neighboring surplanetary formations, were immediately transformed into the prime-source substance Etherokrilno. This Sobrionolian contact, or as it would be said on your planet Earth this explosion, was so powerful that during this Noughtounichtono there, everything without any exception was transformed into Etherokrilno, both the planetary body of the chief of this small group of beings s well as all the six other brethren there who had completed this sacred sacrament, and likewise in general all the spiritualized or only concentrated surplanetary formations which were in the given region within an area of one Shmana, or as your favorites would say one square kilometer. Among these destroyed formations, reproduced both naturally as well as artificially by the beings, there were also all the what are called books which belonged to these seven terrestrial genuine great initiated beings, and other things which had served as means for keeping in memory everything concerning all the three genuine Sacred Individuals intentionally actualized from Above, and, namely, Saint Krishnatkharna, Saint Buddha, and Saint Lama. Now, my boy, I think the sense of those words of mine will appear clear to you, by which I defined the significance of this charming military expedition, and, namely, when I said, that this was a great misfortune not only for the beings of the given country, yet, perhaps, also for all the three-brained beings of the whole of the planet. Summary: The Omnipresent Okidanokh is so important, that G. wrote 3 entire chapters on basically just that.

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