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Secret Directed-Energy Tech

Protecting the President?

• By David Hambling
• November 14, 2008 |
• 1:45 pm |
• Categories: Weapons and Ammo

The Secret Service is tasked with protecting the President of

the United States from assailants; and given that President-elect Obama has already been the
target of assassination plots they may have their work cut out after January. But they have
more than earpiece radios and armored limos to help them; the Secret Service can call on the
very latest technology. Documents from a recent court case indicate that they have advanced
directed-energy devices which are highly classified.

You may remember Donald Friedman, who claims that government agencies are misusing
non-lethal directed-energy weapons. It’s easy to dismiss him as a crank. But his obsessive
digging has turned up valuable information. For instance, one of his Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA) requests unearthed a 1998 U.S. Army program looking at a microwave device to
beam sound directly into the target’s skull which the rest of us had missed. (The same
technology underlies the Medusa non-lethal weapon.)

Now he’s found something else. Friedman’s current court case involves attempts to extract
information about any directed-energy weapons such as lasers and microwaves used by the
Secret Service. Do they really have anything of the kind? A "Motion for an Enlargement of
Time" (in other words, a request for a few more weeks) by the Secret Service’s attorney
indicates that they have something, and it’s pretty secret:

"Plaintiff’s FOIA request is for document [sic] concerning directed energy technology that is
very sensitive. Some of this documents [sic] pertain to research conducted by divisions within
defendant agency that is used to carry out its mandate to protect very high government
officials. In fact, in one case, the documents… could not be mailed but had to be hand
carried interstate."

So what is this "sensitive" technology? We don’t know for sure, naturally. But we can sure
pd(UPNow, we’ve talked before about the Secret Service’s interest in laser dazzlers as a
means of protecting the White House against suicide attacks by light aircraft, dating back to
1998. We don’t know if dazzlers have ever been deployed, but that would certainly explain
some of the secrecy.

Portable dazzlers would also be a good way of dealing with potential snipers without the risk
of harming bystanders. Other agencies also have an interest in covert dazzlers. Ex MI6 agent
David Tomlinson claims a laser strobe was proposed for an assassination attempt on
Slobodan Milosevic in 1992 by dazzling his chauffeur at a crucial point and causing him to
crash. (Conspiracy theorists claim that a laser dazzler was used to assassinate Diana, Princess
of Wales — but any bright flashes more likely came from photographer’s flashguns.)

A portable version of the truck-mounted Active Denial System — the Pentagon’s "pain ray"
— might be used to similar effect. It could cause an assailant to flinch for a vital second,
giving agents an opportunity to get the President out of the line of fire, without having to
shoot into a crowd. Raytheon has been working on a rifle-sized version of the Active Denial
System for some years, but nothing has been heard of it recently.

Another likely candidate is a directed-energy device to neutralize suspected improvised

explosive devices, or IEDs — something that produces an intense, narrow beam of
microwaves to fry the electronics. Tomlinson also claimed that MI6 has "sophisticated radio
transmitters that would knock out the electronics of the limo at the press of a button, causing
the airbags to inflate."

Presidential protection is likely to include a range of jammers to stop remote bomb

detonation, and possibly remote-controlled aircraft attacks. With all this jamming,
interference can occur and make radio communication impossible — if you leave any
frequency clear, the bad guys might use it to send a detonation signal. So perhaps the Secret
Service may have a microwave voice-transmission system as an emergency backup when
radio communication is impossible. This would allow them to beam instructions to agents at
a distance. At a pinch it could also be used to distract a would-be assassin — having a voice
suddenly booming inside your head should put off most snipers (though they might have a
few voices in there already).

We know that the Air Force has looked at microwave sound as a non-lethal weapon, and
long-range acoustic systems like LRAD are already in use by the military and others. So a
Secret Service microwave sound system is not totally, completely out of the question.

Donald Friedman may yet manage to get more information about secret directed-energy
weapons. All we know so far is that they exist… Unless anyone out there can tell us more?

UPDATE: An article in Britain’s Independent On Sunday looking at the issue of how to

protect the next President suggests another DE technology: Terahertz scanners. So called T-
rays have been used before for imaging systems that can see through clothing and detect
metallic objects (as well as showing naked flesh). A portable version of the scanner would
allow the Secret Service to spot hidden weapons from a distance without the potential
assailant knowing that they know. And they might well wish to keep their X-ray Specs secret.

[Photo: via CS]

Read my comment/info below. The lines in my language, Indonesian
language is for INDONESIANS. Enjoy. Joe Jussac, Jr. No Anarchist!

Rumour had it that presidents of INDONESIA since Mr. (or Bung – read boong – which could
mean bro) Soe(Karno) to the present one maintained (not necessarily of their own initiative)
a small team of “paranormal” specialists acting as BODYGUARDS – “spiritually”. Others call
these ‘weirdoes’ dukun (pronounced doo-koon). A Javanese president would prefer dukuns
of common ethnic background.

“President-by-accident,” B.J. Habibie (BJH), a non-Javanese who had been known for his
flair (Hs late mom was a Yogyanese, hence Lt. Colonel or Colonel Soeharto’s closeness
with the young BJH in South Sulawesi when the future, second President of Indonesia was
the commander of a special op. in the region during 1960-s v. an army captain (?) Kahar
Muzakar a devout Muslim.) did not seem to be at the mercy of such dukuns. However, I
learned that among the president’s official PASMANPRES (the presidential armed guards
like the White House SS) were a small team of experts in ‘Chi-like’ exploits (Read my piece
of TENAGA DALAM or inner energy elsewhere here).

In one, separate incident in Kemayoran Fair Ground the JAKARTA FAIR in North Jakarta,
so many visitors who wished to shake the president’s hand encircled the egalitarian BJH.
The small tenaga dalam experts, all wearing BATIK (Google it) shirts as did the president,
were NOT agitated. They instead, counter-clock wisely, slowly turned their bodies for several
minutes. What happened next was akin to an OUTWARD vortex causing the PEACEFUL
crowds dispersed. Hence, Mr. BJH managed to carry on with his stroll towards a pre-
prepared spot officially for him.

BTW, when he was the Minister of Technology, and the Head of BPPT (the agency dealing
with techno-R&D), I accompanied him twice during his brief visits to the US, which included
a high-level meeting with a prominent US Senator in the Capitol Hill, who dealt with Asia-
Pacific Affairs. One or two years later Indonesia was granted the access to acquire the US
SUPER COMPUTER. So many people in Indonesia seemed to IGNORE or completely
are unaware of BJH’s pivotal role in securing the US Admin’s final approval for the Super
Computer! (for President Soeharto’s admin during the ORBA – New Order Government).

BTW, did u ever read or heard that there had been PARANORMAL officers among the
military intelligence unit in the PENTAGON? It is NOT, I repeat, NOT a conspiracy THEORY!
The leader of this highly secret team was a Lt. Colonel in the US Army, who maintained an
unnamed office in downtown Washington, D.C. He led a small team of the highly trained,
‘remote-sensing” experts -- all whom were in the US army military intelligence unit, the D.I.A.
(In Indonesia it’s B.I.A. or B.A.I.S. Badan Intelejen Strategis under the TNI-AD, Indonesian
Army). Still do not believe that such secretive unit ever existed? Then u have NEVER read
the (book, 1984/85) MIND WAR published in the USA!

Re BJH’s expert-special guards above, reportedly they belonged to the AL-HIKMAH group
of Tenaga Dalam professional. Of course, they were all Muslims and who MUST perform the
5-times daily SHALAT (or contact prayers as the US-based SUBMITTERS coined it).
Believe me or not, its ur own choice; during my days accompanying Mr. BJH (twice, dude) –
I MUST prepare his ‘talking points’ with some US dignitaries in the US Congress/Senate and
in the executive branch, and some necessary back-up info, I noticed that he NEVER skipped
his shalat when he got back at his hotel in WDC. He was, and is a good Muslim – to me

Therefore, his not being dependent on some PATHETIC dukuns! Muslim MUST always stick
to one of several ayat in the KORAN (Holy Al-Qur’an), in particular that of the Al-Ikhlas (the
Qulhu) that reads, Qulhu Allaahu Ahad, ALLAHu Samad! Yet, so many MORONS among
those who dare claim to be Muslims easily fall into SATANISM, PAGAN practices, among
other BASE practices – SHIRK – the DUKUNISM!

Hayo, PRESIDEN RI yang mana yang ber-HOBI SHIRK macam itu? Berdiri dan
ACUNGKAN jarimu. Bertobatlah.

Wajib hukumnya bagiku mengingatkan tentang hal itu kepada even yang berpredikat
PRSSIDEN. Cabut saja NYAWAKU Allah SWT, apabila aku tidak bernyali meneruskan
KEWAJIBAN yang Engkau bebankan kepada kami yang mengaku Muslim.

Sebenarnyalah, kewajiban AMAR MA’RUH wa Nahyi MUNKAR itu kewajiban semua

MANUSIA, apa pun panutan agama mereka. Titik! Jadi, JANGAN NYINYIRkan atau justru
MEMUSUHI, dan CURIGATION tanpa dasar yang SAH, terhadap orang orang yang masih

Ga pecaya bahwa PERDUKUNAN sesat-jahat-MENYESATKAN pernah digelar pada

PEMILU/PILPRES 2004? Baca lagi dong LAPORANNYA di satu majalah bernuansa Islam
di Jakarta! Beberapa tahun yl., sempat kubaca sekliasdi cover VCD terbitan satu gereja
besar di Jakarta, berisi PENGAKUAN DOSA, tobat, seorang DUKUN paranormal, yang
sangat MENGUTUK praktik perdukunan-kelenikan macam itu!

For ur info, ISLAM tidak mengajarkan pula apa itu TENAGA DALAM. Itu semua manipulasi
para JIN Kenthir penganggur ga punya pekerjaan. Para JIN MUKMIN sibuk mengagung
-kan dan menyembah RABB kita, the ALMIGHTY Allah SWT! Maka, mereka (para Jin
Mukmmi itu) ga SUDI berinteraksi dengan kita para manusia DURHAKA, sesat-

sBaca lagi dong TARJAMAH ayat ayat tentang Jin. Jangan cuka ‘ngaji’, bengak-bengok
pula pake PENGERAS SUARA minimal DUA di kubah masjid/mushola dan buanyak Majlis
Taklim (kaum ibu, para saudaraku! Kok ga ada sama sekali perilaku TAWADU mereka!) di
JABODETABEK ini (bukan masjid/mushola/majlis taklim wong wong Jawa/Sunda/Minang
Cing!), sehingga menimbulkan KEBISINGAN dan KEGADUHAN di banyak RW
berpenduduk banyak etnis maha aneh itu! Potong jariku; ga akan kamu temukan
kebrengsekan macam itu di tempat embah embahku di KAUMAN Yogya!

Coba, gimana ya KALAU para pengurus GEREJA, KUIL, KLENTENG, VIHARA di NKRI
ketularan (tertular} penyakit SETAN (ujub, riya’, UMUK, ga tawadu, PAMER) macam para
pengurus masjid/mushola/majlis taklim nan GADUH-urakan-tak Islami itu?
So PASTI, tempat tempat Ibadan non-muslim itu telah akan ditimpuki batu, digerudug kaum
yang SELALU mendaku MAYORITAS dan MODERAT itu! Doel Koclok, kawanku, pertanya
pula: “Cup, masjid masjid, mushola mushola dan majlis taklim mana sih yang kau
mangsudkan?” Kujawab singkat Doel sok tahu dan dikit moron itu, “Siapa lagi kalo bukan
‘Nar Ummat/Ustad/Ulama’ dan ustajjah PALSU!” (Nar = NERAKA!)

Baca dan PAHAMI ayat yang kau NGAJIKAN, jangan cuma macam BEO sama sekali ga
mengerti MAKNAnya (TADDABUR itu WAJIB hukumnya!). Lha, kalo MEMAHAMI makna
atau ARTI ayat ayat tertentu, lha kpk bukan Cuma GETOL dan keranjingan dengan parkyik

Saya ngaco bilang ini? Buka MATAMU Cing; apa itu Salawat (setan!) NARIYAH, FATIH,
doa Dala’il Khairat, dsb., yang SEMUANYA mengajarkan SHIRK, karena MENUHANKAN
almarhum Rasulullah s.a.w.? Brani braninya kalan MENDAKU Muslim!

Kuberitahu pula kalian he yang paling suka mengaku sebagai KAUM TRADISIONAL, baca
LAGI satu ayah (plural is AYAT), di situ ALLAH SWT MEMPERINGATKAN sangat keras,
terhadap kaum Qurais yang berhobi membeo praktik praktik SESAT dalam TRADISI para
leluhur mereka, itu JAWABAN mereka terhadap Allah SWT, gampangnya semacam ini
redaksinya (ada PASTI tarjamah resminya di Al-Qur’an dengan transliterai-tarjamah bahasa
Indonesia), “Lha, kami kan Cuma ngikutin tata-cara dan TRADISI para leluhur kami?”
Dan, ALLAH SWT menukas KEBODOHAN mereka, semacam ini: “Jadi kalian hendak
mengajariKu (memberitahuKu) bahwa para LELUHURmu (yang SESAT) itu lebih pintar
daripada Aku?”

Nah Loe, persis, itulah DALIH, argument konyol kaum yang hobinya tak lain dan tak bukan
SELALU MENYANGKA-NYANGKA (embah embah mereka paling bener!). Cek di, jika tidak
keliru atau saya salah ingat, AT-TAUBAH:24

Sudilah kiranya kalian BACA lagi TARJAMAH, antara lain, Surah Al-MAIDAH: 104, dan
Surah Al-BAQARAH: 107. (tentang LEBIH mencintai SELAIN Allah SWT, termasuk
MENGAGUNGKAN atau keranjingan TRADISI sesat tidak Islami ) Dan, MENANGISLAH
kalian yang paling gemar UJUB, RIYA, PAMER sebagai KAUM MAYORITAS!

Baca pula satu ayah, di situ ALLAH SWT memberitahum semacam ini nuansanya: “Kamu
(sekalian) JANGAN PERCAYAI orang orang kebanyakan (MAYORITAS), mereka itu TIDAK
BENAR.” Nah, Loe, nagis lagilah kalian.....

Tentang ngaji, bersalawat pake PENGERAS SUARA, emangnye tuhan mereka (pengaku
muslim tapi Ahl-BID”AH dan SHIRK itu) BUDEGH Cing??? Lantas, apa maknanya bagimu
YA SAMI, heh??? Aku emang tak bertuhan (setan budegh), tapi so pasti aku ber-ALLAH
SWT. Insha Allah....

Coba Loe TANYAIN wong Arab-Indonesia, atau Ulama yang BENER, bukan ulama
SETAN pakar keshirikan dan dedengkot BID’AH menjijikkan; apa artinya kalimat pendek
Jadi siapa di negeri RIBA ini, dulu, yang menciptakan kata Tuhan untuk merepresentasikan
ALLAH SWT?! Tuuhanu (dua hurup ‘u’) artinya JELEK banget doel!

Pweilaku se-hari hari SEBURUK dan SE_SESAT itu,antara lain getol ngaji-salawat2 SETANI
nan SYIRIK dengan minimal DUA pengeras suara di kubah2 masjid/mushola, dan banyak
majlis taklim di nyaris seluruh kampong WONG ASELI Jabodetabek macam itu; apakah itu
CERMINAN perilaku MODERAT??? Mbelgedes Cing! Istighfarlah seribu kali!

Jauh lebih PARAH lagi, pada umumnya di DALAM kaveling atau halamam masjid mereka
dapat anda temukan, PASTI ada JUBURAN! Kuburan kuburan yang mereka SANGKA
sebagai orang orang suci! Mbelgedes lagi Cing. Mampu mengaji secara sempurna, lha kok
MENYELISIHI sunnah Nabi s.a.w. yang cukup leras tantang hal iyu? Yaitu, kuburan di
MASJID MASJID )di halamannya, kiri-kanannya atau, makin amat sangat parah;persis di
depan MIGHRAF (kali saya salah transliterasinya); itu kolong tempat IMAM memimpin salat

Ga percaya: Tengok pula masjid Agung di PURWOREJO! Di Jabodetabek? BANYAK rek!

Percayalah padaku, berdasarkan shahih hadish sangat keras itum mengerjakan shalat di
masjid masjid seperti itu, HAPUSLAH ibadah kalian! Useless!

Baca lagi lah, beberapa ayat tentang PERINTAH-NYA bagi kita yang berani mendaku
Muslim, untuk MENAATI Kanjeng Nabi s.a.w.! Inkar Sunnah, inkar ayat, kok brani
braninya mengaku Muslim! Orang Jogya katakana, “Rai gedek!”

Berperilaku EKSTRIM (pelakunya disebut EKSTRIMIS!), kok dielu-elukan dan menepuk

dada sebagai kaum MODERAT!

Biyuh biyuh Gusti Allah; tidak mengherankan lah ketika hambaMu, utusanMu yang maksum,
merasa keronto-ronto, memelas MENGADU kepadaMu di satu ayah di Al-Qur’an, bahwa,
“Duh Allah, UMMATku sudah MENINGGALKAN Al-Qur’an...”

Kaum “moderat” tetapi berperilaku EKSTRIM itu, terutama di Jabodetabek, juga di

beberapa kawasan di Jawa Timur (pohon pohon perindang di jalan, makhlukNya, tidak
berdosa, lha kok ditebangi oleh gerombolan yang mengaku sebagai B----R!,iIlmu ilmu
setani dari para Jin sesat, mereka pelajari dan tekuni pula – lha kok pede banget mengaku
sebagi Muslim! .

BTW, tahukah anda bahwa KELENIKAN yang shirk itu berasal dari kaum sesat di kalangan
Yahudi, yang dulu dibawa paksa oleh Raja diraja Babylonia, ketika pulang kandang ke
Jerusalem mereka praktikan ilmu KABALAH dari negeri penjajah mereka itu. Ya persis
mereka itulah kaum yang paling gemar mendaku MODERAT itu! Kegemarannya persis
sama, berinteraksi dan berkolaborasi dengan para JIN edan mahasesat!

Sudahlah, anda baca saja kelak jika sudah kutulis semuanya di buku saya kelak. Amin. Mit-
amit, daeah KAUMAN Yogya haram berkelenikan!

Maka, berantakan tatanan di negeri ini akibat merajalelanya perkelenikan – juga di kalangan
PEJABAT senior dan PEJABAT TINGGI! Ampun ampun....hari gini masih kelenikan?

Maafkan hamba jika ada salah-ketik lagi. Al-dha’if Yusuf bin Jussac.

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