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INTRODUCTION Topics ( subject matter ) Trial Balance Tougher Objects included in the material essentially , learning on this topic introduces learners to the object being studied in science especially physics and simple to use scientific methods such as observation measurement B. KI and KD KI 3 Understand , apply , analyze and evaluate factual knowledge , conceptual , procedural , and metacognitive based on his curiosity about science , technology , arts , culture , and humanities with an insight into humanity , national , state , and civilization -related causes of phenomena and events , and applying procedural knowledge in a specific field of study according to their talents and interests to solve problems KI 4 Work , reasoning , menyaji , and create in the realm of the concrete and the abstract domains associated with the development of the learned at school independently and act effectively and creatively , and able to use the method according to the rules of science

Basic Competency 3.6 Applying the concepts of torque , moment of inertia , gravity , and angular momentum in rigid body ( static and dynamic ) in everyday life C. Learning on the topic of rigid body equilibrium experiments 1 . Time allocation and Subtopic Learning and assessment topics rigid body needs the trial balance period ........... hour lesson or ......... TM

2 . meeting I

a. Materials for teachers 1 meeting is intended to train the learners' awareness of the activities of the observation of objects as one of the IPA Three key steps in the process of developing IPA , namely : Observation Menginferensi Communicate The third key skills must be practiced continuously in learning about the science experiment melde

b . learning The purpose of Essential 1 . Students can present the results of observation , inference , and communicate results 2 . Students can explain the three components of the observation , inference and communication Learning Activities A. preliminary To gain attention and motivate students show a variety of products results from IPA . Then ask students to observe and observations convey

B. core

As a group of students doing the activities contained in the student book , written work and discuss it . Further elaboration of science process skills ; observation inference - communication as well as benefits for students

C. cover Reflection as well assignments

c . Tools , materials and media Equipment and Materials 1 . load 2 . Log Homgen 3 . Statif rods long and short 4 . Supporting beams 5 . basic Statif 6 . clamp 7 . tape

Media 1 . book 2 . illustration 3 . laptop 4 . LCD 5 . PPT

d . Learning Resources Books referansi relevant class XI student book LKS Other sources


In the learning activities included in the practicum students should be instructed , so that learning activities can run it by either . The aspects that need to be considered in the student instructions are: A. preparation At this stage the practitioner must prepare all required in lab among others 1 . Determine the practical purpose 2 . Determine equipment and lab materials 3 . Prepare for trial procedure so that the learners can understand what to do , so it can run properly practicum

B. implementation At this stage in accordance * praktikan do lab experiment procedures that have been prepared and assisted the teacher . Additionally practitioner also needs to pay

attention to security and safety during the practicum . Thus, it can be done well practicum and practicum objectives can be achieved .

C. follow-up Once completed practicum there are other activities to do as a follow-up student lab activities . Activities - follow-up activities to do praktikan are as follows : 1 . Discuss the problems that arise when lab , so praktikakn understand the causes, effects and way of solving the problem. 2 . Collecting lab reports that come with observation data 3 . Cleaning and storing equipment that has been used so that it can be used for further practical work

D. Codes of conduct for the use of the Laboratory 1 . Students must already be present 5 minutes prior to practicum conducted 2 . Students should not write off the lab table and wall 3 . Students are prohibited from bringing food and drink into the lab 4 . Students who enter the laboratory under the supervision of teachers 5 . Students should not carry out laboratory practical tool 6 . Students must use the tool properly 7 . Reported immediately when there is a broken tool 8 . Students must maintain workplace safety 9 . Students must maintain an attitude and behavior at practice

10 . Students should be smoothed back the lab after lab work done

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