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Denbigh Presbyt erian Church

October 21, 2013

The Denbigh Digest is published monthly on the third or fourth Monday The deadline for items to be included is 9:00 AM on that Monday Comments or Questions? Contact the church office at 877-2048 or e-mail us at

V olume 41 Issue 11

Next Issue for December is

November 18, 2013
Our Church Staff Pastor The Reverend Deborah Dail Ministerial Assistant Rusty Norton Director of Childrens/Youth Ministries Liz Marshall Interim Director of Music Ministries Jane Martin Administrative Assistant Wanda Hale Sexton Team Mark, June, Lauren and Nick Tessarolo Pre-Kindergarten Director Maggie Vincelette Nursery Coordinator Alicia Lewis Treasurer Lorena Riely

Commitment Sunday
Commitment Sunday will be held on Sunday, November 3. Please turn in your giving commitment card at that time or before. Please pray about your commitment and be a part of this meaningful commitment to Christ. If you have not received a pledge card please pick one up at the welcome table.

Congregational Meeting November 3

The Session has called a congregational meeting for Sunday, November 3 to elect officers. The meeting will take place immediately following the worship service.

Inside this issue:

Information United/Attendance Worship Adult Education/Haiti Team Session News/Outreach Outreach Fellowship Childrens and Youth Ministries Congregational Care Birthdays/Thank You Pre-Kindergarten November Calendars 1 2 3 4 5 5-9 10 11 12 13 14 15-16

Joint Worship Service with Second Presbyterian

We will be worshiping with our brothers and sisters from Second Presbyterian at Denbigh Presbyterian Church on Sunday, November 10. Sunday School is at 9:15 a.m. and worship service that will include the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox dedication. Please bring a shoebox filled for a boy or girl on or before this dedication.

PEVA Votes to Approve Union of Second and Denbigh Presbyterian Churches The Presbytery of Eastern Virginia (PEVA) voted on October 22 to approve the Plan of Union for DPC and SPC. The Presbytery also appointed an Administrative Commission to act on behalf of the Presbytery in matters regarding the Plan of Union, the unification of Denbigh and Second Presbyterian Churches, and the dissolution of Second Presbyterian Church. The Administrative Commission is composed of the Reverend Michael Condrey (chair), the Reverend Helen Byrd, and ruling elders John McLeod (Denbigh), Charlene Diggs (Yorkminster) and William Morrison (Second Newport News). Transition Team Task Forces Hard at Work The Transition Team which is facilitating the union of Second and Denbigh Presbyterian Churches has appointed 10 Task Forces. The Tasks Forces are prayer, real estate, historical artifacts/memorabilia, aesthetics, Pre-K, legal, publicity, financial integration, assimilation and music. If you desire to serve on any of these task forces, please contact Deborah. The Transition Team is composed of Becky Skaar, Jay Dunn, Carolyn Woodard, Fred Wong, Gail McLeod, Dale Pennell, Deborah Dail, Barry Phillips, Bill Morrison, John Munick, Bob Young, Theal Edwards, Joe Bender and Terry Harrison. Please pray for this team and the task forces they are leading.

The Session has approved raising funds to purchase a van or bus. This vehicle will allow us to more efficiently transport children and adults to all Church events and provide a way for youth, seniors and others to travel to activities and service opportunities. If you would like to contribute, designate your check Church Vehicle Fund. If you would like to help with fund-raising, contact Verni Saunders at 874-3923 or

Church Record
Attendance Worship Nurseries Sunday School

Active Membership (405) Joint Worship at SPC 10/13 10/6 126 12 24 10/13 211 10/20 156 8 29 9/29 193 10 32

Joint Worship at DPC 9/29

Celebration of the Sacrament of the Lords Supper

Please join us in celebrating the Lords Supper on Sunday, November 3 which is Commitment Sunday. Please prayerfully prepare for the celebration of the Lords Supper.

Joint Worship Services with Second Presbyterian

We will be worshiping with our brothers and sisters from Second Presbyterian over the coming months on the following Sundays. Please make special note of the location and time of the services. Sunday, November 10, 10:30 a.m. at DENBIGH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, December 1, 11 a.m. at SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH

Actual Year to Date September, 2013 Total Income $ 203,975.00 Total Expenses $ 224,377.62 Net Difference $ (20,402.62)

As with most churches, the summer months result in lower attendance and lower numbers of pledges contributed. While DPC is on solid ground financially, our cash flow did not meet our expenses. As we approach the close of September (our third financial quarter), we would ask that any consideration you can give to bringing pledges current would be greatly appreciated. We have been able to maintain our mission programs and projects but could use some catch up time! The expenses through August (eight months) were $201,587. Our income during the same time frame was $180,966, leaving us with an operating deficit of $20,621. Our reserve funds are designated for emergency repairs (think air conditioning!) and we hope not to utilize the account for continuing the operating funds. Again, if you feel so led, we ask your assistance in keeping our pledges current.

Building Fund for Major Improvements to the Pre-K Wing

With the help of $22,392.51 from savings we have paid for the foundation repair and guttering. We have also replaced the lighting and updated outdated wiring in the Pre-K wing. As you are able and feel led, please make contributions to the Building Fund. Contributions to the Building Fund will help repay our savings account.

The Small Groups Team is moving forward on implementing Small Groups for the fall. With the union with Second Presbyterian Church as well as the number of new members and those who have been with the church for some time, we believe Small Groups will help us get to know one another on a more spiritual and personal level. Small Groups: The purpose of a small group is to make disciples. Before we can grow as disciples, we must be a healthy, loving community. The apostle Paul used the term koinonia (Greek for community) 13 times. Each time he spoke of a Christian relationship that is ours through the Holy Spirit, imitating Christ by producing the kind of love that acts for the good of others. It creates bonds that cannot be destroyed. Small Groups will be starting at Denbigh Presbyterian Church this fall and are a great way to make friends, grow as disciples and experience koinonia. Groups will meet on a regular basis for Bible study, fellowship and prayer. Want in-depth study? Desire a day or night group? Available on a specific day or night? Prefer a group of men, women, or couples? Need childcare? Interested in a topical Bible study? Sign-up forms are on the visitor table in the narthex.
COTTAGE STYLE GATHERINGS BETWEEN SECOND PRESBYTERIAN AND DENBIGH PRESBYTERIAN Mary Lee and Jay Dunn welcome members of both DPC and SPC congregations to their home for small, casual get-to-know-you gatherings. Please sign up on Sundays or call 874-1258 (Dunn's) for one or all of the gatherings (space is limited). Thursdays, 1-2:30 PM, November 14 and December 12. Thursday evening, November 14, 7-8:30 PM. You will be contacted with further details after you sign up.

Thank you to everyone who supported the Haiti Mission Teams recent yard sales, pumpkin patch and Ben and Jerrys Ice Cream donation opportunity. We were able to finish paying for our June 2013 trip ($477.43) and we now have $1,048.49 toward our next mission trip. We are excited to continue serving God in Haiti.

Summary of October 8, 2013 Stated Session Meeting

Approved treasurers report through September 30, 2013 Approved Pre-Kindergarten treasurers report through September 30, 2013 Approved Minutes of September 10, 2013 Stated Meeting. Elected the following Officer Nominating Committee: Kristi Spivey, chair; Barbara Keesee, Presbyterian Women; Pete Marshall, Men of the Church; Rick Pauley, member at large; Kathy Baldwin, active session member; Megan Spivey, youth. Called a Congregational Meeting for Sunday, November 3 immediately following the worship service for the purpose of electing officers. Accept with regret the resignation of Elder Don Bickhart from Session effective January 10, 2013. Decision regarding repair of Sanctuary A/C Unit #2 was postponed until February 2014 meeting. Debbie Richardson continued discussion/education on financial components.

Coming soon! The 2013 Angel Board will be located on one of the bulletin boards located in the Narthex area. There will be two sets of tags one that you will take and fulfill returning the tag along with the wrapped gift and the second tag will remain on the bulletin board to help with tracking of items. Thank you in advance for your help with this outreach ministry. The Angel Board gifts will be due no later than Sunday, December 16 and can be turned in anytime after the board is up. All gifts should be clearly marked with the corresponding tag which will help in sorting the items for each family.

If we bring just one food item every Sunday. . .

Some suggestions for DUCOs pantry: Meat Fruit Cereal Pasta Beans Rice Jello Peanut

butter Jelly/Jam (Item is very Low) Spaghetti sauce Dry Potatoes Canned meals (stew, ravioli, etc.) Dry milk (individual pkgs.)

D.U.C.O. (Denbigh United Christian Outreach) is in critical need of food supplies. Each week the need is greater than the week before. We thank you in advance for all of your support. You may bring your food donations to church and place them on the kitchen counter where they are picked up and taken to D.U.C.O. each week.

food and formula

Food items should be canned/boxed/non-perishable

. . . the shelves would never be bare.

DPC will work at the Food Bank on Saturday, October 26 and Saturday, November 23. For more information contact Terry Hall.

S.H.A.R.E. Dates for November

November 2013 S.H.A.R.E. orders can be placed the week of November 4-8. The orders will be placed on Monday, November 11 by 10:00 AM. The October orders will be distributed in the Narthex area of Denbigh Presbyterian Church on Saturday, October 26 from 7:00-7:30 AM the November orders will be distributed in the Narthex area of Denbigh Presbyterian Church on Saturday, November 23 from 7:00-7:30 AM. All orders must be picked up by 7:30 AM on each distribution date. Volunteers cannot be held responsible for orders which are not picked up.

Holiday Food and Gifts for Needy Families The Local Missions Team of the Outreach Committee is coordinating the provision of Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners to a number of families in our community. Please assist us by bringing the following food items to church and placing them on the kitchen counter:

Canned sweet potatoes Boxes of instant mashed potatoes Boxes of prepared stuffing mix Bags or boxes of rice Canned cranberry sauce

Canned chicken broth Corn (not creamed) Green beans Disposable turkey pans

Additionally, as part of our Pauls Ministry, we will provide breakfast and lunch foods for the children of these families during their holiday breaks. We would appreciate donations of the following foods:

Honey Nut Cheerios or Frosted Mini-Wheats Single-serve packets of flavored instant oatmeal Pop Tarts Single-serve packets of hot chocolate mix Canned or bottled apple juice and pineapple juice Boxes of granola breakfast bars Boxed fruit drinks Peanut butter Jelly Mayonnaise

Relish Cans of fruit Cans of chicken noodle and vegetable soup Boxes of saltine crackers Cans of Vienna sausages Cans of Spaghetti-Os, ravioli, or spaghetti Packages of Oodles of Noodles Boxes of macaroni and cheese Pudding cups Single-serving bags of chips

You may also leave these items on the church kitchen counter. If you prefer, you may make monetary donations; please designate these contributions to the churchs Food Closet. We will use these funds to purchase, pies, bread, and perishable products to complete these meals. A member of our Local Missions Team will be standing at the kitchen counter each Sunday to accept your donations. Finally, we will also provide for each of the children (birth through high school) of these families one gift valued at $20 or less, as well as items these children need throughout the year undergarments and socks. Tags for these gifts will be posted in November on a bulletin board in the main hallway. We will receive food items and donations until November 17, 2013 for Thanksgiving meals and until December 15 for Christmas meals and gifts.

Help Build a Stronger Denbigh

For years Denbigh Presbyterian has had a member serving on the Denbigh Community Action Team. That organization no longer meets but is supportive of the work and goals of the PIER Intervention Committee in Newport News. The PIER Intervention Committee is committed to organizing and utilizing resources for supporting the transition of youth and young adults from gang involvement to law-abiding lifestyles. PIER stands for Prevention, Intervention, Enforcement, and Re-entry, the four committees within the Mayor's Task Force. The Intervention Committee is sponsoring training in the Asset-Based Community Development approach on November 9. Asset-Based Community Development is a large and growing movement that considers local assets as the primary building blocks of sustainable community development. Building on the skills of local residents, the power of local associations, and the supportive functions of local institutions, asset-based community development draws upon existing community strengths to build stronger, more sustainable communities for the future. (Asset Based Community Development Institute) Please contact Gerry Ellis if you are interested in attending the November 9, 2013 workshop.

Provide the simple gift of a shoebox filled with small gifts and change lives. Every shoebox gift is an opportunity to touch a childs heart and share the love of Jesus Christ. Look for the Samaritans Purse shoebox brochures, which provide suggested gift ideas, in the narthex. You can fill your own shoebox, use one of the boxes provided in the narthex or use one of the Samaritans Purse Shoeboxes located on the kitchen counter. Please include $7.00 in your box to help with shipping costs. The deadline to turn in shoeboxes is Sunday, November 10. We will dedicate the boxes November 10 during the worship service. If you have any questions please contact Liz Marshall.

The Gardens at Warwick Forest

On a regular schedule, Denbigh Presbyterian Church conducts a service at The Gardens at Warwick Forest. The next service is Monday, September 30 at 10:00 AM. This is a multi-center facility for those who are in nursing care, rehabilitation, and hospice. The worship service lasts for approximately thirty minutes and includes all the elements enjoyed during our Sunday Services. We need volunteers to sing, read, or just visit with those who attend. It is a blessing to all and a great opportunity to reach out to those who cannot normally attend Christian services. For more information or if you would like to help, please contact Rusty Norton (cell 757-814-1091 or email Blessings to all, Rusty

Crafter's day out--a regular fellowship opportunity for crafters of all kinds. Whether you paper craft, quilt, do yarn work or something else, please plan to gather with other crafters. Please bring your project, materials and appetizers and/or snacks to share. (Extension cords would be a good idea for those using sewing machines.) When: Saturday, November 2 from 2:30 until 6:00pm. Where: Fellowship Room of DPC Point of Contact: Beth Wong,

Sign-ups have begun for our annual Trunk-or-Treat which will take place in the church parking lot on Wednesday, October 30, 2013, from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. Last year, more than 20 trunks were decorated for the event. We hope to have even more vehicles this year. Please see the bulletin board near the nursery for more details and to add your name to the list. If you are unable to participate in Trunk-or-Treat but would still like to help us out youre in luck! We will be glad to accept donations of individually-wrapped candy that can be passed out to the children. Please bring your donations to the kitchen counter by Sunday, October 27. Thank you.


Looking ahead to 2014 as DPC and SPC unite: January 21, 12:30 PM Lunch and program in the fellowship room February 23, 2:00 PM - Once Upon a Mattress starring CNU students at Ferguson Center March (date TBA), 5:30 AM Volunteer at Peninsula Foodbank April - Mystery trip, watch for details May 20, 12:30 PM Lunch and program in the fellowship room May (date and time TBA) - Volunteer for Adopt-a-Spot

Many thanks to Jay and Mary Lee Dunn for hosting the Prime Timers picnic at their home on October 5. Lively games, delicious food and interesting conversation contributed to a fun time for the 40+ people who attended!


Wednesday, October 30, 2013 For kids in Pre-K through 5th grade

What is trunk-or-treating? The church parking lot with the back ends of cars, vans, and trucks decorated in a variety of fun themes. Free hot dogs Treats! Treats! Treats! Kids dressed up in costumesnothing scary or gory, please.

We invite you to join us for this safe, fun activity that is suitable for all ages to enjoy. Be sure to bring your friends and neighbors, too.

Faith Weaver Friends

Attendance at Faith Weaver Friends 10/2 10/9 10/16 Children 37 33 38 Adults 24 18 21 Total 61 61 59

10/23 34 18 52

Faith Weaver Friends Started September 18 Faith Weaver Friends is a midweek program for children in Kindergarten through High school. The program consists of dinner, Bible study, and recreation/crafts. Faith Weaver Friends starts at 5:45 p.m. and concludes at 7:30 p.m. every Wednesday from September 18 through November 20, 2013. We are looking for some cooks for our Faith Weaver Friends program. If you are interested in cooking please contact Elaine Minch at 877-8322 for all the details. If you have any questions about the FWF program and would like to help teach, be a table parent, set up tables or see how you can volunteer please contact Liz Marshall 874-3672.


Our Military
Tom Joyce Bruce Baffer Caroline Joyce Lee Holfert Daniel Troyer Jacob Mayes Dan Barnhart Chris Rupp Michael Shea Daniel Jones Joel Silva Ryan Jones James OSuma Rob Phelps Jessica Horine
Jennifer Hale Williams

Joan Kiser Rhett Hickman Conner, grand nephew of Darlene Mays-Tittman Myrna Bickhart Amelia Britts daughter-inlaw Kathy Baldwins father Leslie Maloney Jamie Eason Pete Buchanan Anne Averys sister-in-law Chip Shefeltons father Morris Kincaid Phil Gruber Johnny Ames LuAnn Jusino Betty and Lynnwood Roach Alistair Paton, brother of Rita Stevens and Lillie Gagliardi Paul Reynolds father Hiromi OKeeffe Beth Coulson Stephen McLeod Scott, nephew of Rita Stevens and Lillie Gagliardi Madyson VanCleave-Hooks family-Skeeter, DJ and Haidyn Ham and Nancy Fairfield Alice McHenry Dan Dail Beau Riely Josh Seburn Ruth McCullough Betty Cole Suzanne Kincade Paul and Lynn Ardary

Robert Depp Pete Marshall Jennifer Lambert David Powers Fred Wong

Terri Minch Osner Lazaro Durruty Mark Manoso

Our Deployed Military

Ricardo Marquez Jonathan Graebener (Nephew of Joanna and Bev Daniels)

Our Missionaries in Haiti

Bruce and Deb Robinson

We express our sympathies to the following families. May God bring comfort and hope to all who grieve.

Guy Quesenberry and family members and loved ones on the death of Dorothy. Greg and Darcy Terry and families on the death of Tommy Terry.


1 Suzanne Fleming A1 Brian and Stephanie Harris 2 Haley Crippen 3 Laurel Ann Amos 3 Bev Daniels 3 Chancey Hall A4 Morris and Joyce Kincaid 4 Joel Silva 4 Jennifer Ryan 4 Jim Vollmer A5 Greg and Lisa Blinco 5 Anneliese Collins 6 Ethan Barkdull 8 Brittany Hall 16 Dawn Hafner 9 Cassandra Wong 9 Paul Reynolds 12 Tyler Jamison 13 Hallie Webster 13 Robert Depp 14 Jacob Potts 15 Joan Kiser 16 Rick Pauley 17 Sarah Renner 17 Chelsea Fuselier 17 Nate Martin 18 Liz Marshall 19 Rosemary Murphy 19 Christopher Garcia 20 James Uma 20 Pat Horton 21 Rhett Hickman 22 Claire Schwarting 22 Henry Schwarting 23 Charles Miller 24 Barbara Shefelton 24 Taylor Roach 24 Shirley Rucker A24 Preston & Rebecca Duhamel 24 Richard Horner 25 Beth Wong 25 Sara Sue Law 26 Ham Fairfield 27 Benjamin Ellis 29 Joan Amos 29 Mary Nell Adams 30 Pamela McCullough

We would like to thank everyone for their prayers and well wishes during Josh's illness. His progress has been more than expected and he continues to improve. Please continue to keep him (and us) in your prayers as he continues his recovery at MCV. The Seburn family

Mark Your Calendars Now November 3, 10:30 a.m. Stewardship Commitment Sunday November 10, 10:30 a.m. Joint Worship Service at Denbigh PC; Shoebox Dedication November 27, 7:30 p.m. Thanksgiving Service December 1, 11 a.m. Joint Worship Service at Second PC (1st Sunday of Advent) December 8, 10:30 a.m. - Christmas Cantata December 15, 5:00 p.m. - Christmas Family Dinner December 24, 6:30 and 9:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Services


Denbigh Presbyterian Pre-Kindergarten

October is such a fun month here at DPPK. Newport News Fire Department Station #9 stopped by with their engine. The firefighters came into our classrooms to demonstrate Stop, Drop, and Roll and Stay Low and Go. They taught about fire safety and showed off all of their gear. The very next week brought a visit from Officer Livingston, who is a Community Resource Officer with the Newport News Police Department. Officer Livingston talked about the importance of wearing our helmets while bike riding, and gave a demonstration of his special vehicle called a Segway! The children also were able to view his police department vehicle. They loved seeing the flashing lights and hearing the loud siren. Officer Livingston told them that police officers are here to help them, and he spoke to them about how to be safe on Halloween night while trick-ortreating. Speaking of Halloween, we will have our annual Halloween costume parades on October 30 and 31 right after carpool. Please stop by to watch us if you have the time. If the weather cooperates we will be outside in the parking lot, but if it is raining we will parade around the sanctuary. I hope you can join us! Maggie Vincelette DPPK Director

Thank you to all the teachers, parents and children from Denbigh Presbyterian Pre-Kindergarten who attended worship service with us October, 20 for Pre-K Sunday. We enjoyed having everyone visit with us and fellowship at the reception following worship service. Denbigh Presbyterian invites everyone back anytime you would like to come and welcomes you with open arms if you are looking for a church home.


3 Greeters (front/rear entrances) Lassiter, Earl Lassiter, Shirley Avery, Josh Blinco, Lisa Smith, Pat Uma, James




27 Thanksgiving Service

Rogers, Geoff Rogers, Sarah

Gagliardi, Lillie Stevens, Rita

Ushers * Denotes team captain

*HALL, TERRY Hall, Patti Harris, Brian Harris, Stephanie

*MCLEOD, JOHN Miller, Martha Singletary, Juanita Woodard, Carolyn

*BOWERS, KEN Ames, Debbie Burroughs, Bob Harvey, Peggy

*Mayes, John Hoopes, Irene Martin, Lloyd Mayes, Betty

*JONES, BILL Jones, Dee Kinkade, Suzanne Uma, James

Worship Leader Norton, Rusty Skaar, Becky TenEyck, Katie Marshall, Liz Shefelton, Barbara Youth Reader Childrens Moment

Dail, Dan

Wightman, Jim Marshall, Justin Lewis, Iris DuHamel, Preston

Shefelton, Barbara

Crib/Toddler Nursery Amos, Jennifer Amos, John

Hull, Donna Hunt, Connie

Nance, Casey Nance, Jeff

Combined Nursery Pennell, Dale Tuftie, Lana Pennell, Keith Tuftie Claire

Hoopes, Irene Rogers, Sarah Harris, Stephanie Bensten, Jeanne TenEyck, Katie Moss, Dawn Kincaid, Joyce Vassos, Carolyn Silva, Christy Skaar, Becky

Pre-school Nursery Coll, Stacey Shefelton, Kinsey LedBetter, Jackie Hall, Terry Tittman, Darlene Marshall, Liz Richardson, Debbie Gamble, Vanessa Welcome Table Counters Preparation of Elements

Murawski, Sandi Avery, Anne Crippen, Sara

Singletary, Juanita


Skaar, Becky Spivey, Kristi Vassos, Carolyn Woodard, Carolyn Bowers, Ken Canaday, David









10:00 AA (FR,CR) 2:30-6:00 Crafters Day (FR)

November 2013
DST Ends

10:00 PG (P)

Pre-K Chapel

Pre-K Chapel 5:45 FWF

9:00-1:00 Officer Training 10:00 AA (FR,CR)

9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship/Communion/Com mitment Sunday 11:45 Congregational Meeting

7:30 OA (Rm9)

6:30 Choir 7:45 Bells 8:00 AA (FR,CR)


Joint Wor-

Office Closed

11:00 EASE (FR,CR)

5:45 FWF 6:30 Choir 7:45 Bells

1:00-2:30 Cottage Meeting @ Dunns 7:00-8:30 Cottage Meeting @ Dunns 8:00 AA (FR,CR)


10:00 AA (FR,CR)

9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship/ Shoebox Dedication

7:00 Session (FR) 7:30 OA (Rm9)

Middle & High School Retreat @ Makemie Woods

9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship 2:30 PTs to Smithfield Theater Hairspray



Pre-K Chapel 10:00 Esther Cicle (L) 10:00 Lydia Circle 7:00 Priscilla Circle @ Pennells 7:30 OA (Rm9)




5:30 Foodbank 7:00 SHARE 10:00 AA (FR,CR)

10:00 PG (P)

5:45 FWF 6:30 Choir 7:45 Bells 8:00 AA (FR,CR)

9:15 Sunday School




NO FWF NO Choir NO Bells 7:30 Thanksgiving Worship Service



Office Closed

10:00 AA (FR,CR)


10:30 Worship

10:00 PG (P)

7:30 OA (Rm9)

8:00 AA (FR,CR)

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